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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 24 2008,22:41   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 24 2008,22:35)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 24 2008,23:14)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 24 2008,22:26)
Please note there is clearly no reference to gods in that sentence.  A higher power can mean virtually anything from aliens to a variety of non-natural explanations for life.

Just as a point of clarity, I'd like to know about some of those "non-natural explanations of life" for which there is a variety that don't involve god or gods.

FtK needs to go correct William Dembski. His site says

"At the same time, intelligent design (ID) offers a promising scientific alternative to materialistic theories of biological and cosmological evolution."

Clearly, space aliens would not be an alternative to materialistic explanations.

I'm sorry; I'm not very familiar with this Dembski.  It's very hard to keep abreast of all the many creation scientists ID proponents doing good work in the field these days.  I'm currently reading up on this...Dembski, is it? person.  I'll be letting you guys know how he looks at both sides of this debate when I get a few minutes....

Ah Fuck!  I forgot to pack my kids lunches; shit!  Oh well, gotta go.

And, lovs, try to keep the language down, my kids read this.

Goddamn atheists!


But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 24 2008,22:44   

I don't see that these numbers vis percentages and principalities help with the question at hand, Ftk.

After all, I've been begging you to posit common design (in effect positing the actions of a 'higher power' in biological origins), and, having stipulated common design, describe how that notion might guide theory, research and fieldwork addressing human origins that rises to the standard of your own not-bad description:

"Science should be the search for a true understanding of the cosmos based on empirical evidence, observation, hypothesis and empirical testing through experiment and observation."

In short, I accept Common Design. There is a higher power, One who accounts for Life in its Abundance. I am converted.

Having seen the light, I now fervently wish to conduct my own research into human origins based upon common design. But I don't see how common design gives direction to research meeting the standards you so well articulate above. Please direct me to where - based on our hypothesis of common design - I should turn soil with my spade. Where should I look that current physical anthropologists won't? What do you predict that I will find, that they don't? What hypothesis do you propose to test, by means of what observations, in light of common design?

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 24 2008,23:25   

So non-material space aliens are supposed to be a better explanation than the theory of evolution? I can't imagine why that idea hasn't caught on, even though apparently 84% of the world's population believes it.

Help! Marxist literary critics are following me!


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,03:14   

Quote (Henry J @ Sep. 24 2008,21:43)
Log table?

I figured it's periodic because the picture keeps periodically reappearing on this thread. :p

Badum tisch!

Thaks you, thanks you, well that's all from Henry tonight folks, he'll be back tomorrow night, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel. Until then, don't forget to tip your waitress.

Try the veal!




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,03:17   

Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 25 2008,02:32)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 24 2008,08:07)
I'm going to try to get down to the very basics here FTK.

What is this a picture of?

I am being deadly serious by the way. I want you to tell me, in all seriousness, what that picture shows.


"Oh, Oh, I know!" Afarensis said happily, "It's a odiferous, homosexual log of color" after a few seconds a crestfallen look slowly crept over his face. He gave a mighty sigh and said "Okay, I'll go stand in the corner and think about what I did wrong..."*

*again :angry:

You are correct, sir.

Please collect your prize from the front desk. Bring gloves, a clothespeg and some disposable napkins, your prize might be bro^wn and sme^lly.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,03:32   


I've asked you a really simple question that requires a two word answer from you (maximum). It is not a trick question, it is not a mocking question, it is a simple and sincere question, please answer it.

In case you forgot here it is again:

I'm going to try to get down to the very basics here FTK.

What is this a picture of?

I am being deadly serious by the way. I want you to tell me, in all seriousness, what that picture shows.

In addition, I'm going to ask you a very simple question that requires either a "yes" or a "no" answer. Anything more will fall outside the remit of the question and mean you have not understood it.

Here it is:

Is it possible that I am right about origins/evolution and you are wrong about origins/evolution?

I am not asking if I am right, just if it is possible if I'm right.

So two questions for you there, one about that picture, one about a possibility. They will take you a total of about 3 words to answer, and possibly all of 1 minute to post up that answer.

I'm not asking for much, please answer them. They are sincere, proper questions, not in any way intended to mock, patronise or insult you.

I'm trying to build a position of consensus and have that respectful dialogue you claim to so desire. We have to start off somewhere very simple that is utterly uncontroversial and work, philosophically from there. Please work with me here, as far as respectful dialogue is concerned I am on your side, but FTK, with all your drama and foolishness you are making it hard for me not to mock you pretty mercilessly. Help me be a better person, answer those questions as if you thought I was nice.

