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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2012,13:31   

Quote (JLT @ April 22 2012,13:38)
Went into the tard mine once again after successfully resisting for a long while. I think they miss you guys. Seems like Byers is the most prolific commenter over there, now. Heh.
I seem to have lost some of my tard parsing abilities, though.
I suppose it is a truism but, really, it’s not about science, metaphysics or religion.

It’s about simple, inerrant logic and the infantile, even at times, petulant, refusal of ‘naturalists’ to, as you indicate, Gil, follow the evidence where it leads.

That’s the real scandal, which future generations will ponder in appalled incredulity.

We choose our assumptions with our hearts, which can be sensitive to the truth or blank it, often with great emotional intensity, as many of them do, since it is their world-view that is in the balance.

Moral questions arising from the mismatch between the design of the penis and that of the anus could cause great anxiety, to not a few of the militant atheists in the ‘naturalist’ camp; hence the tendency to rage about scientific issues, relating to design.

I guess his argument is YOU R ALL GAY!!!!

Bobby has spent a lot of time thinking about that mismatch, a lot of time.

I’m referring to evolution, not changes in allele frequencies. - Cornelius Hunter
I’m not an evolutionist, I’m a change in allele frequentist! - Nakashima


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2012,14:12   

That and bananas.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2012,16:27   

Hello everyone.

My name is Woodbine and i've been clean for one week.

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2012,17:20   

i have found reams and reams of new tard elsewhere i am quite happy to let those fucksticks beat each other to death with their flaccid impotence

besides with nick matzke dropping epic tardbombs at PT who needs UD to get a dose of "DUH OBJECTIVE TRUHT" tard

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 1961
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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2012,05:02   

by the way the marsupial wolf (Tasmanian tiger) did howl in the night.
Wolves do that.

When do owls howl? Lions leap?

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2012,07:46   

Some statistics for UncommonDescent can be found here at my blog.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2012,10:05   

It seems like the activity follows a pattern created by occasional relaxation of the banhammer.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 4402
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2012,17:13   

Quote (Woodbine @ April 22 2012,16:27)
Hello everyone.

My name is Woodbine and i've been clean for one week.

Congratulations 2 U!

Don't relapse, even though you know that you REAlly WANT TO SEE WHO'S GETTING BANNINATED AND WHO'S GETTING BAITED...RIGHT NOW... IN REAL TIME...

added in edit:  I'm sorry,  you made be think of UD, and those cooties are catching through the InterTubes!

Edited by J-Dog on April 23 2012,17:15

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 3217
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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2012,17:43   

Quote (J-Dog @ April 23 2012,15:13)
Don't relapse, even though you know that you REAlly WANT TO SEE WHO'S GETTING BANNINATED AND WHO'S GETTING BAITED...RIGHT NOW... IN REAL TIME...

If you're guessing "no one", I very much doubt you'd be wrong.

UD is going the way of Overwhelming Evidence.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,02:49   

Oh man, has crashed and burned, credibility-wise.  They have a new article, Near Death Explained, subtitled "New science is shedding light on what really happens during out-of-body experiences -- with shocking results."

Oh good, a BS free explanation of what really goes on during NDEs, something that gets into the fact that the oxygen starved brain is wildly malfunctioning, kicking up all sorts of weird and illogical scenarios?  We need something like that to balance all the BS peddled about NDAs.  This was especially welcome because BA^77 has been peddling his usual line of "NDAs, therefore God" at Corney Land.

But then I read the article and it's a retelling of a couple of well known NDE stories, breathlessly relating what the patient allegedly said afterwards, with no details on how or when she said it or what the conversation was like or what kind of hints the questioner(s) may have given the patient about her NDE or anything else.

Crap like, "Thinking is vivid; hearing is sharp; and vision can extend to 360 degrees. NDErs claim that without physical bodies, they are able to penetrate through walls and doors and project themselves wherever they want. They frequently report the ability to read people’s thoughts."  Yeah, right!

I really started to wonder WTF was going on when the author related "the experience of a woman named Maria, whose case was first documented by her critical care social worker, Kimberly Clark."  Maria was a migrant worker who had a heart attack in Seattle.  She was rushed to the hospital and had a cardiac arrest a few days later.  

After she recovered, she related all sorts of wonderful things like looking down on her body as the doctors worked on her.  "At one point in this experience, said Maria, she found herself outside the hospital and spotted a tennis shoe on the ledge of the north side of the third floor of the building."  Clark went outside and sure enough, there the shoe was.  Maria could not possibly have seen the details from her hospital room.  A miracle!

Not mentioned anywhere in the article: The shoe was also visible from the ambulance entrance and would have been plainly visible to Maria as she was being carried into the ER.

