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Posts: 458
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,12:45   

Quote (Indiumas @ Nov. 24 2011,10:42)
Forastero: You are assuming there was no agriculture and you are assuming that the carrying capacity in uniformitarian terms. Your assumptions are wrong because the evidence shows that Africa's carrying capacity was much stronger in the past and agriculture was present

No, I am not. This has been independently determined, see for example this paper and the references therein. Of course you can easily prove me (and all those stupid scientists working in this field) wrong: Show me that agriculture has been a major factor more than let´s say 15000 years ago. The funny thing, of course, is that according to you, humans don´t even have a history that goes back 15000 years! :D
So, when you demonstrate that humans had a thriving agriculture 15000 years ago, be sure to point out that you actually don´t mean 15000 years but 6000 years, which would of course make your point invalid again. I can´t even begin to imagine how you can cope with mental dissonances like this.

Also, I am not assuming that carrying capacity is "uniformitarian", whatever you mean by that anyway. I even mentioned that a better model should reflect that the carrying capacity can be time-dependent. Do you actually read what people write?

So, you are wrong on both accounts.

Like I said agroforastry is part of all modern hunter gatherer societies and is known to be a very extensive part of prehistoric hunter gatherers, which included intensive manipulation of rainforests.

I you were basing your carrying capacity numbers on modern ecologies. If not I would appreciate a source, if you havnt already provided it.

Btw, I do appreciate your style and the interesting sources

I will have to get back on this one though cause I have to go gather some fowl


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,12:48   

Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,13:34   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,12:48)
Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

So why don't you propose a better way to date things?

Oh, you don't have one?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,15:02   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Nov. 24 2011,11:34)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,12:48)
Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

So why don't you propose a better way to date things?

Oh, you don't have one? E-Harmony?

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,15:17   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,12:32)
I have already mentioned that population waxed and waned globally during the Flood and partially during the tectonic fall of Babel. I see that you also willfully ignored the authors chart and following quote from that article:

There is a lot here, but I'd just like to comment on the above little piece.

You are wrong, the human population could not have waxed during a Global Flood.  It crashed.  It indeed crashed to unsustainable levels.

You, forastero, claimed that the Flood occurred in 2350BC (actually you said you had no problem with that date... which is effectively the same as claiming it).

So, the flood happened then.  However, there were multiple cultures DURING that year.  You are the one who has to explain where the 20k - 30k people that build the Kafre pyramid came from... and the people that made up the Chinese culture of the time... and the people that made up the Japanese culture of the time... and the people that started building Stonehinge at about that same time... and all the people of the Mesopitamian region and the Mediteranian region, etc. etc. etc.

All from 8 people who were alive at the end of the flood.  

It doesn't matter WHEN these cultures existed.  You have to explain all of them coming from 10 people when a Global Flood wiped away every other living thing on the planet at some time close to these.

It doesn't matter if it was a 1000 years after the Flood, you cannot produce a population growth rate that is in any way connected to reality that produces the millions of people on the planet that have to be in all these cultures.

Even further, you MUST have massive mutational rates to develop the unique genetic traits of these various cultures.  Or perhaps you should explain which of Noah's daughters-in-law was Chinese, which was Greek, and which was Egyptian... and which was Sumerian and Vietnamese and English and Dutch (giving the current names for the region in which these people's existed).  Heck, North American Indian, South American Indian, etc. etc. etc.

You can't do it.  It's simply not possible for these to happen without a miracle.  But the second you appeal to miracles, you lose all hope of your claims be supported.  So go ahead.

BTW: What exploded to cause the Big Bang?  You seem to think that the scientists saying something actually exploded are literally correct... so, in your own words... what exploded?

Which strata are pre-Flood and post-Flood strata?  How do you know?

What is a layer of flood deposits?  You said the entire Carboniferous is the deposit from The Flood.  Do you still stand by this?  (yes or no)

Was the Tarim Basin canyon formed in The Flood?

Was the Green River formation formed in The Flood?

Were ALL sedimentary formations formed in The Flood?  If this is the case, then where (and what) are the pre-Flood strata (thanks JonF)?

Run away Bun-bun... run away from these statements that totally refute your worldview.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,16:16   

It is not possible to believe in the flood without ignoring all the evidence for Africa as the origins of all humans alive on this planet today. The migrations and the routes taken, the Neandertal and Denisovan hominins;, what is the creationist theory of how the continents were populated after the flood?

That is, if we really are stupid enough to believe we need consider the flood anything but a myth. Come on, creationists, a feasibility study shows that there isn't a chance in hell that the history about a family of eight on an impossible 'boat' ship in an impossible flood can be true.

Creationism is an insult to the human intellect. Intellectual catalepsy, a pathological worldview. There ain't no cure for stupidity.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,17:24   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,13:48)
Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

And yet you haven't provided any rational reason / evidence for not agreeing. The only reason you have is you don't like it.

Reality doesn't care what you like or dislike.

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2011,17:45   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,13:48)
Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

That, and some of your other comments, calls to mind some questions I've been mulling over. But I'll go ahead and share them with you.

1) Given your concession that the errors you cite in radiometric dating of the age of the earth do NOT account for the entirety of the 227,000 to 1 ratio of the scientific estimate of the age of the earth versus your wishful fiction, what percentage of error DO you allege?

