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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,09:11   

Thank you, Tom, for taking the time to discuss this in a serious manner.  You've given me some interesting things to think about.  

So, I'm going to spend a while thinking about them. ;)

IS THAT OKAY WITH THE REST OF YOU FOLKS, or are you going to press me to "answer more questions" right away?

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,11:24   

Creationists interested in the truth? Oh, please. Gish, who you quote, claims that hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinones would explode if mixed together, this despite repeatedly being shown that such was not the case. If he were interested in the truth he would stop making the claim. This is symptomatic of creationists period. Case in point, take some of those out of place things you linked to such as Eve's thimble. It was supposedly discovered in a coal seam in 1880 by a rancher, but crumbled away into dust before it could be examined, so there is no proof that it ever actually existed. So all we really have is that someone claimed to have found a thimble in a coal seam. Most of the other artifacts have similar levels of evidential support. Even where there is some basis in truth for the claim being made, the creationist twist them.
Consider the case of the throwing spears mentioned in your link. The spears were found at the site of Schoningen in Germany, and have been securely dated to 4000,000 400,000* years ago. I'm not sure exactly why these are supposed to be out of place but they get discussed all the time in paleoanthropological circles. They are important finds that yield some interesting clues about the origination of hunting, social organization, and cognition.
You mention:

Obviously, there’s an a priori commitment to Darwinism in that field of science.  We’ve seen time and time again how fossils have not been what they initially thought they were, and in some instances, scientists have gone so far as to tamper with the fossils in order to present a particular viewpoint.

Yet time and again creationists have been caught creating evidence - such as the alleged human foot prints at Paluxy, the Moab man, the Malachite man, and a whole host of others - in point of fact, creationists have manufactured more evidence, by far, than evolutionists are supposed to have created. Yet, you are skeptical of evolutionists and give creationists a free pass on all their frauds, so it doesn't exactly sound like you are really all that concerned with intellectual integrity.

*whoops, one too many zeroes

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,11:55   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,00:32)
Evolutionists maintain that these similarities are due to common descent, but from a design standpoint, it only makes sense that all organisms share similarities.  Creationist Duane Gish....(yes laugh away) makes the following obvious point...

Supposing, on the other hand, God had made plants with a certain type of amino acids, sugars, purines, pyrimidines, etc.; then made animals with a different type of amino acids, sugars, purines, pyrimidines, etc.; and, finally, made man with a third type of amino acids, sugars, etc. What could we eat? We couldn’t eat plants; we couldn’t eat animals; all we could eat would be each other! Obviously, that wouldn’t work. All the key molecules in plants, animals, and man had to be the same. The metabolism of plants, animals, and man, based on the same biochemical principles, had to be similar, and therefore key metabolic pathways would employ similar macromolecules, modified to fit the particular internal environment of the organism or cell in which it must function.

An omnipotent omniscient designer could have given every species, nay, every single individual, its very own genetic code. (Which, by the way, would put paid to viral crossover between species or individuals not sharing a common genetic code.) All the chemistry would remain the same, with the same building blocks, thus Gish's "eat it" argument is insufficient to answer why such a designer would go to such lengths to make the pattern seen of a canonical genetic code with some derived variants showing descent with modification look exactly like what would result from common descent.

The obvious answer is that if the omnipotent omniscient designer made things, he/she used the processes thus far identified by science as his/her mechanism. Some people, though, insist on telling the omnipotent omniscient designer how he/she did what he/she did, rather than pay attention to what the evidence says.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:18   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,15:11)
Thank you, Tom, for taking the time to discuss this in a serious manner.  You've given me some interesting things to think about.  

So, I'm going to spend a while thinking about them. ;)

IS THAT OKAY WITH THE REST OF YOU FOLKS, or are you going to press me to "answer more questions" right away?

LOL FTK, everyone was initially exceedingly nice to you here and we were practically desperate to discuss the science with you in a pleasant manner. It got ugly when you started whining about "atheists on a daily basis", conspiracies of Darwinists and other such silliness. Many people then started mocking you (me included). Even then, many people (me included) were/are still happy to bury hatchets, let bygones be bygones, drink from the cup of forgiveness and friendship and discuss the science with you nicely. If you stopped with this dishonest, bad faith argumentation you might be surprised just how willing people are to forgive and forget. But you've been told this before and ignored it...

