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Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 28 2006,18:42   

All we know about him is what he tells us. he laughed at ed Braytons picture yet he is not brave enough to show his face. Go easy on him, he is BIG esteem issues.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 28 2006,18:49   

Uh oh.  What's DaveTard up to now?

It isn't just fungus in the basement anymore, is it?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 28 2006,19:13   

Distressing signals:
The IDEA club at UVa had a meeting September 22, 2005 before 100 students (with me as invited speaker). Then, in the summer, an article referencing that meeting and the club’s activities throughout the year were highlighted in an article which I link to here: IDEA UVa adviser, molecular geneticist and biochemist doubts Darwin.

Where's the distress?  Could it be in the letter from members of the faculty?  Or could it be this:

Following the lecture…there was a question and answer session. Students…faculty…and members of the public…denounced Cordova for his inability to present hard evidence supporting intelligent design. One U-V-A professor criticized Cordova for relying on out-of-context quotes from a few select scientists for his claims.

Even strong believers in intelligent design and fundamental Christians…I.D.E.A. co-founders John Copper…and Kristine Hereford…expressed some disappointment in Cordova’s lecture. Copper says…”I feel like he could have done a better job. There could have been more numbers and things like that.” Hereford says “There wasn’t much pointed evidence.”

Sal really shouldn't quote his own reviews: it's bad form.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 28 2006,21:40   


Long time lurker, but saw this and had to add in:

How often is this appeal to magic going to be repeated before people wake up and see it for what it is ?

Is there any real comment needed?



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,03:28   

”I feel like he could have done a better job. There could have been more numbers and things like that.”

On to the real reason I'm here:

I expect ID ideas to come thick and fast in the next few decades, and it certainly won’t be the job of the Catholic Church to keep up with, let alone pass judgment on, all of them.
Physics has got on fine in the last century without a Grand Unified Theory, and biology could too. But materialism, unlike biology, needs a creation story in order to function as a religion - hence the value of Darwinism.

The whole thing'll just make your mouth hang open-


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,06:09   

Coyne Rumors "Absolutely False"
The Arizona Daily Star reports that in "an e-mail statement sent to 'friends' on an Internet mailing list, [Father Jose] Funes said the rumors that [Father George] Coyne was replaced [as Director of the Vatican Observatory] because of his stance on Intelligent Design were 'absolutely false.' He said Coyne requested in May that church officials in Rome replace him."

# posted by Pat Hayes @ 6:54 AM Comment (0) | Trackback (0)  


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,06:14   

Mats asks:
I haven’t seen any creationist scientist say that the world “looks billions of years old” but was created 6,000 years ago. Can you provide any reference for that?

Were I not banned, I would refer him to Kent Hovind.

In answer to the question, "If the earth is only 6,000 years old, how do we see stars billions of light years away?" Hovind says:
The rest of creation was mature, so starlight was probably mature at creation as well. I would ask the question, How old was Adam when God made him? Obviously he was zero years old. But how old did he look?

So God made both starlight and Adam to look older than they really were.

"I wasn't aware that classical physics had established a position on whether intelligent agents exercising free were constrained by 2LOT into increasing entropy." -DaveScot

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,06:47

When we visited the zoo the other day, my wife snapped this photo just outside of the Panda play area. I guess when they put together the verbage for the sign, they neglected to consult Gould because I didn’t read “looks jerry-rigged” anywhere on there.

Actually, it does look jury-rigged, it just happens to be quite a good "design" nevertheless.  They seem incapable of distinguishing between the two issues, and always take organs obviously derived from often rather unpromising precursors, which have become quite well adapted by now (bird's wings from dinosaur legs, for instance), as being "designed".

Still, Scott and Paul Nelson made fairly innocuous comments regarding the specific question of what Gould himself said.  It remained for other boors and cretins to extend those criticisms to all "Darwinists", apparently without these retards noticing that the sign was almost certainly written by a "Darwinist".

