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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:19   


Oooh, oooh, oooh!  I linked to that above!  Is this what you mean by interpreting the evidence in different ways?  Maybe you can explain your interpretation as I have already done so.  Then everyone here can form their own opinion?

source material

Edited to correct sentence apparently written by a two year old and to add link.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:19   

One other thing Jack.  I've tried every psychological trick in the book to get that little f*cker off my blog.  He's been posting for well over a year.  Honestly, I'm convinced he has mental problems.  Tell me...would you, or Wes, or Kristine put up with that shit?  NO.  But, I have to because I have no choice.  The little bastard is such a jerk, he's got a hold of an inidentifiable IP address.  I never did that, as you well know.  Once you banned me, I also didn't come back as some sock puppet like a LOT of the folks here do at UD.  


"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:24   

Do you know how IP addresses are assigned, FTk.  I tried to explain it to you once.  You know, you could use one of many third party screeners to make sure I can't post.  It's not that hard.  What about making users register their email addresses to post?  There are ways that make you look more sane than screaming here at AtBC. to address any of the examples of trollishness I've posted this morning?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:29   

Quote (blipey @ Oct. 06 2008,12:19)

Oooh, oooh, oooh!  I linked to that above!  Is this what you mean by interpreting the evidence in different ways?  Maybe you can explain your interpretation as I have already done so.  Then everyone here can form their own opinion?

source material

Edited to correct sentence apparently written by a two year old and to add link.

Blipey, that is not the post where you threatened me.  It was on the post about science questions posed to the presidents.  I deleted your threats.  

You forget that you've had a LONG history of pissing people off at my blog.  I don't like other posters saying the shit they do to you, but you've brought it on yourself.  If you want flame wars, do it here or in another forum...not my blog.


"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:38   

Oh, I know what I said and where I said it.  You might see my summary of the events a couple comments upthread.  Which step of the 9 do you disagree with?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:39   

Quote (blipey @ Oct. 06 2008,12:24)
Do you know how IP addresses are assigned, FTk.  I tried to explain it to you once.  You know, you could use one of many third party screeners to make sure I can't post.  It's not that hard.  What about making users register their email addresses to post?  There are ways that make you look more sane than screaming here at AtBC. to address any of the examples of trollishness I've posted this morning?

I don't know if you've noticed, but at places like Shock and Blog and Vox Day's blog, they use those 3rd party sources.  It delays your blog comments, or at least I have that problem when posting or reading comments at their blogs.  

IT SEEMS TO ME THAT A DECENT SORT OF PERSON WOULD JUST BACK OFF.  What kind of a dick keeps posting at a blog when the blogger has asked him to please back off?  

You're the *ONLY* person I have a problem with, so why should I have to go through all the trouble of changing how my comments go through just because of you?  If I do, and it works properly, you won't be able to post again anyway, so why don't you just back off?

Or, for God's sake, just post your flame throwers once a week vs. your daily bullshit of 4-10 idiotic comments.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 4999
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:39   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,12:29)

 I deleted your threats.  

How very convenient. For you. If I had somebody threatening me (and I cared) you can be sure I'd have both screenshots and text of the threats.
You forget that you've had a LONG history of pissing people off at my blog.

Yet you allowed the posts and did not delete them when you could have. So who's really to blame? I thought the issue at hand was that you were pissed, not other people on your blog. It's amazing how the truth shifts and turns as it suits your purposes. Are you doing this for "the other posters" or for you? Do clarify.
I don't like other posters saying the shit they do to you, but you've brought it on yourself.

Aww, false concern for Blipey's well being. How very nice.
 If you want flame wars, do it here or in another forum...not my blog.

You are still to post an example. Until you do that then I'm afraid I only have Blipey's evidence to consider. And so far, you've not made you case. Quite the opposite in fact.

Did this work in the playground? Does it work at the office?

Why don't you post some of these "threats" and other assorted evil that you say is being posted at your blog. Then, when we're all disgusted with him and nobody wants to talk to Blipey anymore you'll at least have that victory?

Go on FTK, prove you case using Blipey's own words.

It should not be difficult if he's been as abusive as you say.

Have you announced on your blog yet that you are pro-choice?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 4999
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:46   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,12:39)
I don't know if you've noticed, but at places like Shock and Blog and Vox Day's blog, they use those 3rd party sources.  It delays your blog comments, or at least I have that problem when posting or reading comments at their blogs.  

