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  Topic: AF Dave Has More Questions About Apes, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,11:59   

why do you assume these 3 organisms EVER had a functioning GLO gene?  Maybe this gene DOES HAVE a function which we just don't know about.

Dave, we won't convince you that this gene doesn't have a function because it's virtually impossible to prove a negative.
Even it we could remove the gene and show you that this doesn't change anything in the phenotype, you would come and say "maybe it changed something we can't see".


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,12:13   

Quote (BWE @ May 12 2006,16<!--emo&:0)

Now that I go back and read the list I wrote, I am more curious than when I wrote it. Can you answer these questions?

Others here: Can you answer those questions?

(Without a reference)

Okay, I'll give your questions a try (without any research or reference to anything other than the questions themselves). And, before you laugh, keep in mind that I don't have an undergraduate degree in anything:

1) I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. The geology of the area is largely the result of the Pacific plate grinding up against the North American plate along the San Andreas fault. The terrane I live on is largely comprised of the Franciscan melange, mixed in with what appear to be large bits and pieces broken off of the Smartville Block which underlies most of the Central Valley in California. The geology of the San Francisco Bay Area is on the order of five million years old, and is comprised of sediments and metamorphic rocks of widespread provenance spread over much of the pacific rim.

2) Most of the fossils in the immediate area of marine origin, mostly dating from the late cretaceous/early Cenozoic.

3) This question is a bit vague, but often various speciation events are the result of geographical/climatological isolation events. Obviously climatological changes will result in differing habitat ranges. An example would be the northerly drift of many commercially-important fish like cod and salmon, which have drifted north as the climate has warmed up. Also, organisms can become reproductively isolated over longer timespans due to tectonic forces operating on continental landmasses.

4) Again, the question is somewhat vague and has more than one potential answer, but one thing a top-level predator in an ecosystem provides is selection pressure on its prey. Of course, it also provides population control.

5) Ridges and trenches are the result of tectonic activity involving the earth's crust and convection cells in the mantle. Trenches result when one oceanic plate subducts under another, as in the Cayman Trench and the Marianas Trench. The most famous spreading center is undoubtedly the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where upwelling magma creates a spreading center that runs the entire length of the Atlantic. As one moves away from the ridge, one encounters progressively older crustal material. A further observation would be that as the Mid-Antlantic Ridge creates new oceanic crust, the Atlantic Ocean gets larger, while subduction trenches in the Pacific make that ocean smaller.

6) Scientists believe that dinosaurs existed because they see abundant evidence for their existence in the numerous fossils they have discovered, deposited during the ~180 million years that dinosaurs existed (from ~220 mya until ~65 mya).

Estimates for the age of dinosaur fossils result from several converging lines of evidence, principally stratological estimates derived from estimates of sedimentation rates, along with radiological data. Also, estimates of mutation rates along with investigations into primitive and derived characteristics provide additional calibration for the dates of various fossils.

7) In general, the answer to this question probably involves the concept of nested hierarchies. To use an example AFDave should be able to understand: bats and birds seem superficially more similar than bats and chimps. However, cladistically bats nest more readily with chimps than with birds, because bats and chimps diverged more recently than bats and birds. While there are no mammals with feathers (a primitive characteristic), there are indeed mammals with wings (a derived characteristic).

8) The magnetic orientation of the seabed gives us evidence that the polarity of the earth's magnetic field has reversed numerous times over the earth's lifetime, with an irregular period of hundreds of thousands to millions of years. As seabed formed from oceanic spreading centers, the intrinsic magnetism of the rock "froze" in a particular orientation as the magma cooled. The stripes of opposing magnetic orientation in the seafloor moving outwards from spreading centers provides evidence for the creation of new seafloor at spreading centers and for reverses in the earth's magnetic field.

I'm sure there are more than a few errors here, but again, I did no research whatsoever to answer these questions; my answers are literally off the top of my head. So I won't take corrections to this post badly. And any corrections won't present a huge challenge to my world-view, either. After all, if I doubt your criticisms, I can always find out what the scientific consensus is.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,12:34   

Quote (Joe the Ordinary Guy @ May 12 2006,15:13)
Dave, I sense a genuine fear on your part that “IF no Creator God, THEN anarchy and chaos”. But why can’t you see that it is incomplete to cast the choice as “either-or”.

Poor afdave, you guys have really piled on him.

There's a point here, Dave. Just because evolutionary theories contradict a literal, fundy stile reading of your Bible doesn't mean there is no God (other things might there is no God -- and I think they do -- but not evolution). The universe could still have been brought into existence by something like God and then designed so that it would bring forth life.

There is a huge variety of ways people reconcile religion and science. You just haven't thought this through.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,12:46   

Whether spreading centers originate with convection cells in the mantle is in a little bit of controversy.  It's arguable that the subducting plates, pulled down by their cold, heavy, vater-infiltrated weight, are instead tugging open the spreading centers, which are then filled by unroofed mantle, which creates a void which then draws further mantle up from lower, higher-pressure areas, rather than the upwelling mantle "pushing" the spreading centers open.
Folks may wish to google Don Anderson, G. Foulger, top-down tectonics, and terms like that, or just go to, if they want to learn more about a REAL scientific controversy...  Doesn't mean the "top-downers" are RIGHT, of course, but it's an interesting example of what could be a paradigm-transition.
But generally I appreciated the answers to afdave about the geology of the San Andreas Fault, etc.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,13:04   

Well, here are my answers to your questions BWE.

Brittany (where I live) is an old mountain chain, the Armorican mountains. It's the result of the Hercynian (or was it Caledonian?) orogenesis which occurred during the Paleozoic era. Since then, it has been eroded to its impressive 400 m of maximum altitude.

Fossils: well not much since this is a granitic region, but during that timescale (from Paleozoic to present), a lot of species lived and died.