Here's a couple of dishonest morons:

“…he replied that the pseudothumb’s suboptimality was simply obvious.”
Isn’t everything obvious to Darwinists?

Junk DNA was obviously an artifact of Darwinian evolution.

until a purpose was found for junk DNA, then it was obviously a product of Darwinian evolution.

Very comforting to know that you can never be wrong.

Comment by chunkdz — August 29, 2006 @ 10:46 am

“Very comforting to know that you can never be wrong.”


Probably this is the real reason for the NDE success: it’s a theory of everything.

Yes, numbnuts, it's a theory of everything, which is why Gould's comments on the panda's thumb have been countered by "evolutionists" who were not persuaded by him.  

And btw, it is highly likely that a fair amount of "junk DNA" is indeed junk, thanks to chromosome doubling, and genes being copied, this being confirmed (the confirmation at least indicating that no essential purpose was served by the pseudogenes) in a number of cases by fact that pseudogenes have been co-opted for other purposes.

JAD more or less grumbles incoherently about Gould, mumbling the same things that he's mumbled thousands of times before.  Surely he is among the best examples of someone who actually did have some competence once who became a gibbering fool, either before or after becoming a kind of IDist (I think it was before).  

As typical, the IDists have nothing intelligent to say about the panda's thumb, relying on a sign at a zoo for their information.  Are they too stupid to know that the sign could be wrong?  I've implied that it is not, true, but that's because I have made the same argument against Gould, referring to a primary source in order to do so.  The reference and abstract are linked here:


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,06:59   

Yup the old joke

Which came first the Chicken or the Egg?

Where did Adam's DNA come from and how old was he, when he was born ?....(and Adult is NOT a valid answer)

or for Old earth creationists

Where did the DNA for the first replicating cells come from, and how old was the replicated cell when it first replicated?...(and Adult is NOT a valid answer)

The answer is the same in both instances and that  answer produces a question.

And so on ......until there is a question that cannot be answered presently

Choose either of these answers to the fundamental unanswered question.

A)I don't know and I'm happy to wait for better (material)results.

B)I know goddidit and I know what god is because my ancestors all the way back to Adam told me and I'm not happy to wait for better (material)results.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,07:32   

Quote (Glen Davidson @ Aug. 29 2006,11:47)

When we visited the zoo the other day, my wife snapped this photo just outside of the Panda play area. I guess when they put together the verbage for the sign, they neglected to consult Gould because I didn’t read “looks jerry-rigged” anywhere on there.

Does anyone else think that Scott is most likely the secret love child of DaveTard and JAD?


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,07:52   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 29 2006,08:28)
The whole thing'll just make your mouth hang open-

Here's a good tidbit from it too:

Barash objects to drawing a line between humans and other life forms: “It is a line that exists only in the minds of those who proclaim that the human species, unlike all others, possesses a spark of the divine and that we therefore stand outside nature.”

There, you see. It is as plain as daylight. Barash is NOT making a secret of his aim to denigrate humans and there is NO big philosophical conundrum. If you can read a newspaper, you an understand what he is saying.

Yup, if you say that humans are animals, then you are denigrating humans.  No religion here, move along.

Edit:  Plus, this comment from a member that needs no introduction since his tardity has been feature quite a few times before:

5.  I don’t think Barash has the aim of denigrating humans, rather in his mind and in the minds of many others they believe that they are liberating humans from the shackles of mentally restrictive foolish religious beliefs. They don’t see themselves as warriors for materialism, rather they see themselves as enlightened beings ministering to the deluded fools who believe in fairy tales whose beliefs are harmful to human society. They believe they are actually helping humans and human civilization in general.

That’s why they are so arrogant. They feel they have truth, justice, and the american way on their side and that anyone who disagrees with their views are just deluded and beneath them. Of course there are exceptions to this rule i.e people like Ken Miller, but who knows? He may just be an atheist who pretends to be a theist in order to promote evolution in some convoluted plan of divide of conquer.

