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  Topic: The "I Believe In God" Thread, You may know him from "Panda's Thumb"...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2011,21:09   

Nice link, IBIG.  I think you forgot either/or:

1.  the commentary
2.  the answer

Not necessarily in that order of importance.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2011,21:14   

Quote (blipey @ Jan. 12 2011,21:09)
Nice link, IBIG.  I think you forgot either/or:

1.  the commentary
2.  the answer

Not necessarily in that order of importance.

For IBelieve to provide an answer, or a commentary that isn't about him screeching about how he's so much more smarter, richer, more powerful, and more virile than those stupid, evil, God-hating, devil-worshiping scientists, well...

That would require more brainpower than he currently possesses.

MadPanda, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2011,22:57   

Quote (Stanton @ Jan. 12 2011,21:14)
Quote (blipey @ Jan. 12 2011,21:09)
Nice link, IBIG.  I think you forgot either/or:

1.  the commentary
2.  the answer

Not necessarily in that order of importance.

For IBelieve to provide an answer, or a commentary that isn't about him screeching about how he's so much more smarter, richer, more powerful, and more virile than those stupid, evil, God-hating, devil-worshiping scientists, well...

That would require more brainpower than he currently possesses.

It would also require more maturity, humility, wisdom, and capacity for introspection than Biggy has demonstrated thus far...

He has yet to clearly explain why we should accept his interpretation of anything as authoritative in a manner that does not rely upon the Pasal's Gamble presuppositions that form his blinders.  It is as if he is so enamored with the magic words that he cannot grasp their failure to move us.

The MadPanda, FCD

"No matter how ridiculous the internet tough guy, a thorough mocking is more effective than a swift kick to the gentleman vegetables with a hobnailed boot" --Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2011,23:08   

Quote (Stanton @ Jan. 12 2011,21:14)
Quote (blipey @ Jan. 12 2011,21:09)
Nice link, IBIG.  I think you forgot either/or:

1.  the commentary
2.  the answer

Not necessarily in that order of importance.

For IBelieve to provide an answer, or a commentary that isn't about him screeching about how he's so much more smarter, richer, more powerful, and more virile than those stupid, evil, God-hating, devil-worshiping scientists, well...

That would require more brainpower than he currently possesses.

IBIG is Vox Day?

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,09:47   

That would require more brainpower than he currently possesses.

As the Immorg leader once said, "brain, brain, what is brain?".



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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,10:03   

Quote (erobotse @ Jan. 13 2011,10:00)

the end of atheism - only the blind and deaf can deny it...

an example and warning of the fate of those who try to divide people....

Hey Mabus.

an example and warning of the fate of those who try to divide people

But that's religions job right? All atheists think the same thing already.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,10:24   

Quote (erobotse @ Jan. 13 2011,10:07)


I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,11:13   

What is there to prevent God from using natural processes if they would produce results that meet her requirements?

MadPanda, FCD

Posts: 267
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,12:12   

Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 13 2011,11:13)
What is there to prevent God from using natural processes if they would produce results that meet her requirements?

Simple: if the imaginary magic friend uses nothing but natural processes, then there is no need for the imaginary magic friend to explain nature at all.  Occam's Razor would then apply, and the excess entity gets dropped from the equation.

That's a gawd of the gaps argument.  It works slightly better than Pascal's Wager, which doesn't work once one realizes that Pascal was thinking about a flip of the coin, but the proper model is an (American) roulette wheel.

The alternative interpretation would be the imaginary magic friend deliberately constructing the universe to hide all actual evidence of its existence, and then (by doctrine and tradition) getting upset when we mortals use our faculties as designed and come to the conclusion that there is no such entity...and such a deity is almost certainly not worth respect, affection, and worship.

The MadPanda, FCD

"No matter how ridiculous the internet tough guy, a thorough mocking is more effective than a swift kick to the gentleman vegetables with a hobnailed boot" --Louis

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,15:21   

i believe in goats


You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

Schroedinger's Dog

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,17:30   

Quote (Erasmus, FCD @ Jan. 13 2011,21:21)
i believe in goats


Yeah! Ras is back!!!

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,19:02   

Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Jan. 13 2011,15:21)
i believe in goats


African or European?

