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Posts: 1554
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,15:58   

Quote (Erasmus, FCD @ Dec. 11 2011,16:57)
this sombitch is even dumber than you can know

Ignorant beyond all comprehension.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,21:09   

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 09 2011,07:55)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,07:04)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,15:52)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,16:37)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,15:27)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,15:36)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,08:49)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,09:24)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,05:26)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:13)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 05 2011,16:28)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 04 2011,18:33)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 04 2011,13:42)

Likewise, your isochrons are based on psuedocalibrations that dont exists and probably why JonF refuses to answer my long question about There are countless cases of discordance.

I haven't seen any such question. You did ask how isochrons work and I pointed out that this is a terrible medium for teaching such things, and gave links (several times) to excellent explanations.

How ya doin' on telling me which of those quotes is your "cited ... proof that contamination is a major problem"?

Arnt you the same fella that insisted that isochrons are calibrated with Milankovitch cycles? I dismissed it twice but you never respondeds

No, I'm not that fellow. I don't know how isochrons correlate with Milankovitch cycles, but that correlation has nothing to do with contamination. And isochrons certainly aren't calibrated with Milankovitch cycles.

As for contamination here is a good but I will look for some more
Mineral isochrons and isotopic fingerprinting: Pitfalls and promises Geology; January 2005; v. 33; no. 1; p. 29-32; 2005 Geological Society of America
Abstract: The determination of accurate and precise isochron ages for igneous rocks requires that the initial isotope ratios of the analyzed minerals are identical at the time of eruption or emplacement. Studies of young volcanic rocks at the mineral scale have shown this assumption to be invalid in many instances. Variations in initial isotope ratios can result in erroneous or imprecise ages. Nevertheless, it is possible for initial isotope ratio variation to be obscured in a statistically acceptable isochron. Independent age determinations and critical appraisal of petrography are needed to evaluate isotope data. .

Still not contamination. Note that "Nevertheless, it is possible for initial isotope ratio variation to be obscured in a statistically acceptable isochron." Note also that almost all isochron dating is consilient with other methods such as U-Pb concordia-discordia, by far the most widely used method, and with Ar-Ar, probably the second most widely used method.

If you had any idea of how isochron dating works, you would know that errors due to initial isotope ratio mismatches are rare and why that is so.

You are wasting your time with isochrons. They have their uses, but if you want to discredit radiometric dating you need to be talking U-Pb and Ar-Ar.

I don't have a subscription to Geology, and they don't offer the option of purchasing a single article. Will you send me the PDF of the whole thing? I assume you're not just blindly copying what some creo website has to say ... hee hee hee.

Of course they calibrate isochrones with Milankovich cycles and vice verse. From your very own Glen Davidson

Goodness me, there is an actual mention of calibration of Ar-Ar from Milankovitch cycles! I suspect that they really meant correlation. But how about the vice-versa?

And on further investigation I was right, they did really mean correlation. From the full paper at Cyclostratigraphy – concepts, definitions, and applications:

"Despite these caveats, the cyclostratigraphic method has great potential. Major advantages and applications are: ... {long snip} ...

Intercalibration with radiometric dating methods. Comparison and intercalibration with independent radio-isotopic dating methods is fundamentally important. For example, new radiometric age dating recently challenged the up to then widely accepted cyclostratigraphical interpretation of the Middle Triassic Latemar platform in Italy (e. g., Goldhammer et al. 1987, Hinnov & Goldhammer 1991, Brack et al. 1996, Egenhoff et al. 1999, Zühlke 2004). At the Tortonian GSSP at Monte dei Corvi (Italy), however, new 40Ar/39Ar ages essentially confirm the cyclostratigraphic dating (Kuiper et al. 2005). Nevertheless, a detailed comparison of the astronomical and 40Ar/39Ar ages reveals a rather consistent offset of ~ 0.8%, the astronomical ages being older (Kuiper 2003). This study provides an astronomical age for mineral dating standards and opens the possibility for the introduction of an astronomically dated standard in 40Ar/39Ar dating. An accurate and precise intercalibration is especially important by providing tight constraints for the astronomical tuning when it is extended into the Mesozoic."

(bold added). So it's obvious that they cleared up a discrepancy and think that cyclostratigraphy could possible be used to calibrate Ar-Ar dates someday. We're back to no evidence of calibration of one by the other.

Oh so now intercalibration doesnt mean calibration?

Plus its as clear as day that they are calibrating isochrones with Milankovich cycles and Milankovich cycles with isochrons. Typical circular fervor evocreo

My my, you're right!  Intercalibration does not mean calibration, at least not in that paper! If A is calibrated by B, then if for some reason B changes than A also changes. That's not the case with cyclostratigraphy and Ar-Ar dating. It's clear that in that paper "intercalibration" means agreement between independent results. If the underlying calibration of cyclostratigraphy changed, we wouldn't change the results of Ar-Ar analysis and vice versa. If the results of cyclostratigraphy and Ar-Ar analysis don't agree, that's a problem that needs investigating.

No, it's not "clear as day that they are calibrating isochrons with Milankovich cycles and Milankovich cycles with isochrons." It's clear as day that the are comparing the results of the two different and independent methods and they are glad that they agree closely, but they're a little bothered by a "rather consistent offset of ~ 0.8%". 0.8% when you are looking for 10,000,000%! Hee hee hee ...

In fact, they explicitly say that Ar-Ar is not calibrated by cyclostratigraphy and do not hint anywhere that cyclostratigraphy is calibrated by Ar.Ar. Comparison is not calibration. End of story.

Bottom line: cyclostratigraphy and Ar-Ar analysis agree closely but are not used to calibrate each other.

How 'bout dem references for "contamination is also a problem"? How ya comin' on that search?

yeah, when they wrote: "new 40Ar/39Ar ages essentially confirm the cyclostratigraphic dating".

So what? Confirm does not mean calibrate.

con·firm  (kn-fûrm)
tr.v. con·firmed, con·firm·ing, con·firms
1.  To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify.
2.  To make firmer; strengthen: Working on the campaign confirmed her intention to go into politics.
3.  To make valid or binding by a formal or legal act; ratify.
4.  To administer the religious rite of confirmation to.

cal·i·brate  (kl-brt)
tr.v. cal·i·brat·ed, cal·i·brat·ing, cal·i·brates
1.  To check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument): calibrate a thermometer.
2.  To determine the caliber of (a tube).
3.  To make corrections in; adjust: calibrated the polling procedures to ensure objectivity.

See both definitions numbered 1. The agreement between the two independent methods confirms the accuracy of the newer one. No calibration going on here, nothing to see here, move along...

Looks like you overlooked the following:

Finally, 40Ar/39Ar ages of ash layers within tuned sapropel-bearing sections have been used to intercalibrate the independent radiometric and astronomical dating methods and to establish an astronomical age for mineral dating standards used in 40Ar/39Ar dating (Kuiper et al. 2004).  This study provides an astronomical age for mineral dating standards and opens the possibility for the introduction of an astronomically dated standard in 40Ar/39Ar dating. An accurate and precise intercalibration is especially important by providing tight constraints for the astronomical tuning when it is extended into the Mesozoic.

