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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Krubozumo Nyankoye

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Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 02 2010,22:18   

On the topic of professional dishonesty, it happens in all fields. There are dishonest judges, dishonest doctors, etc. etc. In most cases this may not involve intellectual dishonesty except in some narrow context  where it is easier and more lucrative to sell snakeoil than succeed in a competitive marketplace. There are many examples.

What is odd is that there are only a few fields in which dishonesty appears to be an actual requirement. As Huckleberry Finn so aptly put it - "Faith is believin' what you know ain't so."

Another worthy quote is Feynman in Louis' signature line.  In my experience one of the most difficult things to do in science is to maintain a reasonably objective perspective on whether or not what you are working on leads to something, or is just flat wrong. Unfortunately, obtaining a meaningful answer to such questions can take decades of work and still be a dissapointment.  If you can manage to avoid fooling yourself, about the only option upon discovering you have been pursuing a dead end, is to go back and start over.

I am not an academic geologist doing research per se. I am more of an economic geologist, but to provide any service of value to my clients I have to stay aware of the current pertinent research, and I have to treat my own efforts and results as if they too are research. In a way this is more difficult that research in academia because what the explorationist seeks is some more efficacious method of detecting the very weak and complex signals of an undiscovered deposit,  or the discovery of entirely new kinds of deposits that are economically viable.  In my specialty pursuit of the former is more promising than pursuit of the latter.

After 35 years of effort investigating a fairly straightforward hypothesis to enhance the resolution of exploration methods such that identifyable targets  can be more highly constrained as to the probability they are viable for production, there is no conclusive result. This is far from a unique idea, I have many colleagues both in and out of academia who are working on the exact same problem though in different ways.  

I trust their intellectual honesty. Often in the passage of time we have encountered one another and argued with earnestness inf favor of our approaches. In the field of proprietary work it is not often that we get to share our results in detail but after a time everyone comes to know whether or not a particular undertaking has succeeded or not. And of course you can always simply ask, and depend upon getting an intellectually honest answer. "Did it work?" "No it didn't." Often because of the competitiveness and secrecy of exploration, you don't even know what "it" was.

Surrounding the small constellation of colleagues whom you trust is a much larger assortment of others who in some way touch upon the same aims. Some are professionals of otherwise good repute but who have some taint that pushes them off the main track and into the bush.  That group grades smoothly into hacks and cranks who have nothing but claim everything and whom, I guess manage to make a buck at it. Which is their only motive. Farther out still you have those who enrobe themselves in a science-like costume and then go forth to spew massive lies and defamation of anyone who disagrees with their foregone conclusions.  They seek to trade on the credibility of real science. As Russell put it so clearly, "For years we were told that faith could move mountains, and no one believed it. Now we are told that atom bombs can move mountains, and everyone believes it.

To some extent, I think the most irksome thing about the dialog with creotards is simply the fact that they have no skin in the game. They are essentially reading from a script.

So the topic I offer up is essentially this, is it possible to believe in something and not be a liar?


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 02 2010,23:30   

just bumping the page

Evolander in training


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 02 2010,23:41   

Quote (ppb @ Mar. 02 2010,07:02)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Mar. 02 2010,04:00)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 02 2010,02:43)
In fact this creationist would even say bears and dogs are of the same kind from off the ark.


Why not?  It makes about as much sense as anything else he's said.

It's easy when you're just makin' shit up.

He probably heard that bears are caniforms somewhere and because he's an idiot, that was taken as proof that they're "of the same kind".

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio


Posts: 861
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 03 2010,00:00   

Quote (didymos @ Mar. 02 2010,23:41)
Quote (ppb @ Mar. 02 2010,07:02)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Mar. 02 2010,04:00)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 02 2010,02:43)
In fact this creationist would even say bears and dogs are of the same kind from off the ark.


Why not?  It makes about as much sense as anything else he's said.

It's easy when you're just makin' shit up.

He probably heard that bears are caniforms somewhere and because he's an idiot, that was taken as proof that they're "of the same kind".