I really don’t think many serious evolutionists get seriously introspective on their motivations and philosophical vision. Some of the more mentallu unbalanced evolutionists may have wacky ideas about using darwinism as an all purpose lens with which to view the world, but most are content to not be philosophical at all. How can they be philosophically minded when anybody who is philosophically minded and not insane and a darwinist would be faced with an overwhelming cognitive dissonance? The reason they are not faced with an overwhelming cognitive dissonace is because they are either unphilosophical in their mental outlook or they are mentally disturbed.

Comment by mentok — August 28, 2006 @ 6:43 am

Yup, we is all unphilosophical or we is insane to be living in such cognitive dissonance as to actually believe that the evidence we see wasn't planted there by some trickster god or something.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,08:49   

Yeah GCT for a change I waded through the UCD swamp as well.

Dembski was able to string together the longest non-sequitur I have ever read, he'll never ever be able to wear a condom, there is just no end to the prick.

"We One True IDists™" Get to say what the thruthiness of ID is and the (ancient) CC can just take a running monk.

...ah so presumably by that he means

hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the DI lab .....or DI astronomical observatory we go

Then the rest resonate under his piousness with a whole lot of 'god did it this way' or 'god did it that way' because 'chance' didn't have a ........chance.

They should start worshiping chance if they think that 'god' made life. The irony would be lost on them.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,09:00   

Out of boredom I wandered back over to the Blyth thread, and found this:

In the OP scordova wrote:

“My hypothesis is that Edward Blyth should have been given far more credit for the theory of natural selection. Because Blyth was a creationist, he did not see natural selection as an adequate mechanism for biological innovation. He believed natural selection as primarily a means of preserving species, not primarily creating large scale biological innovations. Even though a creationist, he seemed open to some forms of evolution (as creationists are today), and it would be hard to argue that he believed in the absolute fixity of species. Blyth’s position on natural selection would be consistent with many IDers and creationists today.”

Well, let’s do it then, give Edward Blyth more credit. But shouldn’t we then in all fairness also give him more blame?

scordova quoting Blyth (1836):

“…. The original form of a species is unquestionably better adapted to its natural habits than any modification of that form; and, as the sexual passions excite to rivalry and conflict, and the stronger must always prevail over the weaker, the latter, in a state of nature, is allowed but few opportunities of continuing its race.”

Oh, my, oh my, what have we here? The very proof that we should give credit, where it is due. Clearly, “social Darwinism” is a misnomer, ir should be called “social Blythism”.

This most important information should change a few things. As you all know, Coral Ridge Ministries have released a video and book called “Darwin’s deadly legacy”, which traces social Darwinism from Farwin to Hitler. But clearly the title should be changed to “Blyth’s deadly legacy”, shouldn’t it?

And imagine that we all thought that Edward Blyth was such a gentle and good-tempered human! No, we must the root of evil right, where it is: amongst the evil creationists that have supplied the evolutionists with the idea of “struggle for survival”.

Yes, indeed, credit should be given where it’s due.

By the way, Blyth wrote in 1835 that

“[s]ome arctic species are white, which have no enemy to fear, as the polar bear, the gyrfalcon, the arctic eagle-owl, the snowy owl, and even the stoat; and therefore, in these, the whiteness can only be to preserve the temperature of their bodies …”

If Blyth had done a bit further of thinking, he might have figured out that the whiteness of these predators could have served to make them less easy to spot for their prey.

Comment by Poul Willy Eriksen — August 29, 2006 @ 10:49 am

Mr. Eriksen appears to be Scandinavian, and fortunately we have good medical services up here, so they willbe able to operate to remove his tongue from his cheek.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,09:35

22.  John I don’t think that you are correct in saying that most ID supporters support common descent. Common descent has no provable evidence to support it, it is really nothing more then a speculation based upon homology…which for evolutionist is based on…common descent. So what we have is circular reasoning. I would venture to estimate that most ID people belive in common design not common descent. As to your concern that ID supporters should try to find common ground with evolution in an attempt to get respect, that is really not possible. Evolution theory is supporting countless careers and reputations besides it being a social and political tool for those who wish to attack religious beliefs. The evolutionst camp do not want compromise they want total dominace, any evolutionist who has compromised is attacked by the evolutionist camp because they see ID as nothing more then an attack on them i.e their careers, reputations, social views, political views, religious views.