Thanks very much.

And further, in the interest of building that consensus, I'm going to answer those questions BEFORE you do, since you seem to be finding them troublesome. Even more than that, I a going to ADD a question I haven't asked you yet and answer it. How's that for nice?

Question 1: What is the above picture a picture of?

Answer 1: A table.

Question 2: Is it possible that I am right about origins/evolution and you are wrong about origins/evolution?

Answer 2: Yes.

Question 3: Is it possible that you are right about origins/evolution and I am wrong about origins/evolution?

Answer 3: Yes.

I'm surprised the questions gave you so much trouble, they weren't difficult, and you could have answered them without any significant loss of time from your consideration of Tom's posts or your busy life.

I'd be grateful if you could answer them, I'd hope you would give the same answers as I have done, then we have a position of consensus to build from, i.e. we both admit the possibility of being wrong, and we both admit the possibility that the other could be right, and we both have observed that is a picture of a table.

If you answer the questions we can then move on to the profound philosophical discussion of how we know it's a table, and what happens if one of us changes our mind and thinks it's a banana. The other two questions are simply intended to indicate a desire to participate in a discussion in good faith.

I sincerely think this will be a productive start for a rational discussion. We've got to find out what we AGREE on before we can discuss what we DISAGREE on, and since that disagreement seems profound, it behoves us to start somewhere so simple and uncontroversial it's almost silly. In a couple of posts, if you play along nicely, we'll be at the exciting stuff. Nothing controversial should happen for the opening bit of the discussion.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,07:30   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 22 2008,13:51)
If atheists are so dominating the country and the world today, when exactly did they take over and who was it that did?

They aren't dominating the country, but they are dominating this blog and the scientific community, so I'm trying to understand the lot of you.  I want to know why you think the way you do.

Many of the reasons for why I think the way I do about much of what we talk about here is contained in the review for "Explore Evolution".

While you, FTK, whine on about how Dembski, Behe etc don't get a chance to publish because they are locked out of the peer-review process from the start, well they are ably continuing to prove how dishonest they are. Busy proving just how much they want their goals to be met, even if they have to twist the truth until it snaps.
A biologist reviews an evolution textbook from the ID camp
Explore Evolution:
It neatly dodges the issue of the vast evidence that has led to the acceptance of evolution by the scientific community; the book's introduction says that the students will see that in their normal textbooks anyway, so EE's authors can simply present an abbreviated version of mainstream science.  

So from the start the reviewer notes that the premise of presenting the evidence "for and against" evolution is false. Sounds to me as if the evidence against is what's on offer here. I mean, if you consider the evidence for evolution it's perhaps not a surprise that they chose to take this path, after all "evolution is vastly more supported by evidence then any competing theory" won't take much paper to print so no book money there and nobody would buy it anyway.
The structure and format of the book appear to be cleverly thought out with regard to the ultimate purpse of the book
There are two obvious tactical reasons for the book's omission of any explicit conclusions about the "debate." The first reason is simply that the authors know precisely the sort of conclusions they'd like everyone to reach: some variation of the creationism that has been deemed legally intolerable by the courts. But they're also undoubtedly aware of survey results that indicate that well over 10 percent of US teachers "teach creationism as a 'valid scientific alternative to Darwinian explanations for the origin of species.'" By avoiding any conclusions, EE will allow those teachers to lead their students into precisely those conclusions that the book's authors desire, all while providing them, and the Discovery Institute, with plausible deniability.

And of course the Discovery Institute want this as they say themselves:
Biology teachers in states that have required or encouraged teachers (1) to help students "to critically analyze" key aspects of evolutionary theory or (2) to teach both "strengths and weaknesses" of scientific theories such as neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory.
Again, one of the "strengths" is that it's supported by overwhelming evidence. Is that talked about do you suppose?
As to the treatment of evidence the reviewer says
By attacking these lines of evidence separately, EE's authors make it easier to claim that the fact that any one of them supports evolution was just a lucky fluke (and they do precisely that). This makes the hardest job of a teacher that much harder, and it makes a mockery of the use of IBL in the sciences.