Have you ever seen Yogi Bear and Scooby Doo?  They're like - 95% similar.  That says it all.  Besides, I'm sure Booby has the evidence, but he can't provide it to us godless heathens, and if we only would convert, why then his god would make us see that he was correct all along.  Or else make us drink the kool-aid and wait for the space aliens.  After a while, they all look alike to me.  Which one was Booby again?

And what about those Chimpanzee videos?

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 03 2010,21:44   

Hey, bears and dogs are in the same order - what more do ya'll want? :)


Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 03 2010,22:20   

Marsupials are not related as indicated by the thousands of points of anatomy that produce the twists and turns of form that indicates to ones observation very different creatures. so different that a different concept of convergent evolution must be invoked to explain how they came to look like placental types elsewhere on the planet.

The marsupial wolf does not look like a marsupial mole. Even if it has a few details like the reproductive system or this or that.

As I demonstrated above this is wrong.

You keep asserting a similarity between thylacines and wolves so tell us, we have been asking now for quite awhile, what features or traits the two share in common. It should be easy for you since you think there are thousands of similarities. Don't just tell us they "look similar" we want details.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,00:54   

Quote (Henry J @ Mar. 02 2010,19:02)
Yeah, internal details don't seem to matter to him. Just the outer shape, which is the aspect on which small changes can add up to streamlining in water or faster running on land or better grip on things with its jaws, or other such things. But any of those can result from accumulation of small changes, each of which produces a slight increase in efficiency or effectiveness. Internal details are less apt to change in a given time frame than outer shape, which makes them more reliable as indicators of relatedness. At least that's my understanding of the current theory.

One thing I don't get is why all the concern about marsupial classification; I don't see what he would gain from winning that argument. Even if each type of marsupial were a closer relative to a particular order of placentals rather than to other marsupials, it's still evolution.


It answers a issue about post flood marsupial exclusive migration to Australia. Then it furthers explains much of the fossil record in saying same shaped creatures are the same. Constantly whole orders of creatures are said to have existed but in fact are the same creatures as what we now have. Its about reducing creatures into a few kinds.
It also takes a shot at genetic concepts. Gentics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.
This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

Marsupials being placentals wouldn't kill evolution but it would be a kick in to the head and the fall break a lot of bones.

its also nice to contribed important discovery's to man's knowledge.


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Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,02:57   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 05 2010,00:54)
its also nice to contribed important discovery's to man's knowledge.

By posting here you are not doing that. This is a forum.

When will you be publishing your findings? Where and when?

If not, why not? You are right, after all yeah? So why not publish?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,03:19   

Robert, you have diagnosed yourself (slightly edited quote):

I'm not stupid or dishonest. If I was I wouldn't know it or honestly admit it.

That's what you wrote. Do you understand what you yourself have written? You have admitted that you wouldn't know if you were stupid. Now read carefully:

You are stupid. Beacuse you are stupid, you don't know it. Because you are stupid, you won't admit it.

That's the meaning of the words you wrote. They are your own words, not mine. You've said it yourself. I agree with you. We all know that you are stupid, but you are too stupid to understand.

It is a well known observation, it is already mentioned in the bible: You think everybody else is stupid when they disagree with you, at the same time are blind to your own stupidity.

WRT contribution: You have contributed nothing to man's knowledge. That thylacines and wolves look somewhat similar is not news to us. We know, we knew, we have seen it, we know why, we understand why. We have a huge amount of knowledge contributed by intelligent, non-stupid people. While you just  babble like an idiot about it.

Now please go away. Why don't you register at the
Evolution Fairytale forum? Click here!
That forum is made for people like you. They are brethren of yours and need your special knowledge. Now you have saved us, go and save your brethren in faith!

Over a long time I have done my best to help you, why don't you ever thank me?

Edit: typo.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 267
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,11:12   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 04 2010,22:54)
Genetics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.

This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

With all due respect, it wouldn't explain crap.

The genetics is irrelevant? What do you propose happens? The animal changes shape, grows a pouch, and then the DNA changes in response?

All your research team needs to do is explain this mechanism, and you're all set!


Posts: 861
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,13:14   

Quote (bfish @ Mar. 05 2010,11:12)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 04 2010,22:54)
Genetics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.

This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

With all due respect, it wouldn't explain crap.

The genetics is irrelevant? What do you propose happens? The animal changes shape, grows a pouch, and then the DNA changes in response?

