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  Topic: The Joe G Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2061
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 10 2007,13:51   

Quote (Rob @ Sep. 10 2007,11:04)
He once told me, however, that he worked on stuff that required an extra-special, top secret clearance and that was the reason he couldn't discuss any of his job qualifications.

Knowing Joe, this probably means that his job consists of collecting unemployment.  I mean, c'mon, can you imagine Joe surviving in the workplace, or any other environment that requires a modicum of rationality and emotional stability?

Joe's boss:  Joe, you said that this project would take two months.  What happened?

Joe:  Reality says that "two months" means "July and December".  Ya see, in the end, all you can do is quote-mine and take things out of context.  Thanks for demonstrating that you're a @#%*% #*$%@!

Joe's boss:  You're fired, you sociopathic cretin.

Joe: You're a sociopathic cretin.

I would like to nominate Rob's comment as Comment of the Month in the category of "Most Exact Channeling of an IDiot"

Superb, sir.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

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