Nope, in fact I quoted it. "Possibility for the introduction of an astronomically dated standard in 40Ar/39Ar dating" means maybe someday in the future, not now.

Inter-a prefix means “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during” ( intercept; interest );  on this model, used in the formation of compound words. Thus,in this case, intercalibrate means to calibrate each other.

Sorry, sonny, does not follow. As is obvious from the context of the papers. I know context is anathema to YECs, but it still is what it is.

The two articles below also confirm the use of this calibration is due to the limits of radiometric and Milankovich techniques by themselves.

“This database will allow a rigorous and direct intercalibration of radio-isotopic and astronomical time with the aim to provide an independent test of the accuracy of conventional K/Ar ages of mineral dating standards and to investigate the potential of providing an astronomically dated 40Ar/39Ar standard. On the other hand, a rigorous intercalibration over an extended segment of the time scale will serve in the future as an
independent test for the reliability of the astronomical tuning for older intervals. In a broader perspective,
intercalibration of isotopic and astronomical time scales will allow precise (40Ar/39Ar) dating of volcanic
layers that cannot be dated directly with the astronomical time scale.The factors presently limiting the accuracy in 40Ar/39Ar dating are the age uncertainty of the neutron fluence monitors (mineral dating standards) and uncertainties in decay constants (e.g., Min et al., 2000 and references therein). These uncertainties outweigh typical analytical errors of modern 40Ar/39Ar analytical systems by at least one order of magnitude. “

As is obvious from the context, they are comparing the two independent methods  and raising the possibility of calibrating one from the other someday.

“New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and global cyclostratigraphic calibration provide high-resolution insights into the timing of geochemical fluctuations… We apply new 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic, geochemical, geophysical,biostratigraphic, and sedimentary data1 across the OAE II from a complete Canadian section (Well 6-34-30-8W4: ‘‘Youngstown-core’’; contains OAE II) of the Western Interior Seaway of North America to calibrate and correlate Milankovitch cycles across the Atlantic.”

Hee hee hee. Didn't actually read beyond the first page, did you? Bet you just searched for "calibrate"! Let's see your analysis of what was used to calibrate what in that paper, complete with quotes from the text..

Where's all o' dem references on contamination being a problem in geologic radiometric dating? You sure are digging up lot o' stuff that has noting to do with your assignment. One might almost think you've given up and hope I'll given up and hope I

Of coarse those quotes request the need for a independent calibration--a need that was insisted upon in the early days of radiometric dating but that has become desensitized among the sheople. Again, the following quote was was linked in this very thread to defend radiometric dating so you should really debate it with him but then I also realize its obvious taboo  when y'all have such a dangerous creationist on your hands.

"Finally, 40Ar/39Ar ages of ash layers within tuned sapropel-bearing sections have been used to intercalibrate the independent radiometric and astronomical dating methods and to establish an astronomical age for mineral dating standards used in 40Ar/39Ar dating (Kuiper et al. 2004)."

Your incessant insistance that the above quote doesnt mean that  Milankovich cycles and 40Ar/39Ar have intercalibrated each other merely proves how your fervor is not about real science but pseudoscience and fudging facts.  But then, Panda Thumb makes it obvious that the real motive behind evolutionism is a diabolic hate for anything about God.


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,21:12   

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 09 2011,07:46)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,05:00)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,15:52)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,16:37)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,15:27)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,15:36)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,08:49)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 08 2011,09:24)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,05:26)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:13)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 05 2011,16:28)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 04 2011,18:33)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 04 2011,13:42)

Likewise, your isochrons are based on psuedocalibrations that dont exists and probably why JonF refuses to answer my long question about There are countless cases of discordance.

I haven't seen any such question. You did ask how isochrons work and I pointed out that this is a terrible medium for teaching such things, and gave links (several times) to excellent explanations.

How ya doin' on telling me which of those quotes is your "cited ... proof that contamination is a major problem"?

Arnt you the same fella that insisted that isochrons are calibrated with Milankovitch cycles? I dismissed it twice but you never respondeds

No, I'm not that fellow. I don't know how isochrons correlate with Milankovitch cycles, but that correlation has nothing to do with contamination. And isochrons certainly aren't calibrated with Milankovitch cycles.

As for contamination here is a good but I will look for some more
Mineral isochrons and isotopic fingerprinting: Pitfalls and promises Geology; January 2005; v. 33; no. 1; p. 29-32; 2005 Geological Society of America
Abstract: The determination of accurate and precise isochron ages for igneous rocks requires that the initial isotope ratios of the analyzed minerals are identical at the time of eruption or emplacement. Studies of young volcanic rocks at the mineral scale have shown this assumption to be invalid in many instances. Variations in initial isotope ratios can result in erroneous or imprecise ages. Nevertheless, it is possible for initial isotope ratio variation to be obscured in a statistically acceptable isochron. Independent age determinations and critical appraisal of petrography are needed to evaluate isotope data. .

Still not contamination. Note that "Nevertheless, it is possible for initial isotope ratio variation to be obscured in a statistically acceptable isochron." Note also that almost all isochron dating is consilient with other methods such as U-Pb concordia-discordia, by far the most widely used method, and with Ar-Ar, probably the second most widely used method.

If you had any idea of how isochron dating works, you would know that errors due to initial isotope ratio mismatches are rare and why that is so.

You are wasting your time with isochrons. They have their uses, but if you want to discredit radiometric dating you need to be talking U-Pb and Ar-Ar.

I don't have a subscription to Geology, and they don't offer the option of purchasing a single article. Will you send me the PDF of the whole thing? I assume you're not just blindly copying what some creo website has to say ... hee hee hee.

Of course they calibrate isochrones with Milankovich cycles and vice verse. From your very own Glen Davidson

Goodness me, there is an actual mention of calibration of Ar-Ar from Milankovitch cycles! I suspect that they really meant correlation. But how about the vice-versa?

And on further investigation I was right, they did really mean correlation. From the full paper at Cyclostratigraphy – concepts, definitions, and applications:

"Despite these caveats, the cyclostratigraphic method has great potential. Major advantages and applications are: ... {long snip} ...

Intercalibration with radiometric dating methods. Comparison and intercalibration with independent radio-isotopic dating methods is fundamentally important. For example, new radiometric age dating recently challenged the up to then widely accepted cyclostratigraphical interpretation of the Middle Triassic Latemar platform in Italy (e. g., Goldhammer et al. 1987, Hinnov & Goldhammer 1991, Brack et al. 1996, Egenhoff et al. 1999, Zühlke 2004). At the Tortonian GSSP at Monte dei Corvi (Italy), however, new 40Ar/39Ar ages essentially confirm the cyclostratigraphic dating (Kuiper et al. 2005). Nevertheless, a detailed comparison of the astronomical and 40Ar/39Ar ages reveals a rather consistent offset of ~ 0.8%, the astronomical ages being older (Kuiper 2003). This study provides an astronomical age for mineral dating standards and opens the possibility for the introduction of an astronomically dated standard in 40Ar/39Ar dating. An accurate and precise intercalibration is especially important by providing tight constraints for the astronomical tuning when it is extended into the Mesozoic."