All your research team needs to do is explain this mechanism, and you're all set!

Sounds like some kind of Bible-Based Lamarckism, which makes sense if you go by how to get spotted goats (IIRC) - just have them mate (or is it live?) near spotted sticks, and Bam!  DNA changes to match, and you have spotted goats.

Completely reverses cause and effect, but then, just about everything else he says is completely back-asswards.  If I go bald later in life, does that mean that my genetic code has changed to look as if I never had hair at all?  I was trying to think what this would do for his argument that thylacines and wolves are related, then realized that it doesn't matter - genetics is not part of his argument, any more than any evidence other than his beliefs.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G


Posts: 229
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,13:20   

Bubba's still goin at it, eh?

However I do admire him for his ability to type up entire paragraphs without actually saying jack shit.

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‘‘I was like ‘Oh my God! It’s Jesus on a banana!’’  - Lisa Swinton, Jesus-eating pagan


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,13:21   

Quote (RDK @ Mar. 05 2010,13:20)
Bubba's still goin at it, eh?

However I do admire him for his ability to type up entire paragraphs without actually saying jack shit.

He's like a Weeble - he may wobble, but he won't fall down!

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G


Posts: 229
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,13:40   

Quote (Badger3k @ Mar. 05 2010,13:21)
Quote (RDK @ Mar. 05 2010,13:20)
Bubba's still goin at it, eh?

However I do admire him for his ability to type up entire paragraphs without actually saying jack shit.

He's like a Weeble - he may wobble, but he won't fall down!

I always picture him as Boppo.  Full of air, and just keeps on coming back!

If you are not:
please Logout under Meta in the sidebar.

‘‘I was like ‘Oh my God! It’s Jesus on a banana!’’  - Lisa Swinton, Jesus-eating pagan


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,15:54   

I think that the guy has serious problems and feel a little guilty about poking fun at the guy


Posts: 1961
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,16:07   

Quote (MichaelJ @ Mar. 05 2010,15:54)
I think that the guy has serious problems and feel a little guilty about poking fun at the guy

Mentally-wise, he must be completely teflon-ized. Whatever I have said, he just come back with more of the same nonsense as if nothing happened. Remarkable. If he's got a problem, he doesn't  seem to be aware of it. He must be the happiest man in the world

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.

Texas Teach

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,17:25   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 05 2010,00:54)
Quote (Henry J @ Mar. 02 2010,19:02)
Yeah, internal details don't seem to matter to him. Just the outer shape, which is the aspect on which small changes can add up to streamlining in water or faster running on land or better grip on things with its jaws, or other such things. But any of those can result from accumulation of small changes, each of which produces a slight increase in efficiency or effectiveness. Internal details are less apt to change in a given time frame than outer shape, which makes them more reliable as indicators of relatedness. At least that's my understanding of the current theory.

One thing I don't get is why all the concern about marsupial classification; I don't see what he would gain from winning that argument. Even if each type of marsupial were a closer relative to a particular order of placentals rather than to other marsupials, it's still evolution.


It answers a issue about post flood marsupial exclusive migration to Australia. Then it furthers explains much of the fossil record in saying same shaped creatures are the same. Constantly whole orders of creatures are said to have existed but in fact are the same creatures as what we now have. Its about reducing creatures into a few kinds.
It also takes a shot at genetic concepts. Gentics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.
This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

Marsupials being placentals wouldn't kill evolution but it would be a kick in to the head and the fall break a lot of bones.

its also nice to contribed important discovery's to man's knowledge.

Mr Byers, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,00:12   

Quote (bfish @ Mar. 05 2010,11:12)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 04 2010,22:54)
Genetics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.

This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

With all due respect, it wouldn't explain crap.

The genetics is irrelevant? What do you propose happens? The animal changes shape, grows a pouch, and then the DNA changes in response?

All your research team needs to do is explain this mechanism, and you're all set!

Well genetics was not my agenda when I began. I just ran into the claims of genetics to draw relationship between marsupials when in fact they are unrelated to each other save from like influences.
Dna is in fact just representing a parts department in life. Its only a special case that having such intimate like parts allows me to be connected to my father.
Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna. The dna of coarse must be a part of the change.
Anyways dna is a primitive entry subject.
The relationships between creatures must be and is by anatomical principals.