Species live in a particular places for:
- Ecological reasons: they are fit to a particular niche (habitat, resource, other species) that prevents their migration where it doesn't exist. That's why, if a climate change induces a displacement of their optimal habitat, their individuals that migrate in the correct direction are selected (habitat tracking) therefor a hole biota migrates.
- Historical reasons (seed dispersion, accidents, speciation events...)
(this is a very incomplete answer, it would require a whole book)

A top-level predator regulates its preys which themselves affect the lower levels of the trophic chain and so on. Therefore they are often considered as "key species".

Scientists think dinosaurs existed because they have found fossils. The time required for fossilization and sedimentation is important. Absolute dating by radionuclides confirms this.

Ridges and trenches in the ocean are caused by tectonic plates divergence and subduction.

Mollusks and echinoderms belong to very different groups. Mollusks are protostomian and echinoderms are deuterostomian. But within each group, taxa share ancestral traits, like the balstopore evolving into the mouth or the anus.

The magnetic orientation of some sediments indicates the direction of the magnetic poles, which are frequently inverted. (I think)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,13:40   

Thanks to Tom Ames for clarifying one point -- I thought you were bringing up something that was relevant to our discussion of the supposedly "broken GLO gene", but apparently I was mistaken.  

Maybe it's time for a review again.  I'll put it in bold so no one will miss it ... then I'll repeat it a few days from now for the slow ones

(1)  Get a biology degree
(2)  Become a genetic engineer
(3)  Get an advanced science degree
(4)  Become a biochemical researcher
(5)  Pretend I know more about biology than you
(6)  Become a geologist
(7)  Become an astrophysicist

OK?  ... again, I appreciate all the admonitions to get this or that degree or go buy this or that book ... but it's not necessary ... there are plenty of competent researchers like Mr. Nishikimi out there who give me the data I need, and of course I do have YOU ALL to keep me straight.

And I should point out that you guys do a great job of knowing biology and the workings of DNA and transcription and chromosomes and all these wonderful details.

Your problem is NOT your comprehension of the data or in understanding the mechanics of how things work.  You are even quite good at explaining this stuff -- Incorygible did a great job explaining the transcription thing.  Spent a lot of time on it too, I understand.

Your problem is simply your interpretation of data and your sometimes faulty logic.  I don't fault you for this ... it's understandable because of the overwhelming power of your Darwinian worldview.  You have been fed a steady diet of Darwinism since you were very young and it wields much power over your minds (much like a religion) and while this is not a problem for most of the things you do, it makes you fall into saying some illogical things when you start trying to explain your view of origins.

(1)  Find out firsthand why Darwinists believe humans and apes have a common ancestor and evaluate if this is reasonable.  We're making good progress here.
(2)  Find out firsthand why Darwinists are apparently losing the PR game in the USA.  I find it strange that Darwinists have been so unsuccessful in convincing the public of their views because of the virtual monopoly that Darwinists hold over schools, museums, magazines, the media, etc.
(3)  Present my evidence that supports a Designer, followed by evidence for YEC, the Flood, the inerrancy of the Bible, etc.
(4)  Help as many open-minded folks as possible who read my threads walk through all of my "SEVEN STAGES IN THE EVOLUTION OF A FORMER DARWINIST."

Again, these are ...

STAGE 1: ToE advocates are becoming frustrated because their explanations are sounding more and more like pro-geocentrism and pro-flat-earth arguments as time goes on.  
STAGE 2: The Ship of Darwin has hit an iceberg and a few brave souls are jumping into life boats before it sinks.  See
STAGE 3: And now, ordinary amateur scientists like me are jumping in the fray and shining the light on their weak arguments.
STAGE 4: Frustration ensues, followed by name calling, arrogant and belittling comments, talk of censorship, and the like.
STAGE 5: This is turn fuels more doubts in people minds. ("Why would that guy resort to name calling?  Doesn't he have any GOODS?" etc.)  
STAGE 6: Which in turn fuels more frustration and mental anguish.  And so the cycle goes until finally for some ... in a desperate moment ... possibly in the middle of the night ... or out on a peaceful lake while fishing ...
STAGE 7: THE LIGHT BULB COMES ON!  (Trumpets) And one more Darwinist is rescued from the darkness of error.

Now that we have that clarified, the present issue that we are discussing is ...

Again, some of you need to re-read yesterday's posts because someone made the same mistake today which was made yesterday, namely, someone today was basically saying ...

"Of course humans and apes have a broken Vitamin C gene.  Isn't that obvious?  Wouldn't it be obvious if there were some tires and broken car pieces laying on the side of the road that we were viewing a broken car?"

YES with the car.  NO with the genes.

Your mistake in logic is that you have ASSUMED that humans and apes at one time in their history actually had a functional GLO gene.  This has to be your assumption if you say it is "broken" now, and the fact is that you do not know this.  Also, you are assuming that you (or the genetics researchers, rather) know enough about the genetic language to even recognize an error.  My contention is that we (genetic researchers) know SO LITTLE about any genomes, that we cannot assert that this gene or that gene is broken.

Please tell me that you guys ARE aware of all the new information coming in about "junk DNA" that apparently isn't junk after all (the gene we are discussing IS one of those genes, right?)?  

You guys are the biology experts ... you should know this.

So am I clear now?  You guys did very well on the Chimp Chromosome thing, but on this thread, it seems you don't have much understanding of this particular issue and many of you apparently have not even read the relevant articles.

Do you really want me to go away from this thread thinking you guys are confused about this issue?  Because right now, that's what I think.  Remember, one of my goals is to try to determine why Darwinists have been only mildly successful in selling their views on the open market.  Your arguments on this thread so far help me understand why this is.

Maybe you can think about some of this tonight and redeem your arguments tomorrow.

Remember, you guys did good just last week on the chromo thing ... I know you guys can give me some substance on this thread as well.

