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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,07:33   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Oct. 14 2011,06:43)
Unpleasant Blowhard:
The Big Bang Theory was adopted because the physical entailments involved in the theory were supported by the evidence. ID asks for no more, or no less. Therefore, there is no legitimate reason to deny that request.

ID claims that the information that organized matter into living things was the product of an agent. The existence of that information has very observable, physical entailments. Those physical entailments (which are truly profound in their dynamics) are an exact match to the same physical entailments which result from information being conveyed by semiotic means (by representations and rules).

UB doesn't quite grasp the notion of "entailment."

Actually, it is we scientists who keep asking for the evidence and yet... it is never forthcoming.

No matter what, they can't get away from 'it looks complex, therefore design'.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,08:00   

Quote (Kristine @ Oct. 13 2011,20:30)
Quote (sparc @ Oct. 13 2011,12:20)
I don't have time to read Dembski's newest but according to the summary page he remains the same arrogant Dr. Dr.:      
instead of trying to get the wrong people to do the right thing, make it impossible for the wrong people to keep the right people from doing the right thing.

Philosopher, theologian and mathematician

Well at least he isn't calling himself a "scientist" anymore. :p
It therewith hopes to play some small measure in transforming the culture consistent with a broad Christian humanism.

"Christian humanism"? Can Spinoza be far behind?

Wow, it will be fun to watch this.

ETA - Or maybe not. He's already repeating that old saw, "Congress shall make no law..." versus the Canadian Bill of Rights (usually it's the UN Charter) explicitly spelling out rights. *Yawn.*

Next it will be the threadbare (because rubbed too much like a lucky penny) "The U.S. is a Republic, not a democracy," and other freshman Young Republican canards.

Spinoza was run out of town by Dembski's wrong/right people.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 316
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,09:01   

I made the mistake of direct tard contact and must now report for decontamination.  While there, I saw that the mouth breathers are out in force on the whale evolution thread.

“Those earlier proto-whales were amphibians, able to live on land as well as sea.”

So their early ancestors were some sort of mammal wolf/deer-like creature(whatever – choose your favourite fable) which I assume already had mammal reproductive systems, mammary glands, etc. But then it turned back into an Amphibian which would include the previous vestigial sex froggy/salamandish/toady reproduction systems which I assume includes egg laying, etc, but then morphed back to a mammal of the whale/dolphin variety with fully functional mammalian componants once again ???

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ???

Darwin’s theory cannot predict a tree because it is silent on the origin of life and the origin of life is what determines how many trees there will be.

Also tiktaalik can’t be a transitional because it was found in the wrong strata to be a transitional.

The entire whale lineage story is flight of fancy.

Also, the ‘chart’ – never fails to amuse!

“Nested hierarchy, Nested hierarchy” “Clade , Clade, clade”

You made a chart, and you placed some animals on it, some of them imaginary – Overwhelming evidence that.

I'll now return to the regularly scheduled consumption of tard first filtered by experienced miners.


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,09:13   

Joseph is reduced to mere sputtering, even more blatantly than usual:
No one said every change has to be designed. ID does not exclude darwinian mechanisms and it does not exclude random effects.

Also the hypotheses have nothing to do with blind and undirected chemical processes and again ID is not anti-evolution.

So ID isn't anti-evolution, it doesn't exclude anything, and it doesn't entail anything.  What exactly is your point, then?


Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,09:14   

Quote (George @ Oct. 14 2011,09:01)
I made the mistake of direct tard contact and must now report for decontamination.  While there, I saw that the mouth breathers are out in force on the whale evolution thread.

“Those earlier proto-whales were amphibians, able to live on land as well as sea.”

So their early ancestors were some sort of mammal wolf/deer-like creature(whatever – choose your favourite fable) which I assume already had mammal reproductive systems, mammary glands, etc. But then it turned back into an Amphibian which would include the previous vestigial sex froggy/salamandish/toady reproduction systems which I assume includes egg laying, etc, but then morphed back to a mammal of the whale/dolphin variety with fully functional mammalian componants once again ???

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ???

Darwin’s theory cannot predict a tree because it is silent on the origin of life and the origin of life is what determines how many trees there will be.

Also tiktaalik can’t be a transitional because it was found in the wrong strata to be a transitional.

The entire whale lineage story is flight of fancy.

Also, the ‘chart’ – never fails to amuse!

“Nested hierarchy, Nested hierarchy” “Clade , Clade, clade”

You made a chart, and you placed some animals on it, some of them imaginary – Overwhelming evidence that.