(bold added). So it's obvious that they cleared up a discrepancy and think that cyclostratigraphy could possible be used to calibrate Ar-Ar dates someday. We're back to no evidence of calibration of one by the other.

Oh so now intercalibration doesnt mean calibration?

Plus its as clear as day that they are calibrating isochrones with Milankovich cycles and Milankovich cycles with isochrons. Typical circular fervor evocreo

My my, you're right!  Intercalibration does not mean calibration, at least not in that paper! If A is calibrated by B, then if for some reason B changes than A also changes. That's not the case with cyclostratigraphy and Ar-Ar dating. It's clear that in that paper "intercalibration" means agreement between independent results. If the underlying calibration of cyclostratigraphy changed, we wouldn't change the results of Ar-Ar analysis and vice versa. If the results of cyclostratigraphy and Ar-Ar analysis don't agree, that's a problem that needs investigating.

No, it's not "clear as day that they are calibrating isochrons with Milankovich cycles and Milankovich cycles with isochrons." It's clear as day that the are comparing the results of the two different and independent methods and they are glad that they agree closely, but they're a little bothered by a "rather consistent offset of ~ 0.8%". 0.8% when you are looking for 10,000,000%! Hee hee hee ...

In fact, they explicitly say that Ar-Ar is not calibrated by cyclostratigraphy and do not hint anywhere that cyclostratigraphy is calibrated by Ar.Ar. Comparison is not calibration. End of story.

Bottom line: cyclostratigraphy and Ar-Ar analysis agree closely but are not used to calibrate each other.

How 'bout dem references for "contamination is also a problem"? How ya comin' on that search?

yeah, when they wrote: "new 40Ar/39Ar ages essentially confirm the cyclostratigraphic dating".

So what? Confirm does not mean calibrate.

con·firm  (kn-fûrm)
tr.v. con·firmed, con·firm·ing, con·firms
1.  To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify.
2.  To make firmer; strengthen: Working on the campaign confirmed her intention to go into politics.
3.  To make valid or binding by a formal or legal act; ratify.
4.  To administer the religious rite of confirmation to.

cal·i·brate  (kl-brt)
tr.v. cal·i·brat·ed, cal·i·brat·ing, cal·i·brates
1.  To check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument): calibrate a thermometer.
2.  To determine the caliber of (a tube).
3.  To make corrections in; adjust: calibrated the polling procedures to ensure objectivity.

See both definitions numbered 1. The agreement between the two independent methods confirms the accuracy of the newer one. No calibration going on here, nothing to see here, move along...

Well, the validity of the methods themselves are "calibrated" by the well-known and well-established laws of physics and chemistry. (Even if the variations you are so fond of posting do actually exist, they do not affect the accuracy of radiometric methods significantly.) There are various tests and physical standards that laboratories interchange to ensure that they are implementing the methods consistently.

That is also incorrect.

Whoopty doo. OK, there are cases of cyclostratigraphy calibrated by radiometric methods. So what? Radiometric methods aren't calibrated by cyclostratigraphy, or is all cycolstratigraphy calibrated by radiometric methods.

All kinds of 14C correction attempts are made to agree with independent calibrations, yet you confidently claim that radioisotopes with huge half-lives are accurately calibrated by their own so called laws of decay.

That's because 14C dating is fundamentally different from U-PB, Ar, Ar, Sr-Rb, SM-Nd dating.

Actually isochrones depend upon all kinds of assumptions. Assumption that are very unlikely when one considers things like quantum tunneling .

The favorite isochron dating method is Uranium-lead (238U /206Pb) where alpha particles tunnel from 238U nuclei through Coulomb barriers of the Thorium nucleus and eventually into 206Pb by a process of eight alpha-decay steps and six beta-decay steps. Quantum tunneling can be suppressed or accelerated by using perturbation pulses and vibrations. A rigorous theoretical analysis based on perturbation theory to first order in the control pulse fields showed that sufficiently frequent perturbation pulses suppress quantum tunneling whereas trains of pulses separated by finite time intervals accelerate tunneling relative to spontaneous decay. Another problem is mechanical oscillation due to vibrations.

However, those who actually understand quantum mechanics and have analyzed radioactive decay rates realize that the rate of tunneling is predictable by some rather complex mathematics, and the rate is constant. E.g. Quantum Mechanics of Alpha Decay:

"Quantum mechanical basis for the Geiger-Nuttal Law. dtermination of the half-lives of several species in the Uranium, Thorium and Actinium series through the use of a scintillator, solid-state detector and coincidence circuitry. The half-lives of Po218, Rn222 and Po214 are determined at 181 ± 5 s, 4.49 ± .01 days and 163 ± 1 ?s, respectively. Verification of the theoretical relationship between half-life and alpha particle energy, with a 2  of 1.1. Qualitative investigation of modeling decay dynamics with the Bateman equations."

See also One hundred years after the discovery of radioactivity, page 32.

All the tunneling-waving you can do doesn't change the fact that no significant change in the decay rate of any relevant radioactive isotope under terrestrial conditions has ever been observed, despite many efforts.  G. T. Emery, Perturbation of Nuclear Decay Rates, Annual Review of Nuclear Science 22, pg 165 (1972).

Another problem is mechanical oscillation due to vibrations.

Oh, baby, I gotta see a citation for that one. Pretty please??

Classical mechanics has no elegant explanation for how an alpha particle overcomes the energy barrier, so we turn to a wave mechanical description of the situation to provide one.

to determine the constancy of decay rates calculating the half-lives of Radon-222 and its daughter Polonium-218

We cannot observe radon-222 directly in the spectrum data, and must therefore use the activity curve of Polonium-218 as an indicator of its half-life. Since we are considering the evolution over many hours, the small half-life of polonium-218 makes this a good approximation.

Polonium-218, which is initially absent in a prepared scintillator vial, has a much shorter half-life than radon-222, which is initially present in large quantities.
Thus, (8) is an appropriate approximation of its activity over time. Fitting to this, we obtain a value for the half-life of polonium-218

However, our value for radon-222 deviates from the accepted value of 3.8 days by many standard deviations. Possible causes for this include careless modeling of (8), or the fact that we did not obtain readings of the polonium-218 activity over long enough periods of time.

Our experimentally determined values of the half-lives of polonium-218 and polonium-214 are in excellent agreement with the literature.

Since decaying is a Poisson process, we expect the distribution of times until decay occurs to fall off as a negative exponential with the same parameter as the decay. Fitting to this, we obtain a value for the half-life of polonium-214

Due to malfunctioning equipment and scheduling difficulties with the other lab groups, we were unable to acquire a reasonable value for the half-life of polonium-212.