Anyways there is really very little room to compromise on anything. The problem evolutionsts have (most of them) is of allowing the conception of a designer to have scientific credibility. That is their concern. They aren’t concerned about proving evolution, they are concerned with allowing “supernatural” concepts (god) legitimization. Without their changing of that view there is no room for compromise, they will not allow compromise on that subject. ID is professing that a designer exists, without that there is no ID. So the two camps cannot reconcile because they have diametrically opposed views on what should ne considered science. Since ID extols that which is vehemently not allowed by the evolutionst oligarchy, ID therefore becomes public enemy #1 to them.

Can this change? Sure, but it will take some serious soul searching by the evolutionst camp, otherwise they will not change for a while. The simplest way to disprove their basal paradigm (no desinger allowed because a designer doesn’t exist) is to press on the origins of life. That is where we got them and it is the weakest link in their chain. It is easy to prove that the earliest life forms could not have come about due to random natural causes. Once they accept that as truth (which they hate more then anything to confront because it shakes them to their core) then their whole artifical demand that only metaphysical naturalism is allowed as “science” (i.e absolute truth) will be done away with.

Comment by mentok — August 28, 2006 @ 8:41 pm

27.  John I don’t know how well read you are on evolution or ID so I will try to respond as if you are not well read on these.

In fact the origins of life have been proven to be impossible by random natural events by numerous people, the information is not some hidden secret, it is well known. Even the building blocks of life (the right types of amino acids, proteins etc) cannot come together by random chance, what to speak highly sophisticated machines (cells). This should be obvious to any scientist who studies the data. So do they admit this even though it is so obvious, well yeah, a few of them. Fred Hoyle for example, but he proposed life must have been brought to earth possbily by aliens. Others propose life coming on meteors. Of course any type of theory like those are still faced with the same problem i.e. how did disorganized matter form extremely complex replicating bio-machines on any planet? Hoyle compared the chance of that happening to that of a 747 jet being built by a tornado going through a junkyard. In fact the chances are even smaller. It would have to be a 747 that self replicated being built by a tornado.

Anyways it doesn’t seem to matter for most evolutionsts. Even Hoyle makes a copout by ascribing life on earth to ET’s. Most evolutionists don’t give any or much thought to this major blow to their ontology, nor do all the problems of evolutionary theory seem to dent their confidence. Why? They do not believe they can be wrong. They know that evolution is true and the only thing they care about is telling us how nature points out how evolution sent this species in one direction and that species in another. They don’t question the actual possibility and probability of evolution being able to occur according to the basic rules of the scientific method. They pretend to do that in order to take in gullible uneducated peoeple, but if you watch them closely and you are educated in the same areas as they are you will see them simply provide a bunch of irrelevant or outdated “facts”.

Now this is not news to ID people, the whole “emperors new clothes” scenario of the “mainsteram scientific” establishment is written about all the time in all the ID books and websites. Does any of it seem to matter to ardent evolutionists? Seemingly not. I presume it is because they cannot see what is obvious to so many because they cannot accept the possibility of ID. They claim ID is unscientific, but in reality their real objection is they cannot accept even the possiblity of ID regardless of the science. We know this because the science is so overwhelmingly on the side of ID but still they cannot comprehend simple provable facts, This is probably because they a complex which blocks their ability to comprehend truths which are so totaly transformative to their ontology.