The fact that any interested party/lurker can trawl briefly through this thread and discover your mendacity and resistance to scientific discussion is a clear demonstration how artfully dishonest your little pose is. Your editting of your past posts to disguise this was one reason your edit privileges were removed. Tom is FAR from the only person who has answered your queries and claims politely and scientifically.



Richard Simons

Posts: 425
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:23   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 19 2008,22:44)
We don’t know yet what discoveries will be made from this find.  I don’t think Haile-Selassie and team are finished interpreting exactly what this jawbone is and how it benefits our understanding of evolution.  The ID inference says nothing about how we‘d interpret this‘s irrelevant to the theory, and many ID theorists agree with evolutionists about the fossil record.  

There is no theory of ID so it is not appropriate to refer to 'ID theorists'.
So, we have to turn to Creationists.

For what?

Why wouldn’t Creationists have been able to come up with a system that compared similarities and relatedness between organisms?  They certainly realized that it was an important area to consider in hopes of advancing research and scientific discovery.  We know that Linneaus started work on developing a starting point for the taxonomy of a species.  He was mapping organisms according to there similarities before Darwin‘s claim to fame, and he didn’t need to believe that all organisms evolved from a common ancestor to do so.

They could indeed come up with a system for comparing similarities and differences. However, what they have at the end is nothing more than a catalogue, useful for identifying species but nothing more. It would not even be useful for putting everything in its 'proper place' in nature, because there would be absolutely no reason to suppose that anything had a proper place.

In the same manner, creationists (if they had been as heavily funded as evolutionists have been) might have come up with a system of there own that would have also compared the similarities and relatedness between organisms.

Hold on! I thought a major tenet of creationism is that there is no relatedness between organisms, just that some happen to share similar parts and processes.

I think the above slip is a giveaway that, in your heart of hearts, you know that evolution is correct and that creationism is unsupportable.

Bear in mind that the geologic column was also originally devised by creationists before 1860 who believed more so in catastrophism rather uniformitarianism. The so-called "periods" and "eras" were later added to fit the evolutionary theory.  So, already we find that creationists had a good start on both classifying organisms and understanding sedimentary layers and what we might find in them as far as fossils are concerned.

And since then they have made absolutely no progress.

How would we’d predict where to find a particular fossil?  Considering the sedimentary layers, obviously Creationists feel that a catostrophic flood took place.  Some believe that sedimentary layers and the fossils within them were laid due to the way liquefaction works.

Could you give a single example of any fossil that has been discovered using only creationist concepts?
Fossils don’t provide us with information like living organisms do.  So, other than historical benefit for those who adhere to molecule to man, how would these fossils benefit us other than to provide us with information about extinct creatures or morphological changes within species that could have occured through microevolutionary means?  Tom pointed out one way, but like I said, I’m not sure that creationists wouldn’t have been able to discover these “driver” genes by researching similarities between living apes and men.

But they have not the slightest reason to suppose that there should be any non-obvious similarities between humans and chimps, given that we are, supposedly, made in God's image and chimps are not. As a side issue, does this mean that God has a pseudogene for vitamin C? If not, just what does the statement mean?

What we are trying to get to is the “truth” about our ancestry.  Digging up fossil will help us learn about our past, and we are *all* interested in that.  But how can we trust that paleontologists have come up with the correct interpretation about various fossil finds?  Obviously, there’s an a priori commitment to Darwinism in that field of science.  We’ve seen time and time again how fossils have not been what they initially thought they were, and in some instances, scientists have gone so far as to tamper with the fossils in order to present a particular viewpoint.

Dawson may have tampered with the evidence (or he may have been the unwitting victim of a hoax). I cannot think of any other examples of deliberate tampering with fossils. Oh, wait a minute, there was the addition of human footprints to the dinosaur tracks along the Paluxy River and at various other places. There is more dishonesty and lying to be seen on creationist and ID sites in any week than there has been in the entire history of paleontology.

Darwinists cannot even fathom anything other than molecule to man...from a naturalists perspective there is no other theory that can even be considered.

Challenge us. Give us another theory.
If molecule to man *is* the way life arose, evolutionists have to at least consider that front loading makes more sense than what the “modern synthesis” currently provides us.

Two minutes of thought was enough to tell me that 'front-loading' is complete and utter baloney and still gave me time to decide what to have for dinner.

Just as Creationists have their creation story, Darwinists have their own.  The only neutral party would be ID theorists, IMHO.

IDists are just creationists who try to pretend their religious beliefs are unimportant.