Wow! Peer reviewed Uranium and Thorium decay constants are concluded via a dubiously assumed decay rate of a very short-lived (7 days) parent isotope that is based entirely upon the “approximated” decay rate of its three-minute-half-life daughter isotope; all observed over just a few hours of time and finally plugged into a statistical formula that is based on a wave theory.  

Thank you!


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,21:27   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 09 2011,12:14)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,00:02)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 08 2011,18:41)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 08 2011,15:31)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 08 2011,15:08)


Elevated neutrino flux during a relatively brief period would have two effects: (1) a surge in C-14 fraction in the atmosphere.

No one said that neutrinos effect  c14 production

Forastero did (quoting a crank paper), have a talk with him and maybe you two can get your story straight.

A multitude of crank papers because they question your dogma?

Of course there is a surge in both Neutrinos and 14C production  because they are both generated by cosmic rays which both surge during solar flares but the point on neutrinos is their effect decay rates


"Cosmic rays which both surge" - cosmic rays are one thing, not two.  The crank paper you quoted  was talking about increased C-14 production, not decreased decay rates. You do realize that accelerated decay would lead to a decline in C-14, not a surge? Probably not, because you are an IDiot.

From the crank paper:
In particular, neutrinos in large numbers may now be attractive candidates for either initiating the reaction of Eq. 2 or otherwise producing 14C.

Who was it who said this: "No one said that neutrinos effect  c14 production"  Oh, yeah, you did.  That statement still lays there like a turd on a hot sidewalk.

Again, it is a fact that cosmic rays do surge during solar flares and they do generate both 14C and neutrinos.

Plus, I finally found the whole article and found that you left out the part about decay, which btw, best corresponds to the article's title and conclusion.

"the newly-discovered Jenkins-Fischbach effect may force reconsideration of the role of neutrinos in nuclear decays and, possibly, other nuclear processes. In particular, neutrinos in large numbers may now be attractive candidates for either initiating the reaction of Eq. 2 or otherwise producing 14C.....A surge in neutrino flux would have two effects:  It would cause excess decays of the 14C isotopes in all dead biota (via the Jenkins- Fischbach effect), thus increasing their apparent ages as indicated by their “14C ages......It would produce excess atmospheric 14C for a brief period, thus causing the biotic matter formed during the surge to look anomalously young—perhaps by very large amounts (which may have led to unwarranted discarding of good data)."

LOL, neutrinos cause increased C-14 production and increased decay, but somehow this  increases new C-14 production only in the atmosphere and increases C-14 decay only in old material!


Since 24c is a cosmogenic (caused by cosmic rays) isotope, it makes more sense to me that the solar flare perturbations leading to Jenkins-Fischbach decay oscillations are more likely the effect of surges in cosmic rays; which are known to surge during solar flares.

The doofuses you are quoting do not correlate the decays and production with solar flares and cosmic rays, but with ORBIT (smaller solid angle when earth is further away, so neutrino flux is lower).  And the neutrinos they are discussing are those from the sun, not the puny amount arising from cosmic rays. 0:82 x10^-2 particles per square centimeter per second per steradian is the standard flux for cosmic rays , neutrino flux from the sun is 6.5 x 10^10 per square cm per second.

Also not true.

Evidence of Solar Influences on Nuclear Decay Rates
Jere Jenkins and Ephraim Fischbach and Peter Sturrock

"Perturbation of Nuclear Decay rates During the Solar Flare of 2006 December 13", J.H. Jenkins and E. Fischbach, Astropart. Phys. 31, 407-411 (2009).

As for the neutrinos producing 14C, its possible but not as sound as their effects on decay rates


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,21:29   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 09 2011,12:49)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Dec. 09 2011,07:14)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,06:58)
The Lord is good and he surely kept aquatic refuges

Really??? Where is *that* in the Bible?

I find it amazing that you have to postulate aquatic refuges because while your good god was committing global genocide, he took time to save the fish.

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,06:58)
Btw, I have already provided secular references to worldwide flooding

Oh really? I missed those. Can you provide a link, please? This I gotta see.

Lou, it is staffs in all cultures that record history!  Of course forastero hasn't been able to find even one staff, even if he were to use both hands.

If you Google refugia and ocean you will find several. Off hand, the geothermal vent refugia comes to mind


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,21:34   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Dec. 10 2011,10:37)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 10 2011,10:08)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Dec. 09 2011,07:14)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,06:58)
The Lord is good and he surely kept aquatic refuges

Really??? Where is *that* in the Bible?

I find it amazing that you have to postulate aquatic refuges because while your good god was committing global genocide, he took time to save the fish.

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,06:58)
Btw, I have already provided secular references to worldwide flooding

Oh really? I missed those. Can you provide a link, please? This I gotta see.

Also, what is the point here, Tardbucket?

You're going to great lengths to try to use science (you're failing miserably, by the way) to support the authenticity of the Bible, but at every turn you come to something that contradicts everything we know about the universe and you must resort to "it must have been yet another miracle".

Why bother? Why not just start with the miracle and call it day?

Of course the simpler solution is that the Bible isn't actually true, but we all know you cannot possibly go there.

So again, what's the point here?

Again, it was Satan and man had already pretty much destroyed the earth and they will again.   The Hebrew word renes makes it clear that aquatic animals need not be brought upon the ark

Biologists  recognize various marine refugia during a huge extinction event and have you ever seen all of the vast mountain ranges, valleys, caves, freshwater sinks, hydothermal vents,  and even what appear to be beaches and oceans within oceans—made up of heavier waters within huge depressions?

But you said that none of that could exist, since all the land was taken down to the mantle.

But then you said it wasn't necessary because the flood might have only been a few millimeters deep in some areas.

So, which is it?

I'm fairly certain that in reality one event didn't occur for the rocks and a different event occurred for the marine organisms (again, you need to justify your interpretation of 'all life on the Earth destroyed'... once you do that, then we can start examining the other parts of the bible that might be interpreted).

Speaking of the Bible, I guess I can see where you get this idea that two things that are mutually impossible can both happen... since it happens in the Bible in several places.  

Is that how you think?  Your Holy Book is so important to you that if defines how you think, even when two things you say must have happened are mutually contradictory?

Dude, really, you need to seriously reconsider your worldview here.

BTW: You haven't talked about kinds after the initial discussion.  Since you seem to think that all changes are epigenetic, then what are the ancestral organisms and how can we expect to get them back?

That would be a fantastic example of the predictive power of your notions.  Let's start with the research... just tell us what things are in the same 'kind' and how to reverse those epigenetic traits.

Now we're getting into some falsifiable areas here...

oh wait, that's why you don't want to talk about it anymore.

Why do you keep insisting that I am talking about land when I said "marine refugia".  Try Scuba diving, or Google Earth if you dont believe me


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,21:37   

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 10 2011,10:54)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 10 2011,11:36)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:14)
Yup, that's why we avoid anything after 1944 in 14C dating.  

