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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1828
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,17:56   

Quote (lkeithlu @ April 06 2011,15:25)
She can always come join us here; I am sure I am about to be banned for the 2nd time since 2006.

Or maybe she already is.  She's certainly been reading this thread.

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio


Posts: 1828
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,17:59   

Quote (Alan Fox @ April 06 2011,15:40)
Upright Biped throws down the gauntlet!

If you could only leave aside the distractions and debate me on the core tenets of ID.

Wouldn't we all like to see a core tenet of ID.


Core tenets of ID:
I believe in one God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
And of all things visible and invisible:

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God,
Begotten of his Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
Very God of very God,
Begotten, not made,
Being of one substance with the Father,
By whom all things were made;
Who for us men, and for our salvation came down from heaven,
And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary,
And was made man,
And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.
He suffered and was buried,
And the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures,
And ascended into heaven,
And sitteth on the right hand of the Father.
And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead:
Whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost,
The Lord and giver of life,
Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son,
Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified,
Who spake by the Prophets.
And I believe in one Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.
And I look for the Resurrection of the dead,
And the life of the world to come.

It can of course be restated in the idiom of information theory for extra scienciness, but that's just a pathetic detail, really.

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio


Posts: 3061
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,18:29   

Quote (noncarborundum @ April 06 2011,16:48)
Quote (Kristine @ April 06 2011,15:55)
Quote (Ptaylor @ April 05 2011,23:45)
Gil displays a little irritation at the way the “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” comments are heading:

...because he wants to say something he hasn't said before...
I just got back from a rehearsal at our church playing piano with the many talented musicians in our worship team, in preparation for next Sunday’s service. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience (which the atheist will never comprehend or experience), not just for the praise music but for the fellowship among us. At every rehearsal we have a time of prayer and share our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former Dawkins-style atheist I can offer the following observations: Atheism is hopelessly irrational and illogical. It is soul destroying.

...for at least a week.

Yeah, right. Because as a former pianist myself who, like Dawkins, sang in choir, and as a dancer who started at age practically zero singing in my crib (according to witnesses), I hate music about as much as the St.-Matthews-Passion-enjoying Dawkins does.

What a childish comment, even for Gilligan.

I just got back from a solo recital, singing with the many talented musicians in my voice teacher's studio. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience, not just for the music but for the fellowship among us. After every recital we have a time of wine and cheese and sharing our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former C.S. Lewis-style Christian I can offer the following observation: Gil Dodgen is a git.

Yes, but Noncarb - you did not enjoy it in the right way!

I keep threatening to write a musical based on Kitzmiller. Well, I could write the libretto, at least. Sempre Li!

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,18:43   

Quote (Ptaylor @ April 05 2011,23:45)
Gil displays a little irritation at the way the “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” comments are heading:

...because he wants to say something he hasn't said before...
I just got back from a rehearsal at our church playing piano with the many talented musicians in our worship team, in preparation for next Sunday’s service. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience (which the atheist will never comprehend or experience), not just for the praise music but for the fellowship among us. At every rehearsal we have a time of prayer and share our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former Dawkins-style atheist I can offer the following observations: Atheism is hopelessly irrational and illogical. It is soul destroying.

...for at least a week.

That reminds me of a joke I once saw at camp as a kid:

Why don't Unitarians sing?

Because we're too busy reading ahead to see if we agree with the lyrics.

As for the bright side of being an atheist:

You don't have to worry about making it home for the start of the football game.

edited because I haz mad typing skillz

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,18:53   

This year's Templeton Prize went to British cosmologist Martin Rees.

Martin J. Rees, a theoretical astrophysicist whose profound insights on the cosmos have provoked vital questions that speak to humanity’s highest hopes and worst fears, has won the 2011 Templeton Prize.

Rees, Master of Trinity College, one of Cambridge University’s top academic posts, and former president of the Royal Society, the highest leadership position within British science, has spent decades investigating the implications of the big bang, the nature of black holes, events during the so-called ‘dark age’ of the early universe, and the mysterious explosions from galaxy centers known as gamma ray bursters.

In turn, the “big questions” he raises – such as “How large is physical reality?” – are reshaping crucial philosophical and theological considerations that strike at the core of life, fostering the spiritual progress that the Templeton Prize has long sought to recognize.

Lord Rees happens to be an atheist who believes in a peaceful coexistence between science and religion. Watch ID heads assplode.