Again, this is really simple ... all you have to do is present evidence of WHY you are so sure that humans and apes formerly had a functioning GLO gene, but now do not.  Simple, right?  Sleep on it ... it'll probably come to you.

(Oh, and BTW ... I think Atheists are very good, moral people ... it's the long term trend of society that worries me, but we'll get to that elsewhere ...)

Have a good night and I'll see you in the morning!

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,13:40   

Quote (Steviepinhead @ May 12 2006,17:46)
...if they want to learn more about a REAL scientific controversy...

You know, sometimes I think creationists like AFDave see any kind of scientific controversy (and the evo/ID thing is not a "scientific" controversy) as proof that scientists have no credibility.

Sure, there's lots of controversy in the scientific community about evolutionary biology. There are lots of things about how organisms evolve that are poorly understood. But that doesn't mean there's any controversy over whether organisms evolve. They do. There's no doubt whatsoever about that.

Not among scientists, anyway.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:08   

I can't even respond to AFDave's latest post. I'd just get mad and call him names. It's that combination of complete ignorance and arrogance that angries up the blood.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:08   

Quote (afdave @ May 12 2006,18:40)
(1)  Get a biology degree
(2)  Become a genetic engineer
(3)  Get an advanced science degree
(4)  Become a biochemical researcher
(5)  Pretend I know more about biology than you
(6)  Become a geologist
(7)  Become an astrophysicist

Dave, you have two choices:

1) you can go out and get a degree in the relevant field (in this case, evolutionary biology and related fields); or

2) you can rely on the opinions of those who already do have degrees in the relevant fields.

3) there is no third choice.

You can complain all you want about how our "worldview" is infected by our "Darwinist indoctrination" (and just for your information, Dave, I never even heard Darwin's name in any science class I ever took in the Bible-belt schools in Massachusetts), but the fact of the matter is that most of the points you dispute are in fact well-settled in the scientific community. Those of us here who are non-specialists in the relevant fields (biology, genetics) at least have the wit to know who has credible opinions on the matters at hand, and who doesn't. Douglas Theobald is credible; AiG is not.

If you persist in getting your information on science from disreputable sources, nothing anyone here can say will help you. It doesn't matter what we think the evidence is; it matters what the scientific community thinks it is.

Look, Dave. You either are open-minded or you're not. If you persist in holding onto discredited beliefs that have been comprehensively refuted, you're going to have a hard time convincing any of us that you're open-minded.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:13   

STAGE 4: Frustration ensues, followed by name calling, arrogant and belittling comments, talk of censorship, and the like.

Dave, you're entirely mistaken as to the causes of stage 4. The frustration you note comes not from our inability to support our arugments; it comes from your inability to understand our arguments.

Just out of curiosity: how many of BWE's questions were you able to answer correctly (or even understand) without doing any research?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:13   

Please tell me that you guys ARE aware of all the new information coming in about "junk DNA" that apparently isn't junk after all (the gene we are discussing IS one of those genes, right?)?  

You guys are the biology experts ... you should know this.

No, the gene we are discussing is not part of the DNA that IBM researchers have studied. In fact, most of our DNA, contrary to GLO, doesn't show any recognizable genic structure. But it can have a structural function for instance.

And we are aware of the latest discoveries before you, Dave.
However, I would point that there isn't any evidence yet for a biological function in the patterns recently discovered by IBM scientists. Even if it were, it wouldn't contradict evolution in the slightest.

But if you want a proof of common descent, I suggest you google "endosymbiosis" and "nucleomorph" or even "buchnera". (An evidence that is not discussed at talkorigins, afaik.).
Of course, it requires some basic knowledge in biology and doesn't falsify common design (nothing can).

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:21   

Find out firsthand why Darwinists are apparently losing the PR game in the USA.
I imagine it could have something to do with religion. And the fact that scientists don't tend to hire PR firms.

ToE advocates are becoming frustrated
Nope. Well none of the ones I know.

The Ship of Darwin has hit an iceberg
Nope, every paper I read answers another question.

My contention is that we (genetic researchers) know SO LITTLE about any genomes, that we cannot assert that this gene or that gene is broken.
We can assert that it does not produce the protein to make vitamin C.

Please tell me that you guys ARE aware of all the new information coming in about "junk DNA"
Ive read papers from the early eighties that talk about functional non-coding DNA and RNA. The term was origionally meant to mean long repetetive stretches of DNA. It has been a long time if at all since people thought only protein coding regions had function.

You guys are the biology experts ... you should know this.
Maybe you can think about some of this tonight and redeem your arguments tomorrow.
Remember, you guys did good just last week on the chromo thing ... I know you guys can give me some substance on this thread as well.
Many people on theis forum have been very patient with you, but you have shown your self to be willfully ignorant of the subjects you are trying to argue about. If you really want to have a decent conversation with scientists being undeservedly smug and patronising isn't the correct way to go about it.

The reason we are certain that a chromosome fusion occured is becuase we see the evidence that the sequences appear to match, and we know that such chromosome rearrangements commonly occur. Think about what you have learned about the vitamin C gene and you will see that we have applied the same reasoning. On the other hand, if you claim common design is a better hypothesis, you need only explain why.

ps Once again could you confirm or deny that you don't think we can infer any of this stuff as we didn't see it happen.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:30   

STAGE 1: ToE advocates are becoming frustrated because their explanations are sounding more and more like pro-geocentrism and pro-flat-earth arguments as time goes on.  
STAGE 2: The Ship of Darwin has hit an iceberg and a few brave souls are jumping into life boats before it sinks.  See

1- This is ironical, coming from someone taking the Bible as evidence for his hypothesis. :) But please, pick some research papers on evolution and explain how evolutionists' arguments evolve as you describe.