Neither the biblical creation story or the warm primordial pond is helpful in the science classroom, because neither can be supported with scientific experiments.

Oh, but the pond can be. Not yet to the extent of producing life, but a start has been made.
Scientists have been banging on trying to answer questions in regard to abiogenesis, and I *encourage* them to keep on doing so.

What form does this encouragement take?

 But, as yet we know no more about how life *began* than we did before Darwin teh genius arrived on the scene, . . .

Where have you spent the last half century? There is a considerable body of evidence that has been accumulating.

In other words, we don’t know <how life arose>, and we may never know. He <Dawkins> said this same thing at a lecture I attended in Lawrence.  So why is the notion of some sort of higher power so unthinkable, given the general lack of understanding that Dawkins admits is part of this issue?

It is not unthinkable, but it is unsupportable by any evidence.

All sweeping statements are wrong.

Richard Simons

Posts: 425
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:27   

Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 20 2008,11:24)
Consider the case of the throwing spears mentioned in your link. The spears were found at the site of Schoningen in Germany, and have been securely dated to 4000,000 years ago.

Do you have the right number of zeroes here? It is much older than I would expect.

All sweeping statements are wrong.


Posts: 1201
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:28   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Sep. 20 2008,11:55)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,00:32)
Evolutionists maintain that these similarities are due to common descent, but from a design standpoint, it only makes sense that all organisms share similarities.  Creationist Duane Gish....(yes laugh away) makes the following obvious point...

Supposing, on the other hand, God had made plants with a certain type of amino acids, sugars, purines, pyrimidines, etc.; then made animals with a different type of amino acids, sugars, purines, pyrimidines, etc.; and, finally, made man with a third type of amino acids, sugars, etc. What could we eat? We couldn’t eat plants; we couldn’t eat animals; all we could eat would be each other! Obviously, that wouldn’t work. All the key molecules in plants, animals, and man had to be the same. The metabolism of plants, animals, and man, based on the same biochemical principles, had to be similar, and therefore key metabolic pathways would employ similar macromolecules, modified to fit the particular internal environment of the organism or cell in which it must function.

An omnipotent omniscient designer could have given every species, nay, every single individual, its very own genetic code. (Which, by the way, would put paid to viral crossover between species or individuals not sharing a common genetic code.)

Not so fast Wesley. How would those little virus, that our God designed in his infinite wisdom, work without a standard genetic code, huh?!

(joke aside, a particular genetic code in each individual would be problematic for sexual reproduction)

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:31   

To follow up on the benefits of studying human evolution, here is an excellent video on the subject.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:45   

Quote (Richard Simons @ Sep. 20 2008,12:27)
Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 20 2008,11:24)
Consider the case of the throwing spears mentioned in your link. The spears were found at the site of Schoningen in Germany, and have been securely dated to 4000,000 years ago.

Do you have the right number of zeroes here? It is much older than I would expect.

Fixed it, thanks for catching that.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:57   

Louis, you LYING BASTARD!  

Your editting of your past posts to disguise this was one reason your edit privileges were removed.

BS!  I deleted about 3 posts one night because I felt like the conversation was seriously pissing Ian off.  I wanted to just do away with my comments altogether.  I tried to explain that.  I've never tried to "disguise" anything, you fruitloop!  Sheesh, I've been posting here for about 2 years or so, and that's the only time I deleted a few posts for cripes sake.

THIS IS WHY I NEVER, EVER EVEN CONSIDER A *SERIOUS* CONVERSATION WITH YOU.  I've watched your antics for over a year, and I simply don't care what you have to say on any given topic.  There are other people I'd MUCH rather discuss things with than you...obviously.

My editing privledges were taken away because of that one episode with was horrifically unfair, but then what can I expect from people who think that all ID supporters are nothing but a bunch of "liars for Jesus".

The reason why I appreciated Tom's comments is because he didn't talk down to me.  I could care less if the rest of you talk down to me or not, but it's impossible to carry on a conversation with someone who displays that attitude because I just get pissed off rather than think about what is being said.

Now, leave me the f**ck alone.  I'll discuss things with whomever I want to...and, again, IT WON'T BE YOU!!!

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,12:59   


(joke aside, a particular genetic code in each individual would be problematic for sexual reproduction)

It would require miracles in either case, so why balk at the latter?

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 468
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,17:55   

Holy shit!  FtK really needs to get laid!   :O

I've found my personality to be an effective form of birth control.