A small delay seems a small price to pay for piece of mind. Me thinks you doth protest too much.

It seems to me a decent sort of person would not make baseless and groundless assertions, impuning an entire profession with your "lies taught as fact" line (which you still not have provided evidence for). That's just one example. We could also speculate on if a decent sort of person would teach children Gish's lies about dinosaurs. But that's a different subject.
What kind of a dick keeps posting at a blog when the blogger has asked him to please back off?  

You really need to read that "welcome to the internet" post.
You're the *ONLY* person I have a problem with, so why should I have to go through all the trouble of changing how my comments go through just because of you?  

It's a harsh old world huh FTK? The lengths you have to go to so you can screen reality and those oh so tough questions.
If I do, and it works properly, you won't be able to post again anyway, so why don't you just back off?

Maybe this is just a roundabout way of teaching you how to run a blog?

Or, for God's sake, just post your flame throwers once a week vs. your daily bullshit of 4-10 idiotic comments.

Again, in that case it should not be hard to present some of those comments here for our perusal. The fact that you have not leads to some unfortunate conclusions (unfortunate for you, of course).

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,12:51   

Quote (blipey @ Oct. 06 2008,11:39)
Such as my challenge. I'll stop Bipley posting at your blog if we have a debate about them there jellyfish.

Who is this Bipley person?  I'd stop that bastard as well; his name is stoopid! :p

I know, I know! When I see him next I'll introduce you two!

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,13:07   

I've gotta be honest, but I reckon FTK is throwing a tantrum over Blipey's (most likely innocuous) comments at her blerug to disguise the fact that she a) will not answer any of the science/basic philosophy questions that have been asked very politely, b) she cannot answer any of the aforementioned questions.

I'd also like to mention the fact that her leap for the persecution complex (i.e. "oh you won't listen/exert double standards because I R Creationist") and the various insults/accusations to perfectly polite posters are part of the Standard FTK Bullshit Behaviour.

Now the question is: When are we getting a flounce out and when will the return be?




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,13:19   

But, FtK, there's no use whining and shouting about what can't be changed.  Whether you hate it or not is not the issue - whether you can solve the problem is the issue.  You either have to moderate everything, or let everything go through even though you don't like to, or use some different software that gives you more control, or not have a blog, or something. There is no perfect solution, so you have to decide where you priorities lie, and then decide what you want to do.  Yelling over here about Blipey's behavior is really not very pertinent.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,13:37   

I've tried every other ploy to try to get the little jerk off my blog, now I'm trying this.  If I make a big stink about it in front of all of his peers, chances are he's going to stop his incessant posting at my blog.  Today he's only posted one comment so far, which is an improvement.

If he knows I'm going to keep a running tally of everything he posts and post it over here weekly, I think he'll make more of a concerted effort to act sane.  Though, that may still be difficult for him, come to think of it.  We shall see.

Louis, in case you've not noticed, Tom has *NOT* responded to a *thing* I've posted.  I wanted to give him ample time to do so without bitching at him like so many of your folks do to me if I don't answer immediately.  

Also, if you review my post, you'll notice that many things were left unaddressed.  I'll highlight them for you when I get back to that discussion.  It seems as if Tom may be gone for the duration, so I'll try to wade back through the crap and pull out the relevant things that were directed at my post.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,13:42   

Oh, and check check this out.  Jeremy has posted about a book that is "a must-read for anyone who appreciates science, especially those who may have doubts about the usefulness of evolutionary theory."

This book looks as if it's TOTALLY relevant to the conversations we've been having.  I'm so excited I could just explode.  They have one copy left at Barnes and Nobel, and I have it on hold.  I'm going to pick it up tonight!

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,13:44   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,13:42)
Oh, and check check this out.  Jeremy has posted about a book that is "a must-read for anyone who appreciates science, especially those who may have doubts about the usefulness of evolutionary theory."

This book looks as if it's TOTALLY relevant to the conversations we've been having.  I'm so excited I could just explode.  They have one copy left at Barnes and Nobel, and I have it on hold.  I'm going to pick it up tonight!

Sigh...should only be one "check".  

Please may I have my edit button back?