I don’t “hope” that darwinism will simply go away. The proofs against darwinism have been done over and over by very qualified people, the problem is the “scientific establishment”. They are not using the same thought process as an average person, so an average person can comprehend what ID authors have been saying while the “establishment” have been getting more and more upset. They have hysterical blindness. How do you deal with people like that? I wouldn’t waste my time on them so much, they cannot see. Sure stuff should get into peer reviewed journals, but it’s not like the information isn’t already easily available from numerous scientists which cutterly demolish the “modern” scientific ideal of science as metaphysical naturalism and evolution as the be all and all of life on earth.

So ID has already proven itself. You can lead a horse to water…

Comment by mentok — August 29, 2006 @ 2:18 am

Mentok deserves some sort of tard award for this.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,09:44   

I deleted the Collin DuCrane thread because I failed to get him over here. Mentok on the other hand...we might have the next AFDave on our hands...


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,10:20   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 29 2006,14:44)
I deleted the Collin DuCrane thread because I failed to get him over here. Mentok on the other hand...we might have the next AFDave on our hands...

I feel a bit guilty sometimes - my Granddad said "don't mock the afflicted". DaveScot isn’t the brightest light in the chandelier and clearly is insecure. He brings it on himself to a degree, but he’s the equivalent of an intellectual self-harmer.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,10:30   

I feel the same thing. But when I consider that AFDave's actually influencing kids towards his views, my sense of pity is diminished.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,11:59   

Sometimes I Do feel sorry for DumbassDaveII, then he lets loose a barrage of stupid that makes me regret those twinges of pity.

I don't wish him harm (okay, any more than I do Dembski) but I can't see standing in the way of his self-destruction. I applaud his earnest efforts at intellectual seppuku. Or as the old s-f bumper sticker says: "Go, Lemmings, GO!!" (I know it's a myth, but it's still funny)

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,16:58   

Quote (Bob O'H @ Aug. 29 2006,00:13)
Hereford says “There wasn’t much pointed evidence.”

That about sums up ID, eh.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,17:34   

On UD:

Davescot has this answer to Jack Krebs:

"Regardless of your desire to assign sole discretion of what gets taught in public school science classes to a majority of scientists that just isn’t how the system works. What you want in this is an aristocracy of sorts. That’s repulsive to me and many others who believe that every adult, regardless of who they are, gets an equal say in the matter. One person, one vote. It’s a good system. Embrace it."

I got so angry I had to respond. I'll probably not be invited back. I wonder: what is it about teaching that everyone and their kid brother thinks they can do it better? I don't know doctors or lawyers that have to put up with this as much as teachers do.

I remember being "told" by a parent, who was neither a chemist nor a secondary school teacher, how to do my job. It was everything I could do to keep my mouth shut rather than giving them instructions on how to be a parent.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,17:54   


"Regardless of your desire to assign sole discretion of what gets taught in public school science classes to a majority of scientists that just isn’t how the system works. What you want in this is an aristocracy of sorts.

If Dave wasn't so frigging stupid, he'd realize the word he's groping for is 'meritocracy'.

That’s repulsive to me and many others who believe that every adult, regardless of who they are, gets an equal say in the matter. One person, one vote. It’s a good system. Embrace it."

So, do you think DaveTard therefore supported the election of Al Gore in November, 2000?

Nah, I didn't think so either.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,18:58   

If Hovind said this:
The rest of creation was mature, so starlight was probably mature at creation as well. I would ask the question, How old was Adam when God made him? Obviously he was zero years old. But how old did he look?

the obvious answer (especially to those who know Hovind's children "training camps") is:

"Gee, I don't know Mr. Hovind... WERE YOU THERRRREEEE?"

I am so glad he's behind the judicial 8-ball right now.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,19:16   

What ever happened to the series of articles that Tardus Maximus promised us on the relevance of nanotechnology to ID?  We're being deprived of our rightful tardtainment!

January 6, 2006
Engines of Creation Series (#1)
I’ve decided to write a series of articles touching upon ID-relevant portions of the seminal book describing the nanotechnology revolution “Engines of Creation” by K. Eric Drexler. The book was originally published in hardcover in 1986 and purchased/read by me that year...Please give EOC chapter 14 a quick read during the next week before I get around to the next article in this series.