Fossil fuels have been burnt by humans for thousands of years, as has wood, which according to recent findings actually emits more carbon than coal.

Secondly, carbon dating is measured using ratios after 1944  and Carbon-14 dating doesn’t directly measure a ratio in the body but rather assumes that the amount of 14C to 12C in organic samples is the same ratio as that assumed  for the atmospheric ratio. Plus, 12C and 14C are independently derived and 12C is also produced from a number of different sources, some of which spew large volumes at a time.  

Thirdly, I want to see these so called studies that measure those so called part per trillion ratio in the atmosphere, especially since these kinds of measurements were not even possible until recently.  I mean the reason that 14C isnt used on all of the unmineralized dinosaur bones is supposedly due difficulties in measuring isotope ppt.

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:14)

Ther's a small effect. Not very much.
Since 14C dating works with ratios, not quantities, this is irrelevant.
Why, yes we do.

That seems a contradiction based on more of the same dogmatic radiomagic assumptions. If its not, then show me some studies that give the ratios of 14C to 12C sequestered in plants. Not only are there different metabolic absorptions and excretions among individual animals, its common knowledge that different trees sequester carbon at highly different rates and different animals consume different plants and different predators consume different plant eaters, etc...Plus, plant nutrition and biomass has been greatly reduced over time so metabolisms have surely correlated  

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:14)
Dating multiple samples avoids that problem.

Not only is carbon dating expensive and time consuming, its destructive so I doubt many samples are used. And based all the grandiose assumptions concerning the ratios of 14c to 12c in the atmosphere, plants, and animals, evolutionism probably tends not to bother much with sample size or rigorous repeats.

We're discussing geologic radiometric dating and I'm waiting for you to come up with support for your claims.

WHen you've learned enough about 14C dating to have a meaningful discussion about it, I'll be glad to discuss these issues. File them away until then.

Actually,  tracy Hamilton and I were debating the constancy of 14c decay rates when you butted in with a long incorrect diatribe.

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,22:53   

Quote (fnxtr @ Dec. 11 2011,14:01)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 10 2011,14:55)
Fossil fuels have been burnt by humans for thousands of years, as has wood, which according to recent findings actually emits more carbon than coal.

Oh, that takes a special brand of stupid to say.

Wood emits no net carbon as it is a renewable fuel.

Erm..  only if the rate of new tree growth balances the rate of carbon released by burning them. Is that happening right now?

It depends on the country.  The widespread deforestation in the tropics is a problem, although the burning is not for energy but land clearing.

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,23:00   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 11 2011,21:37)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 10 2011,10:54)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 10 2011,11:36)
Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:14)
Yup, that's why we avoid anything after 1944 in 14C dating.  

Fossil fuels have been burnt by humans for thousands of years, as has wood, which according to recent findings actually emits more carbon than coal.

Secondly, carbon dating is measured using ratios after 1944  and Carbon-14 dating doesn’t directly measure a ratio in the body but rather assumes that the amount of 14C to 12C in organic samples is the same ratio as that assumed  for the atmospheric ratio. Plus, 12C and 14C are independently derived and 12C is also produced from a number of different sources, some of which spew large volumes at a time.  

Thirdly, I want to see these so called studies that measure those so called part per trillion ratio in the atmosphere, especially since these kinds of measurements were not even possible until recently.  I mean the reason that 14C isnt used on all of the unmineralized dinosaur bones is supposedly due difficulties in measuring isotope ppt.

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:14)

Ther's a small effect. Not very much.
Since 14C dating works with ratios, not quantities, this is irrelevant.
Why, yes we do.

That seems a contradiction based on more of the same dogmatic radiomagic assumptions. If its not, then show me some studies that give the ratios of 14C to 12C sequestered in plants. Not only are there different metabolic absorptions and excretions among individual animals, its common knowledge that different trees sequester carbon at highly different rates and different animals consume different plants and different predators consume different plant eaters, etc...Plus, plant nutrition and biomass has been greatly reduced over time so metabolisms have surely correlated  

Quote (JonF @ Dec. 05 2011,16:14)
Dating multiple samples avoids that problem.

Not only is carbon dating expensive and time consuming, its destructive so I doubt many samples are used. And based all the grandiose assumptions concerning the ratios of 14c to 12c in the atmosphere, plants, and animals, evolutionism probably tends not to bother much with sample size or rigorous repeats.

We're discussing geologic radiometric dating and I'm waiting for you to come up with support for your claims.

WHen you've learned enough about 14C dating to have a meaningful discussion about it, I'll be glad to discuss these issues. File them away until then.

Actually,  tracy Hamilton and I were debating the constancy of 14c decay rates when you butted in with a long incorrect diatribe.

We are not having a discussion.  You are making IDiotic statements and I am showing a small subset are IDiotic.

For example, C-14 does not have a variable decay rate, your quoting a crank paper notwithstanding.  

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 11 2011,23:05   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 11 2011,21:29)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 09 2011,12:49)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Dec. 09 2011,07:14)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,06:58)
The Lord is good and he surely kept aquatic refuges

Really??? Where is *that* in the Bible?

I find it amazing that you have to postulate aquatic refuges because while your good god was committing global genocide, he took time to save the fish.

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 09 2011,06:58)
Btw, I have already provided secular references to worldwide flooding

Oh really? I missed those. Can you provide a link, please? This I gotta see.

Lou, it is staffs in all cultures that record history!  Of course forastero hasn't been able to find even one staff, even if he were to use both hands.

If you Google refugia and ocean you will find several. Off hand, the geothermal vent refugia comes to mind

Let me amend my statement: "Forastero could not find a staff with two hands and a google search for refugia and ocean."

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers


Posts: 2061
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,00:53   

Quote (khan @ Dec. 11 2011,15:58)
Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Dec. 11 2011,16:57)
this sombitch is even dumber than you can know

Ignorant beyond all comprehension.


what is 9 + 4 equal to?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2061
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,00:55   

Any movement on that derivation of growth rate problem, or is it intractable?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,01:13   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Dec. 10 2011,20:28)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 10 2011,13:13)
Lake Baikal is 30 million years old... neatly defeating your entire argument (are you sure you want to go this route?)

It was formed from a rift valley... how did that happen while all the rock from the upper mantle up was laid down during the flood.  So, the sediment had to be laid, compacted, lithified, rifted, then filled with fresh water and all 'kinds' (hah) of organisms moved there.

Two thirds of the plant and animal species in the massive biodiversity of the lake are found nowhere else in the world... so, how did they diversify so rapidly in 4000 years?  Or, how did they all end up in that one lake?  Are the lake species the same 'kind' as the marine species?

BTW: You have a very unique interpretation of 'all life on the Earth was destroyed except what was in the ark'.  Why is your interpretation correct?  How do you know?

I know you'll get right on those.

Isn't it interesting how you say something and we provide information to you and ask questions, but never get answers.  Why is that... oh yeah, you're just making shit up.

30 million years old according to pseudoempiricm and with no Occam's razor.