Do errors in radiometric dating result in an overstatement of the age of the earth by 1%, in which case the earth is actually 4.49 billion years old?  By 10%, indicating an earth of 4.08 billion years? By 50%, giving 2.27 billion years, more than 110,000x your Biblically derived age? By 90 percent, indicating an earth that is 22,700x older than your wishful fiction?

Whichever number you arrive at, please justify it in terms of the literature you cite. To date the most generous estimate of possible error is 1/2 of 1%, so you've a long way to go.

2) If corrected dating techniques were to indicate that the earth is 22,700x more ancient than your Biblically motivated surmise, would you conclude that the radiometric evidence supports your Biblical view of the age of the earth?

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington

Doc Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 25 2011,02:03   

Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

You, sir, are an ignoramus wrapped in a thick layer of moron.  Your level of education as demonstrated by your inane postings is zero.  And you are stupid, to boot.

You can't agree nor disagree with "radiometric dating" because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

What you can say is that you don't "like" radiometric dating because it conflicts with your opinion.

And, to be clear, your opinion is like an asshole.  Everybody has one but nobody gives a rat's ass about yours.

I would suggest you quit this thread and devote your time to Internet Porn.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 25 2011,03:08   

Um...yeah.  The growth rate in your population equation comes from, uh...where?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 25 2011,09:39   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,12:48)
Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

You know, for your contentions to be right, just about all of science has to be wrong? Not just a little wrong, flat out bollocks. This includes physics, geology, biology and astronomy.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 25 2011,18:35   

On the radiometric dating thing, one could also point out that even if radiometric dating were inadequate for whatever reason, it isn't the only way of estimated age of things - geologists can estimate how long it would take to form the formations they study, and that too points to a really really old earth, even if way less precise than radio-dating stuff. (I suppose the lack of precision is due to fact that a geological feature might just sit there for a while without changing much, so they could easily underestimate time spans.)

Then there was somebody's (Kelvin?) calculation on how long it would take Earth to cool from molten to present temperature. Even without knowledge of radioactive heating of Earth's interior, he still got twenty something million years, IIRC. That's three point something orders of magnitude more than the YEC position, even if 2 point something orders less than the reality.



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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 25 2011,21:29   

Quote (Henry J @ Nov. 25 2011,18:35)
On the radiometric dating thing, one could also point out that even if radiometric dating were inadequate for whatever reason, it isn't the only way of estimated age of things - geologists can estimate how long it would take to form the formations they study, and that too points to a really really old earth, even if way less precise than radio-dating stuff. (I suppose the lack of precision is due to fact that a geological feature might just sit there for a while without changing much, so they could easily underestimate time spans.)

Then there was somebody's (Kelvin?) calculation on how long it would take Earth to cool from molten to present temperature. Even without knowledge of radioactive heating of Earth's interior, he still got twenty something million years, IIRC. That's three point something orders of magnitude more than the YEC position, even if 2 point something orders less than the reality.


Yes, forastero, you have yet to explain the Green River formation.  6 million years of biannual sedimentary layers that must form only in still and/or stagnant water.

If we compress that to your belief system, then we would have to create some 43 unique layers of rock per day.

That's on the question list BTW... not that you can deal with it.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2011,02:05   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ Nov. 25 2011,09:39)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,12:48)
Oh and of course, I dont agree with the radiometric dating system

You know, for your contentions to be right, just about all of science has to be wrong? Not just a little wrong, flat out bollocks. This includes physics, geology, biology and astronomy.

This point cannot be emphasized enough. It's one thing when two Real Scientists date the same rock, and Dr. Fred comes up with an age-of-rock of 1.46 billion years, whilst Dr. Harry comes up with an age-of-rock of 1.39 billion years... but it's something else entirely when "Doctor" Y. E. C. Biblethumper "dates" that same rock and comes up with an age-of-rock in the neighborhood of one thousand years. With Drs. Fred and Harry, the 5% difference between their two age-of-rock figures could plausibly be the result of a minor error that one of the two committed; but "Doctor" Biblethumper's age-of-rock figure is six orders of magnitude different from either Dr. Fred's or Dr. Harry's age-of-rock figure.
According to this website, the distance between New York City, NY and San Francisco, CA is 2570 miles. Could that website be wrong? Sure it could! But for that website to be wrong by six fucking orders of magnitude, the true distance between New York and San Francisco would have to be (2570 miles / 1,000,000 =) thirteen and a half feet. Or, if you think that website might be off by six fucking orders of magnitude in the other direction, the true distance between New York and San Francisco would have to be (2570 miles * 1,000,000 =) 2,570,000,000 miles, a distance so great that it would take light itself, traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, more than three hours fifty minutes to cover that distance.
So when you YECs make noise about don't believe those so-called 'scientists' when they speak of billions of years, the real age of the Earth is just a few thousand years, you are, whether you know it or not... whether you want to know it or not... in exactly the same position as someone who insists that New York is only thirteen feet away from San Francisco. And when you YECs bring up utter fucking bullshit 'arguments' in 'support' of your position, arguments whose intrinsic FAIL means that they could only be raised by a goddamn liar (if the YEC raising said arguments knows how false said arguments are) or a total fucking ignoramus (if the YEC raising said arguments is mindlessly parroting something they got from a YEC data-source), you only reinforce the impression that YECs must be stupid and/or ignorant and/or fucking insane.
Personally, I don't mind it when YECs make themselves look like ignorant, deranged morons, which is exactly and precisely what you've been doing here. But if you mind it when you make YECs look like ignorant, deranged morons, you might want to consider learning some real science, forastero. In particular, you might want to learn what science really has to say about evolution and the age of the Earth and yada yada yada. Because there are unanswered questions; real science doesn't have all the answers. If, after you learn what science really does say about the topics you're interested in, you still think YECism is right, fine; you'll be in the same boat as Dr. Kurt Wise and Dr. Todd Wood, both of whom are YECs, both of whom are quite well-informed about the science, and neither of whom would ever be caught dead making the kind of bullshit "San Francisco is thirteen feet from New York"-type errors you've made and continue to make. And if you learn about real science, you'll be able to use that knowledge to raise valid arguments against evolution, assuming there are any such.
Of course, you can continue to mindlessly regurgitate bullshit YEC propaganda. You absolutely can do that if you like. But if you do that, you're not gonna convince any non-YEC that YEC might be valid, and you won't make any non-YEC think YECs are anything less than stupid and/or ignorant and/or insane.
The choice is yours, forastero. It's forever and inescapably your choice.
Choose wisely.

