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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 696
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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,17:39   

Capable of serious discussion?  There's loads of us hanging around, its just that we can't be bothered dealing with someone who censors posts on their own blog.
At least you seem to have some sense of humour.

Have you tried the Pandas thumb?  Thats a lot less free range than here.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,18:02   

Arden, you're as bad as Lenny and Oldman.

Your concern for 'thread width' is touching.

I don't have any concern for your thread width.  

I'm saying it is impossible to carry on a descent conversation when some idiot posts 6-7 separate posts in a row, saying virtually nothing (other than they are are to stop creationists) and using one phrase from their opponents post for each of their separate posts.  When people pull that stuff, it's apparent that they are putting no thought in their response at all.  They see the first sentence they disagree with, get pissed, post, they go back and see something else, post again, etc.  Lenny is a mess.

And, some of you have some serious issues with religion that probably would be better handled by a professional.  I have no idea what happened in your past that got you to this point, but thank goodness there aren't many like you in the world.  Sheesh.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,18:20   

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,18:23   

Quote (Ftk @ April 16 2007,15:58)
Ya know why I don't discuss anything of depth with you guys?  

Yes.  Because ID/creationism simply has nothing serious or useful to say.  (shrug)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,18:27   

Quote (Ftk @ April 16 2007,17:01)
 Lenny's a real piece of work.  I have no idea why you people allow him to post here.

I'm out to get you, FTK.

I am everywhere.

I am eternal.

Like cancer.

Muah ha ha ha ha ha  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,20:05   

And, some of you have some serious issues with religion that probably would be better handled by a professional.  I have no idea what happened in your past that got you to this point, but thank goodness there aren't many like you in the world.

I think you need to get out more.

IMO, your opinions about 'science' demand professional attention, but I doubt that'll happen.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,20:17   

Lenny's a real piece of work.  I have no idea why you people allow him to post here.

Hey, at least if you ask Lenny a question, he answers it, unlike certain people I could name.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,21:26   

Quote (argystokes @ April 16 2007,18:04)
Steve, you might as well post the comment over at her blog. I think she'll let it go through.

I don't waste my time posting on ID blogs. I like open debate.

...until I get banned that is.

I've banned fewer people in my 9-month tenure than Uncommonly Dense has banned this week. And it's only Monday. You have to act like a real assh*le to get banned here, and you're not even close, FtK.

I don't even mind if FtK takes the same set of questions and answers them back at her little echo chamber and doesn't permit any response. She's not avoiding the questions because of us. She's avoiding the questions because she doesn't want to answer them.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,21:29   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 16 2007,20:17)
Hey, at least if you ask Lenny a question, he answers it, unlike certain people I could name.

Arthur: Ask me your questions, Bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.

Bridgekeeper: your name?

Arthur: King Arthur of the Britons!

Bridgekeeper: your quest?

Arthur: I seek the Holy Grail!

Bridgekeeper: the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Arthur: (brief pause) What do you mean, an African or a European swallow?

Bridgekeeper: (confused) Well...I don't know...AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,22:07   

Quote (Ftk @ April 16 2007,18:01)
Well, that makes SIX times and counting.

You must be daft.  There is no way in #### that I would discuss anything serious in this forum.  There are very few people here who are capable of discussion.

And, if I actually did start to engage, Lenny, Oldman, et. al. would (again) start posting numerous separate posts at a time and take up huge amounts of thread width.  They'd make it virtually impossible to carry on a conversation.  Lenny's a real piece of work.  I have no idea why you people allow him to post here.

Nope, I'll just pop in every once in a while to throw in a comment or talk dirty with Richard....until I get banned that is.

Giving lame excuses for why she can't answer science-related questions is about as good as if she tried to answer them.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2007,23:50   


I don't even mind if FtK takes the same set of questions and answers them back at her little echo chamber and doesn't permit any response. She's not avoiding the questions because of us. She's avoiding the questions because she doesn't want to answer them.

my bolding

Of course this is true.  I'd like to ask another question of Ftk now:

When you take a private moment each night and think about the wonderful work you're doing for the kids, do you even answer these questions for yourself?  Seriously.  Have you ever answered them, even alone, even once?