Even your own priest say the lake initiated during the worldwide Carboniferous flooding and rapid rifting[/quote]
No, 30 million years old from multiple lines of evidence.  That annoying trait that science has of having multiple, independent lines of evidence all pointing at the same number.  

You must, as has been said a million times before, show that every single dating system is wrong AND that they are all wrong to the same degree, to produce the date you prefer.

You have to disprove, not just object to, everything from Carbon-14 (which you aren't doing so hot with), geomagnetic studies, borehole data, phylogenetic studies, etc.  You simply must show that every single one of these methods is not only wrong, but wrong to the same percentage.

On the rifting:
Sediments of Lake Baikal reach thicknesses in excess of 7 kilometers (4 miles), and the rift floor is perhaps 8 to 9 kilometers (more than 5 miles) deep, making it one of the deepest active rifts on Earth.

So, now your problem is even worse.  You have to explain where 5 miles of rock came from AND another 4 miles of sediment AND that all this has rifted (we're talking literally continental masses of rock here) in your less than 4,200 years since da Flood.

United States and Russian studies of sediment cores taken from Lake Baikal provide a detailed record of climatic variation over the past 250,000 years.

Much attention is focused on numerical models of climate change but there have been few means for reliably testing or modifying boundary conditions of general circulation models. Studies of sedimentary environments in Lake Baikal provide important opportunities to establish ground truth for general circulation models. Very little data exist for long-term climate change from continental interiors; most of the data record derives from the marine or maritime environments. Finally, studies of past environments contribute to understanding the extent to which human activity affects natural conditions in the lake.

Seismic and sediment core analyses are used to fix future drilling sites in Lake Baikal.

Ice-based drilling operations begun in early 1993 are providing longer (over 100 meters in length) cores of Baikal sediments. Analyses of these cores are expected to reveal the climatic, environmental, and geological history of the region as far back as 5 million years. Seismic data will be tied to cores and drill samples to estimate rates of climate change and to map the history of the lake and rift. Very deep drilling in Lake Baikal remains technologically challenging; therefore, the deepest deposits of the rift are not likely to be sampled soon. However, the potentially very long record of sedimentation in Lake Baikal provides unique opportunities to understand the Cenozoic climate history of the Earth and to describe how continents begin to break apart, giving rise to new ocean basins.

Both from :

Peer-reviewed research on the subject.

BTW: You still haven't answered those questions about your 'interpretation' of the Bible and the 'kinds' questions I asked.

Here we go again, I'll keep asking and you'll keep ignoring until another 5 pages go by and then you'll say "What questions" and "I answered that" and you will be proven to be wrong... again.  Look, a discussion is much easier when you answer questions.

Perhaps, you should take a moment, write-up a full post outlining your entire chronology (that means what happened when) and how you determined this information.  Then we don't have to wonder what dates you use... because apparently they are variable.

I tried to show tell you all about epigenetics  but you insisted that it only had to do with diseases.

I tried to teach you about the endocrine system but you went on a tangent confusing polyphenisms with polymorphisms.

I tried to tell you about parental effects but you insisted there was no way.

I tried to explain to you phenotypic plasticity but you mumbled something about mutations and the Big bang

remember these?;st=330;st=420;st=420


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,01:30   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 10 2011,16:55)
Fossil fuels have been burnt by humans for thousands of years, as has wood, which according to recent findings actually emits more carbon than coal.

Oh, that takes a special brand of stupid to say.

Wood emits no net carbon as it is a renewable fuel.

Burning wood releases Co2, which has carbon.

Ah so then you admit 99.9% fossil fuels are from a unique catastrophe in the past.

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,03:30   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 11 2011,22:09)
...when y'all have such a dangerous creationist on your hands.

Dangerous? Little Bunnies who run from questions are not dangerous. Questions such as:

1) Given your concession that the errors you cite in radiometric dating of the age of the earth (such as the above) do NOT account for the entirety of the 454,000 to 1 ratio of the scientific estimate of the age of the earth versus your wishful fiction, what percentage of error DO you allege?

Do errors in radiometric dating result in an overstatement of the age of the earth by 1%, in which case the earth is actually 4.49 billion years old?  By 10%, indicating an earth of 4.08 billion years? By 50%, giving 2.27 billion years, more than 220,000x your Biblically derived age? By 90 percent, indicating an earth that is 45,400x older than your wishful fiction?

Whichever number you arrive at, please justify it in terms of the literature you cite. To date the most generous estimate of possible error is 1/2 of 1%, so you've a long way to go.

2) If corrected dating techniques were to indicate that the earth is 45,400x more ancient than your Biblically motivated surmise, would you conclude that the radiometric evidence supports your Biblical view of the age of the earth?

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 03 2011,14:05)
Now imagine all the alterations that would occur from major perturbations over so called millions of years and you have an even more ridiculous psuedoscience than it already is.

3) How many millions of years must pass to accumulate the "alterations" you allege - resulting in your conclusion that the earth is 1/100th of 1 million years in age?

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,05:10   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 12 2011,01:30)
Ah so then you admit 99.9% fossil fuels are from a unique catastrophe in the past.

Where is the other 0.1% from?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,06:21   

fourass just how stupid are you?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,07:34   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 12 2011,01:13)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Dec. 10 2011,20:28)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 10 2011,13:13)
Lake Baikal is 30 million years old... neatly defeating your entire argument (are you sure you want to go this route?)

It was formed from a rift valley... how did that happen while all the rock from the upper mantle up was laid down during the flood.  So, the sediment had to be laid, compacted, lithified, rifted, then filled with fresh water and all 'kinds' (hah) of organisms moved there.

Two thirds of the plant and animal species in the massive biodiversity of the lake are found nowhere else in the world... so, how did they diversify so rapidly in 4000 years?  Or, how did they all end up in that one lake?  Are the lake species the same 'kind' as the marine species?

BTW: You have a very unique interpretation of 'all life on the Earth was destroyed except what was in the ark'.  Why is your interpretation correct?  How do you know?

I know you'll get right on those.

Isn't it interesting how you say something and we provide information to you and ask questions, but never get answers.  Why is that... oh yeah, you're just making shit up.

30 million years old according to pseudoempiricm and with no Occam's razor.

Even your own priest say the lake initiated during the worldwide Carboniferous flooding and rapid rifting

No, 30 million years old from multiple lines of evidence.  That annoying trait that science has of having multiple, independent lines of evidence all pointing at the same number.  

You must, as has been said a million times before, show that every single dating system is wrong AND that they are all wrong to the same degree, to produce the date you prefer.

You have to disprove, not just object to, everything from Carbon-14 (which you aren't doing so hot with), geomagnetic studies, borehole data, phylogenetic studies, etc.  You simply must show that every single one of these methods is not only wrong, but wrong to the same percentage.

On the rifting:
Sediments of Lake Baikal reach thicknesses in excess of 7 kilometers (4 miles), and the rift floor is perhaps 8 to 9 kilometers (more than 5 miles) deep, making it one of the deepest active rifts on Earth.