2 - Go read some recent scientific journal (Nature, Science) and show us where the shipwreck of 'Darwinism' lies.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:38   

STAGE 2: The Ship of Darwin has hit an iceberg and a few brave souls are jumping into life boats before it sinks.  See

Oh Dave you're so innovative. We've never heard that before.


Your problem is simply your interpretation of data and your sometimes faulty logic.  I don't fault you for this ... it's understandable because of the overwhelming power of your Darwinian worldview.

Never heard that one before either, Dave.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:52   

AFDave: Your smugness is quite grating. I assume you're doing that on purpose, no? It always amazes me how the preachiest christians lack what I would have thought would be the "zeroth commandment" of christianity: humility.

YOU need to reread the Vitamin C discussion. I asked you some specific questions that you have ignored.

Nobody really cares what your goals are and what they aren't. I can answer specific questions, if they're phrased sensibly and if I think that either you or some other reader might be interested.

Your [i.e. scientists'] problem is simply your interpretation of data and your sometimes faulty logic.
We check that on a daily, if not hourly basis. It's part of the job. Has it occurred to you that your interpretations and logic might be faulty, especially in light of the fact that your grasp of the basics is tenuous at best?

Now to cover some specifics:

Your mistake in logic is that you have ASSUMED that humans and apes at one time in their history actually had a functional GLO gene.  This has to be your assumption if you say it is "broken" now, and the fact is that you do not know this.
This is among the things I explained and you ignored. I'll try one more time. It's not an assumption. It's a tested hypothesis that follows from the theory of evolution. It's been cross-checked in thousands of organisms and it fits neatly with all the data. I asked you to explain why Nishikimi could expect to find gulo-homologous sequences in humans, orangs and guinea pigs, if not because of common descent. No response.

Please tell me that you guys ARE aware of all the new information coming in about "junk DNA" that apparently isn't junk after all (the gene we are discussing IS one of those genes, right?)?
Not only are we aware of it, we know what the research is actually saying. Moreover, we -at least no scientist I know-  never suffered from the cartoon misunderstandings that creationists so smugly infer from the unfortunate term "junk DNA".

This has become the creationists' all-purpose "get out of any argument free" card; when asked to explain some aspect of genetics that only makes sense in light of evolution,  you can always invoke a yet-to-be-discovered function of DNA, as you are doing here. What you are ignoring, though, is that there are real differences between the severity of the constraints imposed on DNA sequence by the requirement of functional protein coding and by the various "new" roles of non-coding DNA. There is no function of DNA that we know of, or that has even been suggested that imposes the kind of sequence constraints seen in the gulo pseudogenes, other than protein coding. As I pointed out yesterday, you can either explain it coherently in the framework of common descent, or you can admit that you just can't explain it, and hope that some future discovery will rescue your hypothesis in some completely unanticipated way. Sorry. That's just not an argument.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,15:19   

Quote (afdave @ May 12 2006,18:40)
Please tell me that you guys ARE aware of all the new information coming in about "junk DNA" that apparently isn't junk after all (the gene we are discussing IS one of those genes, right?)?

I'm aware of lots of new information coming out concerning "Junk DNA." None of it supports creationism.

What are you talking about?

This? :
Andras Pellionisz claims that so-called junk DNA is actually the "real" blueprints, stored in fractal patterns, that tells genes how to build living tissue. If correct, he stands to make billions of dollars from his patent application, which covers all attempts to count, measure and compare the fractal properties of introns (the more respectable term for junk DNA)

I think that idea sounds a little screwy, but it does seem to me that some junk DNA won't be the vesigial stuff we are predicting. Supposedly 90 percent of our genetic material is this junk DNA, but our bodies don't support 90 percent  junk organs -- or vestigial organs -- why would our DNA?

Are you aware of how Junk DNA was discovered and how it got called junk?

Using molecular engineering, they snipped out DNA sequences in mice embryonic stem cells and generated a strain of mice with the abridged genome.

They analyzed features such as growth, longevity and molecular and biochemical features, comparing the normal mice and those with the abridged genome, but found no difference.

You can't say Junk DNA is critical for that mouse when it is removed and the mouse still becomes a mouse.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,15:25   

AFDave said
blah blah blah junk dna blah blah

More nonsense we've heard so many times we've archived a response to it.

Further information.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,15:31   


And you're calling us confused?

Dave, that gene is a pseudogene. Pseudogenes are just part of what is commonly referred to as junk DNA, and noone says that they never had any coding function. In the case of this gene, we know it's function: We have identified the gene (in it's active form) in the rat,verified it's existense in many organisms, and it's corrupted form in primates and guinea pigs:


<edit: I can't seem to link to the article... Anyway, googling "Nishikimi et al, J Biol Chem 267" will do it.>

Which this gene is, and what it does (coding for a specific protein), is not a wild assumption; it is a FACT. A wild (and completely unsupportable) assumption is what you say: that the gene in question has some other imaginary, undefined purpose in its broken form, that we have not understood yet (or the mechanism by which it is produced), and it just happens to look identical to a broken GULO gene- and that's about as unscientific as you can get.
And what arguments do you provide for this? Analogies with language. Sheesh.
Dave, Language is arbitrary. Words are arbitrary.
"Barking" and "Barfing" look alike only because we made them that way in English, not because there's some magical connection between the two actions they represent, so that one can become the other with a change of a letter in the word (well, unless you believe in Kabbalah, that is :p).
Genetics is not arbitrary. Change (or rather, destroy) a key element in the complicated biochemical process of transcription, and it's not another intriguing result that suddenly pops up: You know what happens? That's right, nothing. Everything else is just wishful thinking on your part. Wishful dreaming, rather.
Dave, noone expects you to become a rocket scientist. We just think that it's necessary, since you also like to refer to yourself as an "amateur scientist", to have at least some knowledge of the fundamentals of the sciences (yes, whole sciences) you're arguing against.

Is that too much to ask?