Steve's question about science journals is not a science question.  It is a yes/no question.  We don't even require that you add anything (though it would certainly be nice if you did), just answer yes or no.

Here's my thought.  You won't answer because yes means that we can explore why you think that piece of empty (I mean actual blank pages, not just content) junior high journalism resembles a professional anything, let alone a science journal.  That would be embarrassing for you and the movement.

You won't answer "no" because that will be letting the enemy win.  It's a no-win for you, not a position I envy.

This also means that you have to increase the sphere of unanswerable questions to ANY quesstion ever asked of you on ANY subject.

This is why no one takes IDers seriously.  They have a pathalogical need to avoid discussion, people, thoughts, and data.

Do you really think that the world will just all of a sudden come over to the "light side"?  Will this happen in a religious epiphany?  If you don't think this, what plan do you have to bring the world over?  If you don;t have a plan to do this, what do you think you're accomplishing?

Thanks for ignoring in advance.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,12:33   

Have you tried the Pandas thumb?  Thats a lot less free range than here.

Yes, she did

She did not last very long though.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,12:47   

Quote (Tom @ April 17 2007,12:33)
Have you tried the Pandas thumb?  Thats a lot less free range than here.

Yes, she did

She did not last very long though.

Are you this Tom?:

Anyway, in my opinion FTK is the female equivalent to Larry Fafarman.

If so, bravo. :)

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,12:56   

I think FTK must just have a program that writes these things for her:

Posted by Forthekids on October 6, 2006 8:42 AM (e)

Hi Lenny,

No, at this time, I won’t be attempting to carry on any type of serious conversation with you. Your comments in this thread send up quite a few red flags as to the type of conversationalist that you are.

I will say that I plan on tackling quite a few of your “questions” in various ways on upcoming blog entries at

Honestly, some of your comments actually help support my side of this debate. It shows the irrational attitudes and extreme bias of some of the Darwinists in this debate. But, I realize you can’t see that, so carry on.

But it's good to see her sense of humor is still robust:

I’m thinking that is probably part of Lenny’s plan. If he actually focused entirely on scientific content, he’d get clobbered. So, he doesn’t. He berates and belittles.

If you were familiar with me, you’d realize that I never back away from confrontation on these issues. I’ve spent two years in the KCFS forum and answered virtually everything thrown my way.

As much as you’d like to believe that ID is dead, it’s quite obvious that it’s stronger than ever.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 15
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,13:14   

Are you this Tom?:

My secret identity has been revealed(nice catch Arden).

By the way, I have noticed throughout this thread that Ftk has said she had been banned at Panda's Thumb and other places.  For the last two plus years, I have been reading the Thumb and I have never come across a thread that said she was going to be banned(I could be wrong though).

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,13:49   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 17 2007,12:47)
[quote=Tom,April 17 2007,12:33]

Have you tried the Pandas thumb?  Thats a lot less free range than here.

Yes, she did

She did not last very long though.

Are you this Tom?:

Anyway, in my opinion FTK is the female equivalent to Larry Fafarman.

If so, bravo. :)

Despite all other things, FTK has a much better sense of humour than Larry ever did.

I do not agree with anything ftk claims as scientific, but she does seem (to me) more human than the average ID drone.

It is completely possible that I may be wrong though. Let's see how long she continues to bar comments at her blog while enjoying the freedom to post whatever she likes here.

I am betting that ftk can't understand (yet) why she isn't banned here.


Posts: 696
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,13:53   

Well spotted, Tom.
Obviously my memory is really getting bad these days.

I'm pretty sure she has not been banned though.  Someone would have mentioned it, and you only get banned from the PT if you run around insulting people, which I do not believe she has been doing.
Willfully ignoring the evidence is another matter...