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2011,03:33   

Quote (Cubist @ Nov. 26 2011,03:05)

So when you YECs make noise about don't believe those so-called 'scientists' when they speak of billions of years, the real age of the Earth is just a few thousand years, you are, whether you know it or not... whether you want to know it or not... in exactly the same position as someone who insists that New York is only thirteen feet away from San Francisco.

Which was the point of my earlier questions:
Is it your belief that sources of error such as the alleged 0.5% radiometric fluctuations (and all other alleged similar errors) are of sufficient magnitude to result in estimated ages, such as the age of the earth, that are 227,000x the actual values?

For reference, a 0.5% error in my speedometer would result in a reading of 70 mph when I was actually traveling at 70.35 mph, while you are alleging errors of magnitude such that when my indicated speed is 70 mph I may in fact be traveling over 2% of the speed of light.

As well as the above, from which Little Bunny continues to hide:

1) Given your concession that the errors you cite in radiometric dating of the age of the earth do NOT account for the entirety of the 227,000 to 1 ratio of the scientific estimate of the age of the earth versus your wishful fiction, what percentage of error DO you allege?

Do errors in radiometric dating result in an overstatement of the age of the earth by 1%, in which case the earth is actually 4.49 billion years old?  By 10%, indicating an earth of 4.08 billion years? By 50%, giving 2.27 billion years, more than 110,000x your Biblically derived age? By 90 percent, indicating an earth that is 22,700x older than your wishful fiction?

Whichever number you arrive at, please justify it in terms of the literature you cite. To date the most generous estimate of possible error is 1/2 of 1%, so you've a long way to go.

2) If corrected dating techniques were to indicate that the earth is 22,700x more ancient than your Biblically motivated surmise, would you conclude that the radiometric evidence supports your Biblical view of the age of the earth?
Personally, I don't mind it when YECs make themselves look like ignorant, deranged morons, which is exactly and precisely what you've been doing here.

Forastero apparently believes that by determinedly avoiding uttering aloud the ridiculous entailments of his position (relative to which his strenuous, and baseless, cheeseparing vis this or that dating method is utterly irrelevant) he avoids creating that impression. But he is mistaken. Others can extrapolate those entailments for themselves, which are plain and inescapable; to that he adds the indelible display of his abandonment of his own convictions.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


Posts: 1961
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2011,04:35   

If, after you learn what science really does say about the topics you're interested in, you still think YECism is right, fine; you'll be in the same boat as Dr. Kurt Wise and Dr. Todd Wood, both of whom are YECs, both of whom are quite well-informed about the science, and neither of whom would ever be caught dead making the kind of bullshit "San Francisco is thirteen feet from New York"-type errors you've made and continue to make.

Would forastero consider the wisdom of taking his cue from Dr. Wise:

"Although there are scientific reasons for accepting a young earth, I am a young-age creationist because that is my understanding of the Scripture. As I shared with my professors years ago when I was in college, if all the evidence in the universe turns against creationism, I would be the first to admit it, but I would still be a creationist because that is what the Word of God seems to indicate. Here I must stand."

All it takes is doublethink! Asking a Christian friend of mine who also accept all of science, I got the reply: I am a Christian with one half of my brain, the other half is atheist.

Edit: slight rephrasing.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2011,08:40   

But San Fran and New York are 13 feet apart... on a really big map...

And that's what forastero and other YECs do to.  They conflate things that have nothing to do with each other.  As has been shown here several times.

27 pages worth of material and forastero has made fewer than 5 claims.  Sure, he's been arguing against science (poorly), but he hasn't ever actually said anything that he can be held responsible for.

Even with the date of the Flood at 2350BC, what he actually said was "I would be OK with that date".  He never said that was the date.

The intellectual coward is too chicken to even state his own position.  He's too scared to allow us to pick on his notions as he picks on science.  

Which leads me to one conclusion.  forastero has a very, very weak faith.  He knows, somewhere in his mind, that he is promoting utter BS.  And he is so scared of acknowledging the fact that it is utter BS, that he doesn't dare ever let his notions see the light of day.

forastero, if your notions are so powerful, then why don't you state them?  