I never had any respect for these people in the first place, but I'm finding lack of respect just ain't cutting it no more.
And lastly, as you can go read the review and you should here is the reviewer talking about more "evidence" against evolution
So has creationism's orchard model achieved a sudden surge in scientific attention? Again, turning to PubMed, the answer is no. There is a lot of agricultural literature on orchards, so I searched for orchard occurring in the same paper as the competing theory, evolution. That netted 22 references on the evolution of crop plants and their pests, and three papers on evolution originating at institutions located on roads named after orchards. The more technical term for multiple origins, polyphyletic, pulls out a significant number of papers, but they seem to focus on specific features that have multiple origins, such as flightlessness in birds, rather than on the proposition that individual species do. It's worth noting that "orchard model" was easy to find if Google was set loose on the entire web, however—at sites such as "Answers in Genesis."

That's very similar to the "liquefaction lens" I was asking you about FTK. They apparently play a crucial role in your favoured (the only one you have ever mentioned) creation model, and yet the only references to them are on Walt's own site or a few other forums where his claims are also being dismantled. Yet this is held up as "evidence against evolution"? FTK, can you really not see what an uneven battle this is? It's not David against Goliath, it's the moon against a pea.

I suppose we're just lucky FTK is not arguing for a flat earth.

You may see the authors of this master-work of deception here:
Stephen C. Meyer, Scott Minnich, Jonathan Moneymaker*, Paul A. Nelson, Ralph Seelke

*No, really.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,07:32   

Quote (blipey @ Sep. 24 2008,22:41)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 24 2008,22:26)
Please note there is clearly no reference to gods in that sentence.  A higher power can mean virtually anything from aliens to a variety of non-natural explanations for life.

If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 3326
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,08:03   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
Quote (blipey @ Sep. 24 2008,22:41)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 24 2008,22:26)
Please note there is clearly no reference to gods in that sentence.  A higher power can mean virtually anything from aliens to a variety of non-natural explanations for life.

If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

While I've been generally ignoring the FTK infinite do-loop, I do check in every once in a while.  This is the operative question highlighted above.  All the other stuff thrown at FTK is a mere sideshow.  While it is likely futile, I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,08:45   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,14:03)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
Quote (blipey @ Sep. 24 2008,22:41)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 24 2008,22:26)
Please note there is clearly no reference to gods in that sentence.  A higher power can mean virtually anything from aliens to a variety of non-natural explanations for life.

If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

While I've been generally ignoring the FTK infinite do-loop, I do check in every once in a while.  This is the operative question highlighted above.  All the other stuff thrown at FTK is a mere sideshow.  While it is likely futile, I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

I'm going to agree and disagree.

I agree that this is a very good question that hits at the heart of the matter, and I agree that a moratorium on responding to FTK is a good idea (if only to prevent the circus sideshow that we all enjoy so much).

I disagree that in FTK's specific case this is the best question to focus on initially.

I'll elaborate (shock horror):

FTK's problem isn't scientific, she isn't a scientist and is demonstrably clueless about even very basic science. Asking her for evidence for her claims is almost pointless, it doesn't exist and she wouldn't recognise it if it did. Trying to get her to appreciate the consillient whole of the vast swathes of evidence in support of any specific scientific idea, let alone one as far ranging and complex as evolutionary biology or abiogenesis, is an exercise in futility. I'm not saying she can't get there, I'm saying she isn't there yet. That's a big difference, and hopefully one even FTK can parse sufficiently well to realise it isn't an insult.

FTK's problem is to do with identity politics and to a lesser extent basic epistemology. She clearly doesn't understand how things get known, and she's clearly been fed a line about "evil atheists/materialists/darwinists/whatever" and bought it hook, line and sinker. Asking her questions about evidence and even relaying details on simple pieces of science might be fantastic fun for the lurkers and us, but it misses the origin of FTK's problem from the outset.

Fractal wrongness is the key here. At every level FTK's claims and opinions on science are examined they are (almost all) demonstrably in error, i.e. in direct conflict with the available evidence. Starting at the upper levels of this fractally wrong picture is not going to help. Ok so I know fractals are practically infinite, and this analogy therefore breaks down, but if we can get her to understand the very basics, the other stuff will come (hopefully). That takes work, patience and a bit of restraint on all our parts and I'm only good at one of those!