You can start here, if you really came to learn something in these forums:
Answer key

I won't even adress your other "arguments" (about losing the PR fight, ToE's boat sinking etc). They were blown to smithereens the first time you posted them; it gets tedious after a while.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:36   

Hi AFDave,

Let me see if I can add something to the conversation.

You've been arguing that what appears to be a broken GLO in primates may not be in fact broken at all, but is rather a designed stretch of DNA that performs some unknown function (we'll call this "pseudo-GLO").  You haven't stated it explicitly, but I think we can infer that this putative function has nothing to do with Vitamin C synthesis (seeing as primates and guinea pigs can't do it).  That is, pseudo-GLO has a function entirely distinct from regular GLO.

If pseudo-GLO has a distinct function, we could use the framework of common design (as well as common descent) to predict that pseudo-GLO would be found in organisms that have functioning GLO.  This is because there is no reason to predict that a gene unrelated to Vitamin C would only be found in GLO-deficient species.

So there are two possible scenarios:
(1) Pseudo-GLO is found throughout the animal kingdom (either ubiquitously, randomly, or in nested hierarchies).  This type of scenario, where a species has a functional gene and a pseudogene is not uncommon.

(2) Pseudo-GLO is only found in species unable to synthesize vitamin C.

It seems to me that a design hypothesis would only predict scenario (1), for reasons discussed above.  Common descent would predict either scenario (2), or scenario (1) with nested hierarchies of Pseudo-GLO (this would be the result of a duplication of GLO followed by the inactivation of one of the copies, which still persists in the population).  Seeing pseudo-GLOs (especially those that look very much alike) randomly throughout the animal kingdom would certainly be a surprise to me (I can think of a mechanism by which it might occur, but we won't get in to that).  Ubiquitous pseudo-GLO would strongly imply that it has an important function, but would not really support either common descent or common design over the other.

I haven't done the research to find out which is the case, but there should be sufficient online tools to find out which is the correct scenario.  With the relatively low number of genomes sequenced, it is probably not possible right now (using good ole look-it-up-online methods) to differentiate between the subscenarios of scenario (1).

I'm willing to look up the information for you (assuming you don't know how to do a BLAST search) if you're willing to concede that scenario (2) does not logically fit with a special creation model.

So how's about it, Dave?  Shall we do some science?

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:39   

Quote (afdave @ May 12 2006,18:40)
Your mistake in logic is that you have ASSUMED that humans and apes at one time in their history actually had a functional GLO gene.

No, dave. It's not an assumption. It's an inference, based on evidence. There's a difference.

By the way, it's rather amusing to see you try to lecture people on mistakes in logic:
IF Common Descent is true, then there is no need for a Creator....There is no afterlife, no heaven, no ####, no judgment for actions in this life, and the best we can do is live in harmony with our fellow man and have a good time until we die.  And when we die, that's the end of the story.

Is this what you consider logic? There couldn't possibly be a God, heaven, he##, and common descent? Why not?
Could it be that the Creator God spoken of in the Bible might in fact be one and the same as the Designer of the Cosmos and Biological Systems...

Yes, it could be. I don't see anyone claiming it's impossible. However, you do understand that mere possibility does not logically support a proposition, right? After all, it could be that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created us with his noodly appendage. What do you think that means, logically?
...for which evidence continues to mount?

Not that I can see, it doesn't. You've promised to provide some, but all I've seen are erroneous attacks on evolutionary theory, references to fine tuning, and incredulity about how life looks designed.

Is that your idea of logic? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:44   

Quote (normdoering @ May 12 2006,20:19)
What are you talking about?

This? :
Andras Pellionisz claims that so-called junk DNA is actually the "real" blueprints, stored in fractal patterns, that tells genes how to build living tissue. If correct, he stands to make billions of dollars from his patent application, which covers all attempts to count, measure and compare the fractal properties of introns (the more respectable term for junk DNA)

I think that idea sounds a little screwy....

It sure does. Anyone who thinks the word introns is just a "more respectable term for junk DNA" clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,17:37   

Speaking of shared ancestry!

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,18:21   

Ok AFDave. Everyone but you got my point. But I guess I have to speak slowly for you.

Y o u    a r e n ' t   q u a l i f i e d    t o   h a v e   t  h i s    d i s c u s s i o n .

You can't say anything with out a basic knowledge. You couldn't answer those questions because they weren't directly about evolution. BUT! You really can't understand the science of evolution without really getting those questions. Note, when I asked a vague question, the respondents could still respond intelligently.

You have yet to do that.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Rilke's Granddaughter

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,18:21   

Poor afDave.  I have to admire your chutzpah, considering the extraordinary scientific illiteracy you display.

Gentle hint: you've failed on all counts.  Just thought you'd like to know.

(1)  Find out firsthand why Darwinists believe humans and apes have a common ancestor and evaluate if this is reasonable.  We're making good progress here.
No, actually we're not.  In order for you to understand why we accept the CA as the best current explanation, there is a certain irreducible amount of biology that you must know.  Comments such as
Your mistake in logic is that you have ASSUMED that humans and apes at one time in their history actually had a functional GLO gene.  This has to be your assumption if you say it is "broken" now, and the fact is that you do not know this.  Also, you are assuming that you (or the genetics researchers, rather) know enough about the genetic language to even recognize an error.  My contention is that we (genetic researchers) know SO LITTLE about any genomes, that we cannot assert that this gene or that gene is broken.
demonstrate that you know so little of the relevant genetic theory that it is not possible to educate you.

You have to educate yourself to a base level (say, 12th grade biology) before you can even start to understand.  Once you've gotten there, we'd be happy to help you.

Until then, we'll just have to laugh.

(2)  Find out firsthand why Darwinists are apparently losing the PR game in the USA.  I find it strange that Darwinists have been so unsuccessful in convincing the public of their views because of the virtual monopoly that Darwinists hold over schools, museums, magazines, the media, etc.
Never understimate the stupidity of the human species.  Ever.  Most people can't think; most of the remainder don't think; and the few who do think mostly don't do it very well.