Heck, he's halfway to being an atheist.  He's just too scared to take that step.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 634
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2011,10:23   

Quote (Henry J @ Nov. 25 2011,19:35)
Then there was somebody's (Kelvin?) calculation on how long it would take Earth to cool from molten to present temperature. Even without knowledge of radioactive heating of Earth's interior, he still got twenty something million years, IIRC. That's three point something orders of magnitude more than the YEC position, even if 2 point something orders less than the reality.

Kelvin indeed, modified a few times. There were many scientific estimates of the age of the Earth before radiometrics, and all were much larger than 6,000 years.They were also all over the map, since none of the methods were precise.

Pre-1900 Non-Religious Estimates of the Age of the Earth

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2011,20:38   

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 22 2011,20:32)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Nov. 19 2011,21:04)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 19 2011,15:26)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Nov. 19 2011,05:09)
You seem to be having extreme difficulty coming to terms with very simple concepts.

Williams uses "doubling time". The formula for population growth via doubling time is standard and can be seen here. I don't have to present it, anybody who knows the slightest thing about the topic already knows it, and anyone else can locate it without difficulty.

The numbers I presented are based upon what Williams gave, not Morris.

Again, I am not Mark Isaac. But I'll note that if one works it using the equation you provided and the years and population that Williams provided, one finds that the growth rate resulting is about 0.0037217261 (given initial population of 8, final population of 1.8 billion, and interval of 5,177 years). Plugging that into the calculator you linked yields 969,787 for the population in AD 1, which isn't all that much different than the 655,683 interpolated based on Williams' numbers, and it is still plainly nonsensical, just as I had asserted. Again, you seem to be incompetent at this.

Again, population doubling times have been decreasing exponentially since  the time of Christ, so why would I use these obscure numbers ? More importantly, why do you base your whole premise here on steady doubling rates while denying exponential growth?

Williams is not obscure. I did not go seeking Williams' prose; it was brought into a discussion by a SciCre advocate as an authoritative, mathematical "disproof of evolution". I responded to it and made that response available generally.

First, it is not my premise. I've documented that it is Williams' premise that a fixed, continuous, constant exponential doubling rate is an adequate basis to overthrow evolution.

Second, I play SciCre balderdash where it lies. And it lies a lot. If you don't like the quality of the argument in question, get after the SciCre advocates to up their game.

Third, I have not denied that exponential growth occurs. What I've disputed is the assertion that exponential growth at a constant rate, as Williams and other SciCre advocates use, properly characterizes human population size in deep time.

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 19 2011,15:26)

 I am going to point out some problems with the SciCre population argument.....I am only interested in the anti-evolutionary components of the SciCre population argument; use of the population argument in apologetics is not something I care about.  I don't think that anyone can demonstrate that real population dynamics disbar Global Flood scenarios, so if use in apologetics is all that is intended from some source, I have no real beef with it.  

So too bestow the role of the mellow hero, you proclaim "no beef" with SciCre as long as they conform to the Scopes monkey trial? Yet, in melodramatic fashion you scoured the web for some obscure paper from 1925 in order to falsely stereotype SciCre? Plus, your many posts here prove your boundless beefs with SciCre

SciCre is not science. I will vociferously resist advocates who insist that other people have to accord it status as science. If they don't insist that public policy be amended to privilege their falsehoods, I don't have much motivation to go after them. I've been quite consistent about this distinction over the years.

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 19 2011,15:26)

We will be more generous in our calculations and start with eight people in 2350 B.C.E. (a traditional date for the Flood)

Again, how are you being  generous to Henry Morris when his 'Genesis Record ' tells in at least three places that the Flood could have appeared 2459 BC to 7459 BC?

Again, I am not Mark Isaak. You are quoting text that Mark Isaak wrote. I realize that you are cognitively challenged, but I've specifically pointed this out in at least two previous posts. Do you have some timetable for when the dead glowworm that serves as your mental light bulb might switch on? My critique was of the argument provided by Williams.

But let's take your asserted oldest date for Morris' estimate of The Flood as 7459. With an initial population of 8 (this is also generous) and 9384 years to 1925 with its 1.8 billion people, you will find a growth rate of about 0.00205. Plugging that in for the interval from 7459 to 2566 BCE, one gets an estimated total world population of about 181,000 at the time of the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, which still isn't looking good for SciCre population dynamics.

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 19 2011,15:26)

No, my "model" is that there has not been a continuous, constant exponential growth of human population, thus no such conclusion follows. You really are reading-comprehension challenged, aren't you?

"There is no particular reason to choose a population growth rate of 0.5 percent for the calculation. The population growth from 1000 to 1800 has been closer to 0.1227 percent per year (Encyclopaedia Britannica 1984). At that rate, the population would have grown to its present size from the eight Flood survivors in 16,660 years."

Again, you insist that I provide sources for my  numbers yet here you are writing dogmatic articles based on a 1984 Britannica. Furthermore, I provided all kinds of scholarly books that disagree with your dogma but of course you didnt accept them.

Once again, you are falsely attributing to me work done by Mark Isaak. Get a grip.

I notice that you completely failed to address my point. I take that you have abandoned your claim.

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 19 2011,15:26)

The SciCre argument is self-contained, and deliberately ignores all other sources of information.  Human history does not record a global flood. Human history is continuous through the times proposed for a global flood. Human history is continuous through the times proposed for a global flood.  Geological evidence shows no sign of a global flood.  

Creationists are inspired by the natural and spirit world so your "self contained" is an obvious projection. In fact, the earliest histories are all about the Flood and the spirit worlds.
See these receding seas

Although the fail to understand the power of oral traditions, the following site contains several of the Flood stories from around the world

I see that you don't comprehend what "self-contained" means. I think I could have guessed that without confirmation.