I explicitly do not mean "FTK has to have a materialist world view" or "FTK has to become an atheist", those are irrelevant misunderstandings of what I mean. I'll use Wesley as an example again (sorry Wes, I realise it's potentially an invidious comparison): he is a self identifying christian, as is FTK. Though their branches of christianity differ wildly, as do their opinions of teleology in nature, Wes and I would find little/no material difference in our approaches to science, evolutionary biology, abiogenesis etc. FTK and I would. I'm one of those EEEEEEEVIIIIILLLLL atheists after all. There is no reason for any of this to impact on her identity or on her general faith (although I grant specific elements will obviously be challenged, if not destroyed) in any detrimental manner.

I think the trick with FTK is to not only convince her that, to our best approximations, there is a real world out there (for want of a better term) but that we can understand it independently of mere subjectivity (there's a lot of philosophical wrangling to be done there, but let's allow this simplification to pass). More than that, that we HAVE understood a lot of it to a very accurate degree.

I'm going to make another potentially invidious comparison that will likely get me shot. Over on Lou's Biology 111 thread we've started to delve into chemical bonding and the nature of the atom. Lou currently doesn't know/understand this stuff I think it's fair to say (and there is no universe in which I mean that in a derogatory fashion). There is no reason whatsoever to expect that he WON'T understand this stuff, quite the reverse in fact, there's a lot of reasons to expect that he will. I've done Lou no favours by jumping in at a reasonably technical level in my comments, he's still at point A and I'm at point C, we need to get through point B to make the A to C link. Lou's a smart bloke, he'll probably do B without any input from me or anyone else, but the link needs to be made somewhere by someone.

With respect to science, especially the science relevant to complex biology, FTK isn't even at point A, she's at point negative Z and we're all out at point Z to the power of Z. Dealing with her concerns out there just annoys everyone! She can't deal with it, she has no basis with which to understand it, it is outside of her experience. We need to make the links, and I'm including FTK in that "we". Now perhaps she'll make them herself, but based on her words here and elsewhere she's been fed too much disinformation for that to happen easily. Seeing the wood for the trees is tough in that position. I see no good reason why she cannot make those links, although unfortunately I can see a huge swathe of very bad reasons. If we can make those links with FTK (not for her) then perhaps she can learn on her own time to fill in the gaps herself. Again, none of this requires or demands and "conversion" or "change of identity" or even a "change of opinion".

That's why, if FTK's amenable, I reckon she should get the hell out of the culture war/identity politics aspect and start from scratch almost. Sure it's tough, and sure it'll take some work, but she'll be better off for it at the end. I reckon that for her to have a productive discussion it's worth her doing it with one or two people who are prepared to lead her through the basics carefully and put up with a few tantrums along the way. Sorry FTK if that metaphor insults you, it's not meant to.

I'm not volunteering by the way!

As things stand FTK just gets to keep making a fool of herself which, whilst hilarious and brilliant for mocking, isn't very nice or useful for anyone. Baiting her to ever greater heights of foolishness does make our point that creationism is merely nonsense quite well, but it doesn't help her or us in the long term. If we fail to change the model we have for interacting with FTK, we are doomed to repeat the old model.

I suppose it depends what we want. To help FTK educate herself or to mock her until he explodes and gets banned or something. I'm not saying those goals are necessarily mutually exclusive either! ;-)




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:00   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:45)
I suppose it depends what we want. To help FTK educate herself or to mock her until he explodes and gets banned or something. I'm not saying those goals are necessarily mutually exclusive either! ;-)



That's all very good, and well-stated, but I think it is very clear that she doesn't really want to understand the science. She has demonstrated time and time again that what she wants is culture warfare. If she wanted to talk about science, she has had opportunities too numerous to count. At every opportunity she has chosen (yes, chosen) to misunderstand or ignore the science and wade into gratuitous insults, irrelevant religious generalities (we're all atheists on a daily basis), and to focus on personalities (ERV is a foul-mouthed bitch and Walt Brown is a saint).

That's all she can do, I'm convinced. She's never, not once, demonstrated an ability to learn anything about the science here. It's as if she wanted to subscribe to People magazine, and you are trying to get her to read Scientific American. It will never happen.

So it certainly doesn't depend on what WE want. From the outset, education has been my goal; I think that is generally true for everyone here, even the most dedicated mockers. It depends on what she wants, and in her actions, if not her words, she's been very consistent in letting us know that she doesn't really want to hear or learn about science. It's personalities and culture warfare, all the time.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:05   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:03)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
Quote (blipey @ Sep. 24 2008,22:41)
Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 24 2008,22:26)
Please note there is clearly no reference to gods in that sentence.  A higher power can mean virtually anything from aliens to a variety of non-natural explanations for life.