That and the fact that ignorance and stupidity (as you are demonstrating in this thread) are always easier.  You don't have to use your brain that way.

(3)  Present my evidence that supports a Designer, followed by evidence for YEC, the Flood, the inerrancy of the Bible, etc.
Well, you've posted dozens of times, and have yet to present any evidence whatever.  Are you planning to start anytime soon?

(4)  Help as many open-minded folks as possible who read my threads walk through all of my "SEVEN STAGES IN THE EVOLUTION OF A FORMER DARWINIST."
Poor baby: you're hear to preach.

Sorry, no one is listening.  I mean really and truly, there are NO lurkers here who find you convincing.

Any lurkers find Dave convincing?  Speak up now!

(Crickets chirping)

Rilke's Granddaughter

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,18:28   

Quote (stevestory @ May 12 2006,19:08)
I can't even respond to AFDave's latest post. I'd just get mad and call him names. It's that combination of complete ignorance and arrogance that angries up the blood.

Oh, but one can't get mad at Dave; it would be like getting mad at a four year old for explaining that he can make you disappear by closing his eyes.

It's cute.

I admit it's rather tedious, since he's not saying anything we haven't heard several hundred times (and quite often better expressed - clarity and logic don't seem to be Dave's strong points), but it's impossible to get angry.  It would take an actual argument from Dave to get me angry.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,20:43   

That is the problem with fundies in general. They don't understand how come we lump them together. They always feel like "they" have a special knowledge. And yet, it's always the exact same knowledge with the exact same understanding behind it.

Dave, GoP, T-diddy, and whoever else like you out there, you have to know a few things first. You should know enough earth science to know how different fields find similar info. You should know enough biology to understand process rather than mechanics. mechanics at the genome level are so tied up in process that they are meaningless without that understanding.

If you could skip the 4-8 grueling years of college and possibly grad school or doctoral dissertation that it takes to get to the point where you can discuss these topics in any meaningful way, don't you think the scientists would be doing it?

I even went to grad school in science and I don't know half of what these guys who are specialists are talking about. The difference between me and the nutjobs though is that I know what subject they are talking about. I know specifically what it is that I don't know. So I know what education I would need to really know what this gene or that gene is really for. And I can tell you this: I know how to look at mine or your or anyones DNA with the naked eye. I've done it in Jr. High biology class where I occasionally guest lecture. But would I be qualified to use new discoveries in genetics to argue that all of science is wrong? I'd have to be pretty convinced, I'll tell you that. And, having undergone a rigorous science training, I can say that It would be impossible without a much more thorough training than that. Look to Hawking for it maybe. But not anyone who starts with belief. That isn't how science works. If you can understand what Gould was saying, you will have come quite a ways but without the cross-discipline general knowledge, you will always fall short.

And Dave, T-diddy, GoP, et. al.- you are the guys who are standing around with your pants around your ankles. It doesn't have to do with gay genes or vitamin c genes or god genes or blue jeans, it has to do with trying to fit reality to your pre-existing belief system rather than the other way around.

There is a lot of disagreement over the nature of the human condition, morality, spirituality etc. among the folks who make fun of you. They (we) aren't a homogeneous group. I bet we could discover nuanced understandings of economics as well as quite unsophisticated ones. That is likely in any subjective field. It's just that once you have learned to look at the data before you come to conclusions, you really can't go back. You can disagree over interpretation but not data. You are disagreeing over data. We can tell whether your arguments are a product of your beliefs rather than any kind of evidence.

After hearing enough folks who think they have an answer - like you guys- we all begin to realize that not only do you not base your arguments on evidence, you actively ignore overwhelming evidence that doesn't support your beliefs.

I'm sorry to break this to you but no one has the slightest idea about god. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that we can feel our connection to the cosmos and whatever but no book on Earth has ever been written by anything other than a human and your idea that the bible contains any truth as to the actual genesis stories is sadly mistaken. There is overwhelming evidence from all sources that converge on a point and the sacred texts don't fall within that space.

As mentioned before, that doesn't make them not sacred, it just makes the idea of sacred a little more complicated. But that is the price we pay for our evolution, we have to think harder and harder to stay afloat.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,21:06   

Here AFDave, I corrected some minor mistakes you made in your list:

(1)  Understand the most basic things about biology
(2)  Understand the most basic things about genetic engineer
(3)  Learn from those with advanced science degrees
(4)  Understand the most basic things about biochemical research
(5)  Care one little bit about actual biological facts
(6)  Understand the most basic things about geologist
(7)  Understand the most basic things about astrophysicist

(1)  Pretend to be seeking information when all I really want is an audience to evangelize to.
(2)  Lie about my motives so I can keep you guys responding as long as I can
(3)  Preach my literal Bible views to all you atheist evilutionists out there with no intention of ever backing up any of my BS.
(4)  Do my “witnessing” to amass my Get-Into-Heaven points.

Face it Dave, you see yourself as some noble missionary savior going into the land of the heathen savages to bring Jeebus into their black hearts.  Problem is, 95% of those "heathen savages" are way better educated on the topic than you, and 100% of them are more honest than you.

Your problem is NOT your comprehension of the data or in understanding the mechanics of how things work.  You are even quite good at explaining this stuff -- Incorygible did a great job explaining the transcription thing.  Spent a lot of time on it too, I understand.

Your problem is simply your interpretation of data and your sometimes faulty logic.  I don't fault you for this ... it's understandable because of the overwhelming power of your Darwinian worldview.  You have been fed a steady diet of Darwinism since you were very young and it wields much power over your minds (much like a religion) and while this is not a problem for most of the things you do, it makes you fall into saying some illogical things when you start trying to explain your view of origins.