ETA - the goats, that is.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G


Posts: 45
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,20:01   

Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 12 2011,18:50)
Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 12 2011,18:22)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 12 2011,06:58)
Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 11 2011,19:56)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 11 2011,19:40)
Why don't you discuss with civility, and then I will response to your post.

Dear IBIG,

I know your business demands much of your attention. You probably haven't had time to read my earlier post.

Why don't you use your business success to file a patent for "life only comes from life"? Since there is already a patent for "creation of primordial life" from non-life, would it not be a great victory for God and Church to obtain a patent for "life only comes from life"?

Put your money where your heart is, so to speak. If your are truly convinced, then why not demonstrate it to the whole world? Forget all this forum stuff. If special creation is true, and you believe it, then why not prove it with a US patent?

Thank you for your attention.

I find your post amusing, because you you state, since there is already a patent for "creation of primordial life" from non-life. You stated creation of primordial life, don't you see the irony of your post?

If God created life, when He created man He created man from non-life "from the dust of the earth".  

If God created life, then what would be the purpose of a patent for what He created? According to your logic, maybe someone should get a patent on the creation of humans:)

Dear IBIG,

I think you misunderstand.

In the context in which it was used, "creation of primordial life" from non-life, doesn't mean the US government granted a patent for God creating life. (You really need to read the patent.)

In the context of the patent, "creation of" means coming about by natural processes extant in the primeval Earth, and "primordial life" means the first appearance of life where before there was no life.

You said: "I believe that God created life, therefore I believe that Abiogenesis (life arose from non-life by natural causes without the aid of a Creator) is wrong." (IBIG-Jan 09, 2011, AtBC, IBIG forum, panel 17)

So there is no irony here. The word "creation" above does not mean divine creation. It doesn't even mean that 'scientists' created life. Life simply emerges from non-life by reproducing the natural conditions on the primeval Earth. That all that is necessary. No deities required.

This is what you define as Abiogenesis (see quote above).

So this patent is for the coming about by natural processes extant in the primeval Earth, the first appearance of life where before there was no life. (No Creator referenced.)

That's what the patent is about. That is Abiogenesis according to your definition. Your God didn't Create life. Life arose naturally.

So, if you truly believe in "life comes only from life", then why not put your money where your heart is?

Thank you if you have read this far.

Link To The Patent

Dear IBIG,

So, you found the patent. Good for you. But you didn't say anything.

Did you read it? Did you understand it?

It totally squashes your claim that abiogenesis is unscientific.

You may believe abiogenesis is impossible (this is America after all and you can believe anything you like), but you cannot say abiogenesis is unscientific.

Pretty much destroys your argument, no?

IBIG said on PT: "I believe the sole purpose of the scientific claim of Abiogenesis is to imply that there is no God. If one were not to believe in God, and wanted to promote such a view, then creating an unprovable, and unfalsifiable hypothesis that life came to be by natural causes without a Creator would be the way to go about it. Abiogenesis would be a great tool for evangelizing young minds away from believing in God, and turning them into Atheists. Implying God doesn’t exist with an unprovable, and unfalsifiable hypothesis should be prohibited from being taught in public school."

IBIG said on AtBC, Jan 7, 2011: "Abiogenesis isn't just improbable, I believe it is impossible! "

Believe what you will, but abiogenesis is scientific. It's patented!

And you are irrational (that means "without Reason").


Posts: 266
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,21:31   

Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 13 2011,20:01)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 12 2011,18:50)
Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 12 2011,18:22)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 12 2011,06:58)
Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 11 2011,19:56)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 11 2011,19:40)
Why don't you discuss with civility, and then I will response to your post.

Dear IBIG,

I know your business demands much of your attention. You probably haven't had time to read my earlier post.

Why don't you use your business success to file a patent for "life only comes from life"? Since there is already a patent for "creation of primordial life" from non-life, would it not be a great victory for God and Church to obtain a patent for "life only comes from life"?

Put your money where your heart is, so to speak. If your are truly convinced, then why not demonstrate it to the whole world? Forget all this forum stuff. If special creation is true, and you believe it, then why not prove it with a US patent?

Thank you for your attention.

I find your post amusing, because you you state, since there is already a patent for "creation of primordial life" from non-life. You stated creation of primordial life, don't you see the irony of your post?

If God created life, when He created man He created man from non-life "from the dust of the earth".  

If God created life, then what would be the purpose of a patent for what He created? According to your logic, maybe someone should get a patent on the creation of humans:)

Dear IBIG,

I think you misunderstand.