The article goes on and on like this - relating miracle stories breathlessly and without a single word of rational explanation.  "15 percent of cardiac arrest survivors do report some recollection from the time when they were clinically dead."  Really?  Did they relate those expriences while they were clinically dead?  No, they relate them after they've recovered consciousness.  After a long period of their brain still being oxygen deprived and dreaming freely.  Like dreaming they were having an Out of Body Experience.  But you don't see that in the article.

Then we read that a study of NDEs "concluded that what happens during an NDE affords another perspective to perceive reality that does not depend on the senses of the physical body. They proposed to call this other mode of perception mindsight."

And finally, "Despite corroborated reports, many materialist scientists cling to the notion that OBEs and NDEs are located in the brain."  Materialist scientists?  Are there any other kinds of scientists?  What gullible idiot wrote this crap, anyway.

Page back to the beginning of the piece: "By Mario Beauregard".  Oh crap!  Not THAT Mario Beauregard?  Page down to the end of the piece: "Mario Beauregard is associate research professor at the Departments of Psychology and Radiology and the Neuroscience Research Center at the University of Montreal. He is the coauthor of The Spiritual Brain"

That whizzing sound you heard was Salon's credibility plummeting to the ground.  

One good thing: Clicking on "More Mario Beauregard" takes you to this article, so they apparently haven't published anything else by this nut.  Also, the article was written April 21.  There are already 19 pages of replies and most of them are of the, "Here we go again.  The plural of anecdote is not data." type.  Maybe somebody at Salon will read them and realize they've been rooked.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,03:31   

I read something about a surgeon who, sick of all teh NDE stuff, put big letters on top of the cabinets in the surgery room. Easily viable if you were in fact floating at the top of the room but otherwise not so much.

Not a single person claiming to have had an NDE mentioned them.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

Schroedinger's Dog

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,04:02   

On a (maybe) related note: This morning, as I was sleeping, I had a vivid dream of taking a revolver, loading it, pulling the hammer, and firing it. At the exact same moment I fired, I was awoken by a loud bang outside my window. A delivery guy had just droped a huge crate.

I can haz prescience? No? Oh, well...

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,04:55   

Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ April 24 2012,04:02)
On a (maybe) related note: This morning, as I was sleeping, I had a vivid dream of taking a revolver, loading it, pulling the hammer, and firing it. At the exact same moment I fired, I was awoken by a loud bang outside my window. A delivery guy had just droped a huge crate.

I can haz prescience? No? Oh, well...

You are now a proven psychic.  Therefore, there is a God, ID is true, Dembski is a scientist and we should all fall down and worship Our Savior, BA^77.

Denyse, on the other hand, is still a Fundamentalist Catholic who hates science and Barry is still an asshole.  No change there.  And don't get me started on JoeG...

Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,05:01   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 24 2012,11:55)
Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ April 24 2012,04:02)
On a (maybe) related note: This morning, as I was sleeping, I had a vivid dream of taking a revolver, loading it, pulling the hammer, and firing it. At the exact same moment I fired, I was awoken by a loud bang outside my window. A delivery guy had just droped a huge crate.

I can haz prescience? No? Oh, well...

You are now a proven psychic.  Therefore, there is a God, ID is true, Dembski is a scientist and we should all fall down and worship Our Savior, BA^77.

Denyse, on the other hand, is still a Fundamentalist Catholic who hates science and Barry is still an asshole.  No change there.  And don't get me started on JoeG...

I have to call Randi to collect my price!

No contest for the last paragraph.

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


Posts: 312
Joined: May 2008

(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,06:37   

Quote (midwifetoad @ April 23 2012,16:05)
It seems like the activity follows a pattern created by occasional relaxation of the banhammer.

At least until now: the banhammer is very relaxed at the moment, but there is no influx of people who want to be annoyed by the regulars....

Edited by DiEb on April 24 2012,12:38


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,07:01   

Quote (DiEb @ April 24 2012,07:37)
Quote (midwifetoad @ April 23 2012,16:05)
It seems like the activity follows a pattern created by occasional relaxation of the banhammer.

At least until now: the banhammer is very relaxed at the moment, but there is no influx of people who want to be annoyed by the regulars....

I do hope it stays that way.  Who knows what the tard will mature into if it ferments in its own juices for an extended period.


Posts: 1337
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,07:47   

Quote (Patrick @ April 24 2012,13:01)
Who knows what the tard will mature into if it ferments in its own juices for an extended period.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 371
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,10:31   

Quote (Patrick @ April 24 2012,07:01)
Quote (DiEb @ April 24 2012,07:37)
Quote (midwifetoad @ April 23 2012,16:05)
It seems like the activity follows a pattern created by occasional relaxation of the banhammer.

At least until now: the banhammer is very relaxed at the moment, but there is no influx of people who want to be annoyed by the regulars....