I notice that you completely failed to address my point. I take that you have abandoned your claim.

Sorry if I missed something. I’ll try to be more thorough on this interesting topic.

Second, I play SciCre balderdash where it lies. And it lies a lot. If you don't like the quality of the argument in question, get after the SciCre advocates to up their game.

First of all you are misrepresenting and/or stereotyping creationists because when it comes right down to it, a huge proportion from diverse religions are extremely interested in discussing their belief in creation in scientific and logical ways.

I will add a fifth point, really a corollary to the first point. The SciCre argument is self-contained, and deliberately ignores all other sources of information.  
Creationists are inspired by the natural and spirit world so your "self contained" is an obvious projection. In fact, the earliest histories are all about the Flood and the spirit worlds.  
I see that you don't comprehend what "self-contained" means. I think I could have guessed that without confirmation. knock us for not using science but get vociferously resistant when we do. And all this rage about our so called quote mining is a real double standard.

SciCre is not science. I will vociferously resist advocates who insist that other people have to accord it status as science. If they don't insist that public policy be amended to privilege their falsehoods, I don't have much motivation to go after them. I've been quite consistent about this distinction over the years.

You don’t mean the so called Totalitarian Scientific Inquisition ready for even militant intolerance of whom it deems as heretics, marked by the severity of questioning and punishment and lack of any academic freedom afforded to the accused?

SciCre Population Dynamics: An Exercise in Selective and Misleading Use of Data

Williams is not obscure. I did not go seeking Williams' prose; it was brought into a discussion by a SciCre advocate as an authoritative, mathematical "disproof of evolution". I responded to it and made that response available generally.

There are much more well known versions that would have seemed less cherry picked than this one. Btw, from what feedback did  TalkOrigins fill their archives?

Again, I am not Mark Isaak. You are quoting text that Mark Isaak wrote. I realize that you are cognitively challenged, but I've specifically pointed this out in at least two previous posts. Do you have some timetable for when the dead glowworm that serves as your mental light bulb might switch on? My critique was of the argument provided by Williams.

Once again, you are falsely attributing to me work done by Mark Isaak. Get a grip.

Ok sorry but your name was the one highlighted on the page. Plus, Mark Isaak edits all of TalkOrigin’s archive of Creationist Claims but according to his website, he has only wrote on six of them.

You would know this since: “In 1995, Vickers established an easily browsed site, coded a feedback system, and handled all the updates to the Archive from 1995 to 2001. In 2001, Vickers transferred the TalkOrigins Archive to Wesley R. Elsberry, since Vickers's work demanded much of his attention, leaving little time to maintain the web site. Elsberry organized a group of volunteers to handle the maintenance of the Archive, now including Mark Isaak, etc…etc….In 2004, Kenneth Fair incorporated the TalkOrigins Foundation as a Texas 501©(3) non-profit organization.[1] The Foundation's purposes include funding and maintaining the TalkOrigins Archive and holding copyrights to Archive articles, thereby simplifying the process of reprinting and updating those articles. The copyright issue has posed a particular problem since the FAQs started off as a small collection with little thought given to copyright but have since mushroomed. In 2005, the Foundation was granted tax-exempt status by the IRS.[2]

Btw, were creationists ever allowed to edit this “archived feedback” over at  the TalkOrigins forum ?


Certain proponents of "scientific creationism" (SciCre) have put forward an argument that humans could not have evolved, simply because human population size shows that humans have only been around a few thousand years.  Those putting forward the argument tie the original population size to either two (sometimes Adam and Eve, sometimes Noah and his wife) or eight (Noah's immediate family), note a current population figure, and derive a rate of increase by use of some Biblical chronology to either creation, Noah's birth, or The Flood.  It should be noted that biblically, what should be argued is either descent from two (Adam and Eve) or from six (Noah's sons and their wives).  While some admit up front that the calculation of rate of increase yields an average value and that the actual rate of increase varies, many do not.
The argument assumes what it is supposed to prove.  

Secondly, Williams simply had the doubling times too small but you deny it to a point that disagrees even with most evolutionists.

Thirdly, all of these beefs that you have with Williams are exactly what your EvoCre preaches. For instance:

Fourthly, evolutionism is riddled with assumptions, abides less with Occam’s razor, and is much more pseudoscientific on average.

Fifthly, most scientific models start out with either two or small band of individuals and often with the same rates that creationists use..

Sixthly, evolutionists base many of their chronologies on phylogenetic assumptions known to be racked with fraud and calibrated to radiometric dating, which also has been suspect.

While I worked from Williams' example, any similar argument will produce a similar set of counter-factual intermediate values.  What the real values tell us is that human population does not always increase exponentially, and thus current population cannot tell us an initial population time.

Final population size is an unreliable indicator of initial population time.  This is really a reiteration of the last point.  There is no general means of inferring a history of population sizes from a current population size.  Attempting to do so coupled with the claim that such attempts disprove evolution shows both ignorance and hubris.

Unless there is a global event like the Flood, it does.