In the context in which it was used, "creation of primordial life" from non-life, doesn't mean the US government granted a patent for God creating life. (You really need to read the patent.)

In the context of the patent, "creation of" means coming about by natural processes extant in the primeval Earth, and "primordial life" means the first appearance of life where before there was no life.

You said: "I believe that God created life, therefore I believe that Abiogenesis (life arose from non-life by natural causes without the aid of a Creator) is wrong." (IBIG-Jan 09, 2011, AtBC, IBIG forum, panel 17)

So there is no irony here. The word "creation" above does not mean divine creation. It doesn't even mean that 'scientists' created life. Life simply emerges from non-life by reproducing the natural conditions on the primeval Earth. That all that is necessary. No deities required.

This is what you define as Abiogenesis (see quote above).

So this patent is for the coming about by natural processes extant in the primeval Earth, the first appearance of life where before there was no life. (No Creator referenced.)

That's what the patent is about. That is Abiogenesis according to your definition. Your God didn't Create life. Life arose naturally.

So, if you truly believe in "life comes only from life", then why not put your money where your heart is?

Thank you if you have read this far.

Link To The Patent

Dear IBIG,

So, you found the patent. Good for you. But you didn't say anything.

Did you read it? Did you understand it?

It totally squashes your claim that abiogenesis is unscientific.

You may believe abiogenesis is impossible (this is America after all and you can believe anything you like), but you cannot say abiogenesis is unscientific.

Pretty much destroys your argument, no?

IBIG said on PT: "I believe the sole purpose of the scientific claim of Abiogenesis is to imply that there is no God. If one were not to believe in God, and wanted to promote such a view, then creating an unprovable, and unfalsifiable hypothesis that life came to be by natural causes without a Creator would be the way to go about it. Abiogenesis would be a great tool for evangelizing young minds away from believing in God, and turning them into Atheists. Implying God doesn’t exist with an unprovable, and unfalsifiable hypothesis should be prohibited from being taught in public school."

IBIG said on AtBC, Jan 7, 2011: "Abiogenesis isn't just improbable, I believe it is impossible! "

Believe what you will, but abiogenesis is scientific. It's patented!

And you are irrational (that means "without Reason").

Among other things, this proves that IBelieve neither wants to or is capable of understanding or even tolerating science.

After all, the reason why IBelieve hates and fears Abiogenesis is because he misinterprets it as (evil) scientists trying to destroy faith in God.  To claim that this is not "hating science," well, that makes IBelieve a liar on top of a science-hating bigot.

The only reason I could come to for anyone to think that a statement like this:

In natural science, abiogenesis (pronounced /?e?ba?.??d??n?s?s/, AY-bye-oh-JEN-?-siss) or biopoesis is the study of how life arises from inorganic matter through natural processes, and the method by which life on Earth arose

Is somehow supposed to be evil scientists' recruiting slogan to turn children into evil, God-hating atheists is if that person's faith in God rests solely in closing their eyelids as tight as can be.


Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2011,22:31   

And that is why (among other reasons) IBIG is such a hypocrite.  He hates science, but uses the tools of science when its convenient.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 462
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,00:00   

IBIG is back. He must have forgotten to show the reference where Stalin killed 20 million for practicing religion.

Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,02:18   

Tuppence a bucket, well stamped down!

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor

Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,06:07   

How's Your Granny Off For Soap?

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


Posts: 32
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,06:11   

Quote (arobotsa9 @ Jan. 14 2011,03:31)

2011! = ~7,0191549339325416461017375829088e+5771



Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,08:01   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Jan. 14 2011,00:00)
IBIG is back. He must have forgotten to show the reference where Stalin killed 20 million for practicing religion.

where?  PT?

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,17:34   

So the big man in the trenchcoat can kill a tiny widdle birdy... aww...

I think you'll find other things slightly tougher... coward.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,17:39   

Quote (lrobotsl @ Jan. 14 2011,17:36)
ogre - do you want to see what we do to little lying shits like you?

First, I don't lie.

Second, not particularly, I don't want anymore insight into what happens in your mind than I already have.  It's a deeply disturbed place.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 266
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,18:41   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 14 2011,17:39)
Quote (lrobotsl @ Jan. 14 2011,17:36)
ogre - do you want to see what we do to little lying shits like you?