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:02   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,19:37)

Louis, in case you've not noticed, Tom has *NOT* responded to a *thing* I've posted.  I wanted to give him ample time to do so without bitching at him like so many of your folks do to me if I don't answer immediately.  



You must think everyone is as illiterate as you are.




Posts: 2780
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:04   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,13:37)
Also, if you review my post, you'll notice that many things were left unaddressed.  I'll highlight them for you when I get back to that discussion.  It seems as if Tom may be gone for the duration, so I'll try to wade back through the crap and pull out the relevant things that were directed at my post.

No need to wade. I've dredged up one that you never addressed. Cross-posted from another thread here    
The original question was to show you why common descent was a better vehicle for scientific progress. Many people gave you answers to that question, including me. You ignored those answers when you took up that conversation with Tom.

What part of this sentence is not an answer to your question? - Common design and common descent were rival explanatory frameworks in the decades after Darwin published the Origin; common descent proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.

Please address that, since you have never bothered to do it previously. And I do recommend reading both of those books; you might learn a lot more about issues beyond this specific question.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:05   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 06 2008,14:02)
Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,19:37)

Louis, in case you've not noticed, Tom has *NOT* responded to a *thing* I've posted.  I wanted to give him ample time to do so without bitching at him like so many of your folks do to me if I don't answer immediately.  



You must think everyone is as illiterate as you are.


Classic Louis response.  Again, need I remind you why I loathe the idea of discussing *anything* with you?

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:12   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Oct. 06 2008,14:04)
Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,13:37)
Also, if you review my post, you'll notice that many things were left unaddressed.  I'll highlight them for you when I get back to that discussion.  It seems as if Tom may be gone for the duration, so I'll try to wade back through the crap and pull out the relevant things that were directed at my post.

No need to wade. I've dredged up one that you never addressed. Cross-posted from another thread here    
The original question was to show you why common descent was a better vehicle for scientific progress. Many people gave you answers to that question, including me. You ignored those answers when you took up that conversation with Tom.

What part of this sentence is not an answer to your question? - Common design and common descent were rival explanatory frameworks in the decades after Darwin published the Origin; common descent proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.

Please address that, since you have never bothered to do it previously. And I do recommend reading both of those books; you might learn a lot more about issues beyond this specific question.

That's you're only response????  That settles it, huh?

News flash, I want to know *how* and *why* common descent supposedly proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.  I want to know *everything*, and by God, I'll keep asking questions until they're answered to my satisfaction.  I *sure* hope that your students question you further when you give pat answers like that that say absolutely nothing.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:24   

Does anyone know if there is a way to make what I write red rather than black?  It would be helpful in highlighting things from previous posts.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 274
Joined: Feb. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:39   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 06 2008,11:07)
I've gotta be honest, but I reckon FTK is throwing a tantrum over Blipey's (most likely innocuous) comments at her blerug to disguise the fact that she a) will not answer any of the science/basic philosophy questions that have been asked very politely, b) she cannot answer any of the aforementioned questions.

Louis can haz cookie.

If you look upthread, the last thing here was that she made a long post about "science" that was packed full of glaring errors and falsehoods. This was pointed out by several people, with reasonable politeness and considerable detail.

What happens next ?
1) she comments a bunch over on the "politics and antievolution" thread, but doesn't post any significant response here because she "doesn't have time"
2) after some time has passed, comes back here and throws a few pages of tantrum about blipey.
3) Excuse that Tom Ames hasn't responded. Never mind that other people have provided clear, civil responses. Never mind Toms last post here was a question directed at her, which as far as I can tell, she never answered, despite making an (error filled) response to his earlier post here

No doubt excuse #3b) is that his post got lost because of all the noise... much of which which she created, and completely ignoring the fact that simply clicking on a users name would give her their posts in chronological order.

Design inference: Excuse #4 will be OMG DARWINST SO MEAN followed by flounce.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:42   

So, since I was polite and have been patiently waiting for Tom's response, I'm avoiding everyone else.  Whatever.  I'll get back to it, and when I do, I'D LIKE TO USE RED LETTER IN SOME PARTS OF IT INSTEAD OF BLACK.


"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:45   

she can't help lying

Sayeth [Hausfrau]
Cheryl, as you just noted, Frank Sherwin is a CREATION SCIENTIST. This issue is not related to ID. I'm sure you know by now that ID does not question common descent.

