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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,00:59   

Oh Ogre, I almost forgot. Your cat and dog examples are a poor representation of brown bear to polar bear and dichotomies because the white fur of polar bears is more than likely an epigenetic regulation of melanin and hollowing.

The Panda is a whole different beast and I dont believe that its chromosomes fused with a grizzly bear but its sesmoid thumb morphology is more than likely epigenetic as it is in so many other beast

And thanks. Its great that you step up to the plate


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,01:15   

Quote (Henry J @ Nov. 04 2011,13:34)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 04 2011,10:22)
Quote (Henry J @ Nov. 04 2011,11:09)
If the endocrine system itself evolved, then any traits affected by it would have evolved via the DNA that guided the endocrine system itself.

Therefore that argument isn't against the basic principles of evolution, it's merely against one particular detail.

Where is your evidence?

The fact that it works the same way in all Eukaryotes indicates that it first appeared in its complete state simultaneously in all those critters and hasnt mutated.

Evidence for WHAT?

I didn't make a claim there; I pointed out that your argument doesn't do what I presume you're wanting it to.

Your claiming a big If with no umph


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,03:10   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Nov. 04 2011,14:43)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Oct. 22 2011,21:42)
blah blah blah...

so you admit that you can't explain it in your own words?

Oh, and you are wrong... most scientists do NOT describe the beginning of the universe as a huge explosion.  Protons didn't even exist for the first second of the universe (I may have been wrong earlier... I didn't bother to look it up... now I have).

Atoms didn't exist for the first 3 minutes of the universe.  Therefore it couldn't have been CAUSED by a thermonuclear explosion... nuclei didn't exist.

Nucelosynthesis (i.e. the formation of nuclei) only occurred between 3-20 minutes AFTER the Big Bang began.  Nucleosynthesis results in lots of hydrogen and a little helium being formed through thermonuclear fusion.  Fusion STOPS after 20 minutes into the process because the universe has cooled and the density has lowered to the point where fusion can no longer occur.

Now, here is a list of cosmology texts and reference texts.  Find one, just a single one that states (as you do) the CAUSE of the Big Bang is a real chemical or nuclear explosion.

Again, if you don't know these simple facts and how they came to be regarded as facts, then you are poorly educated and really need to learn some basic cosmology before even beginning to argue it.

Again, I'm willing to teach you, but you have not indicated that you are willing to learn.

Just to be perfectly clear you are arguing against and ANALOGY that is usually used in elementary schools.  One that is known to be incorrect, but because of its absolute simplicity is good for those students who have not reached the sophistication of 7th or 8th grade.

Now, let's talk about the Cambrian 'explosion'.  I'm not sure what you're complain actually is, but being as you scoffed at my 50 million years (are you a young Earth creationist?  really?) let's discuss... no, let me explain the facts of basic geology to you, then you can go cry.

Here's an article that gives some of the radiometric dates for the Cambrian time frame.
Jago, J.B.; Haines, P.W. (1998). "Recent radiometric dating of some Cambrian rocks in southern Australia: relevance to the Cambrian time scale". Revista Espańola de Paleontología: 115–22.

Now, the Cambrian is the Geologic period that begins the Paleozoic and ends with the Ordivician.  Before you get all huffy, you need to understand that the geologic period was named well before the discovery of the massive radiation of life was known during it.

The precise date of the Cambrian will probably be officially declared to be 542 million years ago (plus or minus about 300,000) based on three major lines of evidence.  The first is called the carbon anomaly.  It is a sudden drop in the presence of carbon-13 in the rock layers.  Interestingly, this coincides with the second reason which is that of a notable horizon of volcanic ash that is calculated to the same age.  Which further explains the third line of reasoning which is the mass extinction of pre-cambrian fossils.
(Gradstein, F.M.; Ogg, J.G., Smith, A.G., others (2004). A Geologic Time Scale 2004. Cambridge University Press.)

The Ordovician is marked at 488.3 mya+- 1.7 million years based on another major extinction event.  Coincidentally, it also matches well with the spread of trilobites, conodonts, and graptolites, which, do to their uniqueness and variations over time are fantastic index fossils.

Since 50 million years isn't precise enough for you, then I'll go with 53.7 million years plus or minus 2 million years.  I realize that the level of error is longer than humans have existed, but we're looking backwards half a billion years.

Is that sufficiently precise?

I will note that you have STILL failed to provide any evidence or support ANY of your assertions and still believe that evidence is based on quotes.  

I have provide some of the materials I used, feel free to look them up and if you find a mistake, do let the nobel prize committee know.  I would suggest you discuss it here before claiming such a mistake though, it would be really embarrassing to declare someone in error because you don't understand the difference between laptons, haydrons, and baryons.

Oh yes, I did talk about the Big Bang... in terms of an explosion.  Had nothing to do with genetics, the endocrine system, or phenotypes.  BTW: Do you want to state it correctly or shall we just call that one a draw?  You learned something (hopefully) and I learned something.