Actually Dave, it’s not our problem at all that you choose to remain such a willfully ignorant dumbass.  You’ve had dozens of kind folks explain to you in great detail the basic mistakes and idiotic claims you get from AIG, but you keep right on making them without missing a beat.  You’ve also proven to be quite the intellectual coward.  I’ve yet to see you answer any of the tough questions you get asked every day, like

“Should ALL scientific results have to undergo rigorous, critical peer-review before being taught in schools, and WHO is qualified to do the peer-review?”


"Why should the opinion of an uneducated layman mean more than that of a dedicated professional science researcher?"

You just don your ballet slippers and tutu, and pirouette daintily away.  Most military pilots I know seem to walk on water when under pressure – you just pass water.

You’re busted Dave. Your “Lying for Jesus” is readily apparent to folks because, unfortunately, we’ve seen far too much of it from arrogant know-nothings like you.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,03:59   

Argystokes said ...
Hi AFDave,

Let me see if I can add something to the conversation.

You've been arguing that what appears to be a broken GLO in primates may not be in fact broken at all, but is rather a designed stretch of DNA that performs some unknown function (we'll call this "pseudo-GLO").  You haven't stated it explicitly, but I think we can infer that this putative function has nothing to do with Vitamin C synthesis (seeing as primates and guinea pigs can't do it).  That is, pseudo-GLO has a function entirely distinct from regular GLO.

If pseudo-GLO has a distinct function, we could use the framework of common design (as well as common descent) to predict that pseudo-GLO would be found in organisms that have functioning GLO.  This is because there is no reason to predict that a gene unrelated to Vitamin C would only be found in GLO-deficient species.

So there are two possible scenarios:
(1) Pseudo-GLO is found throughout the animal kingdom (either ubiquitously, randomly, or in nested hierarchies).  This type of scenario, where a species has a functional gene and a pseudogene is not uncommon.

(2) Pseudo-GLO is only found in species unable to synthesize vitamin C.

It seems to me that a design hypothesis would only predict scenario (1), for reasons discussed above.  Common descent would predict either scenario (2), or scenario (1) with nested hierarchies of Pseudo-GLO (this would be the result of a duplication of GLO followed by the inactivation of one of the copies, which still persists in the population).  Seeing pseudo-GLOs (especially those that look very much alike) randomly throughout the animal kingdom would certainly be a surprise to me (I can think of a mechanism by which it might occur, but we won't get in to that).  Ubiquitous pseudo-GLO would strongly imply that it has an important function, but would not really support either common descent or common design over the other.

I haven't done the research to find out which is the case, but there should be sufficient online tools to find out which is the correct scenario.  With the relatively low number of genomes sequenced, it is probably not possible right now (using good ole look-it-up-online methods) to differentiate between the subscenarios of scenario (1).

I'm willing to look up the information for you (assuming you don't know how to do a BLAST search) if you're willing to concede that scenario (2) does not logically fit with a special creation model.

So how's about it, Dave?  Shall we do some science?

This is an excellent discussion here.  I like the terminology you use to keep everything clear.  You are correct that I have lately focused on the question "Why are researchers so sure this is a broken gene?"  I think this is a legitimate question to ask (but I could be wrong) in light of statements like this from Watson (co-discoverer of DNA) in 2003 ...

‘The most humbling aspect of the Human Genome Project so far has been the realization that we know remarkably little about what the vast majority of human genes do.(Watson, J.D., DNA: The Secret of Life, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, p. 217, 2003.)

and we are obviously learning much about pseudogenes as the following title suggests ...
PSEUDOGENES: Are They "Junk" or Functional DNA?
Evgeniy S. Balakirev1,2 and ­Francisco J. Ayala1­
1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-2525; email:
2Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok 690041,
Russia and Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology, and Biotechnology, Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok 690600, Russia; email:

And the answer may well turn out to be that it is in fact a broken gene, when more is known.  But if the answer is "Yes, it IS broken", then there is another question which immediately follows.  I mentioned this early on and we never explored it.  The next questions would be these ... "Did it break independently in humans and apes?  Or did it break in our ape-like ancestor and get transmitted to both apes and humans as Dr. Max asserts?"  Is it not just as plausible that both ape and human GLO "broke" independently?  Design hypothesis predicts similarity in the the two genomes also, but for a different reason than common descent advocates.  It seems to me that it is quite probable that IF apes and humans did in fact at one time have functional GLO, the functional genes would have been quite similar (is it not true that OTHER functional genes found today in apes and humans are similar?)and the large differences b/t apes and humans that we see today would have also been seen at that time in the past.  This scenario also seems to me to be supported by the 2003 Inai study comparing guinea pig and human pseudo-GLO.  Guinea pigs and humans are obviously not in sister groups, but they both have pseudo-GLO, which actually has 36% "identicalness" according to the report.  Are we to conclude that humans are more closely related to guinea pigs who (like humans) have pseudo-GLO, than to pro-simians who have functional GLO?  It seems that the guinea pig-human pseudo GLO similarity all by itself falsifies common descent for apes and humans.

So I think the following possibilities exist ...
(1) Pseudo-GLO is NOT "broken GLO" and is found throughout the animal kingdom (either ubiquitously, randomly, or in nested hierarchies).  This type of scenario, where a species has a functional gene and a pseudogene is not uncommon.
(2) Pseudo-GLO IS "broken GLO" and is only found in species unable to synthesize vitamin C ... this is because the gene "broke" in the ape-like ancestor, then this "broken gene" was copied throughout the evolutionary path to humans.  If this is true, however, you would still need to explain how the gene broke independently in the guinea pig ancestor, but wound up in modern guinea pigs looking "36% similar" to modern human pseudo-GLO.  You have the problem of the appearance that humans are more closely related to guinea pigs than to the pro-simians! (who have functional GLO)
(3) Pseudo-GLO IS "broken GLO" and is only found in species unable to synthesize vitamin C ... this is because all animals were designed with a functional gene, but now some have independently lost function because of mutations.