I do hope it stays that way.  Who knows what the tard will mature into if it ferments in its own juices for an extended period.

Or perhaps ...

Joe: Most criticisims of ID stem from ignorance and jealousy.
Joe: As for the authors of the books in the Bible, well the OT was authored by Moses and the NT was authored by various people.
Byers: The eskimo would not need hairy hair growth as hair, I say, is for keeping people dry. Not warm.


Posts: 1554
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,13:49   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 24 2012,03:49)
Oh man, has crashed and burned, credibility-wise.  They have a new article, Near Death Explained, subtitled "New science is shedding light on what really happens during out-of-body experiences -- with shocking results."

One good thing: Clicking on "More Mario Beauregard" takes you to this article, so they apparently haven't published anything else by this nut.  Also, the article was written April 21.  There are already 19 pages of replies and most of them are of the, "Here we go again.  The plural of anecdote is not data." type.  Maybe somebody at Salon will read them and realize they've been rooked.

I recall reading something years ago concerning NDEs.

Person said he had no medical background and thus 'seeing' defibrillator paddles must have been an OBE...

There was this TV show in the USA "Emergency" (1972 - 79) which portrayed defibrillator use in almost every episode.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 740
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,14:22   

Does Real Science Need a Propaganda Apparatus?
by Barry Arrington

A friend sends along this link to sign up for propaganda training by a group called the “Climate Reality Project.”  The website boasts that “Climate Presenters are volunteers who teach their communities about the climate crisis using a training program produced by former Vice President Al Gore. These leaders are typically engaged in a number of activities aimed at this goal, but the slideshow developed by The Climate Reality Project is their signature tool.”

Why didn’t the physicists think of this?  Instead of relying on the facts and evidence to sort itself out through rigorous application of the scientific method, they could have organized groups called, oh I don’t know, the “General Relativity Reality Project.”  

BarryA, impervious to irony.

*cough* Disco'tute *cough*

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,23:53   

P.Z. has noticed the Beauregard article.  He's not impressed.    
It’s all nonsense; some editor somewhere needs to learn some critical thinking, because this article is filed under “neuroscience” when it ought to be in a category called “bullshit”.

The first clue that this is going to be bad is the author, Mario Beauregard. Beauregard was co-author with Denyse O’Leary of one of the worst, that is most incompetently written and idiotically conceived, books I’ve ever read, The Spiritual Brain. It’s not just that he thought it sensible to team up with a well-known intelligent design crank, but that the content is unreadable and the “science” is gobbledy-gook — Beauregard is a well-established kook, and here he is, writing for Salon.

He also includes a link to an article at The Secular Web on the two studies Beau covers.

Conclusion: Beauregard is an O'Leary Class Crank.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2012,23:59   

I got the latest email newsletter from AITSE, the American Institute for Technology & Science Education, today.  That's Caroline Crocker's Science for Nutjobs organization.

It's nicely printed using black letters on a deep blue background which makes it almost impossible to read, which is an advantage for AITSE.

Congratulations, Caroline!


Posts: 539
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2012,00:03   

Quote (JLT @ April 24 2012,12:22)
Does Real Science Need a Propaganda Apparatus?
by Barry Arrington

A friend sends along this link to sign up for propaganda training by a group called the “Climate Reality Project.”  The website boasts that “Climate Presenters are volunteers who teach their communities about the climate crisis using a training program produced by former Vice President Al Gore. These leaders are typically engaged in a number of activities aimed at this goal, but the slideshow developed by The Climate Reality Project is their signature tool.”

Why didn’t the physicists think of this?  Instead of relying on the facts and evidence to sort itself out through rigorous application of the scientific method, they could have organized groups called, oh I don’t know, the “General Relativity Reality Project.”  

BarryA, impervious to irony.

*cough* Disco'tute *cough*

Barry really has no IDEA of the irony? Club me like a baby seal!

And why the jab at GR? Did he ban discussion of that too?

All women build up a resistance [to male condescension]. Apparently, ID did not predict that. -Kristine 4-19-11
F/Ns to F/Ns to F/Ns etc. The whole thing is F/N ridiculous -Seversky on KF footnote fetish 8-20-11
Sigh. Really Bill? - Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2012,08:52   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 24 2012,23:59)
I got the latest email newsletter from AITSE, the American Institute for Technology & Science Education, today.  That's Caroline Crocker's Science for Nutjobs organization.

It's nicely printed using black letters on a deep blue background which makes it almost impossible to read, which is an advantage for AITSE.

Congratulations, Caroline!

Design experts, indeed.

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


Posts: 861
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2012,10:26   

Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ April 24 2012,05:01)
Quote (CeilingCat @ April 24 2012,11:55)
Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ April 24 2012,04:02)
On a (maybe) related note: This morning, as I was sleeping, I had a vivid dream of taking a revolver, loading it, pulling the hammer, and firing it. At the exact same moment I fired, I was awoken by a loud bang outside my window. A delivery guy had just droped a huge crate.