Posts: 2061
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,19:06   

I won't press you to answer any questions at all.  That would be pointless.  However, it may be useful (though not to you, per se) to have a little reminder of work undone:
1.  Is it okay for ID proponents to post personal information of the internet?   NO

2.  Do you think that Wes and/or steve would not remove your personal information from the board if someone posted it?  
No, I believe they would....that is why I was giving them the warning that someone may be listing personal information about me.

3.  Do you think that the Baylor curators and other officials post their home addresses and phone numbers to the internet?   I have not checked into that so I do not know.  I would assume that most do not.

4.  Why re you back posting here at AtBC?   I believe I answered that on this page or the last page.  checking the previous 3 pages, there is no answer from Ftk as regards this question.  There are however, many complaints about having to answer questions and the ridiculous expectations of such. –blipey

5.  How does Behe know what is in a group of books without ever having read the books?   !!! This question is ridiculous.  Obviously, he wouldn't, and I'd have to ask Behe if he was every allowed to go through every book and article one by one and make two separate piles of what he had and had not read.  But, I tried desperately to explain in an earlier discussion that just because we have theories about how something *may have* occurred, that does not mean that all the questions have been answered nor should they be regarded as "fact". I’m counting this one as answered because of the first sentence “obviously, he wouldn’t”.  That being said, the commentary after that phrase proves that she’ll never be able to answer question 6.  perhaps this is why she stopped answering questions. –blipey

6.  What is the point of the Behe/unread books discussion?

7.  According to ID Theory, how did the immune system develop?

8.  What is gained by jettisoning ToE and saying God did it?

9.  In the light of a science teacher teaching that the study of beetles is not a scientific effort and possibly that spiders evolved from insects (if evolution were true), how is ID theory driving kids toward science?

10. Why don't IDers pursue RESEARCH GRANTS, from the Templeton Foundation, for example?

11. Are you afraid to examine the sequence evidence for ToE?

11A.  Added.  Do you understand what sequence evidence is?

12. Where did Albatrossity2 claim that his students were religious freaks?

12A.  Added.  Where did blipey claim that his nephew's teacher was "a source of evil"?

13. Why don't IDers publish in PCID?

14. Why hasn't PCID been published in over two years?

15. Do you believe that Darwinists have kept PCID from being published?

16. How?

17. Can ID be called a theory when it hasn't made even one prediction?

18. Yes or no: ID wouldn't benefit from publishing any articles, anywhere.

19. Yes or no: Your children should be taught the historical insights of the Bhagavad Gita?

20. What sort of Waterloo can we look forward to on February 8, 2008?

Interesting side note. Just came across this comment back on page 102 where you berate people for not having read the pertinent books.  Which begs several more questions I'll put here.  Why is reading material important?  Do you think it might have been important for Behe to read some books before commenting on them?  Have you read the textbook that Albatrossity2 sent you?  Have you got that list of peer reviewed articles you've read ready to go?  Are you seriously arguing that we should read books and that IDers don't have to?

21. What are IDers doing to garner respect?

22. Given that you believe ID is science because of "design inference", why is ToE not science because all it has is inference?

23. Can any human being know what is contained in a book without having read the book?

24. If everyone died in the Flood, who wrote all the different stories down?

25. What year was the Flood over? 2300 BC, answer provided for Ftk by blipey

26. What year was the height of the Egyptian Empire? 2030 BC, answer provided by blipey

27. What was the population of the world in that year? 30,000,000, answer provided by blipey

28. How did 8 people (6 really) make that many people?

29. Is Dembski a creationist?

30. How would monogamous gays destroy heterosexual marriage?

31. How did Koalas get from Ararat to Australia?

32. Do you believe that the FLOOD is a scientifically tenable idea?  yes

33. Are the people who run Baylor Darwin Police?

34. Are those same people Baptist?

35. What does this mean?

36. Given that HIV cannot have evolved (Behe), which of the 8 (6 really) people on the ark were carrying HIV?

37. Do you think that gravity is “just a theory” and therefore should be “taught critically” (to use the ID phrase)?

38. If not, what makes the details we don’t know about gravity different from the details we don’t know about evolution?

39. Do you believe Common Descent = Common Design?

40. Do you believe that Macroevolution = (not observed so did not happen)?

41. Despite the documented evidence, do you believe that macroevolution is based solely on historical inference?

42. Can you define macroevolution (in your own words)?

43. What evidence would confirm this?

44. Did God just make it look like the horse evolved, but in fact tinkered with the design along the way?

45.  Is the horse the only thing that evolved, but everything else is designed?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,19:18   

Can we add to that list some variation of the following question:

There are at least 40 distinct STDs. Were they distributed evenly among the passengers on Noah's ark, or was there like one Ultra-skank who had all 40?