“Rough estimates of population growth rates are derived from the doubling time interval estimates……The simplest arithmetical way to count the number of doublings is to start with 1 and continue with a doubling until one passes the current population level”

Ethnohistorical approaches to population rates do depend on primary variables like final populations. Archaeological approaches often do not use it but I have been reading that even this approaches with Aborigine and Native American population rates conclude with exponential growth patterns

The crux of the argument comes when they use the derived rate of increase for comparison to the deep time that evolutionary timetables give.  The numbers of humans that would be present, they say, were evolution true, would be far greater than what we observe today, and thus evolution of humans must be false.

In recent times, human population growth has been exponential, but this does not mean that the human population has been growing exponentially for all its residence time.

With your brand of deep time, no rate of increase seems to fit even uniformitarianism because there is no evidence for the kind of chronic perturbations needed to account for all the missing bodies.   I mean it would have to have been vastly more plagued or volcanic than places in historical Africa or Asia whose population growth rates are soaring even amongst rampant AIDS, malaria, poverty, etc…

Most, including your own Richardhughes, who posted the above chart, would seem to agree that even the first band of humans grew exponentially.

Exponential Doubling times chart


In no case do exponentially reproducing populations "take over the world" as SciCre'ists assure us would be the case if evolution were true.

None of your links show anyone thinking that continuous, constant exponential growth is an expected feature of any population. Why would you?

This is another gross misinterpretation and/or stereotype We simply say the population of living and dead don’t support your premise. Creationist don’t worry about overpopulation, but rather over exploitation by the oligarchy, with their survival of the fittest philosophies. On the other hand there has been a powerful population control and eugenics lobby by influential evolutionist for over a century now.  They implement Darwin’s double edged “wedge” (also known as biological replacement, survival of the fittest, Malthusian death struggle, etc) as a law that must be harnessed by the academic aristocracy.

And yes, those links do propose prehistoric exponential growth and the one by devout evolutionist Jeffrey Mckee has a real Mein Kampf  to it; and how fitting that this Mckee fellow  learned under apartheid South Africa, with its NeoNazi control of the fossil records. He goes on and on about the assumed overkill via Native Americans, Africans Aborigines, etc….Its a shame that he wont even consider the Biblical explanation of the overkill and how it occurred before the Flood

Fossil evidence indicates that mankind is far more ancient than SciCre'ists would admit.  None of this evidence goes away or is addressed by the population argument.

Yeah bones last and/or fossilize but preserved DNA?  Imo, the abundance of soft tissue and DNA in these fossil humans and animals is the strongest case against the deep ages required by evolution.

But let's take your asserted oldest date for Morris' estimate of The Flood as 7459. With an initial population of 8 (this is also generous) and 9384 years to 1925 with its 1.8 billion people, you will find a growth rate of about 0.00205. Plugging that in for the interval from 7459 to 2566 BCE, one gets an estimated total world population of about 181,000 at the time of the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, which still isn't looking good for SciCre population dynamics.

Again, your premise is based on the very model that you are apposing, which is the “use of a final population” when it fits your own agenda. Likewise, you like to compare human population rates to bacteria or correlate fossil apes with humans or dinosaurs with birds, etc…etc…but when a creationist correlates ancient humans to modern humans, you cry foul.

However, due to the many human errors in estimating the current population, one can only get a rough estimate on population rates of the past.  “One of the sources of errors in official estimates is that some of the highest fertility in developing countries is occurring outside the scope of official census observations (Hern, 1977), an observation made by Pearl in 1939 (1939, p. 253)… The demographers use an accurate number for the previous population base – since it was collected ten years ago and now we know that it was higher than we thought – and an inaccurate, falsely low estimate for the current (today’s) population, giving again a falsely low official estimate of growth rate.”

Getting back to your question, Noah had at least 16 grandchildren with only the most prominent recorded. That is a 4.5 % growth rate, which is about the same as some modern African countries; so there definitely would have been no shortage of people at the pyramid era.

However there were tectonic upheavals one to two hundred years during the fall of Babel, which may have lead to widespread bottlenecks.

The Great Pyramid is  the oldest,  largest  and most complex. pyramid in Giza Egypt. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid and Sphinx were built  for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) over an approximately 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC.  However, C14 dating of the pyramid and Sphinx has been discordant due to the necessity of dating charcoal that was used to process the pyramid’s gypsum mortar. This charcoal, it is believed, came from differently aged trees that could have sat in the desert for ages.  Recycling of wood and other materials was a common practice in Egypt. Not only because of desertification and heavy consumption, but possibly because Pharaohs  felt a need to make a conscious connection with their ancestors.                                                                    Bonani G, Haas H, Hawass Z, Lehner M, Nakhla S, Nolan J, Wenke R, Wölfli W. “Radiocarbon Dates of Old and Middle Kingdom Monuments in Egypt,” Radiocarbon 43, No. 3 (2001), 1297-1320(24).


You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,11:42   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Nov. 24 2011,15:17)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 24 2011,12:32)
I have already mentioned that population waxed and waned globally during the Flood and partially during the tectonic fall of Babel. I see that you also willfully ignored the authors chart and following quote from that article:

There is a lot here, but I'd just like to comment on the above little piece.

You are wrong, the human population could not have waxed during a Global Flood.  It crashed.  It indeed crashed to unsustainable levels.

You, forastero, claimed that the Flood occurred in 2350BC (actually you said you had no problem with that date... which is effectively the same as claiming it).

