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The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution

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#6 of Our Top Stories of 2016: BIO-Complexity Addresses the Problem of Biological Innovation

Whether in inventing a daisy or an enzyme, only intelligence can produce a sophisticated new structure. Ann Gauger
Categories: Anti-Science News

#7 of Our Top Stories of 2016: An Engineered "Minimal" Microbe Is Evidence of Intelligent Design

Where did the first cell come from? As this research prompts us to recall, it's a chicken-and-egg problem. Ann Gauger
Categories: Anti-Science News

#8 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Merry Christmas! These Bacteria Are No Evolutionary Nightmare

Jerry Coyne's blog, Why Evolution Is True, has this headline: "The creationist's nightmare: evolution in action." Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

#9 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Feathers on a Bird or Dinosaur Tail?

A section of a 99-million-year-old feathered tail in a chunk of amber belongs to a juvenile dinosaur. Or does it? Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

An Ebola Vaccine -- Thank Animal Testing

Ebola is a terrible disease that afflicts the poorest areas of our planet. Wesley J. Smith
Categories: Anti-Science News

If Education Secretary Nominee Betsy DeVos Is Questioned on Evolution, Here's What She Should Say

We should expect confirmation hearings for Cabinet appointments to include scaremongering about science education. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

#10 of Our Top Stories of 2016: Tyson Says Chances of Intelligently Designed Universe "May Be Very High"

But of course he was referring to the odds that the universe is an artificial computer simulation by advanced aliens. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Evolutionists Defend Scaremongering on Fake News "Petition"

Darwin's atheists brandished a "petition" to ban teaching evolution as evidence of what to anticipate under a Trump Administration. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Sea Turtles from Pre-Turtles? No Evidence of It

Nothing about sea turtles suggests evolution from a pre-turtle by unguided natural processes. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Michael Zimmerman of Clergy Letter Project Joins Atheists in Making Hay from Dubious "Petition"

If the anti-evolution petition is phony, at it seems, what you properly do is either point that out, or ignore it. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Conundrum for Evolutionists: Shared Logic in Hair-Trigger Proteins

Diverse immune systems share common strategies, even between evolutionarily distant kingdoms: plants and animals. Evolution News & Views
Categories: Anti-Science News

Dover Decision Anniversary Today. Ho Hum. Zzzzzzzz. (Just Kidding.)

Most of us who operate in the media have come down with a case of it now and then: anniversary-itis. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

NASA Versus David Coppedge: Most Reprehensible Case of Anti-Intelligent Design Persecution Yet?

It's a David against Goliath story, except that here, Goliath creamed David and walked away. David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Fake News? Evolutionists Fall for Seemingly Phony Anti-Evolution "Petition"

Facebook promises to keep an eye out for "fake news." What would they make of this, do you think? David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

Walt Disney and Evolution: A Study in Ambiguity

Like many artists and intellectuals of his era, Walt Disney was smitten by the theory of evolution. John G. West
Categories: Anti-Science News

Best of Behe: Blind Evolution or Intelligent Design? An Address at the American Museum of Natural History

Let's begin with a sketch of the design argument. Michael Behe
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What the Piltdown Hoax Tells Us, 104 Years Later

A curious anniversary falls this weekend. Michael Flannery
Categories: Anti-Science News

United Methodist Theologian Thomas Oden Understood the Importance of Intelligent Design

This year the United Methodist Church denied Discovery Institute's application simply to have a table with information about ID at their General Conference. Donald McLaughlin
Categories: Anti-Science News

In Supporting Discovery Institute This Christmas Season, Please Consider All That Hangs in the Balance

Scientists, media commentators, and clergy are fooling themselves when they reassure you it's perfectly plausible that "God used evolution." David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News

London Guardian Acknowledges the Irony of Excluding ID Advocates from the Royal Society Meeting

Sociologist Steve Fuller's theme is what he calls "post-truth." David Klinghoffer
Categories: Anti-Science News
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