So, now your problem is even worse.  You have to explain where 5 miles of rock came from AND another 4 miles of sediment AND that all this has rifted (we're talking literally continental masses of rock here) in your less than 4,200 years since da Flood.

United States and Russian studies of sediment cores taken from Lake Baikal provide a detailed record of climatic variation over the past 250,000 years.

Much attention is focused on numerical models of climate change but there have been few means for reliably testing or modifying boundary conditions of general circulation models. Studies of sedimentary environments in Lake Baikal provide important opportunities to establish ground truth for general circulation models. Very little data exist for long-term climate change from continental interiors; most of the data record derives from the marine or maritime environments. Finally, studies of past environments contribute to understanding the extent to which human activity affects natural conditions in the lake.

Seismic and sediment core analyses are used to fix future drilling sites in Lake Baikal.

Ice-based drilling operations begun in early 1993 are providing longer (over 100 meters in length) cores of Baikal sediments. Analyses of these cores are expected to reveal the climatic, environmental, and geological history of the region as far back as 5 million years. Seismic data will be tied to cores and drill samples to estimate rates of climate change and to map the history of the lake and rift. Very deep drilling in Lake Baikal remains technologically challenging; therefore, the deepest deposits of the rift are not likely to be sampled soon. However, the potentially very long record of sedimentation in Lake Baikal provides unique opportunities to understand the Cenozoic climate history of the Earth and to describe how continents begin to break apart, giving rise to new ocean basins.

Both from :

Peer-reviewed research on the subject.

BTW: You still haven't answered those questions about your 'interpretation' of the Bible and the 'kinds' questions I asked.

Here we go again, I'll keep asking and you'll keep ignoring until another 5 pages go by and then you'll say "What questions" and "I answered that" and you will be proven to be wrong... again.  Look, a discussion is much easier when you answer questions.

Perhaps, you should take a moment, write-up a full post outlining your entire chronology (that means what happened when) and how you determined this information.  Then we don't have to wonder what dates you use... because apparently they are variable.[/quote]
I tried to show tell you all about epigenetics  but you insisted that it only had to do with diseases.

I tried to teach you about the endocrine system but you went on a tangent confusing polyphenisms with polymorphisms.

I tried to tell you about parental effects but you insisted there was no way.

I tried to explain to you phenotypic plasticity but you mumbled something about mutations and the Big bang

remember these?;st=330;st=420;st=420

Forastero, really?  Those are all you running from the questions that were asked in this thread.

And, note that you very carefully did NOT answer any further questions that have been asked of you.

Look, this current discussion is directly related to epigenetics.  All you have to do is show that every 'kind' on the ark has diversified via epigenetics.

In other words, you have to show that every allele that is present in species today was also present in the ark AND show that purely environmental conditions are required for those alleles to be expressed.

I'm really curious as to the environmental conditions that will cause only 2 of 673 HLA-A alleles to be expressed in humans.

Since the human genome has been 100% sequenced, then you should be able to examine it for all 673 alleles.  I'd get right on that if I were you.

It's the only positive evidence you can have.  If you don't have any (which you don't) then you are just using tired and busted creationist arguments.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,07:37   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 12 2011,09:13)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Dec. 10 2011,20:28)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 10 2011,13:13)
Lake Baikal is 30 million years old... neatly defeating your entire argument (are you sure you want to go this route?)

It was formed from a rift valley... how did that happen while all the rock from the upper mantle up was laid down during the flood.  So, the sediment had to be laid, compacted, lithified, rifted, then filled with fresh water and all 'kinds' (hah) of organisms moved there.

Two thirds of the plant and animal species in the massive biodiversity of the lake are found nowhere else in the world... so, how did they diversify so rapidly in 4000 years?  Or, how did they all end up in that one lake?  Are the lake species the same 'kind' as the marine species?

BTW: You have a very unique interpretation of 'all life on the Earth was destroyed except what was in the ark'.  Why is your interpretation correct?  How do you know?

I know you'll get right on those.

Isn't it interesting how you say something and we provide information to you and ask questions, but never get answers.  Why is that... oh yeah, you're just making shit up.

30 million years old according to pseudoempiricm and with no Occam's razor.

Even your own priest say the lake initiated during the worldwide Carboniferous flooding and rapid rifting

No, 30 million years old from multiple lines of evidence.  That annoying trait that science has of having multiple, independent lines of evidence all pointing at the same number.  

You must, as has been said a million times before, show that every single dating system is wrong AND that they are all wrong to the same degree, to produce the date you prefer.

You have to disprove, not just object to, everything from Carbon-14 (which you aren't doing so hot with), geomagnetic studies, borehole data, phylogenetic studies, etc.  You simply must show that every single one of these methods is not only wrong, but wrong to the same percentage.

On the rifting:
Sediments of Lake Baikal reach thicknesses in excess of 7 kilometers (4 miles), and the rift floor is perhaps 8 to 9 kilometers (more than 5 miles) deep, making it one of the deepest active rifts on Earth.

So, now your problem is even worse.  You have to explain where 5 miles of rock came from AND another 4 miles of sediment AND that all this has rifted (we're talking literally continental masses of rock here) in your less than 4,200 years since da Flood.

United States and Russian studies of sediment cores taken from Lake Baikal provide a detailed record of climatic variation over the past 250,000 years.

Much attention is focused on numerical models of climate change but there have been few means for reliably testing or modifying boundary conditions of general circulation models. Studies of sedimentary environments in Lake Baikal provide important opportunities to establish ground truth for general circulation models. Very little data exist for long-term climate change from continental interiors; most of the data record derives from the marine or maritime environments. Finally, studies of past environments contribute to understanding the extent to which human activity affects natural conditions in the lake.

Seismic and sediment core analyses are used to fix future drilling sites in Lake Baikal.

Ice-based drilling operations begun in early 1993 are providing longer (over 100 meters in length) cores of Baikal sediments. Analyses of these cores are expected to reveal the climatic, environmental, and geological history of the region as far back as 5 million years. Seismic data will be tied to cores and drill samples to estimate rates of climate change and to map the history of the lake and rift. Very deep drilling in Lake Baikal remains technologically challenging; therefore, the deepest deposits of the rift are not likely to be sampled soon. However, the potentially very long record of sedimentation in Lake Baikal provides unique opportunities to understand the Cenozoic climate history of the Earth and to describe how continents begin to break apart, giving rise to new ocean basins.

Both from :

Peer-reviewed research on the subject.

BTW: You still haven't answered those questions about your 'interpretation' of the Bible and the 'kinds' questions I asked.

Here we go again, I'll keep asking and you'll keep ignoring until another 5 pages go by and then you'll say "What questions" and "I answered that" and you will be proven to be wrong... again.  Look, a discussion is much easier when you answer questions.

Perhaps, you should take a moment, write-up a full post outlining your entire chronology (that means what happened when) and how you determined this information.  Then we don't have to wonder what dates you use... because apparently they are variable.[/quote]
I tried to show tell you all about epigenetics  but you insisted that it only had to do with diseases.

