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The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution

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Treating the "Patient as a Person"

We all have the right to refuse medical interventions. Wesley J. Smith
Categories: Anti-Science News

Darwinian Horror Story: Lamarck Back from the Grave

Modern evolutionary theory has long insisted that genes and genetic mutations are where the evolutionary action is. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Fake Science: Mice Changing Color to Match Terrain Is "Evolution, Crystal Clear, in Every Detail"

About 15 years ago researchers discovered genetic differences that probably explain the different fur coloring in desert mice populations. Cornelius Hunter
Categories: Anti-Science News

Robots Will Always Be Machines, Not Persons

Here is a mechanical "woman" that -- through her human-written program -- speaks of one day having a family and being a person. Wesley J. Smith
Categories: Anti-Science News

Interview: Biochemist Explains Why Lipids Are "Designed Objects"

The scientist, a researcher at one of Israel's institutes of higher education, asked that his identity be kept in confidence. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Biologist "Flabbergasted" by Lungless Frog

The one rule in biology is there are no rules. Cornelius Hunter
Categories: Anti-Science News

Salamander Offers Two Evolutionary Quandaries: Non-Homologous Development and an ORFan

Salamanders have their own way of doing things. Cornelius Hunter
Categories: Anti-Science News

NY Times on Germany's African Genocide -- Find the "Ghost" in the Story

In journalistic parlance a "ghost" is an obvious but unasked question in a news article. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Fake Science: Whales as the "Sweetest Series of Transitional Fossils" an Evolutionist Could Ask For

The "picture-perfect intermediacy" looks increasingly like a patchwork. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Intelligence Is Not Magic. It's a Cause We Know.

A lesson on how to make miracles look like simple everyday occurrences. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Fake Science: "About 99 Percent of Our DNA Is Identical to That of Chimpanzees"

With fine timing, our colleague Sarah Chaffee has lately offered a four-part interview with Discovery Institute biologist Ann Gauger. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

#1 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Happy New Year! Why the Royal Society Meeting Mattered

The proceedings confirmed something that advocates of intelligent design, including Stephen Meyer and others, have been saying for years. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

#2 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Douglas Axe Liberates Readers from Tyranny of Evolution "Experts"

It was with a familiar longing that I turned the last page of Dr. Axe's new book. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Here We Go Again: For Complex Life, Just Add Fertilizer

An obsession with the availability of elements and building blocks on the early earth dodges the real issue in explaining life. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

#3 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Poll Shows Broad Support for Teaching Evidence For and Against Darwin

79 percent of Democrats support teaching the evidence for and against Darwin's theory, and so do 82 percent of independents and 85 percent of Republicans. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

In a Technocratic Age, Redefining Family Bonds

This year, I took my mother into my home for the last five months of her life as she was dying. Wesley J. Smith
Categories: Anti-Science News

On the Cambrian Explosion, Keith Miller's BioLogos White Paper Falls Short

The theistic evolutionary group BioLogos has compiled a mixed record in analyzing the Cambrian explosion. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

#4 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Denton's Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis Is a "Best Book" of 2016

Says A.N. Wilson in the London Spectator, "A truly great book...Fascinatingly clear...Destroys the Darwinian position." David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

You Already Support Goliath with Your Tax Dollars; Won't You Consider Balancing the Scales?

Let me share with you some of the past day's correspondence via Twitter that I think you'll find illustrative. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

#5 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Real-Time Censorship as PLOS ONE Retracts "Proper Design by Creator" Paper

That was fast. The sound of one hand clapping? Now, it's no hands. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News
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