If you are not:
Galapagos Finch
please Logout »


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,19:00   

Quote (olegt @ April 06 2011,19:53)
This year's Templeton Prize went to British cosmologist Martin Rees.

Martin J. Rees, a theoretical astrophysicist whose profound insights on the cosmos have provoked vital questions that speak to humanity’s highest hopes and worst fears, has won the 2011 Templeton Prize.

Rees, Master of Trinity College, one of Cambridge University’s top academic posts, and former president of the Royal Society, the highest leadership position within British science, has spent decades investigating the implications of the big bang, the nature of black holes, events during the so-called ‘dark age’ of the early universe, and the mysterious explosions from galaxy centers known as gamma ray bursters.

In turn, the “big questions” he raises – such as “How large is physical reality?” – are reshaping crucial philosophical and theological considerations that strike at the core of life, fostering the spiritual progress that the Templeton Prize has long sought to recognize.

Lord Rees happens to be an atheist who believes in a peaceful coexistence between science and religion. Watch ID heads assplode.

I wonder if IDiot heads should be considered vestigial. They no longer encase brains, and have thus lost their function.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 321
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,19:00   

Quote (olegt @ April 06 2011,18:53)
Watch ID heads assplode.

Assplode? I don't wanna assplode!

Jayne Cobb, FireFly


Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,19:22   

Quote (olegt @ April 06 2011,18:53)
This year's Templeton Prize went to British cosmologist Martin Rees.

Martin J. Rees, a theoretical astrophysicist whose profound insights on the cosmos have provoked vital questions that speak to humanity’s highest hopes and worst fears, has won the 2011 Templeton Prize.

Rees, Master of Trinity College, one of Cambridge University’s top academic posts, and former president of the Royal Society, the highest leadership position within British science, has spent decades investigating the implications of the big bang, the nature of black holes, events during the so-called ‘dark age’ of the early universe, and the mysterious explosions from galaxy centers known as gamma ray bursters.

In turn, the “big questions” he raises – such as “How large is physical reality?” – are reshaping crucial philosophical and theological considerations that strike at the core of life, fostering the spiritual progress that the Templeton Prize has long sought to recognize.

Lord Rees happens to be an atheist who believes in a peaceful coexistence between science and religion. Watch ID heads assplode.

Bitterness ejaculation by Dr. Dr. Whiny Ass Dembski in....3....2....

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


Posts: 1218
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,19:59   

Quote (lkeithlu @ April 07 2011,01:00)
Quote (olegt @ April 06 2011,18:53)
Watch ID heads assplode.

Assplode? I don't wanna assplode!

Jayne Cobb, FireFly


(strictly speaking)


Posts: 321
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,20:20   

Quote (Woodbine @ April 06 2011,19:59)
Quote (lkeithlu @ April 07 2011,01:00)
Quote (olegt @ April 06 2011,18:53)
Watch ID heads assplode.

Assplode? I don't wanna assplode!

Jayne Cobb, FireFly


(strictly speaking)

Oops-you're right


Posts: 185
Joined: Oct. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,20:27   

It's BLUE sir!

Which one is the good Dr.Dr.?

Being laughed at doesn't mean you're progressing along some line. It probably just means you're saying some stupid shit -stevestory


Posts: 442
Joined: June 2010

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,20:35   

Quote (lkeithlu @ April 06 2011,20:20)
Quote (Woodbine @ April 06 2011,19:59)
Quote (lkeithlu @ April 07 2011,01:00)
Quote (olegt @ April 06 2011,18:53)
Watch ID heads assplode.

Assplode? I don't wanna assplode!

Jayne Cobb, FireFly


(strictly speaking)

Oops-you're right



Posts: 321
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,21:10   

1:40 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

6+ hours now

4:00 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

3+ hours


Posts: 320
Joined: Jan. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,21:24   

Quote (Texas Teach @ April 06 2011,18:43)
That reminds me of a joke I once saw at camp as a kid:

Why don't Unitarians sing?

Because we're too busy reading ahead to see if we agree with the lyrics.

"God Rest Ye, Unitarians"
Lyrics by the Rev. Christopher Gist Raible of the First Unitarian Church of Worcester
God rest ye, Unitarians, let nothing you dismay;
Remember there's no evidence there was a Christmas Day;
When Christ was born is just not known, no matter what they say,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.

There was no star of Bethlehem, there was no angels' song;
There could have been no wise men for the trip would take too long.
The stories in the Bible are historically wrong,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact!