So, the flood happened then.  However, there were multiple cultures DURING that year.  You are the one who has to explain where the 20k - 30k people that build the Kafre pyramid came from... and the people that made up the Chinese culture of the time... and the people that made up the Japanese culture of the time... and the people that started building Stonehinge at about that same time... and all the people of the Mesopitamian region and the Mediteranian region, etc. etc. etc.

All from 8 people who were alive at the end of the flood.  

It doesn't matter WHEN these cultures existed.  You have to explain all of them coming from 10 people when a Global Flood wiped away every other living thing on the planet at some time close to these.

It doesn't matter if it was a 1000 years after the Flood, you cannot produce a population growth rate that is in any way connected to reality that produces the millions of people on the planet that have to be in all these cultures.

Even further, you MUST have massive mutational rates to develop the unique genetic traits of these various cultures.  Or perhaps you should explain which of Noah's daughters-in-law was Chinese, which was Greek, and which was Egyptian... and which was Sumerian and Vietnamese and English and Dutch (giving the current names for the region in which these people's existed).  Heck, North American Indian, South American Indian, etc. etc. etc.

You can't do it.  It's simply not possible for these to happen without a miracle.  But the second you appeal to miracles, you lose all hope of your claims be supported.  So go ahead.

BTW: What exploded to cause the Big Bang?  You seem to think that the scientists saying something actually exploded are literally correct... so, in your own words... what exploded?

Which strata are pre-Flood and post-Flood strata?  How do you know?

What is a layer of flood deposits?  You said the entire Carboniferous is the deposit from The Flood.  Do you still stand by this?  (yes or no)

Was the Tarim Basin canyon formed in The Flood?

Was the Green River formation formed in The Flood?

Were ALL sedimentary formations formed in The Flood?  If this is the case, then where (and what) are the pre-Flood strata (thanks JonF)?

Run away Bun-bun... run away from these statements that totally refute your worldview.

I have already explained all that but you are being willfully obtuse and dishonestly putting words in my posts


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,11:45   

Been out of town so I just got a chance to read your paper by Belovsky. He claims that there is little evidence that hunter gathers will take measures against overkill and the last sentence of his paper says: “Therefore, humans will always hunt their prey to extinction in these models: there is no other alternative.”

Belovsky fails to understand the power of traditional knowledge. The Koihsan people are great agrforesters with vast knowledge about animals and hundreds of different plants. Like the Aborigines, The Khoisan really are  keystones to  improving desert  fertility and production via planting, transplanting, crossbreeding, amending, irrigating etc. etc.. etc…. They have great respect for the animals they hunt that includes a deeply spiritual understanding of cause and effect. This can also be said about so many other indigenous peoples around the world. In fact the most biodivers regions on earth are known to have undergone thousands of years of human manipulation.  

Humans have indeed caused mass overkill but archeology shows that it was a time before indigenous people such as the Native Americans, Aborigines and Khoisan—groups who suffered from the same survival of the fittest greed, genocide and predator control, etc.. that are leading to ecocide as we speak.

Modern evolutionists still cook up phylogenies and and IQ scores to project  people like the  Kung Bushmen as the epitome of prehistoric man  and/or  missing link between modern society and chimpanzee clans. Pygmies, Khoisan, and and Indians with so called archaic features were exhibited with zoo animals but little did the mob mentality realize the great variability, complexities, knowledge, and individualism of these people. Heck, I personally know several  a so called primitive who have fit right into modern society. Indigenous people who stick with their traditional ways do so because they love it and because it affords the more free time to be with the people they love and laugh with. Throughout time individuals and groups specialize in either hunting, fishing, pastoralism or swidden yet they have always had a symbiotic trade with each other. This trade has always been observed even among the khoisan and Pygmies and archeology shows that even their supposed sangoan ancestors domesticated melons, used grain-grindstones and exploited cattle; as did those cultures who inhabited the Sarah before it became a desert.

Moreover technology and invention most often builds upon itself and once severe perturbations cause man to become separated from their technical society, he often finds himself less technical than the seasoned hunter gatherer. For example, the golden ages of most empires had pretty much degraded its ecology and society out of a lust for power and materials, and thus in great part, often broke up into relatively unknown tribes.  In cases like this, its the so called barbarians whom have been living off the land and collecting the endlessly vast knowledge of nature who end up as the dominant social force. So dont be so quick to diss indigenous knowledge. Yes, kingdoms come and go and you really dont know the ancient history of the pygmy or San or aborigine, etc… Facts are stranger than fiction.

Belovsky is also in error in his failure to consider  fisheries, especially when most of Africa’s human populations have always straddled oceans, lakes, rivers and swamps. Even the Kung often favor the Okavango swamps. Concerning population rates, he is also wrong to put  so much weight on nursing mothers because agroforestry people are all about community and family time that often includes communal child care.    

Oh and exponential growth among Indians, Aborigines, and Khoisan .

Of course there has been some some drift and genocide via the progressive retrogressive social Darwinist


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,11:52   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,09:42)
I have already explained all that but you are being willfully obtuse and dishonestly putting words in my posts

This isn't going to work, muppet, no matter how long you wait before posting.  You can only get away with saying "I have already explained all that" if you've, well, already explained all that.  A difficult concept I know, but why not give it a try?

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,11:57   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,11:42)
I have already explained all that

Then link to it.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:03   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,12:42)
I have already explained all that but you are being willfully obtuse and dishonestly putting words in my posts

Have you already responded to this?