I'll now return to the regularly scheduled consumption of tard first filtered by experienced miners.

Holy Batshit Cowman

I don't care who you are: That there's some industrial strength dumb.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,09:19   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Oct. 14 2011,04:43)
Unpleasant Blowhard:
The Big Bang Theory was adopted because the physical entailments involved in the theory were supported by the evidence. ID asks for no more, or no less. Therefore, there is no legitimate reason to deny that request.

ID claims that the information that organized matter into living things was the product of an agent. The existence of that information has very observable, physical entailments. Those physical entailments (which are truly profound in their dynamics) are an exact match to the same physical entailments which result from information being conveyed by semiotic means (by representations and rules).

UB doesn't quite grasp the notion of "entailment."

O ffs. They're still using the "pigs look like piggy banks, therefore design" argument?

Man the bottom of that barrel is sure looking well-scraped.

Has anyone pointed out to Uptight Stu-ped that once again he's comparing to human representations and rules, therefore arguing we made the world?


"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,09:56   

Larry Moran stops by:


The main point of my article was to demonstrate that Jonathan M doesn’t understand “The Onion Test.” That’s not a big surprise because he is, after all, an IDiot.

Don’t the rest of you IDiots want to defend Jonathan M by showing that his interpretation of the Onion Test was correct? You could score lots of points for the anti-science crowd by doing this, especially since the inventor of “The Onion Test” (Ryan Gregory) will be reading your comments.

Give it your best shot.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,10:55   

Darwinism is toast!
Such a transition is a fete of genetic rewiring and it is astonishing that it is presumed to have occurred by Darwinian processes in such a short span of time.

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers


Posts: 1431
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,10:58   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Oct. 13 2011,17:45)
ID science at it's best:  
so basically the medical establishment has been a giant flop. And think of all the trillions of tax dollars they’ve been given! Yet people think so highly of science and medicine!…why??…for wearing white coats and looking important? This whole health care debacle could be eliminated immediately if people started addressing their diseases with organic foods, (such as vegetable juice) as Hippocrates suggested long ago. diseases do not form because of a lack of drugs, bun instead because of a nutritional imbalance that chokes off healthy cell function.

If those damned scientists would just get off our backs, we'd live forever!

AAAAGGGGGHHH!!! Good grief! I hear/read this type of comment from time to time and I wonder just what such people think life was like 50, 100, 200, etc years ago. Not to be melodramatic, but if I'd been born so much as 2 or so years earlier than I was, I'd be dead.

And what's with the silly what-has-science-"cured" strawman? Very little medical attention has to do with curing anything - most medicine has been about finding and using effective treatments for acute and chronic symptoms from ailments, not removing those ailments from the Earth entirely. What a bunch of dumbasses.

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


Posts: 3326
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,11:09   

Quote (Robin @ Oct. 14 2011,10:58)
AAAAGGGGGHHH!!! Good grief! I hear/read this type of comment from time to time and I wonder just what such people think life was like 50, 100, 200, etc years ago.

Well, Adam lived to be 930 years old, so it must have been pretty good.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,11:23   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Oct. 14 2011,11:09)
Quote (Robin @ Oct. 14 2011,10:58)
AAAAGGGGGHHH!!! Good grief! I hear/read this type of comment from time to time and I wonder just what such people think life was like 50, 100, 200, etc years ago.

Well, Adam lived to be 930 years old, so it must have been pretty good.

ETA: Scratching the >angry<, 'cause that's funny.

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


Posts: 4003
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,14:36   

but if I'd been born so much as 2 or so years earlier than I was, I'd be dead.

When Steve Jobs was my age he'd been dead for ten years.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,18:32   

Caroline Crocker:
Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

Yay, creationist!


I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,19:04   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Oct. 14 2011,19:32)
Caroline Crocker:
Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

Yay, creationist!


kellyhomesOctober 14, 2011 at 5:31 pm
Given that “creationism” is simply not science, except perhaps when science is defined to include astrology, why should it not be right to deride “creationism” when it attempts to use the cloak of science for unearned respectability?

Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

So according to you, any Christian who, for example, does not believe in a literal creation and Noah’s ark is not actually a Christian?

No true Scotsman and all that?

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 14 2011,19:34   

Caroline Crocker:  (HT to oldmanintheskydidntdoit)
Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

Not even Jesus.  Damn liberal.



Posts: 2089
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,00:32   

Being William Dembski means a life of bitterness:  
William Dembski October 14, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Thanks for this post, Caroline. Even though my research professorship pays for memberships to professional societies, I decided to let my membership in the ASA lapse last year (after more than 20 years a member) because I simply could no longer get behind the direction in which the organization was going.