Our current Christmas customs come from Persia and from Greece,
From solstice celebrations of the ancient Middle East.
We know our so-called holiday is just a pagan feast,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.

"The . . . um . . . okay, I was genetically selected for blue eyes.  I know there are brown eyes, because I've observed them, but I can't do it.  Okay?  So . . . um . . . coz that's real genetic selection, not the nonsense Giberson and the others are talking about." - DO'L


Posts: 320
Joined: Jan. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,21:36   

Quote (Kristine @ April 06 2011,18:29)
Quote (noncarborundum @ April 06 2011,16:48)
Quote (Kristine @ April 06 2011,15:55)
Quote (Ptaylor @ April 05 2011,23:45)
Gil displays a little irritation at the way the “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” comments are heading:

...because he wants to say something he hasn't said before...
I just got back from a rehearsal at our church playing piano with the many talented musicians in our worship team, in preparation for next Sunday’s service. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience (which the atheist will never comprehend or experience), not just for the praise music but for the fellowship among us. At every rehearsal we have a time of prayer and share our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former Dawkins-style atheist I can offer the following observations: Atheism is hopelessly irrational and illogical. It is soul destroying.

...for at least a week.

Yeah, right. Because as a former pianist myself who, like Dawkins, sang in choir, and as a dancer who started at age practically zero singing in my crib (according to witnesses), I hate music about as much as the St.-Matthews-Passion-enjoying Dawkins does.

What a childish comment, even for Gilligan.

I just got back from a solo recital, singing with the many talented musicians in my voice teacher's studio. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience, not just for the music but for the fellowship among us. After every recital we have a time of wine and cheese and sharing our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former C.S. Lewis-style Christian I can offer the following observation: Gil Dodgen is a git.

Yes, but Noncarb - you did not enjoy it in the right way!

I keep threatening to write a musical based on Kitzmiller. Well, I could write the libretto, at least. Sempre Li!

I've been known to write music, but I've never tried musical theater.  Would a musical based on Dover involve farting noises in any way?

"The . . . um . . . okay, I was genetically selected for blue eyes.  I know there are brown eyes, because I've observed them, but I can't do it.  Okay?  So . . . um . . . coz that's real genetic selection, not the nonsense Giberson and the others are talking about." - DO'L


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,23:23   

Quote (noncarborundum @ April 06 2011,16:48)
Quote (Kristine @ April 06 2011,15:55)
Quote (Ptaylor @ April 05 2011,23:45)
Gil displays a little irritation at the way the “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” comments are heading:

...because he wants to say something he hasn't said before...
I just got back from a rehearsal at our church playing piano with the many talented musicians in our worship team, in preparation for next Sunday’s service. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience (which the atheist will never comprehend or experience), not just for the praise music but for the fellowship among us. At every rehearsal we have a time of prayer and share our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former Dawkins-style atheist I can offer the following observations: Atheism is hopelessly irrational and illogical. It is soul destroying.

...for at least a week.

Yeah, right. Because as a former pianist myself who, like Dawkins, sang in choir, and as a dancer who started at age practically zero singing in my crib (according to witnesses), I hate music about as much as the St.-Matthews-Passion-enjoying Dawkins does.

What a childish comment, even for Gilligan.

I just got back from a solo recital, singing with the many talented musicians in my voice teacher's studio. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience, not just for the music but for the fellowship among us. After every recital we have a time of wine and cheese and sharing our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former C.S. Lewis-style Christian I can offer the following observation: Gil Dodgen is a git.

I thought we atheists had all the songs that don't mention God.


Posts: 2088
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,23:25   

In our church there is no pressure to do anything; it’s all voluntary. The seats are soft and the heating is comfortable.
What did Luther, Calvin and other protestants actually fight for? Surely not for some cozy church where one gets ones ass warmed. Sounds like the Gill is rather describing a Liberace concert in Las Vegas.

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,23:29   

Quote (Alan Fox @ April 06 2011,17:35)
Quote (lkeithlu @ April 06 2011,12:25)
She can always come join us here; I am sure I am about to be banned for the 2nd time since 2006.

I get the feeling she may already be acquainted with the place. As to getting banned, well, you pretty much made your point. What choice do ID  proponents have, really? It must really suck to maintain the pretence that there is a kernel of an idea when it is obvious to all and sundry there is only bluster. I wonder who, apart from themselves, they think they are fooling.