How about forastero?  You still think something exploded (either a chemical, nuclear, or sub-nuclear high speed exothermic reaction) to cause the Big Bang?

Oh yeah, the rest of my quote describes the Cambrian.  Curiously, there several references to peer-reviewed work in there.  And I think, IIRC, that those are my words, explaining the definition of the Cambrian Era.  When I type "Cambrian" into google, I get lots of geologic era links, several fossil links, a school district in West Jose, a granite countertop company, but no biomes... I wonder why that is?

BTW: As I recall, you brought up uniformitarianism and made the claim that radiometric dating is invalid because of... what?  and your evidence is...?

Actually, you had had looked into some billions of years-old crystal ball chronologies  when I said:

Its pseudoempericism to say that no kinds of radiometric contamination are alterations occurred in billions or even thousands of years is as ridiculous as saying dinosaur soft tissue can last millions of years. Plus, please tell me how this type of radiometric dating

Then you insisted that no fundamental forces in our universe have changed over time and I countered with:

-Uniformitarianism is pseudoscience because in reality our sun is dying, the earths rotational spin is slowing, Lunar rotations are dissipating, ocean currents are slowing, the earth's internal heat is cooling, tectonics is slowing, star migration is slowing, the magnetic field is weakening, the hydrologic cycle is drying up, oceanic tides are weakening, fruits and vegetables of today have lost large percentages of their mineral content over the last 50 years, bones are becoming less dense, etc.......

I gave you many quotes from top scientists who claimed "explosion" including from your own links. Plus the priest that developed the Big Bang theory said it was an explosion and Einstein concurred that the priest was right.

Again for the fifth time, try googling Cambrian and benthic

What geologic columns? You can find stratigraphic relatively  in recent terms but uplifting destroys, mixes and or contaminates very ancient stratigraphy. Even Cenozoic sites are a jumbled hodgepodge dated by preconceived ideas.  Even De Vince knew that. Just look at a geological map. Its a mosaic spread out horizontally in all kinds of crazy looking mosaics based on index fossils, which were supposedly originally dated by depth. This is circular reasoning. Plus, we are finding living index fossils all the time


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,03:18   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Nov. 04 2011,12:09)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 04 2011,11:53)
The  rapid appearance of fossils in the “Primordial Strata” was noted as early as the mid 19th century by a creationist,[6] Buckland, W. (1841). Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology

Please define "sudden". Please define "rapid".

A day?
A year?


faster than a modified monkey on roidz and caffeine can type his ABCs


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,03:29   

A real live one


Then you insisted that no fundamental forces in our universe have changed over time and I countered with:

-Uniformitarianism is pseudoscience because in reality our sun is dying, the earths rotational spin is slowing, Lunar rotations are dissipating, ocean currents are slowing, the earth's internal heat is cooling, tectonics is slowing, star migration is slowing, the magnetic field is weakening, the hydrologic cycle is drying up, oceanic tides are weakening, fruits and vegetables of today have lost large percentages of their mineral content over the last 50 years, bones are becoming less dense, etc.......

Yet the fundamental forces remain the same. To account for a young universe the change in speed of light would have fried adam and all other life. Strange how on one hand all of the universal constants have been perfectly designed for life but then they can be warped to suit a young universe.

As for the rest, wow they are certainly making creationists stupider - Fruit and vegetables have less minerals? Not if you shop at the right places.

Star migration is slowing?? WTF


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,03:50   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 04 2011,17:06)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,02:17)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Nov. 04 2011,07:10)
Here's another question for your list of ones you won't answer.

Why do you require impossible evidence for science (i.e. evidence that no actual science requires and all scientists acknowledge that doesn't exist) and not require the same level of evidence for your own position.

You haven't even told us your position, though it sounds vaguely YEC.  Would you be willing to argue with someone who is a ID supporter but says that the designer is not God and the Bible has nothing to do with design?

Would you be willing to subject your notions to the level of scrutiny that you are giving to science?

If 'no' to any of the above, why?

So you admit no scientist can't even explain the notorious   prokaryote to eukaryote and ape to man dichotomies?

I debate theistic evolutionists, Buddhist, alien seed mongers, creationists, and IDers and learn from them too.  Some are much more right than others and it often comes down to the individual. Things like DNA and soft tissue in fossils, thermodynamics etc indicate a young earth to me. I believe the Bible. I believe life was created but adapts slightly by epigentics and not random mutations.

Well the Bible has over 100 references to a flat earth. Also it is pretty clear that the sky is solid and heaven sits above. Why can this be ignored but everything else must be taken literally? The truth is that YECs are cafeteria christians just like everybody else and that the anti science and the rest are just cultural badges to use against perceived enemies. People are seeing through this and are leaving christianity in droves.