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Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,00:28   

(poke, poke...)

Okay, Byers.

Which anatomical principles? Exactly?

Length of femur? Size of trochanters? How about relative musculature?

Show us your measurements, or you're just a bag of wind.

"They look the same" is for five-year-olds.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 274
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,02:12   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 08 2010,22:12)
 Well genetics was not my agenda when I began. I just ran into the claims of genetics to draw relationship between marsupials when in fact they are unrelated to each other save from like influences.
Dna is in fact just representing a parts department in life. Its only a special case that having such intimate like parts allows me to be connected to my father.

Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna. The dna of coarse must be a part of the change.
Anyways dna is a primitive entry subject.
The relationships between creatures must be and is by anatomical principals.

Your theory (to use the term loosely) of genetics is trivially wrong*. Your posts demonstrate that you are completely ignorant of the subject, and anyone who is not similarly ignorant can plainly see you are just bullshitting.

Some advice from a fellow believer:
Quote (Thomas Aquinas @ a long smeggin time ago)
The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.

* Here's some hints: ERVs, observed mutation rates, neutral mutations.


Posts: 29
Joined: Dec. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,04:01   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 09 2010,07:12)
Quote (bfish @ Mar. 05 2010,11:12)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 04 2010,22:54)
Genetics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.

This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

With all due respect, it wouldn't explain crap.

The genetics is irrelevant? What do you propose happens? The animal changes shape, grows a pouch, and then the DNA changes in response?

All your research team needs to do is explain this mechanism, and you're all set!

Well genetics was not my agenda when I began. I just ran into the claims of genetics to draw relationship between marsupials when in fact they are unrelated to each other save from like influences.
Dna is in fact just representing a parts department in life. Its only a special case that having such intimate like parts allows me to be connected to my father.
Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna. The dna of coarse must be a part of the change.
Anyways dna is a primitive entry subject.
The relationships between creatures must be and is by anatomical principals.

Okay, I'll ask you this question again:
According to your speculation, DNA changes in reaction to anatomical changes in an animal. This idea predicts, that a mouse's DNA would change after we cut off its tail. Do you agree with that?

And a second question:
IF DNA does not do what we think it to do, how are proteins produced in a cell?


Posts: 1961
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,09:22   

I know you are incompetent, Robert, but anyway:

What you claim about biology and DNA  is like saying that if the builders build something different than the architect's drawings, the blueprint for the building, the the drawings, the blueprint will change accordingly?

You mean the blueprint is useless, real life doesn't bother with made up plans for what to build? So the people at one of Ford's assembly lines may build any car they like and miraculously, Ford's research and design department will have a new set of blueprints?

So what do they use the blueprints for, they are irrelevant.

That's what you say about DNA. What do you think is responsible for the development of a foetus? Are you familiar with the processes called copulation and fertilization? You know about sperm and the double helix?

No, you don't know nothing, that's a fact.

Please disappear from here, you're not even funny, just pathetic. Go to evolutionfairytale, they need to learn the wonderful knowledge that you are in possession of!

Another ten minutes wasted. Allright, for a while it took my mind of the stuff I am working on these days.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 861
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,12:01   

Quote (Quack @ Mar. 09 2010,09:22)
Are you familiar with the processes called copulation and fertilization? You know about sperm and the double helix?

I think we all hope that he isn't.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,14:35   

Quote (Badger3k @ Mar. 09 2010,10:01)
Quote (Quack @ Mar. 09 2010,09:22)
Are you familiar with the processes called copulation and fertilization? You know about sperm and the double helix?

I think we all hope that he isn't.

So long as it was restricted to inanimate objects (or himself),  I'd be OK with it.

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,18:55   

You all mock, but I think Byers is on to something when he says:

Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna.

If this is true we can mold and shape creatures like silly putty. Why we can shape them and change them into human-like creatures. Think of the theological implications of that - the great commission can be extended to the entire animal kingdom. Think of the shock when all the wombat-men and kangaroo women stand before Jesus to be judged. I imagine the conversation will go something like this:

Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to eat meat, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?
Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to go on all fours, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?
Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?