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,13:58   

That PT thread is a textbook example of that type of Creationist behaviour.

Also, a quick scan suggests she has bravely banned herself from PT, in order to avoid tricky questions.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,14:09   

Quote (guthrie @ April 17 2007,13:58)
That PT thread is a textbook example of that type of Creationist behaviour.

Also, a quick scan suggests she has bravely banned herself from PT, in order to avoid tricky questions.



"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1208
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,14:36   

If FtK is famous for anything, it's evasion of the issues. She likes to blab and make it seem like she knows what she's talking about, but when push comes to shove, she has nothing but lame excuses.

She was a recipient of my Stupid Blog of the Week Award, and in the linked post I brought up one of her KCFS forum acts of ignorance.  She had commented, in an age-of-the-earth discussion, that she thought that radiocarbon dating methods were unreliable, and that YECs  
... simply believe that some of the inferred interpretations involved in various fields of science are questionable.

I asked her why she would accept the basic ideas of nuclear physics when they were applied to such things as nuclear reactors and hydrogen bombs, but reject them when they conflicted with her religious ideas.  
If a YEC accepts the science that results in MRI machines working and hydrogen bombs detonating and nuclear power plants producing electricity, but denies the efficacy of radioisotope dating methods, do you not see a conflict? How can the same science applied in different situations be "questionable" in one, and accepted without question in all of the others?

Eventually she answered,
Okay, I'm seriously on overload. Something has to give. I've got to think of a way to get a week's vacation on some cruise ship visiting exotic places, and during the down time I could lock myself up in a cabin having a ball researching all this stuff.

And then
I'm sorry, but it just seems to me like you are comparing apples and oranges. Let me give it some more thought. I'll add you to the list...

Just so you don't think I'm blowing you off or taking it seriously, I did discuss this with my husband and he pretty much thought the same thing. But, I'LL GIVE IT MORE THOUGHT.

Some 9 months later, she's apparently still thinking about it, which might explain her reluctance to discuss anything of substance here.  It looks like she needs many months, if not  years, to explain why she feels such confidence in spouting off about subjects even after she's admitted her ignorance in them.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,14:52   

I'm bored with FtK. At least AFDave was willing to discuss some science with us. I encourage people to go out and advertise AtBC to new creationists, so we can get some to stop by and talk about science.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,14:53   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ April 17 2007,13:49)
[quote=Arden Chatfield,April 17 2007,12:47]
Quote (Tom @ April 17 2007,12:33)

Have you tried the Pandas thumb?  Thats a lot less free range than here.

Yes, she did

She did not last very long though.

Are you this Tom?:

Anyway, in my opinion FTK is the female equivalent to Larry Fafarman.

If so, bravo. :)

Despite all other things, FTK has a much better sense of humour than Larry ever did.

I do not agree with anything ftk claims as scientific, but she does seem (to me) more human than the average ID drone.

It is completely possible that I may be wrong though. Let's see how long she continues to bar comments at her blog while enjoying the freedom to post whatever she likes here.

I am betting that ftk can't understand (yet) why she isn't banned here.

I think FTK most resembles Larry behaviorally, in their shared dogged, relentless persistence in espousing dumb ideas in the face of all counterevidence.

The two are certainly not identical: I agree that Larry appears to have no sense of humor whatsoever, and almost never invokes Jesus. Also, FTK doesn't pretend to be a legal scholar, and I doubt she's a holocaust denier. But most importantly, FTK doesn't come across as an unemployable mentally ill loner on disability.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 4402
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,15:05   

Some 9 months later, she's apparently still thinking about it, which might explain her reluctance to discuss anything of substance here.  It looks like she needs many months, if not  years, to explain why she feels such confidence in spouting off about subjects even after she's admitted her ignorance in them.[/quote]

Jim - Good post.  I don't want to speak for FTK - she does such a good job of "not speaking" for herself, BUT it seems to me, playing amateur psychologist, that she hasn't answered you because she has no answer

Could  your question be the crack in dike, that causes ftk's world view to suddenly explode and inundate her mind with science?