You give the game away when you say debate. In a debate you ignore 90% of what the opposition says and hit on the 10%. For people who seek the truth will worry about the other 90%, Ask any of the ex-YECs on this board.

A young earth can't explain:

limestone caves nearby that are caused by a number of very slow processes.

Why the grand canyon meanders.

Fossils are laid out in the order that supports common descent, not in body size or how fast they can out run the flood.

Sediments are obviously laid down by many different processes.

No dinosaurs with modern mammals. Different habitats doesn't wash as Fossils of dinosaurs are found all over the world in many different habitats.

etc. etc.

If I was a YEC and after the truth, these kind of things would keep me up at night. If I was a cultural warrior full of bluster, I'd just ignore it and search for my next debating point.

Nope no flat earth stuff in the Bible

Those so called mammal like reptiles are modern mammals

Fossil areas all over the world have mammals and dinosaurs in the same vicinity

Again, your geologic column  is faith based


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,03:57   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,03:29)
A real live one


Then you insisted that no fundamental forces in our universe have changed over time and I countered with:

-Uniformitarianism is pseudoscience because in reality our sun is dying, the earths rotational spin is slowing, Lunar rotations are dissipating, ocean currents are slowing, the earth's internal heat is cooling, tectonics is slowing, star migration is slowing, the magnetic field is weakening, the hydrologic cycle is drying up, oceanic tides are weakening, fruits and vegetables of today have lost large percentages of their mineral content over the last 50 years, bones are becoming less dense, etc.......

Yet the fundamental forces remain the same. To account for a young universe the change in speed of light would have fried adam and all other life. Strange how on one hand all of the universal constants have been perfectly designed for life but then they can be warped to suit a young universe.

As for the rest, wow they are certainly making creationists stupider - Fruit and vegetables have less minerals? Not if you shop at the right places.

Star migration is slowing?? WTF

speed of light ? thats all? Anyway, the amount of light hitting the earth has definitely changed and does change a lot. Your Gould scriptures will tell you that

And Wrong

And yes


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,03:58   

Dear Michael and Ogre

Mt. St. Helens and Catastrophism
by Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.
The eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State on May 18, 1980, is certain to be remembered as one of the most significant geologic events in the United States of the 20th century. The explosion, on May 18, was initiated by an earthquake and rockslide involving one-half cubic mile of rock. As the summit and north slope slid off the volcano that morning, pressure was released inside the volcano - where super hot liquid water immediately flashed to steam. The northward-directed steam explosion released energy equivalent to 20 million tons of TNT, which toppled 150 square miles of forest in six minutes. In Spirit lake, north of the volcano, an enormous water wave, initiated by one-eighth cubic mile of rockslide debris, stripped trees from slopes as high as 850 feet above the pre-eruption water level. The total energy output, on May 18, was equivalent to 400 million tons of TNT - approximately 20,000 Hiroshima-size atomic bombs. by Chris Ashcraft by Chris Ashcraft

the eruption at Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980 was an important geological event because we were able to witness and document large-scale catastrophic processes, which are otherwise extremely rare. For creation science, the event was most notable because of the rapid deposition and erosion that provided a sizable model of the type of activity likely to have taken place during the great Biblical flood of Noah. The work done at the volcano during its eruption by the creation scientist, Steven A. Austin, et. al. to document this event is a highly recommended study.
Stratified layers up to 400 feet thick formed as a result of landslides, pyroclastic flow, mudflows, etc., during the Mt. St. Helens eruption. Fine laminae from only a millimeter thick to more than a meter high formed in just a few seconds each. A deposit more than 25 feet in thickness, and containing upwards of 100 thin layers accumulated in just one day on June 12, 1980. Naturalists have long claimed that stratified layer such as those found in the geological column have accumulated over vast periods of time, and these laminates represent long season variations or annual changes. However, the Mt. St. Helens deposits have demonstrated that catastrophic processes are able to create these geological formations in a short
Perhaps the most remarkable catastrophic events to have occurred at Mt. St. Helens was the rapid erosion that was accomplished by mudflows, landslides, and waves of water. On March 19, 1982 a small eruption melted the snow that had accumulated in the crater over the winter, and a resulting mud flow eroded a canyon system up to 140 feet deep. The deepest of the canyons pictured at right has affectionately been called the little Grand Canyon of the Toutle River, and is one-fortieth the size of its namesake. The small creek that now flows through the bottom would appear to have carved this canyon over a great length of time, but this unique event has demonstrated that rapid catastrophic processes were instead responsible for this canyon. The Grand Canyon in Arizona has also been claimed for some time to have been carved gradually by the Colorado River, but it is now becoming clear this American icon is as well the result of catastrophic erosion.
Loowit Falls Canyon (pictured at right)
“Spilling from the crater, Loowit Falls reshapes the north slope of the volcano. ‘You’d expect a hardrock canyon to be thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years old,’ says Peter Frenzen, monument scientist, ‘but this was cut in less than a decade." National Geographic, May 2000, p. 121.
As a result of the volcanic eruptions, thick deposits of fine laminate accumulated that was later eroded into large canyons. Naturalists have long claimed that these features, which are common to earth's geology, were accomplished over great lengths of time. The rapid production of these formations at Mt. St. Helens provided evidence that catastrophic mechanisms, such as those ongoing during the Biblical flood, could instead be responsible.