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,19:25   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,18:57)
Louis, you LYING BASTARD!  

Your editting of your past posts to disguise this was one reason your edit privileges were removed.

BS!  I deleted about 3 posts one night because I felt like the conversation was seriously pissing Ian off.  I wanted to just do away with my comments altogether.  I tried to explain that.  I've never tried to "disguise" anything, you fruitloop!  Sheesh, I've been posting here for about 2 years or so, and that's the only time I deleted a few posts for cripes sake.

THIS IS WHY I NEVER, EVER EVEN CONSIDER A *SERIOUS* CONVERSATION WITH YOU.  I've watched your antics for over a year, and I simply don't care what you have to say on any given topic.  There are other people I'd MUCH rather discuss things with than you...obviously.

My editing privledges were taken away because of that one episode with was horrifically unfair, but then what can I expect from people who think that all ID supporters are nothing but a bunch of "liars for Jesus".

The reason why I appreciated Tom's comments is because he didn't talk down to me.  I could care less if the rest of you talk down to me or not, but it's impossible to carry on a conversation with someone who displays that attitude because I just get pissed off rather than think about what is being said.

Now, leave me the f**ck alone.  I'll discuss things with whomever I want to...and, again, IT WON'T BE YOU!!!

LOL touched a nerve did I?

Sure FTK, it's *my* fault you edit your past posts and even copy other people's posts to your site, omitting disclaimers which clearly indicate the comedy nature of said posts and then when called on it, inserting the disclaimer with the emphasis changed to suit your prejudices. So tell me, is it because we're all horribly biased and mean that your ability to edit your posts was removed, or was it perhaps for something vastly more akin to the reason I mentioned before.

Uh huh, it's *me* that did all that. Thanks FTK. Not only are you dishonest, you're hysterical when called on it. Thanks for making my point for me......again.

As for blaming my "attitude" FTK, I seem to remember that I was one of the last to lose patience with your mendacity and head directly to Mocktown. Of course the unaltered, black and white posts of many posters, myself included, demonstrate this unambiguously. That is unless you think you can demonstrate differently....but we both know you cannot and will not do that. You lack both the honesty and the ability and one rather vital thing: the evidence.

The only thing you don't like is when people call you on your deeply disingenuous bullshit. Hence why you whine and cry and chuck accusations about in the hope that, like a squid with ink, you'll disguise your tracks.

Last thing: strange isn't it that dozens of posts asking you to discuss the science, from the very start of your time here, and time and time again the only posts you respond to with any frequency are those that allow you to avoid discussing the science at all. Oh and FTK, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE talked down to you until you demonstrated that you were thoroughly dishonest, and even then, mockery =/= condescension. The chip on your rather clueless and uneducated shoulder is your own problem.*


* Now THAT was condescension. See?



Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,19:49   

Quote (Wolfhound @ Sep. 20 2008,23:55)
Holy shit!  FtK really needs to get laid a clue!   :O

Fixed it for you. I'm guessing she's been laid judging by the evidence (kids etc). Isn't it enough for any good christian woman to be laid as many times as she has children? ;-)



Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,20:23   

Quote (Richard Simons @ Sep. 20 2008,10:27)
Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 20 2008,11:24)
Consider the case of the throwing spears mentioned in your link. The spears were found at the site of Schoningen in Germany, and have been securely dated to 4000,000 years ago.

Do you have the right number of zeroes here? It is much older than I would expect.

One zero, ten zeroes, I'm cool with either.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2008,20:44   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 20 2008,17:18)
Can we add to that list some variation of the following question:

There are at least 40 distinct STDs. Were they distributed evenly among the passengers on Noah's ark, or was there like one Ultra-skank who had all 40?

Well, we're talking what, 5,000 years ago? Probably too long ago for Louis's mother.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 2195
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,01:28   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 19 2008,20:44)
So statements such as Keiths...
You may find it hard to believe, Ftk, but there are people in the world -- lots of them -- who actually care about the truth and enjoy discovering it for its own sake. Who find it thrilling, for example, that our very bodies are built out of atoms that were forged in the hearts of long-dead stars, while you yawn and ask, "What good does that knowledge do me?"

