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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 05 2010,13:14   

Quote (bfish @ Mar. 05 2010,11:12)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 04 2010,22:54)
Genetics are not a trail but a result of like parts equals like dna.
No evolution here by selection on mutation and so. So it also teaches that creatures did change suddenly from innate abilities to adapt to the earth.

This would explain much about fossil and living diversity.

With all due respect, it wouldn't explain crap.

The genetics is irrelevant? What do you propose happens? The animal changes shape, grows a pouch, and then the DNA changes in response?

All your research team needs to do is explain this mechanism, and you're all set!

Sounds like some kind of Bible-Based Lamarckism, which makes sense if you go by how to get spotted goats (IIRC) - just have them mate (or is it live?) near spotted sticks, and Bam!  DNA changes to match, and you have spotted goats.

Completely reverses cause and effect, but then, just about everything else he says is completely back-asswards.  If I go bald later in life, does that mean that my genetic code has changed to look as if I never had hair at all?  I was trying to think what this would do for his argument that thylacines and wolves are related, then realized that it doesn't matter - genetics is not part of his argument, any more than any evidence other than his beliefs.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

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