I can haz prescience? No? Oh, well...

You are now a proven psychic.  Therefore, there is a God, ID is true, Dembski is a scientist and we should all fall down and worship Our Savior, BA^77.

Denyse, on the other hand, is still a Fundamentalist Catholic who hates science and Barry is still an asshole.  No change there.  And don't get me started on JoeG...

I have to call Randi to collect my price!

No contest for the last paragraph.

You really need to start posting inane videos with stupid comments, completely unrelated to anything, especially each other.  I think it's mandatory.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2012,12:27   

You really need to start posting inane videos with stupid comments,

But keep in mind the inanity has to be breathtaking! ;)


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2012,00:43   

Barry really has no IDEA of the irony? Club me like a baby seal!

And why the jab at GR? Did he ban discussion of that too?

Well, as Andrew Schlafly’s Conservapedia, ("The Trustworthy Encyclopedia") notes, "The theory of relativity has been repeatedly contradicted by experiments, such as precise measurements of the advance of the perihelion of Mercury that show a shift greater than predicted by Relativity, well beyond the margin of error. Criticism of the theory, however, caused physicist Robert Dicke to be denied the Nobel Prize, and it is unlikely tenure or a Ph.D would be awarded to any critic of the theory."

So you see, it's all part of The Conspiracy to Defeat Jesus Christ and Pollute Our Precious Bodily Fluids as General Jack D. Ripper clearly explained in Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Fearing The Bomb and Put My Faith in Jesus.

I think Barry's on to something.

Or on something.

Details here.  Hat tip to Ed Brayton.


Posts: 312
Joined: May 2008

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2012,04:18   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 26 2012,06:43)
Barry really has no IDEA of the irony? Club me like a baby seal!

And why the jab at GR? Did he ban discussion of that too?

Well, as Andrew Schlafly’s Conservapedia, ("The Trustworthy Encyclopedia") notes, "The theory of relativity has been repeatedly contradicted by experiments, such as precise measurements of the advance of the perihelion of Mercury that show a shift greater than predicted by Relativity, well beyond the margin of error. Criticism of the theory, however, caused physicist Robert Dicke to be denied the Nobel Prize, and it is unlikely tenure or a Ph.D would be awarded to any critic of the theory."

So you see, it's all part of The Conspiracy to Defeat Jesus Christ and Pollute Our Precious Bodily Fluids as General Jack D. Ripper clearly explained in Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Fearing The Bomb and Put My Faith in Jesus.

I think Barry's on to something.

Or on something.

Details here.  Hat tip to Ed Brayton.

I think I've to defend Barry on this one: he seems to think of the general theory of relativity as a valid theory which is examined by scientists and doesn't need a propaganda campaign...

Andrew Schlafly is a bigger nut: He has a beef even with the special theory of relativity as he relies on  insights, not on  facts. For your amusement have a look at "E=mc˛ is liberal claptrap". The discussion about this insight shows how his mind works...

Edited by DiEb on April 26 2012,10:36


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2012,04:31   

I would defend Barry if global warming didn't have several well financed propaganda campaigns attacking it.  But I don't think that ever occurred to Barry.

As for Schlafly, he's probably doing fairly well, considering that his mother abandoned her duty to be a stay at home mom devoted only to having and raising children,  keeping house and polishing her kitchen floor to a mirror-like shine for her husband and praising Jesus in order to have a glamourous and well paid career as a public crank.

But if you read the things you suggested, you see right away that he hardly escaped his mother's treachery unscathed.  I shall include the poor soul in my next prayer.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2012,04:40   

For those too afflicted by the Devil to peruse Conservapedia, here are a couple of highlights on E=MC^2:      
E=mc˛ is a meaningless, almost nonsensical, statement that purports to relate all matter to light.
Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge predicts that a unified theory of all the laws of physics is impossible, because light and matter were created at different times, in different ways, as described in the Book of Genesis.

Mass is a measure of an object's inertia, in other words its resistance to acceleration. In contrast, the intrinsic energy of an object (such as an atom) is a function of electrostatic charge and other non-inertial forces, having nothing to do with gravity. Declaring the object's energy to be a function of inertia rather than electrostatics is an absurd and impossible attempt to unify the forces of nature, contrary to Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge.

For more than a century, the claim that E=mc˛ has never yielded anything of value. Often it seems to be used as a redefinition of "energy" for pseudo-scientific purposes, as by the lamestream media. There have been attempts to find some justification for the equation in already understood processes involved in nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons, and in the speculation about antimatter.

If that makes sense to you, then the condition of your kitchen floor is questionable.

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