I tried to teach you about the endocrine system but you went on a tangent confusing polyphenisms with polymorphisms.

I tried to tell you about parental effects but you insisted there was no way.

I tried to explain to you phenotypic plasticity but you mumbled something about mutations and the Big bang

remember these?;st=330;st=420;st=420

You tried to do what ass wipe?

You tried to to pass off a bunch of shit as science;

Can you tell Heaven from Hell,

Blue sky's from pain.

Can you tell a green field

From a cold steel rail?

Can you tell a smile from a veil

You tried to pass off cold comfort for change

You tried to pass off a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage.

ass hat

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,07:48   

better to be a cunt for jesus than just a cunt!

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,08:00   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 12 2011,01:30)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 10 2011,16:55)
Fossil fuels have been burnt by humans for thousands of years, as has wood, which according to recent findings actually emits more carbon than coal.

Oh, that takes a special brand of stupid to say.

Wood emits no net carbon as it is a renewable fuel.

Burning wood releases Co2, which has carbon.

Ah so then you admit 99.9% fossil fuels are from a unique catastrophe in the past.

and growing trees absorbs carbon, which absorbs CO2 which any middle schooler would understand as part of the carbon cycle.  Forastero is not alone in his IDiocy of only considering just CO2 out, there are politicians who think they should stop breathing to emit CO2.  I agree on the stop breathing part, but only because the world needs fewer people pandering to IDiots.

As far as catastrophic processes go, all I have seen is forastero's attempts to do whatever the hell it thinks it is doing.

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,08:40   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 12 2011,09:00)
As far as catastrophic processes go, all I have seen is forastero's attempts to do whatever the hell it thinks it is doing.

fourass's shtick is epic in the unremarkableness of his commentary, offered without solicitation as some sort of decoratory topping for this lump of offal mashed with predictable drollery, ignorant proclamation and casual lies, dropped from the slightly crusty lips of this banal buffoon like crumbs from a powdered donut.

for fucks sake a real Poe would at least try to get out of the sleeperhold RB has on him.  fourass you are showing your true  colors you pussy.  

you have proven here now and forever that you can't go to any conference, not even one in redneck Arkansas anthropology department, hell not even a coffee break or lunchtime brownbag at either a real school or at liberty U, and say jackshit.  

because you simply cannot tell the difference between 1 erect penis, 2.27E5 erect penises or 4.45E5 erect penises.  

They are all the same to you.  How can anyone at Evolution take your heckling seriously if you can't even be that much a judge of dicks?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,08:53   

Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Dec. 12 2011,16:40)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 12 2011,09:00)
As far as catastrophic processes go, all I have seen is forastero's attempts to do whatever the hell it thinks it is doing.

fourass's shtick is epic in the unremarkableness of his commentary, offered without solicitation as some sort of decoratory topping for this lump of offal mashed with predictable drollery, ignorant proclamation and casual lies, dropped from the slightly crusty lips of this banal buffoon like crumbs from a powdered donut.

for fucks sake a real Poe would at least try to get out of the sleeperhold RB has on him.  fourass you are showing your true  colors you pussy.  

you have proven here now and forever that you can't go to any conference, not even one in redneck Arkansas anthropology department, hell not even a coffee break or lunchtime brownbag at either a real school or at liberty U, and say jackshit.  

because you simply cannot tell the difference between 1 erect penis, 2.27E5 erect penises or 4.45E5 erect penises.  

They are all the same to you.  How can anyone at Evolution take your heckling seriously if you can't even be that much a judge of dicks?






"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,09:52   

hey you sexist you don't have to have a dick to be a judge of dicks.  but this guys whole thing is predicated on being as big a dick as possible in the dumbest way he can imagine.  

so how disappointing when we ask for his credentials on dickery and all he has is "i don't know i either have one or 227000 or 445000 i don't see why you think those numbers are reeeeeeealllly all that different except that you are evilutionist homogay hydrodynamic sorting ecozones pollen hitler savior makes me feel fulfilled i had no daddy"

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,09:53   

i'm sorry that is not sexism how silly


your unexamined morphological privilege is showing

porcupines etc

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 5455
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,09:54   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 12 2011,00:00)
 We are not having a discussion.  You are making IDiotic statements and I am showing a small subset are IDiotic.

For example, C-14 does not have a variable decay rate, your quoting a crank paper notwithstanding.  

Allow me to reiterate.
Quote (Lou FCD @ Dec. 11 2011,08:16)
Just tossing this out there

Quote (Diethelm P. and McKee M. in the European Journal of Public Health @ (2009) 19 (1): 2-4)
The normal academic response to an opposing argument is to engage with it, testing the strengths and weaknesses of the differing views, in the expectations that the truth will emerge through a process of debate. However, this requires that both parties obey certain ground rules, such as a willingness to look at the evidence as a whole, to reject deliberate distortions and to accept principles of logic. A meaningful discourse is impossible when one party rejects these rules.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,10:33   

Quote (Erasmus, FCD @ Dec. 12 2011,04:21)
fourass just how stupid are you?

Stupid enough to think Darwin wrote a paper in 1993.

Stupid enough to think 1 + 0.005 ^= 1.005

Stupid enough to think all sedimentary rock is less than 5,000 years old.

Stupid enough to think small error bars on decay rate determinations are consistent with being off by a factor of ~200,000.

Stupid enough not to know the difference between crankery and science.

Stupid enough to think he's dangerous.

Stupid enough to think he's winning.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,10:40   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Dec. 12 2011,09:54)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Dec. 12 2011,00:00)
 We are not having a discussion.  You are making IDiotic statements and I am showing a small subset are IDiotic.

For example, C-14 does not have a variable decay rate, your quoting a crank paper notwithstanding.  

Allow me to reiterate.
Quote (Lou FCD @ Dec. 11 2011,08:16)
Just tossing this out there

Quote (Diethelm P. and McKee M. in the European Journal of Public Health @ (2009) 19 (1): 2-4)
The normal academic response to an opposing argument is to engage with it, testing the strengths and weaknesses of the differing views, in the expectations that the truth will emerge through a process of debate. However, this requires that both parties obey certain ground rules, such as a willingness to look at the evidence as a whole, to reject deliberate distortions and to accept principles of logic. A meaningful discourse is impossible when one party rejects these rules.

Forastero is not going to learn a thing, that is a given.
Forastero is incapable or unwilling to engage in discourse, that is evident from his actions.

This is for amusement purposes only, which is why I do keep asking about these staves the Flood are written on.  As is finding self-contradictions.  The main other thing I am interested in is the pathological science aspect, be it crank derived (neutrino affecting decay rates, I am not going to discuss real decay rate changes with forastero) or political spin (biomass produces more CO2 than coal - although I won't say much there, fxntr had a point, about deforestation, not "burning wood").

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers


Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,12:24   

Hi forastero,

Have you found a stave with the derivation of growth rate from your population equation on it?


what is 9 + 4 equal to?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2011,14:57   


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