Oh yeah and the Toutle River  meanders threw it


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,04:15   

The canyon system doesn't snake like the grand canyon.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,04:20   

Quote (David Holland @ Nov. 04 2011,20:27)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 04 2011,01:35)

We cant even get relatively recent Egyptian or Mesoamerican chronologies right but the high priests of academia somehow miraculously explain everything under the sun during some so called millions of years of volcanic, tectonic, glacial, and flood activity? Btw, millions of years that it would take for all of their so mutations to actually create new critters.

Can you explain isochron dating and tell me why it is wrong?
The fossil record shows that every so called era had an explosion of diverse life, a major extinction event, an ice age, and fossils laid down in water 99.9 % of the time. In accord to Occam's razor, most of these gargantuan cataclysms should represent just one event. On the other hand, circular reasoning has scientists dating fossils by their geologic layers and dating layers by their index fossils but they should be labeling these layers as eco zones.

I would like more information on why you think every geological era had an ice age. Where can I find the evidence for the Mesozoic ice age?
Ecosystems from the arctic to the tropics all have community organization where mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, aquatic organisms etc. partition themselves in accord to the resources that they can best adapt to. So its logical that mammals and dinosaurs probably inhabited different niches too.  Likewise, the fossil record preserves paleoecosystems that indicate this same community organization and resource partitioning. For example, the Burgess shale of the Canadian Rockies consists of marine life but go a few miles north or are south in these same mountains and you will find dinosaur or mammal fossils. On the other hand, major fossil mammal sites are often in the same vicinity as major dinosaur sites in parts of Canada, Montana, Wyoming, China, Argentina etc.. Scientists often claim geologic shuffling via tectonic activity, flood etc..

I would be interested in learning how different ecological zones came to be stacked vertically. When you say mammals and dinosaur fossils are found in the same vicinity do you mean the same strata? Because if they are not found in the same layer it doesn't support your postion at all.

Just google things like Cambrian ice age or Jurassic ice age etc

Again, They are not stacked on top of each other

You didnt read my position carefully, dinosaurs and mammals may have often lived in much different niches but when they are found in the same vicinity its their strata are automatically separated or referred to as contamination

Do a study on paleoecology


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,04:22   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,04:15)
The canyon system doesn't snake like the grand canyon.

No canyons snake the same because no giant giant forces snake the same


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,04:29   

Most importantly though is that fact that all kinds of dinosaurs are found with soft tissues


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,04:29   

Flat earth ...

Isaiah 11:12  
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH. (KJV)

Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (KJV)

Job 38:13
13 That it might take hold of the ENDS OF THE EARTH, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (KJV)

Jeremiah 16:19
19 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ENDS OF THE EARTH, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. (KJV)

Daniel 4:11
11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH: (KJV)

Matthew 4:8
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (KJV)

Proverbs 8:27-  When he prepared the heavens, I was there, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep

Isaiah 40:22-  It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

Also unmoving:

I Chronicles 16:30: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable."
Psalm 93:1: "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm..."
Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable..."
Psalm 104:5: "Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken."
Isaiah 45:18: "...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast..."

I wont even start on the firmanent and vaults of heaven


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,04:40   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,19:22)
Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,04:15)
The canyon system doesn't snake like the grand canyon.

No canyons snake the same because no giant giant forces snake the same

Exactly - a canyon that is created over millions of years will meander like the grand canyon

with the mt St Helens comparisions:

The sediments on Mount St. Helens were unconsolidated volcanic ash, which is easily eroded. The Grand Canyon was carved into harder materials, including well-consolidated sandstone and limestone, hard metamorphosed sediments (the Vishnu schist), plus a touch of relatively recent basalt.

The walls of the Mount St. Helens canyon slope 45 degrees. The walls of the Grand Canyon are vertical in places.

The canyon was not entirely formed suddenly. The canyon along Toutle River has a river continuously contributing to its formation.

The streams flowing down Mount St. Helens flow at a steeper grade than the Colorado River does, allowing greater erosion.

The Grand Canyon (and canyons further up and down the Colorado River) is more than 100,000 times larger than the canyon on Mount St. Helens. The two are not really comparable.

Edit: wrote St Helens instead of Grand Canyon


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,06:15   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,04:29)
Most importantly though is that fact that all kinds of dinosaurs are found with soft tissues

Citation please.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,07:06   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Nov. 05 2011,21:15)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,04:29)
Most importantly though is that fact that all kinds of dinosaurs are found with soft tissues

Citation please.