..are asinine.  To imply that creationists aren’t interested in discovering the *truth* about nature and how we play a part in it is utterly unfair.  


I wasn't talking about creationists in general.  I was talking about you, who with all the curiosity of a flatworm, wrote this:
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 18 2008,20:06)
Okay, Bill, back to this.  Now, this dude finds a jawbone, and he believes it to be from a primitive human.  My question  does this find benefit us today?

I know that there are creationists who (unlike you) are interested in learning the truth about nature, because I was one of them.  I was raised as a creationist, and it was my love of learning that gave me the tools and the knowledge I needed to look at creationism as a teenager and ask, "Is this true?  Does this make sense?"  The answer, of course, was no.

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 20 2008,06:42)
These suspicions - although they are really better characterized as hopes - underlie (or perhaps are required for) your [Ftk's] further hopes that what evolutionary biology generally and paleontology specifically have presented are arbitrary, relativistic narratives with no more claim to accuracy than the creationist narrative. You've said it many times: the evolutionary narrative is equally subjective, and even equally "religiously" motivated.

During a visit to my home state of Indiana this summer, I made a 'pilgrimage' to the Creation Museum near Cincinnati.  One of the exhibits was a life-size depiction of a fossil dig.  Two paleontologists -- a gray-haired Caucasian and a younger Asian colleague -- are working side by side.  The wise old graybeard -- who is naturally a creationist -- explains that he and his atheist colleague confront the same evidence, the same facts, and that the only reason they reach different conclusions is that they approach the evidence from different starting points.  He, as a creationist, assumes the truth of the Bible, while his colleague does not.

What goes unmentioned, of course, is that the two starting points are not equally supported by the evidence, and that one of them requires its holder to deny or ignore inconvenient evidence, or to twist it beyond recognition.  As Ftk amply demonstrates.

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,01:44   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 20 2008,21:44)
Well, we're talking what, 5,000 years ago? Probably too long ago for Louis's mother.

Hmm....I hadn't considered that.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,03:13   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,12:57)
Louis, you LYING BASTARD!  

Your editting of your past posts to disguise this was one reason your edit privileges were removed.

BS!  I deleted about 3 posts one night because I felt like the conversation was seriously pissing Ian off.  I wanted to just do away with my comments altogether.  I tried to explain that.  I've never tried to "disguise" anything, you fruitloop!  Sheesh, I've been posting here for about 2 years or so, and that's the only time I deleted a few posts for cripes sake.

THIS IS WHY I NEVER, EVER EVEN CONSIDER A *SERIOUS* CONVERSATION WITH YOU.  I've watched your antics for over a year, and I simply don't care what you have to say on any given topic.  There are other people I'd MUCH rather discuss things with than you...obviously.

My editing privledges were taken away because of that one episode with was horrifically unfair, but then what can I expect from people who think that all ID supporters are nothing but a bunch of "liars for Jesus".

The reason why I appreciated Tom's comments is because he didn't talk down to me.  I could care less if the rest of you talk down to me or not, but it's impossible to carry on a conversation with someone who displays that attitude because I just get pissed off rather than think about what is being said.

Now, leave me the f**ck alone.  I'll discuss things with whomever I want to...and, again, IT WON'T BE YOU!!!

Louis may be many things but he is not a liar. You (FtK) is/are far more dishonest than Louis.

BTW: Neither you or I are capable of having a *SERIOUS* conversation with Louis.*

*By which I mean a chemistry one.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,04:24   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ Sep. 21 2008,09:13)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,12:57)
Louis, you LYING BASTARD!  

Your editting of your past posts to disguise this was one reason your edit privileges were removed.

BS!  I deleted about 3 posts one night because I felt like the conversation was seriously pissing Ian off.  I wanted to just do away with my comments altogether.  I tried to explain that.  I've never tried to "disguise" anything, you fruitloop!  Sheesh, I've been posting here for about 2 years or so, and that's the only time I deleted a few posts for cripes sake.

THIS IS WHY I NEVER, EVER EVEN CONSIDER A *SERIOUS* CONVERSATION WITH YOU.  I've watched your antics for over a year, and I simply don't care what you have to say on any given topic.  There are other people I'd MUCH rather discuss things with than you...obviously.