If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

While I've been generally ignoring the FTK infinite do-loop, I do check in every once in a while.  This is the operative question highlighted above.  All the other stuff thrown at FTK is a mere sideshow.  While it is likely futile, I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

This question certainly calls her out on her assertion that "designer," or even "higher power" doesn't refer to something like God.

But I don't otherwise see as otherwise absolutely central, and all else side show. One can easily believe in God (or not) and still do good science. She refuses to acknowledge good science.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:15   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 24 2008,19:30)
I. should. have. flounced.

Don't forget the hair toss like you did last time.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:16   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Sep. 25 2008,15:00)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:45)
I suppose it depends what we want. To help FTK educate herself or to mock her until he explodes and gets banned or something. I'm not saying those goals are necessarily mutually exclusive either! ;-)



That's all very good, and well-stated, but I think it is very clear that she doesn't really want to understand the science. She has demonstrated time and time again that what she wants is culture warfare. If she wanted to talk about science, she has had opportunities too numerous to count. At every opportunity she has chosen (yes, chosen) to misunderstand or ignore the science and wade into gratuitous insults, irrelevant religious generalities (we're all atheists on a daily basis), and to focus on personalities (ERV is a foul-mouthed bitch and Walt Brown is a saint).

That's all she can do, I'm convinced. She's never, not once, demonstrated an ability to learn anything about the science here. It's as if she wanted to subscribe to People magazine, and you are trying to get her to read Scientific American. It will never happen.

So it certainly doesn't depend on what WE want. From the outset, education has been my goal; I think that is generally true for everyone here, even the most dedicated mockers. It depends on what she wants, and in her actions, if not her words, she's been very consistent in letting us know that she doesn't really want to hear or learn about science. It's personalities and culture warfare, all the time.

I'd agree 99% with you there Albatrossity.

There is still a tiny (1% !) part of me that thinks there is a tiny (<1%) part of FTK (and everyone) that wants to learn. I think that in FTK's case it's obscured to a large degree by the things you mention. She's invested a lot of effort in her culture warrior status, and that doesn't happen without some reason.

Now you're right, it might be that she is 100% for the identity politics, but she still reads around, she claims she goes to meetings/lectures etc and she at least claims to be interested in the science. My guess is that some small fraction of that effort is motivated by a genuine, sincere concern to understand the world around her. I don't think we humans ever lose that urge completely, however much we might ossify.

I also agree wholeheartedly that FTK has chosen to behave the way she has, I'm just offering her another choice and hoping that she'll take it. I have no reason to think she will, but I still have to offer the choice.

Like Steve said, this all could be an elaborate wind up on FTK's part, perhaps she is fixated on a certain set of attention getting behaviours (although I think that's too simplistic, but certainly part of the problem), perhaps "she's" some internet uber troll living in his mum's basement. I can probably never know if any of that is true, and it essentially doesn't matter. I'm taking her at her word, with a relatively large pinch of salt.



P.S. Oh and I know that your goal has been, and is, only to educate, as it has for many of us elitist atheists on a daily basis (bastards).

ETA: BTW I know people can be comfortable in their delusions/worldviews/whatever and thus resist change, and that can be a motivating factor for what FTK is doing, but FTK is going out of her way to encounter things that challenge that status quo and practically force change upon her. Her reaction to that is, as you've stated, more than counterproductive. My point is that at the time and place in which she lives, she doesn't have to go looking for challenges like that. The fact that she does indicates to me that she suspects at some level there is something nasty (reality) lurking in the wood shed.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:22   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 25 2008,09:05)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:03)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

...I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

This question certainly calls her out on her assertion that "designer," or even "higher power" doesn't refer to something like God.

But I don't otherwise see as otherwise absolutely central, and all else side show. One can easily believe in God (or not) and still do good science. She refuses to acknowledge good science.

You misunderstand, Bill.  It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:23   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,15:22)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 25 2008,09:05)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:03)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

...I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

This question certainly calls her out on her assertion that "designer," or even "higher power" doesn't refer to something like God.

But I don't otherwise see as otherwise absolutely central, and all else side show. One can easily believe in God (or not) and still do good science. She refuses to acknowledge good science.