Haven't they found that the soft tissue was just bacterial film?


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,07:12   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Nov. 05 2011,12:15)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,04:29)
Most importantly though is that fact that all kinds of dinosaurs are found with soft tissues

Citation please.

Tyrannosaurus Andrex.

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,07:37   

Btw, I have witnessed tiny dogs eagerly mounting much bigger dogs that were were lying down; and yes, a great dane can produce tiny puppies.

finally we see who this fucking clown is.

Ghost, welcome back.  missed you!

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,08:01   

Quote (Woodbine @ Nov. 05 2011,13:12)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Nov. 05 2011,12:15)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,04:29)
Most importantly though is that fact that all kinds of dinosaurs are found with soft tissues

Citation please.

Tyrannosaurus Andrex.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,08:47   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,00:47)
Well your last two posts simply reveal you reduced to
Hitleresque Big Lie propaganda(The bigger the lie and the more its repeated, the more its believed).

Actually I have mentioned the term polyphenisms a few times and several pages back. On the other hand, how can you not understand that the selection of ancestral phenotypes is the same as selecting polyphenisms and where did you ever mention them?

How were you hounding me about epigenetics when it was you who tried to ridicule me after my informing you how its controlled mostly by the endocrine system?

My view hasnt changed at all. The major polyphenisms are selected directly and non-directly by the interaction of hormones and neurons.

Again, the entire point of the discussion is that yo have everything backwards. That is mother nature doesnt select mutations that just happen to appear at just the right time and place. What happens is that stress hormones select phenotypes in accord to time and place.

I never said that mutations didnt exist. Just go back to the hairless dogs that we covered at the very beginning of our discussion. Like your short legged cats, its a mutation that is non-viable when homozygous. Likewise not all ridgebacks have ridges and there is a  connection to crippling dermiods and homozygoes ridges. I will inform you though that short legs isnt always a negative with cats. It could actually help them clime or scurry through burrows. Likewise not all DNA sequence changes are random. Some are Bauplan by design and a few are directional.

Like I told you before, you are just picking out mutations that dont really make the dog in its essence but rather usually detract from it in  one way or another. More importantly they arnt even leading to new species, let alone whole new classes. Btw, I have witnessed tiny dogs eagerly mounting much bigger dogs that were were lying down; and yes, a great dane can produce tiny puppies.

I'll admit, I learned something about various things here.

However, you are still making wild and so-far unsupported claims.


That is mother nature doesnt select mutations that just happen to appear at just the right time and place. What happens is that stress hormones select phenotypes in accord to time and place.

But if you are NOT talking about a polyphenic gene or a poly morphic gene, then you cannot say this.

Do you maintain that EVERY gene is controlled by the endocrine system?  I think that this is the MAIN point of contention all along.  You have never said that some genes are controlled by the endocrine system, you seem to be saying that ALL are.

And so what if they are, it still doesn't mean evolution is wrong.

If so, then I'll need the peer-reviewed documention to show this.


Like I told you before, you are just picking out mutations that dont really make the dog in its essence but rather usually detract from it in  one way or another.

Really, define 'detract'.  You seem to think that there is something that makes a perfect dog.  Which one is it, Dane's or Whippets?  Are all other dogs, less dogs because they have short-leg mutations that detract from dogginess?


More importantly they arnt even leading to new species, let alone whole new classes.

I've made my claim and I think it could be supported.  However, would you like a list of speciation events.

I've already explained why your need to create new classes is ridiculous and not expected of evolution.  It certainly isn't expected in one human lifetime.

But that's not important to you, just whatever you think helps your case.

So, basically, the entire discussion we've been arguing over was a complete waste of time as far as this discussion goes.

You are still making claims that have no basis in reality (that every phenotype is controlled by the endocrine system)*.

Oh and the last bit.  A female Great Dane can have very little puppies... but a female dachshund cannot have very large puppies.


* This sentence, which you used, is still so fraught with error that i think my confusion was understandable.  You may not see it that way, but your confirmation basis.  You are a very poor teacher.  If you had just answered the questions when I asked them, we could have avoided all this.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,08:54   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,00:59)
Oh Ogre, I almost forgot. Your cat and dog examples are a poor representation of brown bear to polar bear and dichotomies because the white fur of polar bears is more than likely an epigenetic regulation of melanin and hollowing.

The Panda is a whole different beast and I dont believe that its chromosomes fused with a grizzly bear but its sesmoid thumb morphology is more than likely epigenetic as it is in so many other beast

And thanks. Its great that you step up to the plate

Why?  My examples are what happens.  I'll need peer-reviewed evidence that polar bears and brown bears are actually the same species and that if you put a brown bear in the arctic it will become a polar bear.  I'll need evidence that an epigenetic change will last for 100,000 years (the time of the earliest recorded polar bear).