The really hard part must be keeping up the constant whining about discrimination against Christians while banning everyone who questions ID.  Unless you've mastered cognitive dissonance, of course, or unless you're on a first name basis with Mr. Dunning and Mr. Kruger.


Posts: 1180
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,23:40   

Quote (Lou FCD @ April 07 2011,09:10)
Mark is my hero:




6:11 am


“Is there a bright side if you are an atheist?”

Oh yes. For example,

- no pressure to sit through hour long rambles or harangues once a week in a building with minimal heating and hard seats

- easier to enjoy satires on religion

- no need to repeat “I was once an atheist but now I know better” every week.

My emphasis.

And Gil simply does not get the joke in his new post in response to markf The Bright Side of Atheism. Sample paragraph:
In our church there is no pressure to do anything; it’s all voluntary. The seats are soft and the heating is comfortable. The sermons are not rambles or harangues, but insightful messages (often convicting, but necessarily and constructively so) given by a pastor with a Ph.D. in ethics who has been a professor at Vanguard University for many years, who is one of the best humanitarians I have ever known, and who puts his feet to his faith. He and a team from our church just got back from war-ravaged Africa on a mission to build minimal housing for widows and orphans.

(From there he meanders on to argument A1)

He has completely missed (or maybe ignored) the jibe aimed at him. I'm sort of lost for words for him - self centred? humourless? Oh yes - noncarborundum got it right earlier - Gil Dodgen is a git.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.†We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.â€
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2011,23:46   

Quote (Alan Fox @ April 06 2011,17:40)
Upright Biped throws down the gauntlet!

If you could only leave aside the distractions and debate me on the core tenets of ID.

Wouldn't we all like to see a core tenet of ID.


Here it is:  "That looks designed to me."


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,00:14   

Quote (utidjian @ April 06 2011,18:27)
It's BLUE sir!

Which one is the good Dr.Dr.?

Rumour has it they couldn't use Alan Bennet's original title "The Madness of George III" in the US because Americans would think they missed the first two parts...

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,04:46   

Wow!  I think I just found God.  NO!  GOD FOUND ME!!  In fact, He hit me like a wet sock right in the face, man!  God found me and I found God.  And I found him in the darndest place!  See, I was watching BS77's oft recommended video, General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and the Shroud of Turin.  It is super cool, man!  It starts out with really spacey music and pictures of stars and galaxies and stuff and talking about our COSMIC Horizon in Space and Time and stuff.  REALLY DEEP, man!  Like drugs, only better and you don't wake up sleeping under a porch with dog shit in your mouth - way better!!

Then it cuts to some Beethoven music and these words appear: "Contrary to the heliocentric discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo, the discovery of 4D space-time by Einstein, ..."  and then the video makes you wait for a moment while the slow-readers catch up, then it continues with, "as well as the fact the Cosmic Background Radiation left over from the Big Bang forms a perfect sphere around the earth,..." then there's another pause for the slow readers to catch up while the video switches to this really bitchin picture of a satellite actually mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation!! and more words appear: "gives us clear evidence that ANY particular spot in the universe may now be considered just as central..." (my emphasis man, ANY spot!) and it continues while that cool satellite continues to map out THE FREAKIN MICROWAVE BACKGROUND RADIATION, MAN!!!!! ,,,,, and then more words appear: "as any other particular material spot in the universe can be considered central..." while this satellite maps the FMBR right in front of your eyes in 3D man! and then it opens the sphere it's made into a flat map RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES!!!!1!1!! and then, like Jesus Christ sitting right on your face, IT HITS YOU:::


And he's got the video that PROVES it!  Explain that, atheists!


Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,05:34   

Quote (Kristine @ April 07 2011,00:29)
Quote (noncarborundum @ April 06 2011,16:48)
Quote (Kristine @ April 06 2011,15:55)
Quote (Ptaylor @ April 05 2011,23:45)
Gil displays a little irritation at the way the “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” comments are heading:

...because he wants to say something he hasn't said before...
I just got back from a rehearsal at our church playing piano with the many talented musicians in our worship team, in preparation for next Sunday’s service. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience (which the atheist will never comprehend or experience), not just for the praise music but for the fellowship among us. At every rehearsal we have a time of prayer and share our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former Dawkins-style atheist I can offer the following observations: Atheism is hopelessly irrational and illogical. It is soul destroying.

...for at least a week.

Yeah, right. Because as a former pianist myself who, like Dawkins, sang in choir, and as a dancer who started at age practically zero singing in my crib (according to witnesses), I hate music about as much as the St.-Matthews-Passion-enjoying Dawkins does.