My editing privledges were taken away because of that one episode with was horrifically unfair, but then what can I expect from people who think that all ID supporters are nothing but a bunch of "liars for Jesus".

The reason why I appreciated Tom's comments is because he didn't talk down to me.  I could care less if the rest of you talk down to me or not, but it's impossible to carry on a conversation with someone who displays that attitude because I just get pissed off rather than think about what is being said.

Now, leave me the f**ck alone.  I'll discuss things with whomever I want to...and, again, IT WON'T BE YOU!!!

Louis may be many things but he is not a liar. You (FtK) is/are far more dishonest than Louis.

BTW: Neither you or I are capable of having a *SERIOUS* conversation with Louis.*

*By which I mean a chemistry one.

Hi Steve,

First, thanks for the support!

Second, some of that isn't true at all. I think you, FTK, everyone is perfectly capable of a serious (and I mean SERIOUS) conversation with me, or indeed anyone.

Maybe that makes me an optimist. One thing that's true is the reason I get annoyed and take the piss out of FTK (and those like her) is because they try so very very VERY hard NOT to have any form of serious conversation. It's the shennanigans that annoy me. It's not FTK's lack of education or brains that prevent her from from having a serious conversation with anyone, at least one of those is eminently correctable, it's her lack of intellectual honesty and her continual bad faith interactions with people.

We've all been stupid or ignorant or what have you, and we've all learnt or been taught or had it beaten out of us somehow. Strangely FTK is fond of chucking out accusations of arrogance, whilst amusingly enough demonstrating an overweening, ignorant arrogance of a level I think a movie star would struggle to aspire to. Projection and denial, they are bitches!

As for whether or not I'm a liar on this issue, it's pretty easy to determine with a yes or no question:

Did FTK have her post editing privileges revoked because she went back and edited past posts in such a way that the original post was deleted/obscured?

All FTK's claimed motivations/rationalisations/whines about persecution after the fact are irrelevant. She did what she did.

It's not exactly rocket science. If I robbed a bank it wouldn't matter whether I was doing it to fund my lavish lifestyle or to feed my family, I still would have robbed a bank.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,04:27   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 21 2008,02:44)
Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 20 2008,17:18)
Can we add to that list some variation of the following question:

There are at least 40 distinct STDs. Were they distributed evenly among the passengers on Noah's ark, or was there like one Ultra-skank who had all 40?

Well, we're talking what, 5,000 years ago? Probably too long ago for Louis's mother.

Yeah, she was only 4 at the time. Now YOUR mother on the other hand.....well let's just say she's was responsible for what has become known as "original sin".*


*Not what the christians would have you believe it is, actually some kind of act of rampant deviance involving a donkey and a pile of wombat dung.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,08:00   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 20 2008,19:18)
Can we add to that list some variation of the following question:

There are at least 40 distinct STDs. Were they distributed evenly among the passengers on Noah's ark, or was there like one Ultra-skank who had all 40?

Done.  I thought a question to that effect had already been added, but it must have been the HIV thing.  I put yours in as a follow up, as it raises a distinct point.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,08:32   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 20 2008,09:11)
Thank you, Tom, for taking the time to discuss this in a serious manner.  You've given me some interesting things to think about.  

So, I'm going to spend a while thinking about them. ;)

IS THAT OKAY WITH THE REST OF YOU FOLKS, or are you going to press me to "answer more questions" right away?

Sure thing. We watched this maypole dance before, and it is always entertaining to see you wrap yourself up in so many contradictions that you have to flounce out, then come back later and hope that nobody remembers.

We do remember, however, and will always be around to remind you that your simple opinion about common design being the scientific equal of common descent will have to be supported by more than just your unsupported assertions that it is so. Evidence that this is not so, as presented by multiple participants here, will have to be rebutted with other evidence, not just repeated opinions. You should also know this, of course, but it seems that you hope we have forgotten that as well.

One would hope that the continued reappearance of Blipey's list would have disabused you of that notion a long time ago, however.

Oh, and BTW, it is most certainly not "condescending" to point out ignorance on the part of other discussants, when that ignorance has been repeatedly and flagrantly on display. Ignorance is not considered to be a problem in science; it can be fixed. An inability to learn, however, is a serious problem.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,09:39   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 19 2008,23:44)
Bear in mind that the geologic column was also originally devised by creationists before 1860 who believed more so in catastrophism rather uniformitarianism. The so-called "periods" and "eras" were later added to fit the evolutionary theory.  