You misunderstand, Bill.  It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

I'd bet it wouldn't even be THAT pretty! ;-)



Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:29   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,01:14)
Quote (Henry J @ Sep. 24 2008,21:43)
Log table?

I figured it's periodic because the picture keeps periodically reappearing on this thread. :p

Badum tisch!

Oooh! Bilingual puns! You're on fire today, Louis.

Funny, it's totally the opposite of what your wife said about you last night.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 2780
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,09:59   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,09:16)
Now you're right, it might be that she is 100% for the identity politics, but she still reads around, she claims she goes to meetings/lectures etc and she at least claims to be interested in the science.

She does. But judging from the seminar that I attended here in the Geology department, where she was also in attendance, she completely missed the point of the entire presentation (i.e., Methodological Naturalism is not the same thing as Philosophical Naturalism) when she wrote it up for her blog. That is a sample size of 1, admittedly.

She attended a lecture here by Sean Carroll, which I did not attend (I was able to see it on video later), and, even though this was a lecture for the general public, he talked about stuff which she has mangled every time it is discussed here (icefish, globin genes, how DNA actually contains "fossilized" bits which are strong evidence for common descent). It appears that she doesn't have the basic biology factual background to understand the reasoning and the conceptual bits.

I submit that she goes to those seminars with a preconceived notion of what will be said and is already working up a rebuttal of that. We've seen that here as well. How many times does she put words in your mouth and then proceed to "rebut" those words you never said? She also goes into them with all of her culture warrior battle gear and shields fully engaged (those people are atheists, "materialism" is evil, creationists are getting shortchanged by these guys, an atheistic "world view" prevents scientists from seeing the truth, etc.). There is NO way to get reality through that sort of barrier until she wants to learn, and she doesn't want to learn from evil atheistic bastards who won't even talk to kindly ol' Walt Brown.

And this message, along with the previous one, will be categorized as being yet more evidence that scientists are arrogant, condescending, atheistic a-holes who are mean to creationists. It is, as noted above, an infinite do-loop. If she actually ignores these messages, turns the other cheek and rises above the personal to devotes her next comment to Tom's comments, then I'll concede that you are right about the 1% possibility...

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:15   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,15:29)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,01:14)
Quote (Henry J @ Sep. 24 2008,21:43)
Log table?

I figured it's periodic because the picture keeps periodically reappearing on this thread. :p

Badum tisch!

Oooh! Bilingual puns! You're on fire today, Louis.

Funny, it's totally the opposite of what your wife said about you last night.


I was waiting for someone to get that one.

Honestly if it's not dick jokes it's beyond you people. That's obviously because you're all atheists on quite probably a minutely basis.




Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:17   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Sep. 25 2008,15:59)

If she actually ignores these messages, turns the other cheek and rises above the personal to devotes her next comment to Tom's comments, then I'll concede that you are right about the 1% possibility...

Why do I feel another inadvisable bet coming on?

I think, in all seriousness, we're in total agreement, it's just Optimism Thursday here in the UK. ;-)


ETA: Heeyyyyyyyy! It was LESS THAN 1%! Don't make me nicer than I actually am or everyone will want some. Or not, as the case may be.


Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:38   


she doesn't want to learn from evil atheistic bastards who won't even talk to kindly ol' Walt Brown.

Or even theistic ones. Or especially theistic ones.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:47   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,10:22)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 25 2008,09:05)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:03)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

...I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

This question certainly calls her out on her assertion that "designer," or even "higher power" doesn't refer to something like God.

But I don't otherwise see as otherwise absolutely central, and all else side show. One can easily believe in God (or not) and still do good science. She refuses to acknowledge good science.

You misunderstand, Bill.  It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

Fair enough. But I'm thinking they'll be sucked into the intake, pureed by the turbofans and scattered to the four winds. Here we agree to disagree.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:05   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Sep. 25 2008,17:38)

she doesn't want to learn from evil atheistic bastards who won't even talk to kindly ol' Walt Brown.

Or even theistic ones. Or especially theistic ones.

Amen, brother.



Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:58   

Oops, wrong thread.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,13:02   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 25 2008,18:58)
Oops, wrong thread.

In just so many ways.



Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,19:00   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:22)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 25 2008,09:05)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:03)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Sep. 25 2008,07:32)
If you really believe that can you give, say, 5 examples of non-natural explanations for life?