Unless she decides to claim "goddidit, miracle" again, and retreat to her own little world, doomed to a life of denial by ID.

What's it gonna take FTK?  Can you really hate your kids that much, that you would doom them to living a lie?  It's your call Mom.  Open your mind.  Do it For The Kids.

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,15:06   

I think she's given up here. Too sciency?

If I talk undergarments she might come back.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1208
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,15:07   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 17 2007,14:53)
... FTK doesn't come across as an unemployable mentally ill loner on disability.

You're right--there's no evidence that she's on disability.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


Posts: 4402
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,15:37   

Quote (Jim_Wynne @ April 17 2007,15:07)
Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 17 2007,14:53)
... FTK doesn't come across as an unemployable mentally ill loner on disability.

You're right--there's no evidence that she's on disability.

Ba Dum - Ching!

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,17:54   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 17 2007,12:56)
I think FTK must just have a program that writes these things for her:

Posted by Forthekids on October 6, 2006 8:42 AM (e)

Hi Lenny,

No, at this time, I won’t be attempting to carry on any type of serious conversation with you. Your comments in this thread send up quite a few red flags as to the type of conversationalist that you are.

I will say that I plan on tackling quite a few of your “questions” in various ways on upcoming blog entries at

Honestly, some of your comments actually help support my side of this debate. It shows the irrational attitudes and extreme bias of some of the Darwinists in this debate. But, I realize you can’t see that, so carry on.

But it's good to see her sense of humor is still robust:

I’m thinking that is probably part of Lenny’s plan. If he actually focused entirely on scientific content, he’d get clobbered. So, he doesn’t. He berates and belittles.

If you were familiar with me, you’d realize that I never back away from confrontation on these issues. I’ve spent two years in the KCFS forum and answered virtually everything thrown my way.

As much as you’d like to believe that ID is dead, it’s quite obvious that it’s stronger than ever.

She wants me.

I can tell.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Doc Bill

Posts: 1039
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,20:56   

FtK is typical of creationists and one should not be surprised nor disappointed at her lack of response to anything of substance.

Creationists have several traits in common.  First, they comfort each other.  You see this on creationist websites where it's all PTL and #### the Darwinists.  Second, when creationists venture out of their cloister they are very guarded.  Ask a creationist the age of the earth and it's like a deer in the headlights;  cat's got their tongue.  Flight instinct takes over and they run off yelling "unfair!" and declaim how mean the Darwinist's are for asking a question.

How many times, Lenny do you keep count, how may times have the questions been asked: what is the theory of intelligent design and how does it explain speciation?

What a mean question!  Evil Lenny!

However, all satire aside, it's clear the DI has fallen upon hard times.  For a start, cub reporter Casey Luskin has been replaced by a brainiac surgeon who demonstrates himself to be quite a devolved species from Phillip Johnson, op-ed pieces have dropped to zero, there are no school boards in the country pushing intelligent design.

For the moment, FtK and her creationist kind are washed up.  Old news.

But, as we all know, creationists are like locusts and have a 17-year cycle.  We'll be watching and waiting for the next outbreak.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,21:22   

Quote (Doc Bill @ April 17 2007,20:56)
How many times, Lenny do you keep count, how may times have the questions been asked: what is the theory of intelligent design

In the past 25 years, I've asked that simple question of hundreds of creationists and IDers.

Literally hundreds.

Never got any intelligible answer.  Indeed, all I ever got were variants of two basic responses:  

(1) "Jesus saves !!"


(2) "I don't have to tell you".

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Doc Bill

Posts: 1039
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2007,22:51   

Lenny -

Or they go deaf.

At Kitzmiller Behe had no problem hearing questions from the Thomas More attorneys, but as soon as the plaintiffs attorney started asking questions Behe had him repeat nearly every single one.

Huh, age of the birth?  Bridge of the girth?  Edge of the firth?

Over and over again.

What to you think, another 25 years?

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