What a childish comment, even for Gilligan.

I just got back from a solo recital, singing with the many talented musicians in my voice teacher's studio. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience, not just for the music but for the fellowship among us. After every recital we have a time of wine and cheese and sharing our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former C.S. Lewis-style Christian I can offer the following observation: Gil Dodgen is a git.

Yes, but Noncarb - you did not enjoy it in the right way!

I keep threatening to write a musical based on Kitzmiller. Well, I could write the libretto, at least. Sempre Li!

Hmmmm...that reminds me of something.

Count me in if you want a hand!

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,05:45   

Quote (noncarborundum @ April 07 2011,03:24)
Quote (Texas Teach @ April 06 2011,18:43)
That reminds me of a joke I once saw at camp as a kid:

Why don't Unitarians sing?

Because we're too busy reading ahead to see if we agree with the lyrics.

"God Rest Ye, Unitarians"
Lyrics by the Rev. Christopher Gist Raible of the First Unitarian Church of Worcester
God rest ye, Unitarians, let nothing you dismay;
Remember there's no evidence there was a Christmas Day;
When Christ was born is just not known, no matter what they say,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.

There was no star of Bethlehem, there was no angels' song;
There could have been no wise men for the trip would take too long.
The stories in the Bible are historically wrong,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact!

Our current Christmas customs come from Persia and from Greece,
From solstice celebrations of the ancient Middle East.
We know our so-called holiday is just a pagan feast,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.

If I may reprise from 3 years ago:*

Wander, Atheist soldiers, anywhere you may,
With the book of Darwin leading you astray.
As our moral compass swings an aimless arc,
We shall ever strive to lead all into the Dark.


Wander, Atheist soldiers, anywhere you may,
With the book of Darwin leading you astray.

Barbecuing babies, crossing 'gainst the light;
No deed is too heinous for our evil fight.
Our big problem is, though, with no moral stuff
We can't tell which actions are evil enough.


So we're left with Darwin, Evolution's source;
But nat'ral selection's an unguided force.
Chosing Bad o'er Good we must therefore defer;
Let our motto be, then, "Like, man, whatever..."

Slightly edited for your delectation

* You'd swear I didn't have something more important to do than remembering crap like this. Sad, isn't it?

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 321
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,07:20   

I posted this after a very long rant from UD:

In other words (and that's a lot of words) you have no real working knowledge of the fossil record so you dismiss evolution based on metaphysics. Sorry-that's not doing science. And that is not an answer to my very direct and very concrete question regarding the ORIGINAL claim of the original thread about hominid fossils in general and Lucy and Ida specifically. Of course, this comment will be in moderation for hours, so no one will see it.


Posts: 331
Joined: Jan. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,07:25   

I posted (well, tried anyway), to the songs/atheists thread, asking if kf was trying to imply that faith and religion had never given rise to factions, strife, tyranny - all the things he says are a result of "impiety"... and pointing out that historians would disagree, if he was so implying.

That was about 17 hours ago.....


Posts: 316
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,07:51   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 06 2011,23:23)
Quote (noncarborundum @ April 06 2011,16:48)
Quote (Kristine @ April 06 2011,15:55)
Quote (Ptaylor @ April 05 2011,23:45)
Gil displays a little irritation at the way the “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” comments are heading:

...because he wants to say something he hasn't said before...
I just got back from a rehearsal at our church playing piano with the many talented musicians in our worship team, in preparation for next Sunday’s service. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience (which the atheist will never comprehend or experience), not just for the praise music but for the fellowship among us. At every rehearsal we have a time of prayer and share our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former Dawkins-style atheist I can offer the following observations: Atheism is hopelessly irrational and illogical. It is soul destroying.

...for at least a week.

Yeah, right. Because as a former pianist myself who, like Dawkins, sang in choir, and as a dancer who started at age practically zero singing in my crib (according to witnesses), I hate music about as much as the St.-Matthews-Passion-enjoying Dawkins does.

What a childish comment, even for Gilligan.

I just got back from a solo recital, singing with the many talented musicians in my voice teacher's studio. This is such a joyful and life-enriching experience, not just for the music but for the fellowship among us. After every recital we have a time of wine and cheese and sharing our personal lives and struggles with each other.

As a former C.S. Lewis-style Christian I can offer the following observation: Gil Dodgen is a git.