...I'd suggest a moratorium on responding to FTK until such time as she answers this question or admits that she can't.  Although, I'd be impressed if she could actually name one non-natural explanation for life that doesn't invoke God (or god).

This question certainly calls her out on her assertion that "designer," or even "higher power" doesn't refer to something like God.

But I don't otherwise see as otherwise absolutely central, and all else side show. One can easily believe in God (or not) and still do good science. She refuses to acknowledge good science.

You misunderstand, Bill.  It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

I'm not so sure I agree, entirely. It's only in certain narrowly described fields that they wish to do away with materialism. It's fine in, say, bridge building or medicine or finding oil, or what have you. When it comes to the origin of the universe and the evolution of life on earth, then, suddenly materialism becomes anathema.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,19:58   

Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 25 2008,19:00)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:22)
It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

I'm not so sure I agree, entirely. It's only in certain narrowly described fields that they wish to do away with materialism. It's fine in, say, bridge building or medicine or finding oil, or what have you. When it comes to the origin of the universe and the evolution of life on earth, then, suddenly materialism becomes anathema.

Well, I'd suggest that isn't really a point of disagreement. Indeed, I think you are exactly right. Their objection to methodological naturalism (MN) only extends as far as it impinges on their narrow objection to the idea that they descended from monkeys.  However, they don't often reveal the narrowness of their quibble with MN inasmuch as doing so gives away the game. So, they tend to more generic broadsides.

That their objection to methodological naturalism is only as it relates to modern biology only increases the incoherence of their position.  After you ask them for their non-natural explanations for OOL, then ask them for their non-natural explanations for {insert any scientific field of your choice here} and then watch them spin.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,20:28   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,19:58)
Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 25 2008,19:00)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:22)
It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

I'm not so sure I agree, entirely. It's only in certain narrowly described fields that they wish to do away with materialism. It's fine in, say, bridge building or medicine or finding oil, or what have you. When it comes to the origin of the universe and the evolution of life on earth, then, suddenly materialism becomes anathema.

Well, I'd suggest that isn't really a point of disagreement. Indeed, I think you are exactly right. Their objection to methodological naturalism (MN) only extends as far as it impinges on their narrow objection to the idea that they descended from monkeys.  However, they don't often reveal the narrowness of their quibble with MN inasmuch as doing so gives away the game. So, they tend to more generic broadsides.

That their objection to methodological naturalism is only as it relates to modern biology only increases the incoherence of their position.  After you ask them for their non-natural explanations for OOL, then ask them for their non-natural explanations for {insert any scientific field of your choice here} and then watch them spin.

Point taken. I guess I do agree after all.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,22:36   

Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 25 2008,18:28)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,19:58)
Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 25 2008,19:00)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,09:22)
It isn't a belief in a higher power that I view as an impediment to science (I am a deist, after all).  Rather, within the ID community, tearing down methodological naturalism is the coin of the realm.  So is denial of their religious motives.  So, I am suggesting that we, for the moment, grant them what they want and let's see them try and outline non-natural OOL without invoking God (or god).  I am betting that they will wrap themselves around the axle.

I'm not so sure I agree, entirely. It's only in certain narrowly described fields that they wish to do away with materialism. It's fine in, say, bridge building or medicine or finding oil, or what have you. When it comes to the origin of the universe and the evolution of life on earth, then, suddenly materialism becomes anathema.

Well, I'd suggest that isn't really a point of disagreement. Indeed, I think you are exactly right. Their objection to methodological naturalism (MN) only extends as far as it impinges on their narrow objection to the idea that they descended from monkeys.  However, they don't often reveal the narrowness of their quibble with MN inasmuch as doing so gives away the game. So, they tend to more generic broadsides.

That their objection to methodological naturalism is only as it relates to modern biology only increases the incoherence of their position.  After you ask them for their non-natural explanations for OOL, then ask them for their non-natural explanations for {insert any scientific field of your choice here} and then watch them spin.

Point taken. I guess I do agree after all.

Yeesh. You two need to get a room.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2008,04:57   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,22:36)
Quote (afarensis @ Sep. 25 2008,18:28)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Sep. 25 2008,19:58)
Well, I'd suggest that isn't really a point of disagreement. Indeed, I think you are exactly right.

Point taken. I guess I do agree after all.

Yeesh. You two need to get a room.

Run along now Arden, the adults are talking.  If it will make you feel better, go ahead and get yourself a juice box from the fridge.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)

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