First, I don't lie.

Second, not particularly, I don't want anymore insight into what happens in your mind than I already have.  It's a deeply disturbed place.

So many Christian fundamentalists actively encourage this disgusting sort of psychopathy, and yet, when called out about their deliberate promotion of hate and psychopathy, they're all aghast that someone dared to mention this.

Hypocrites and monsters.


Posts: 861
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,19:47   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 14 2011,17:34)
So the big man in the trenchcoat can kill a tiny widdle birdy... aww...

I think you'll find other things slightly tougher... coward.

Possibly, but I am skeptical.  My first thought is that is a picture of the birds that died off in ... Alabama, was it?  The ones that CNN had Kirk Cameron on to explain how this was a sign of the rapture or something.

(Although, from what I have heard, I have not seen the interview myself - wanted to save the brain cells - even Cameron was confused as to why he was on the show.)

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,21:12   

Quote (Badger3k @ Jan. 14 2011,19:47)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 14 2011,17:34)
So the big man in the trenchcoat can kill a tiny widdle birdy... aww...

I think you'll find other things slightly tougher... coward.

Possibly, but I am skeptical.  My first thought is that is a picture of the birds that died off in ... Alabama, was it?  The ones that CNN had Kirk Cameron on to explain how this was a sign of the rapture or something.

(Although, from what I have heard, I have not seen the interview myself - wanted to save the brain cells - even Cameron was confused as to why he was on the show.)

It was my home state of Arkansas.  And it was apparently the caused by the Gays.  PZ had it covered

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


Posts: 266
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2011,22:53   

Quote (Texas Teach @ Jan. 14 2011,21:12)
Quote (Badger3k @ Jan. 14 2011,19:47)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 14 2011,17:34)
So the big man in the trenchcoat can kill a tiny widdle birdy... aww...

I think you'll find other things slightly tougher... coward.

Possibly, but I am skeptical.  My first thought is that is a picture of the birds that died off in ... Alabama, was it?  The ones that CNN had Kirk Cameron on to explain how this was a sign of the rapture or something.

(Although, from what I have heard, I have not seen the interview myself - wanted to save the brain cells - even Cameron was confused as to why he was on the show.)

It was my home state of Arkansas.  And it was apparently the caused by the Gays.  PZ had it covered

You ever notice how these fundamentalists always say every catastrophe occurs is because God is punishing Americans for committing the mortal sin of not persecuting and executing gays for existing?

And yet, when it's pointed out that such claims make God seem malicious, supremely petty, and very incompetent, these same fundamentalists make a big, whiny stink like someone farted in their face.


Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2011,08:02   

Quote (Texas Teach @ Jan. 14 2011,21:12)
Quote (Badger3k @ Jan. 14 2011,19:47)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 14 2011,17:34)
So the big man in the trenchcoat can kill a tiny widdle birdy... aww...

I think you'll find other things slightly tougher... coward.

Possibly, but I am skeptical.  My first thought is that is a picture of the birds that died off in ... Alabama, was it?  The ones that CNN had Kirk Cameron on to explain how this was a sign of the rapture or something.

(Although, from what I have heard, I have not seen the interview myself - wanted to save the brain cells - even Cameron was confused as to why he was on the show.)

It was my home state of Arkansas.  And it was apparently the caused by the Gays.  PZ had it covered

Mr. Pat said the snow storm was caused by people driving to see Teh Gays...

Oh, IBIG, who do I believe?

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

Inquiring Child

Posts: 2
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2011,13:51   

[Last 10 Posts [ In reverse order ]
arobotasi Posted on Jan. 15 2011,12:30THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - JAN 1, 2011


Since you chose the Digital Journal as a reliable source....

Opinion: Mysterious animal deaths may not be so mysterious

Read more:


Inquiring Child

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2011,13:52   

First time posting, apologies for the incorrect formatting of  quote



Posts: 411
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2011,13:55   

Quote (arobotasi @ Jan. 15 2011,12:30)


the end of atheism - only the blind and deaf can deny it...

an example and warning of the fate of those who try to divide people....


Ever try to post anything coherent? I mean, just once? more thing before I forget,.....You do know that Edward Current is a PARODY....RIGHT????


- Born right the first time.
- Asking questions is NOT the same as providing answers.
- It's all fun and games until the flying monkeys show up!

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