Sayeth -[Hausfrau] about 15 posts up
News flash, I want to know *how* and *why* common descent supposedly proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.  I want to know *everything*, and by God, I'll keep asking questions until they're answered to my satisfaction.  I *sure* hope that your students question you further when you give pat answers like that that say absolutely nothing.

sounds like you are questioning common descent, hon.  and your bleating about this point when it has been explained to you multiple times is just more proof that you don't even try to understand the issues, you just jump in with your bathrobe and curlers on and start a shit storm of ignorant fury.  you are boring.

but i do wish you would get a clue and just cross post all Blipey's comments here, think of it as your own Bathroom Wall, sans the knockoff Thomas Kincaid on the back wall and the velvet Jesus praying on the front wall.

or is it this one?

oh how sweet.  forget about the point yet?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:46   

try  here dumb ass.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:51   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,15:42)
So, since I was polite and have been patiently waiting for Tom's response, I'm avoiding everyone else.  Whatever.  I'll get back to it, and when I do, I'D LIKE TO USE RED LETTER IN SOME PARTS OF IT INSTEAD OF BLACK.


Dear whoever's playing the Ftk character:

What you want is in the Help Cards. Look below the box you type your insightful comments in. Be forewarned that some of us set our browsers to override text color settings and wouldn't see the red.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:53   

Quote (Erasmus, FCD @ Oct. 06 2008,15:46)
try  <a href="javascript:PopUp('','HelpCard','250','400','0','1','1','1')" target="_blank">here</a> dumb ass.

No personal insults Erasmus.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:53   

Quote (Erasmus, FCD @ Oct. 06 2008,14:45)
she can't help lying

Sayeth [Hausfrau]
Cheryl, as you just noted, Frank Sherwin is a CREATION SCIENTIST. This issue is not related to ID. I'm sure you know by now that ID does not question common descent.

Sayeth -[Hausfrau] about 15 posts up
News flash, I want to know *how* and *why* common descent supposedly proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.  I want to know *everything*, and by God, I'll keep asking questions until they're answered to my satisfaction.  I *sure* hope that your students question you further when you give pat answers like that that say absolutely nothing.

sounds like you are questioning common descent, hon.  and your bleating about this point when it has been explained to you multiple times is just more proof that you don't even try to understand the issues, you just jump in with your bathrobe and curlers on and start a shit storm of ignorant fury.  you are boring.

but i do wish you would get a clue and just cross post all Blipey's comments here, think of it as your own Bathroom Wall, sans the knockoff Thomas Kincaid on the back wall and the velvet Jesus praying on the front wall.

or is it this one?

oh how sweet.  forget about the point yet?

How am I lying???  I have questions from both the ID and creation science perspectives.  Everyone knows that.  You're not making sense.

I like your idea about a blipey thread.  I don't know if I'm able to start a topic, but I'll try it.  I'm limited on some functions here.  I do think that if I posted all of his comments, he'd simmer down a bit.  He's still only posted 1 comment at my blog today.  That's is a wonderful improvement.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 274
Joined: Feb. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:54   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,12:42)
So, since I was polite and have been patiently waiting for Tom's response, I'm avoiding everyone else.  Whatever.  I'll get back to it, and when I do, I'D LIKE TO USE RED LETTER IN SOME PARTS OF IT INSTEAD OF BLACK.


Right, when it is pointed out that you have made fundamental, glaring errors, the "polite" thing to do is ignore that, unless a specific person points them out.

For example, after reading would you still consider to your statements about "darwinsts" and "junk DNA" to be correct ? If so, what are the specific errors in the above linked post ? If not, do you agree that your previous statements on the topic were false and ill informed ?

You also haven't answered Toms question here:

Given our earlier exchange, I'm curious: do you accept that humans and other great apes share (or could conceivably share) a common ancestor?

Because if you don't, all that explaining I did about segmental duplication would have made zero sense to you. The technical details I tried (unsuccessfully, I fear) to convey really have no meaning outside of the context of a phylogenetic tree.

If you're still working on digesting the details, I'd suggest in that case that it might not be worth pursuing.

ETA: The question is a sincere one, and not meant to put you on the spot.

