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Pre-Darwin, James Clerk Maxwell's Design Argument Foreshadowed Modern ID Theory

We will consider the pre- and post-Darwin views of a genius who helped usher in the modern age of electromagnetic technology. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Behe: Nobel Prize for Chemistry Begs the Question of Intelligent Design

"Nano" machines are impressive as technical achievements. Yet they are also exceedingly simple, "cute" but "useless." David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Evolving Protein-Protein Binding -- Not a Problem?

Dennis Venema writes a series of posts for BioLogos called "Letters to the Duchess" -- an allusion to Galileo's "Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina." Cornelius Hunter
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Newfound Genetic Code-in-Code Regulates Stress Response

Discovery sheds light on reason for mismatch between codon numbers and amino acid numbers. Evolution News & Views
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Is Evolution Falsifiable? Doug Axe Versus Biochemist Keith Fox on Premier Radio

As Dr. Axe puts it, "Is it possible to use science to show that something can't happen?" David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Why the Royal Society Meeting Mattered, in a Nutshell

The proceedings confirmed something that advocates of intelligent design, including Stephen Meyer and others, have been saying for years. Evolution News & Views
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What Drives the Center for Science & Culture? John West Explains

That question has fueled much dark speculation over the years, but the truth is pretty straightforward. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Fact-Check: Reporter John Austin Misrepresents TX Science Standards, Refuses to Correct the Record

Two of our staff persons spent nearly a month in repeated emails and phone calls trying to correct this error. Evolution News & Views
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Michael Skinner on Epigenetics: Stage Three Alert

Dr. Skinner, a Washington State University biologist, reminds us of the old maxim that truth passes through three stages. Cornelius Hunter
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France Censors Down Syndrome Ad Over Abortion

Conscience is a good thing. It is the path to repentance, forgiveness, and healing. Wesley J. Smith
Categories: Anti-Science News

Peppered Moth: How Evolution's Poster Child Became the Rebuttal

It has been called one of the best examples of evolution observed in the wild. Cornelius Hunter
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Axe: Cambridge U. Meeting Was a "Temperature Check"

"There could be a breaking point where a whole lot of people come out in favor of design." Evolution News & Views
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Best of Behe: Design for Living

I have found widespread confusion about what intelligent design is and what it is not. Michael Behe
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Thanksgiving Special: The Genius of Birds

No, not that bird, much as a prime Thanksgiving turkey done right can seem like a work of genius. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Texas Committee: High Schoolers Can't Handle Evidence on Darwinism, Warts and All

Last week, I testified in Austin, Texas, about the latest skirmish over how evolution is taught in Texas public high schools. Jonathan Witt
Categories: Anti-Science News

The Approval Complex and Darwinian Monoculture -- Further Reflections on the Royal Society Meeting

As important as parenting is, it should be a temporary undertaking. Douglas Axe
Categories: Anti-Science News

Yale's Steven Novella Argues with Michael Behe -- Here's Why Novella Is Wrong

Novella commented on a recent Harvard experiment for visualizing bacterial adaptation to antibiotics. Cornelius Hunter
Categories: Anti-Science News

From the Royal Society Meeting, an Acid, Amusing, and On-Target Report

Journalist Suzan Mazur was present for the less-than-explosive event and writes about it in the Huffington Post. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Two Mechanisms Proofread DNA Translation. Make That Three.

The very idea that cells proofread their genetic information makes intelligent design intuitively obvious. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

American Lysenkoism

Darwinists have compared intelligent design to Lysenkoism, but they have it backward. Jonathan Wells
Categories: Anti-Science News
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