Please quote where I said a panda fused with a grizzly.  What I said, is that the panda maintains the entire range of traits that identify it as belonging to order carnivora.  In that way, a panda is more like a brown bear than a horse.

Please quote the evidence from a peer-reviewed study that the panda's thumb is epigenetic.

It's a damn shame that you won't step up to the plate.  You keep making claims with absolutely no supporting evidence.

I'll repeat... even if much of the changes are epigenetic and environmental (which is not the case), then it  still does not mean creationism is right and evolution is wrong.

Care to deal with the Flood geology? Or do you want to provide any evidence that I'm asking for?

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,09:15   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,03:10)
Actually, you had had looked into some billions of years-old crystal ball chronologies  when I said:

Its pseudoempericism to say that no kinds of radiometric contamination are alterations occurred in billions or even thousands of years is as ridiculous as saying dinosaur soft tissue can last millions of years. Plus, please tell me how this type of radiometric dating

Then you insisted that no fundamental forces in our universe have changed over time and I countered with:

-Uniformitarianism is pseudoscience because in reality our sun is dying, the earths rotational spin is slowing, Lunar rotations are dissipating, ocean currents are slowing, the earth's internal heat is cooling, tectonics is slowing, star migration is slowing, the magnetic field is weakening, the hydrologic cycle is drying up, oceanic tides are weakening, fruits and vegetables of today have lost large percentages of their mineral content over the last 50 years, bones are becoming less dense, etc.......

I gave you many quotes from top scientists who claimed "explosion" including from your own links. Plus the priest that developed the Big Bang theory said it was an explosion and Einstein concurred that the priest was right.

Again for the fifth time, try googling Cambrian and benthic

What geologic columns? You can find stratigraphic relatively  in recent terms but uplifting destroys, mixes and or contaminates very ancient stratigraphy. Even Cenozoic sites are a jumbled hodgepodge dated by preconceived ideas.  Even De Vince knew that. Just look at a geological map. Its a mosaic spread out horizontally in all kinds of crazy looking mosaics based on index fossils, which were supposedly originally dated by depth. This is circular reasoning. Plus, we are finding living index fossils all the time

Oh yeah here we go again.  Do you read what we write?

1) look up isochrons, explain in detail why all isochron dating methods are wrong and yet they still all converge on the same date.

2) The sun is 'dying' by known physical, chemical, and nuclear processes that are consistent with known processes.  In fact, it is also known that these processes are exactly the same as they were about 13 billion years ago... because we can see these processes in action 13 billion years ago.

3) Earth's rotation and Lunar rotations are caused by the exact same thing, a transfer of energy from the Earth to the Moon, causing the Earth to slow and the Moon to speed up, moving away from us.  This is simple, very simple, physics.  It is a known, explained process that does not mean fundamental laws are changing.

4) currents change all the time.  Major currents also change, just more slowly.  This is a known and explained process that does not indicate fundamental laws are changing.

5) Earth's internal heat is based on radiation.  When the process or radioactive decay occurs (a known process that does not indicate fundamental laws are changing) that means there is less material to warm the interior of the Earth.  

I could go on, but there is no point.

You, forastero, are confusing the fundamental laws of nature, with the natural process of entropy as energy flows are used to create work and some of that energy is lost to non-productive heat.  

There is nothing in this list that implies or indicates in any way that a fundamental law, force, or character is changing.

I have previously asked you for evidence for the latter three of these claims and you did not provide any.

Quotes!?!?!? Who cares?  An explosion is a simple explanation for people who can't understand expansion.  I'll ask you again... what exploded?  Since even sub-atomic particles and matter/anti-matter didn't exist until AFTER the big bang... what exploded?

The Cambrian was an era.  The benthic fossils that you are concerned with were FOUND in a variety of rocks that are Cambrian in age (i.e. 530 mya and 580 mya).  The reason, of course, that all the life was benthic is because a) There were no land dwelling species at the time and b) the formations that caused the majority of the fossillization were underwater landslides on continental shelves and canyons.

I don't understand why you can't understand this.

No, they are not.  The geologic column was developed and used for construction purposes well before Darwin was born.  In fact, the early (Christian) geologists could look at the fossils in a rock column and tell you what kind of rock it was and what kind of rock was above it and below it.

Interestingly, your claim here makes a mockery of entire fields of industry that are making billions of dollars per year (oil, diamonds, coal, etc).  So, since they are making money (lots of money) off what you claim to be inaccurate, I think that pretty much trumps your claims.

No, we do not find living index fossils all the time.  That's why they are index fossils because they lived for a very specific amount of time and then no more were ever found.  Like I said, oil geologists use index fossils daily.  It works.

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,09:16   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,04:15)
The canyon system doesn't snake like the grand canyon.

The canyon carved by Mt. St. Helen's was also carved in very loose sediment, not limestone (which, btw, is so hard that you can make giant buildings from it).

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,09:18   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,04:29)
Most importantly though is that fact that all kinds of dinosaurs are found with soft tissues

Citation please.