Note that instead of answering this, you started a tangent about the worlds religions supporting "design"

You don't need fancy formatting. You need to make coherent, logical points based of facts.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:56   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,14:12)
That's you're only response????  That settles it, huh?

News flash, I want to know *how* and *why* common descent supposedly proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.  I want to know *everything*, and by God, I'll keep asking questions until they're answered to my satisfaction.  I *sure* hope that your students question you further when you give pat answers like that that say absolutely nothing.

No, you're just asking more questions because you don't understand the answers already provided. From a purely pragmatic perspective it might be enough to hear that one paradigm beat the other into the ground when they went head to head. But since you never bothered to address my answer until now, I'm not sure how I was supposed to know that you were interested in the details beyond just that pragmatic answer. Nevertheless, it IS an answer to your question, even if you'd like to pretend that it is "pat".

Unfortunately if you really want the details, you will have to learn a LOT more biology. Tom tried to explain to you WHY common descent was useful, but your replies indicated that you didn't have a clue about chromosome structure (among other things), which would make that explanation sensible to you. Maybe that's why he seems to have checked out. I am also tired of explaining things to you only to find out that you don't understand the biological basics well enough to understand the answer (see icefish, or nested hierarchies). Those of us who do teach on a daily basis do have a pretty good recognition of when a student just doesn't have the general background or knowledge to understand a concept...

FYI, my students will understand biology, and they also understand that I will keep trying to help them if they are floundering. One small difference between them and you might be that they do recognize that my attempts at answering their question usually are not the same as "absolutely nothing". Another might be that they don't continually insult me on a personal basis, or constantly impugn my teaching abilities, or worry about my religious views. Finally, they usually make visible progress after a while. On all of these levels, you fail. Just like design.

If you really are serious about learning "how" and "why", you've been provided with some answers here. On your part, you've failed to show us how "common design" explains differences as well as similarities. That alone should give you a clue about which explanatory framework is preferable, and why. But you can't see it.

You can also get more answers by reading that biography of Haeckel; there are numerous examples of "how" and "why" detailed there. Unfortunately those experiments and their context may be over your head as well. But it would be a good place to start.

It might also be a good idea to quit insulting people when you are also making demands from them. If you do indeed want to "know everything", and you keep asking here because you understand that some folks here do actually know enough to teach you something, you can at least pretend to give a hoot about the answers that have already been provided. That is better than continually implying that nobody except Tom has the information you allegedly desire.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,14:58   

Quote (stevestory @ Oct. 06 2008,14:53)
Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Oct. 06 2008,15:46)
try  <a href="javascript:PopUp('','HelpCard','250','400','0','1','1','1')" target="_blank">here</a> dumb ass.

No personal insults Erasmus.

oh fine ignore my egregious formatting error and nail me for pointing out the obvious.  

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2008,15:02   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 06 2008,14:53)
Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Oct. 06 2008,14:45)
she can't help lying

Sayeth [Hausfrau]
Cheryl, as you just noted, Frank Sherwin is a CREATION SCIENTIST. This issue is not related to ID. I'm sure you know by now that ID does not question common descent.

Sayeth -[Hausfrau] about 15 posts up
News flash, I want to know *how* and *why* common descent supposedly proved to be better in terms of explaining differences & similarities, as well as in making predictions that have been verified by experiment.  I want to know *everything*, and by God, I'll keep asking questions until they're answered to my satisfaction.  I *sure* hope that your students question you further when you give pat answers like that that say absolutely nothing.

sounds like you are questioning common descent, hon.  and your bleating about this point when it has been explained to you multiple times is just more proof that you don't even try to understand the issues, you just jump in with your bathrobe and curlers on and start a shit storm of ignorant fury.  you are boring.

but i do wish you would get a clue and just cross post all Blipey's comments here, think of it as your own Bathroom Wall, sans the knockoff Thomas Kincaid on the back wall and the velvet Jesus praying on the front wall.

or is it this one?

oh how sweet.  forget about the point yet?

How am I lying???  I have questions from both the ID and creation science perspectives.  Everyone knows that.  You're not making sense.

I like your idea about a blipey thread.  I don't know if I'm able to start a topic, but I'll try it.  I'm limited on some functions here.  I do think that if I posted all of his comments, he'd simmer down a bit.  He's still only posted 1 comment at my blog today.  That's is a wonderful improvement.


I'm not allowed to start a new thread.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

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