I realize that at this point, I have not given positive evidence for the Design Hypothesis regarding apes and humans, because that was not my goal on this thread.  I have only pointed out that Dr. Max's assumptions -- (a) this is a broken gene and (b) if it is broken, this proves common descent -- are unwarranted assumptions.

This whole thread started because someone (I think Renier) said he used to be a YEC advocate, but abandoned it because of this issue which he thought was a closed case.  If nothing else, I think I have shown that it is definitely not a closed case.

As for which of the above 3 scenarios is true, I obviously do not know yet.  It does appear that (2) is not consistent with the evidence that we DO have.  My suspicion is that (3) will turn out to be the correct one when more is known.  Either (1) or (3) appears to be consistent with the Design Hypothesis.

ps Once again could you confirm or deny that you don't think we can infer any of this stuff as we didn't see it happen.
I confirm that we can indeed infer many things in spite of the fact that we did not see it happen with our own eyes.  In fact, this is my exact argument on my other thread where I INFER a the idea of a Super-Intelligent Engineer from "apparently engineered" biological "machines."  I also INFER an Intelligent "Parameter Setter" from the "apparent precise setting" of the many parameters required for life in the Cosmos in which we find ourselves.

1- This is ironical, coming from someone taking the Bible as evidence for his hypothesis.
 Again, if you read my threads, you will see that Bible is  a source for plausible hypotheses.  It is not "evidence" to support them.  My evidence comes from scientific observation of nature.

It's not an assumption. It's a tested hypothesis that follows from the theory of evolution. It's been cross-checked in thousands of organisms and it fits neatly with all the data. I asked you to explain why Nishikimi could expect to find gulo-homologous sequences in humans, orangs and guinea pigs, if not because of common descent. No response.
Are you saying that the analysis proposed by Argystokes has already been done?  I know of GLO being analyzed in a few primates, guinea pigs and humans, but thousands of organisms?  

By the way, it's rather amusing to see you try to lecture people on mistakes in logic:  "IF Common Descent is true, then there is no need for a Creator....There is no afterlife, no heaven, no ####, no judgment for actions in this life, and the best we can do is live in harmony with our fellow man and have a good time until we die.  And when we die, that's the end of the story.
Is this what you consider logic? There couldn't possibly be a God, heaven, he##, and common descent? Why not?
Notice carefully what you just did ...

I said this ..."IF Common Descent is true, then there is no need for a Creator"

and you quoted me as saying this ...

"There couldn't possibly be a God, heaven, he##,and common descent?

BIG, BIG difference.  Think about it.  We need to be very careful in our quotes and our logic.  I believe these types of assumptions, rushes to judgment, and lack of sound logic are precisely why Darwinists are painting themselves into a corner which will ultimately be an embarrassment to them.  We have already seen the embarrasment to Darwinists of their failed predictions in the fossil record.  Darwinists predicted continuous transitional forms in the fossil record.  Creationists predicted ubiquitous gaps.  Creationists were correct.  Darwinists predicted true "vertical evolution" (or macro-evolution), but leading evolutionary scientists have now admitted that no true vertical evolution from one kind of organism to a more complex kind has ever been observed in all human history. Creationists predicted that any "evolution" would be lateral or downward and this has been confirmed.  Creationists also predicted the limited variation that we see in natural and artificial selection, but Darwinists try to use this as evidence for their failed predictions of true vertical evolution, when in fact it is better evidence for "designed adaptability" put in the originl created "kinds" by the Creator.  Since all this and many other things outlined by Denton and others have been embarrassing and unanswerable by Darwininsts, they are now repeating the same logical mistakes at the molecular level.  I predict the results will be the same.  And if that were not enough, they are calling Creationists and ID people stupid for questioning their theories!!

After all, it could be that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created us with his noodly appendage.
I admit this is a logical possibility.  I challenge you to find evidence which supports it.

AFDave: Your smugness is quite grating. I assume you're doing that on purpose, no? It always amazes me how the preachiest christians lack what I would have thought would be the "zeroth commandment" of christianity: humility.
Have I not demonstrated humility by "eating crow" graciously about the chimp chromosome issue?  I think what you perceive as smugness here is in reality a little bit of satire and poking fun at a theory.  I am trying very hard to use innovative tools to jar people's thinking.  I think Darwinists are so steeped in logical fallacies that it takes something rather jarring to make them wake up and see the errors.

I think that idea sounds a little screwy, but it does seem to me that some junk DNA won't be the vesigial stuff we are predicting. Supposedly 90 percent of our genetic material is this junk DNA, but our bodies don't support 90 percent  junk organs -- or vestigial organs -- why would our DNA?
 My point exactly.  I am not familiar with the "fractal" theory or whatever it was.  I do not claim to have an idea about what all that "junk DNA" does.  It will be fun to investigate it though.

No, dave. It's not an assumption. It's an inference, based on evidence. There's a difference.

Thank you for agreeing with me (and Meyer) that INFERENCES to the Best Explanation are valid.  This is exactly what I am doing on my other thread to try to explain a Creator.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,04:24   

It seems that the guinea pig-human pseudo GLO similarity all by itself falsifies common descent for apes and humans.

I wish there was some way to make you see how stupid a thing to say this is, Dave. I tried, before, with the petroleum example, but you just can't get it. If you could see how this makes you look, you'd stop making a fool of yourself. But I don't think you can. You don't know enough to know how ridiculously mistaken you are.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,04:37   

You have the problem of the appearance that humans are more closely related to guinea pigs than to the pro-simians! (who have functional GLO)

Ah hahahahahahahaha! Yeah, if you're comparing that one little piece of DNA, and not the other ~99% of the evidence! Thanks for the belly laughs this morning!

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