I'll note for the record that you said that dinosaurs are found with soft tissues.. not IMPRESSIONS of soft tissues.

I'll also state that we are referring to any species that at a minimum was extinct prior to the KT boundary 65 mya.  Birds don't count here.

So, please present the evidence with a citation from peer-reviewed literature.  You also claimed 'all kinds', so I'll need at least one citation from every major family of dinosaurs.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,09:20   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,03:57)
Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,03:29)
A real live one


Then you insisted that no fundamental forces in our universe have changed over time and I countered with:

-Uniformitarianism is pseudoscience because in reality our sun is dying, the earths rotational spin is slowing, Lunar rotations are dissipating, ocean currents are slowing, the earth's internal heat is cooling, tectonics is slowing, star migration is slowing, the magnetic field is weakening, the hydrologic cycle is drying up, oceanic tides are weakening, fruits and vegetables of today have lost large percentages of their mineral content over the last 50 years, bones are becoming less dense, etc.......

Yet the fundamental forces remain the same. To account for a young universe the change in speed of light would have fried adam and all other life. Strange how on one hand all of the universal constants have been perfectly designed for life but then they can be warped to suit a young universe.

As for the rest, wow they are certainly making creationists stupider - Fruit and vegetables have less minerals? Not if you shop at the right places.

Star migration is slowing?? WTF

speed of light ? thats all? Anyway, the amount of light hitting the earth has definitely changed and does change a lot. Your Gould scriptures will tell you that

And Wrong

And yes

Citation please for the fruits and bones thing.  I asked well over a week ago.  None yet.

The amount of light hitting the Earth has changed... duh.

This is a well known phenomena that the sun goes through cycles of lowered and increased radiative output.  It is in no way evidence for or implying that any fundamental laws of the universe are changing.

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,11:35   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,04:29)
Flat earth ...

Isaiah 11:12  
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH. (KJV)

Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (KJV)

Job 38:13
13 That it might take hold of the ENDS OF THE EARTH, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (KJV)

Jeremiah 16:19
19 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ENDS OF THE EARTH, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. (KJV)

Daniel 4:11
11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH: (KJV)

Matthew 4:8
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (KJV)

Proverbs 8:27-  When he prepared the heavens, I was there, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep

Isaiah 40:22-  It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

Also unmoving:

I Chronicles 16:30: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable."
Psalm 93:1: "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm..."
Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable..."
Psalm 104:5: "Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken."
Isaiah 45:18: "...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast..."

I wont even start on the firmanent and vaults of heaven

The Hebrew Bible uses poems  consistent with  the ancient Middle Eastern cosmology, such as in the Enuma Elish, which described a circular earth surrounded by water above and below, as illustrated by references to the "foundations of the earth" and the "circle of the earth. In numerous passages, the bible refers to the earth as a campus in relation to night and day, boundaries and winds (easterlies, northerlies etc) so the four corners or "wings" logically means north, south, east and west. For instance Job 26:10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.

Nebuchadnezzar was in a prophetic dream-time state and thus able to see the earth from afar and seeing the ends of the continents.  

Likewise, in  Mathew, even if Satan can see through solid earth, his best vantage point to see, accuse, and influence all of the kingdoms would logically be from a distance like a "angel of [false] light" (imagine a parabolic beam), hence the name "prince of the power of the air". This is why there are so many depiction  of ancient gods giving of conic and oblique powers

Early Church fathers like Augustine and Constantine’s tutor Lactantius believed in a spherical earth. The early Christian also often depicted symbols of Christ over the sphere of the earth or angels holding a spherical earth.

The flat earth ties to Christians was based mostly on lies by bible hating humanists like John W. Draper and Andrew Dickson White   Russell, J. B. 1997. Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus & Modern Historians. Praeger Paperback, Westport, Conn.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,11:59   

And here are just a few examples of dino soft tissue that leaves da cave boys in da dust

A wing membrane from a 60 ft Pterosaur

Mososaur soft tissue

The Smoky Hill chalk of Kansas has been the source of several well preserved and nearly intact shark "mummies",

Specimen also displays several areas of soft-tissue preservation, including the cartilage that attached the shoulder girdle to the skeleton and connected the ribs at the sternum.

Ichthiosaur soft tissue

Exceptionally well preserved pterosaur wing membrane from the Cretaceous of Brazil

Preservation of the bone protein osteocalcin in dinosaurs

Bits of Triceratops Gene Extracted

Geologists Find First Clue To Tyrannosaurus Rex Gender In Bone Tissue


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,12:05   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,04:40)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,19:22)
Quote (MichaelJ @ Nov. 05 2011,04:15)
The canyon system doesn't snake like the grand canyon.