1) Given your concession that the errors you cite in radiometric dating of the age of the earth do NOT account for the entirety of the 227,000 to 1 ratio of the scientific estimate of the age of the earth versus your wishful fiction, what percentage of error DO you allege?

Do errors in radiometric dating result in an overstatement of the age of the earth by 1%, in which case the earth is actually 4.49 billion years old?  By 10%, indicating an earth of 4.08 billion years? By 50%, giving 2.27 billion years, more than 110,000x your Biblically derived age? By 90 percent, indicating an earth that is 22,700x older than your wishful fiction?

Whichever number you arrive at, please justify it in terms of the literature you cite. To date the most generous estimate of possible error is 1/2 of 1%, so you've a long way to go.

2) If corrected dating techniques were to indicate that the earth is 22,700x more ancient than your Biblically motivated surmise, would you conclude that the radiometric evidence supports your Biblical view of the age of the earth?

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:14   

Not sure if you noticed, but if you click on your own name to the left of each message everything you've ever written is displayed.

As such it's easy to find posts that answer specific points, if you claim to have answered them already, and provide links (the permalink icon) to them.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:19   

Quote (JohnW @ Dec. 02 2011,11:52)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,09:42)
I have already explained all that but you are being willfully obtuse and dishonestly putting words in my posts

This isn't going to work, muppet, no matter how long you wait before posting.  You can only get away with saying "I have already explained all that" if you've, well, already explained all that.  A difficult concept I know, but why not give it a try?

Well maybe you should elaborate on exactly which of his topics I havnt detailed. Otherwise, you yourself are merely projecting a mob conforming muppet mentality


Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:34   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Dec. 02 2011,12:03)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,12:42)
I have already explained all that but you are being willfully obtuse and dishonestly putting words in my posts

Have you already responded to this?

1) Given your concession that the errors you cite in radiometric dating of the age of the earth do NOT account for the entirety of the 227,000 to 1 ratio of the scientific estimate of the age of the earth versus your wishful fiction, what percentage of error DO you allege?

Do errors in radiometric dating result in an overstatement of the age of the earth by 1%, in which case the earth is actually 4.49 billion years old?  By 10%, indicating an earth of 4.08 billion years? By 50%, giving 2.27 billion years, more than 110,000x your Biblically derived age? By 90 percent, indicating an earth that is 22,700x older than your wishful fiction?

Whichever number you arrive at, please justify it in terms of the literature you cite. To date the most generous estimate of possible error is 1/2 of 1%, so you've a long way to go.

2) If corrected dating techniques were to indicate that the earth is 22,700x more ancient than your Biblically motivated surmise, would you conclude that the radiometric evidence supports your Biblical view of the age of the earth?

Yeah about five times now but here it goes again: A little contamination here and a little change in decay rates there day after day over many millennia leads to exponential inaccuracies and radiomagic dating. Thats what happens when you make science your religion

Now when you going to finally explain how all that dinosaur soft tissue lasted for millions of years or how that human DNA has lasted for tens of thousands of years? I have only asked y'all about ten times now


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:47   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,10:19)
Quote (JohnW @ Dec. 02 2011,11:52)
Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,09:42)
I have already explained all that but you are being willfully obtuse and dishonestly putting words in my posts

This isn't going to work, muppet, no matter how long you wait before posting.  You can only get away with saying "I have already explained all that" if you've, well, already explained all that.  A difficult concept I know, but why not give it a try?

Well maybe you should elaborate on exactly which of his topics I havnt detailed. Otherwise, you yourself are merely projecting a mob conforming muppet mentality

OK, muppet.  Here you go.

You haven't explained/answered this:
It doesn't matter WHEN these cultures existed.  You have to explain all of them coming from 10 people when a Global Flood wiped away every other living thing on the planet at some time close to these.

Or this:
Even further, you MUST have massive mutational rates to develop the unique genetic traits of these various cultures.  Or perhaps you should explain which of Noah's daughters-in-law was Chinese, which was Greek, and which was Egyptian... and which was Sumerian and Vietnamese and English and Dutch (giving the current names for the region in which these people's existed).  Heck, North American Indian, South American Indian, etc. etc. etc.

Or this:
What exploded to cause the Big Bang?  You seem to think that the scientists saying something actually exploded are literally correct... so, in your own words... what exploded?

Or this:
Which strata are pre-Flood and post-Flood strata?  How do you know?

Or this:
What is a layer of flood deposits?  You said the entire Carboniferous is the deposit from The Flood.  Do you still stand by this?  (yes or no)

Or this:
Was the Tarim Basin canyon formed in The Flood?

Or this:
Was the Green River formation formed in The Flood?

Or this:
Were ALL sedimentary formations formed in The Flood?  If this is the case, then where (and what) are the pre-Flood strata?

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:48   

Now when you going to finally explain how all that dinosaur soft tissue lasted for millions of years or how that human DNA has lasted for tens of thousands of years? I have only asked y'all about ten times now

Perhaps give a specific example for the dinosaur soft tissue? If you have already, sorry, please repeat it if you'd be so kind.

How long should human DNA last, by the way? What's the limit?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2011,12:55   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 02 2011,10:34)
A little contamination here and a little change in decay rates there day after day over many millennia leads to exponential inaccuracies and radiomagic dating.

That's not an explanation, it's handwaving.

You've presented no evidence that contamination can occur without being recognised as such.

You've presented no evidence that decay rates can change substantially.

You don't have "many millenia" to work with under your hypothesis.  You have six.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

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