As usual, wrong. Where do you get this carp?

The first serious attempts to formulate a geological time scale that could be applied anywhere on Earth took place in the late 18th century. The most influential of those early attempts (championed by Abraham Werner,among others) divided the rocks of the Earth's crust into four types: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary. Each type of rock, according to the theory, formed during a specific period in Earth history. It was thus possible to speak of a "Tertiary Period" as well as of "Tertiary Rocks." Indeed, "Tertiary" (now Paleocene-Pliocene) and "Quaternary" (now Pleistocene-Holocene) remained in use as names of geological periods well into the 20th century.


The identification of strata by the fossils they contained, pioneered by William Smith, Georges Cuvier, Jean d'Omalius d'Halloy and Alexandre Brogniart in the early 19th century, enabled geologists to divide Earth history more precisely. It also enabled them to correlate strata across national (or even continental) boundaries. If two strata (however distant in space or different in composition) contained the same fossils, chances were good that they had been laid down at the same time. Detailed studies between 1820 and 1850 of the strata and fossils of Europe produced the sequence of geological periods still used today.

The process was dominated by British geologists, and the names of the periods reflect that dominance. The "Cambrian," (the Roman name for Wales) and the "Ordovician," and "Silurian", named after ancient Welsh tribes, were periods defined using stratigraphic sequences from Wales.[7] The "Devonian" was named for the English county of Devon, and the name "Carboniferous" was simply an adaptation of "the Coal Measures," the old British geologists' term for the same set of strata. The "Permian" was named after Perm, Russia, because it was defined using strata in that region by a Scottish geologist Roderick Murchison. However, some periods were defined by geologists from other countries. The "Triassic" was named in 1834 by a German geologist Friedrich Von Alberti from the three distinct layers (Latin trias meaning triad) —red beds, capped by chalk, followed by black shales— that are found throughout Germany and Northwest Europe, called the 'Trias'. The "Jurassic" was named by a French geologist Alexandre Brogniart for the extensive marine limestone exposures of the Jura Mountains. The "Cretaceous" (from Latin creta meaning 'chalk') as a separate period was first defined by a Belgian geologist Jean d'Omalius d'Halloy in 1822, using strata in the Paris basin[8] and named for the extensive beds of chalk (calcium carbonate deposited by the shells of marine invertebrates).

British geologists were also responsible for the grouping of periods into Eras and the subdivision of the Tertiary and Quaternary periods into epochs.

{emphasis added}

Geologic time scale: History


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,10:05   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Sep. 21 2008,09:32)
Ignorance is not considered to be a problem in science; it can be fixed. An inability to learn, however, is a serious problem.

I would argue that an unwillingness to learn is the problem in question.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,10:26   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 21 2008,16:05)
Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Sep. 21 2008,09:32)
Ignorance is not considered to be a problem in science; it can be fixed. An inability to learn, however, is a serious problem.

I would argue that an unwillingness to learn is the problem in question.

Yup. Inability to learn renders one dead pretty rapidly! Try crossing a road with a severe inability to learn. ;-)

Mind you I suppose one could argue that FTK's unwillingness to learn has such profound psychological roots that it counts as a practical inability......

Trying very very very VERY hard not to learn is FTK's modus operandum. Any excuse will do. Facts getting in the way of your religious dogma? Cry "Persecution!", "Conspiracy!" or "You're all atheists on a daily basis!" as needed. Or make  some excuse not to have a conversation with people who are unsympathetic to your crap, whichever works for you.

So in the Hicksian vein, brothers, sisters, can't we come together and just agree that FTK is a comedy hysteric who to all practical intents and purposes is incapable of learning for some mythical reason?*


*Comedy. I actually think she CAN learn. Chips on her shoulders might need to be removed first.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,16:25   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 21 2008,22:26)
*Comedy. I actually think she CAN learn. Chips on her shoulders might need to be removed first.

I don't think so. Her latest foray here started with a blast on how scientists will not discuss the science. Ignoring the fact that she has run away from any scientific discussion (answering "yeh whatever" doesn't count). I just noticed that the top of this page she talks about common design again, after being shown that common design would not look like common descent.
Some people just get stuck in a loop.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2008,17:03   

I second bystander's statement.  The only possibility of Ftk learning anything is for her to have (in terms she may understand) a religious experience in the vein of Saul.  That being highly unlikely, she will continue to be stone cold ignorant.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

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