Filed under: Education, Intelligent Design, Comp. Sci. / Eng., Science — DaveScot @ 10:42 am

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,05:40   

Maybe it’s time to just tell the Darwinists to siddown, shuddup, and let others talk for a while.

Gosh, if the Catholic conclave did that, it would be making a real contribution. The Catholics who have weighed in on the subject may be right or wrong, but it’s time the Church recovered its own history and gave them a listen.

Even if a person is largely wrong, the points on which he is right might show a way forward.

It’s almost not worth deciding what to do about Darwinism, because it is on the way out anyway.
But we must find some comprehensive way of addressing the history of life. Listening to the muffled or silenced voices - especially from one’s own tradition - would be a good beginning.
Filed under: Intelligent Design — O'Leary @ 8:20 pm

(Emphasis mine)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,06:45   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 30 2006,10:40)
Maybe it’s time to just tell the Darwinists to siddown, shuddup, and let others talk for a while.

Gosh, if the Catholic conclave did that, it would be making a real contribution. The Catholics who have weighed in on the subject may be right or wrong, but it’s time the Church recovered its own history and gave them a listen.

Even if a person is largely wrong, the points on which he is right might show a way forward.

It’s almost not worth deciding what to do about Darwinism, because it is on the way out anyway.
But we must find some comprehensive way of addressing the history of life. Listening to the muffled or silenced voices - especially from one’s own tradition - would be a good beginning.
Filed under: Intelligent Design — O'Leary @ 8:20 pm

(Emphasis mine)

Poor Church Lady has her Jesus-glasses on.

ID is simply the death throes of 'creation science'...

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1001
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,07:45   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 29 2006,14:44)
Mentok on the other hand...we might have the next AFDave on our hands...

"We take the mind.  We don't ask for it, we take it."


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,08:21   


"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,09:22   

For equally crunchy nuttiness google

DaveScot stamp biology

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,11:14   

Dense OnLine said:

it’s time the Church recovered its own history and gave them a listen.

It's almost pitiable to see a group so convinced their's was the "original" Jesus religion, when their brand of literal idiocy is an invention of the last century.

I say almost, because it's still more laughable than pitiable.

they have no concept of history, not even of their own "church", let alone the history of the religion their ideology is based on.

sitdown and shutup?

more projection on their part, as that is exactly what they should be doing themselves.

Or did Dense forget her "Shit matters" thesis?


I should add that I suppose it's good that DT is posting along with WD40 and the church lady, as now we can simply group them together as "the three stooges" and simplify things a bit.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2006,11:50   

Evolution == Atheism, take #283971

includes the following gem:


Leo1787 writes: “this semantic sleight of hand on the part of ID’ers will fail just as every other attempt to introduce the supernatural as a viable scientific explanation of the origin of life into public school curricula has failed.”

Leo, let’s see how you respond to the familiar Mount Rushmore test.

Assume that a Stephen King super virus wipes out all human life next year. 500 years later an alien visits earth and observes Mount Rushmore. The alien has two and only two choices to account for his observation:

1. He could infer from the specified complexity of the sculpture that it is not the result of the random erosion of the mountain, and based on this inference he could conclude that the sculpture is the result of design by an intelligent agent.

2. He could appeal to chance erosion of the mountain to account for the sculpture.

If he chooses theory 1, would it be fair to accuse him of trying to inject the “supernatural” into the debate when the theory says nothing about the nature or purpose of the intelligent agent who designed the sculpture?

If the answer to this question is “No, it’s not fair” why is it fair for you to make the same accusation against ID proponents when they are attempting to account for specified complexity several orders of magnitude greater than that seen at Mount Rushmore?

My prediction: Leo will ignore these two questions altogether or he will try to dodge them.

Comment by BarryA — August 30, 2006 @ 4:19 pm

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