It will be great!!

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 09 2010,23:55   

Quote (afarensis @ Mar. 09 2010,16:55)
You all mock, but I think Byers is on to something when he says:

Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna.

If this is true we can mold and shape creatures like silly putty. Why we can shape them and change them into human-like creatures. Think of the theological implications of that - the great commission can be extended to the entire animal kingdom. Think of the shock when all the wombat-men and kangaroo women stand before Jesus to be judged. I imagine the conversation will go something like this:

Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to eat meat, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?
Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to go on all fours, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?
Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?

It will be great!!

... and then they'll all dance to "Jocko Homo".

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G

Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 10 2010,07:14   

I would like everyone here to observe a minute's silence in memory of all the brave neurones that fell, victims of Bobby's unfathomable stupidity.

Hell, 10 bottles of Jamesson in a row would do less damage then this reading!

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


Posts: 321
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 10 2010,17:07   

I don't know how you do it.

I can't even figure out what Mr. Byers is trying to say.
His command of the written word is more like an 8 year old.

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 11 2010,01:11   

Quote (Bjarne @ Mar. 09 2010,04:01)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 09 2010,07:12)
Quote (bfish @ Mar. 05 2010,11:12)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 04 2010,22:54)
Genetics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.

This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

With all due respect, it wouldn't explain crap.

The genetics is irrelevant? What do you propose happens? The animal changes shape, grows a pouch, and then the DNA changes in response?

All your research team needs to do is explain this mechanism, and you're all set!

Well genetics was not my agenda when I began. I just ran into the claims of genetics to draw relationship between marsupials when in fact they are unrelated to each other save from like influences.
Dna is in fact just representing a parts department in life. Its only a special case that having such intimate like parts allows me to be connected to my father.
Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna. The dna of coarse must be a part of the change.
Anyways dna is a primitive entry subject.
The relationships between creatures must be and is by anatomical principals.

Okay, I'll ask you this question again:
According to your speculation, DNA changes in reaction to anatomical changes in an animal. This idea predicts, that a mouse's DNA would change after we cut off its tail. Do you agree with that?

And a second question:
IF DNA does not do what we think it to do, how are proteins produced in a cell?

No. The tail didn't change but was removed without a innate change.
I'm saying Dna and bodies are hand in glove. The complexity of the body allows ideas that innate triggers are there to bring change to the body and so the Dna would also have added or subtracted from some atomic points.
As surely as upon puberty there is a change in the body though it includes the dna. The dna in this case has within already a ability to bring change. Its just a further step that change can change the dna.

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 11 2010,01:22   

Quote (afarensis @ Mar. 09 2010,18:55)
You all mock, but I think Byers is on to something when he says:

Therefore it must be there is a innate ability of life to react to influences in order to thrive. This atomic code means that when a change has taken place then ones dna will have changed too.
Dna is hand in glove with the living creature. Change the creature change the dna.

If this is true we can mold and shape creatures like silly putty. Why we can shape them and change them into human-like creatures. Think of the theological implications of that - the great commission can be extended to the entire animal kingdom. Think of the shock when all the wombat-men and kangaroo women stand before Jesus to be judged. I imagine the conversation will go something like this:

Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to eat meat, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?
Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to go on all fours, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?
Jesus: What is the law?
Sayer of the Law: Not to spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men?
Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?

It will be great!!

I do think creatures could be changed by man by fiddleing with the Dna.
if mans knowledge was that great. No  there yet by far.
I see physical change in nature as having innate triggers.
The example could be breeds of dogs.
They show how diverse one get from a few original types.
Yet i don't see this as showing mere selection on random traits but rather the tip of the ice berg.
The diversity of traits is so much a part of nature and dogs that it easily just slips over the side allowing artificial selection to bring about the breeds.
Dog breeds are not from unnatural mutations selected on.
There is a greater flow in creatures going on to allow adaptation instantly where the right triggers are hit.
Otherwise they stay the same but mere slippage is noticed and breeders use it for the breeds.
yet in fact the breeds are not showing errors in the dogs bodies but the great flow of ability to diversify.

The origin of breeds in dogs etc is not from errors in the dna but the great ability of dna to change a creature from its parents.

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