I thought we atheists had all the songs that don't mention God.

No.  But the upside is you do get Sympathy for the Devil


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,07:54   

Gordon in response to this
In science, if your explanation is better than the last, you should be able to show it, and no one is willing to do so here.

says this:
25 –> An outright fabrication in the teeth of explicit explanation, analysis and evidence. If you suppress, deny, distort and reject the truth in the teeth of patient and repeated pointing out, what are you?

Some more amusing snippets:
31 –> If by “evolution” you mean to use the usual slippery slope extrapolation from minor, empirically supported changes well within the FSCI limit, to the grand metaphysically controlled materialist narrative, then we call your bluff, KL.

35 –> An anthroplogist blinded and constrained by a priori evolutionary materialism and refusing to address the question of cogently explaining the origin of functionally specific complex bio-information is part of the problem, not a part of the solution.

38 –> This is so far beyond the gamut of the search capacity of the observed cosmos, that it cannot be explained on that scope, much less jumping up an ape — Lucy and kin, for argument — on the plains of E Africa over the past 6 – 10 MN years.
39 –> By sharpest contrast, given that we already see genetic engineering in action, a molecular nanotech lab a few generations beyond Venter’s would be a very reasonable explanation, if we wanted a simple alternative model.

44 –> What they can do, is construct just so stores that are plausible to those locked in an evo mat circle of thought

45 –> There is nothing about living or fossil body plans, or generally used timelines, that does not fit in a design paradigm. This is a brazen turnabout rhetorical tactic, as the pivotal issue is precisely the failure to explain sudden emergence, stasis and disappearances as the general pattern of the fossils, and to explain the source of the required FSCO/I to support said fossils, on eh part of the reigning orthodoxy.

And finally:
46 –> Moderation for cause [whether automatic by Akismet in an age of spam and worse, or manually by the judgement of moderators] is not censorship, and there is every advantage to having a conversation take the time to be analytical rather than hasty and hot >>

Moderation is for your own good!

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,07:57   

Quote (Alan Fox @ April 07 2011,01:35)
Quote (lkeithlu @ April 06 2011,12:25)
She can always come join us here; I am sure I am about to be banned for the 2nd time since 2006.

I get the feeling she may already be acquainted with the place. As to getting banned, well, you pretty much made your point. What choice do ID  proponents have, really? It must really suck to maintain the pretence that there is a kernel of an idea when it is obvious to all and sundry there is only bluster. I wonder who, apart from themselves, they think they are fooling.

I suspect 'RAS on 'e'

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2011,08:19   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 07 2011,12:46)
Wow!  I think I just found God.  NO!  GOD FOUND ME!!  In fact, He hit me like a wet sock right in the face, man!  God found me and I found God.  And I found him in the darndest place!  See, I was watching BS77's oft recommended video, General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and the Shroud of Turin.  It is super cool, man!  It starts out with really spacey music and pictures of stars and galaxies and stuff and talking about our COSMIC Horizon in Space and Time and stuff.  REALLY DEEP, man!  Like drugs, only better and you don't wake up sleeping under a porch with dog shit in your mouth - way better!!

Then it cuts to some Beethoven music and these words appear: "Contrary to the heliocentric discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo, the discovery of 4D space-time by Einstein, ..."  and then the video makes you wait for a moment while the slow-readers catch up, then it continues with, "as well as the fact the Cosmic Background Radiation left over from the Big Bang forms a perfect sphere around the earth,..." then there's another pause for the slow readers to catch up while the video switches to this really bitchin picture of a satellite actually mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation!! and more words appear: "gives us clear evidence that ANY particular spot in the universe may now be considered just as central..." (my emphasis man, ANY spot!) and it continues while that cool satellite continues to map out THE FREAKIN MICROWAVE BACKGROUND RADIATION, MAN!!!!! ,,,,, and then more words appear: "as any other particular material spot in the universe can be considered central..." while this satellite maps the FMBR right in front of your eyes in 3D man! and then it opens the sphere it's made into a flat map RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES!!!!1!1!! and then, like Jesus Christ sitting right on your face, IT HITS YOU:::


And he's got the video that PROVES it!  Explain that, atheists!

yeah all right.

take teh square root of a turd and add Shine®

allow 10 minutes for teh soft bits to sink

fish out and video it served tepid on youtube

mass media for the terminally constipated

post in echo chamber

claim to be once an athiest

enjoy drink with Dr. Dr. Piss Taker

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

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