No canyons snake the same because no giant giant forces snake the same

Exactly - a canyon that is created over millions of years will meander like the grand canyon

with the mt St Helens comparisions:

The sediments on Mount St. Helens were unconsolidated volcanic ash, which is easily eroded. The Grand Canyon was carved into harder materials, including well-consolidated sandstone and limestone, hard metamorphosed sediments (the Vishnu schist), plus a touch of relatively recent basalt.

The walls of the Mount St. Helens canyon slope 45 degrees. The walls of the Grand Canyon are vertical in places.

The canyon was not entirely formed suddenly. The canyon along Toutle River has a river continuously contributing to its formation.

The streams flowing down Mount St. Helens flow at a steeper grade than the Colorado River does, allowing greater erosion.

The Grand Canyon (and canyons further up and down the Colorado River) is more than 100,000 times larger than the canyon on Mount St. Helens. The two are not really comparable.

Edit: wrote St Helens instead of Grand Canyon

More pseudoempiricism from you. Various anomalies at St Helens and abroad show that super chaotic cataclysm forces dont always snake the same way as you say. Some gouge out vertically some not so vertically


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,12:08   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,01:50)
Fossil areas all over the world have mammals and dinosaurs in the same vicinity

Of course they do, muppet.  Mammals evolved from synapsids in the Triassic.  What's your point?

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2011,12:15   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Nov. 05 2011,08:47)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 05 2011,00:47)
Well your last two posts simply reveal you reduced to
Hitleresque Big Lie propaganda(The bigger the lie and the more its repeated, the more its believed).

Actually I have mentioned the term polyphenisms a few times and several pages back. On the other hand, how can you not understand that the selection of ancestral phenotypes is the same as selecting polyphenisms and where did you ever mention them?

How were you hounding me about epigenetics when it was you who tried to ridicule me after my informing you how its controlled mostly by the endocrine system?

My view hasnt changed at all. The major polyphenisms are selected directly and non-directly by the interaction of hormones and neurons.

Again, the entire point of the discussion is that yo have everything backwards. That is mother nature doesnt select mutations that just happen to appear at just the right time and place. What happens is that stress hormones select phenotypes in accord to time and place.

I never said that mutations didnt exist. Just go back to the hairless dogs that we covered at the very beginning of our discussion. Like your short legged cats, its a mutation that is non-viable when homozygous. Likewise not all ridgebacks have ridges and there is a  connection to crippling dermiods and homozygoes ridges. I will inform you though that short legs isnt always a negative with cats. It could actually help them clime or scurry through burrows. Likewise not all DNA sequence changes are random. Some are Bauplan by design and a few are directional.

Like I told you before, you are just picking out mutations that dont really make the dog in its essence but rather usually detract from it in  one way or another. More importantly they arnt even leading to new species, let alone whole new classes. Btw, I have witnessed tiny dogs eagerly mounting much bigger dogs that were were lying down; and yes, a great dane can produce tiny puppies.

I'll admit, I learned something about various things here.

However, you are still making wild and so-far unsupported claims.


That is mother nature doesnt select mutations that just happen to appear at just the right time and place. What happens is that stress hormones select phenotypes in accord to time and place.

But if you are NOT talking about a polyphenic gene or a poly morphic gene, then you cannot say this.

Do you maintain that EVERY gene is controlled by the endocrine system?  I think that this is the MAIN point of contention all along.  You have never said that some genes are controlled by the endocrine system, you seem to be saying that ALL are.

And so what if they are, it still doesn't mean evolution is wrong.

If so, then I'll need the peer-reviewed documention to show this.


Like I told you before, you are just picking out mutations that dont really make the dog in its essence but rather usually detract from it in  one way or another.

Really, define 'detract'.  You seem to think that there is something that makes a perfect dog.  Which one is it, Dane's or Whippets?  Are all other dogs, less dogs because they have short-leg mutations that detract from dogginess?


More importantly they arnt even leading to new species, let alone whole new classes.

I've made my claim and I think it could be supported.  However, would you like a list of speciation events.

I've already explained why your need to create new classes is ridiculous and not expected of evolution.  It certainly isn't expected in one human lifetime.

But that's not important to you, just whatever you think helps your case.

So, basically, the entire discussion we've been arguing over was a complete waste of time as far as this discussion goes.

You are still making claims that have no basis in reality (that every phenotype is controlled by the endocrine system)*.

Oh and the last bit.  A female Great Dane can have very little puppies... but a female dachshund cannot have very large puppies.


* This sentence, which you used, is still so fraught with error that i think my confusion was understandable.  You may not see it that way, but your confirmation basis.  You are a very poor teacher.  If you had just answered the questions when I asked them, we could have avoided all this.

Where did I indicate that I disagreed with polyphenic genes? That is what I have been teaching you about. That said, I am not a good teacher to you because you dont deserve it.

In your own words and mine, the mutations detract from their fitness inn one way or another. Short legged cats dont always have a disadvantage like you say but there are plenty of age-old organizations trying to prevent the breeding of them. There must be a reason.

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