Let me urge that you start your own professional society through AITSE to fill that gap that the ASA is leaving — may some deep pockets reading this post provided you with the needed start-up capital!

5 Ted Davis October 14, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Now, as for the larger ID/TE issue, relative to the ASA, I have some things that need to be said, and this is a good place to say them.

I have heard many ID supporters (some who are ASA members and many who are not) say that the ASA is a TE organization that is unfriendly to ID. A few isolated facts might be seen to support that conclusion–a given article or review from our journal or web site, or a particular comment in a session at our annual meeting, or something that was said in a conversation at a meeting. I won’t list any examples of such, but I have no doubt that there are some. (I also have no doubt that others, including some here, have said highly negative things about either the ASA as an organization or about specific members in connection with the ASA. On at least two occasions, highly derogatory language was aimed in my direction here at UD.)

As far as the ASA as an organization is concerned, let me review some facts–all of them easily verified.

(1) Our refereed journal (the oldest science & religion journal in the USA), Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, frequently publishes articles taking a pro-ID stance. I challenge anyone to take a period of several consecutive years (somewhere in the past 20 years), count the number of articles that favor ID (keeping in mind that a large number of articles are entirely unrelated to ID), and compare that number with any other refereed journal of their choice. Unless you pick a journal that is intended specifically to promote ID, I bet we do pretty darn well.

Nevertheless, well known proponents of ID rarely submit papers to our journal, despite the fact that we do publish pro-ID articles.

(2) Most of the papers submitted for our annual meeting — and that process is always open to anyone — end up on the program somewhere. Not a large percentage are rejected (unlike our journal, which is pretty selective, the annual meeting program process is not very selective). Most pro-ID papers are accepted. If the number of such papers on the program in any given year is low, it almost certainly means that only a few such papers were submitted. I have been involved in setting the program several times, and the information in this paragraph accurately describes all of those years.

(3) ASA Council members, who are elected by the whole membership, have included a number of well known ID supporters in the past several years: Walter Bradley, Bob Kaita (who will be VP next April), and Ken Touryan all come to mind. In addition, another current council member is a Southern Baptist theologian (Hal Poe). There has been no effort to exclude pro-ID members from becoming Council members. For an organization that is alleged to be pro-TE, we sure have elected our share of pro-ID presidents. I challenge anyone to find a comparable degree of open-mindedness elsewhere.

(4) ASA Council members must (according to our own by-laws) be Fellows fist. To become a Fellow, a current Fellow must nominate a person; that person must then respond to a request to confirm their interest in being named a Fellow and send in some information (basically a short c.v. and some other information); and, the current Fellows must then affirm that person by voting for them on a ballot they are sent.

Sometimes people whose names are put forth do not respond to the request for information. This happens with at least one person in most years, and I can recall one year in which 3 people did not respond.

I will now share a piece of information that has not been publicly shared before: during my time on Council, I placed in nomination as Fellows multiple people who support ID, yet the two most prominent names did not confirm their interest and their names did not move forward. Everyone here would know those names, but I will have to keep you guessing about their specific identities.

So, what exactly am I saying? Simply this: relative to ID and TE, the ASA is what its members make it. I am (as you all know) not an ID proponent myself (although I am not without interest in ID or without sympathy for aspects of ID), but I always acted to keep the ASA what it has always been: an open forum on issues related to science and Christianity. I cannot submit papers to our journal or to the annual meeting on behalf of others; I cannot respond to requests for information on behalf of others.

Here is my frank advice to anyone within the ASA who believes that we are unfriendly to ID: look in the mirror. Have you submitted a top-notch paper to our journal? have you submitted a decent proposal for a paper at our annual meeting? did you respond to a request to confirm a nomination to be an ASA Fellow? We are who our members make us. What more can I say?
   5.1 William Dembski October 14, 2011 at 8:15 pm


   Walter Bradley contacted me in January or February of 2006, asking me to collect a CV and other supporting materials to propose me as fellow of the ASA. He didn’t spell out a strict deadline, so I sent the supporting materials in, as it turned out, two weeks late. Unfortunately, the deadline was strict and my nomination was put in cold storage — at least so I understood from Walter, who indicated that my nomination would be delayed a year. All the materials were in place to confirm my nomination — so Walter gave me to understand. And yet I was never ratified as a fellow, not the following year, not the three additional years that I still remained an ASA member.

   In any case, what finally got to me with the ASA was not the refused fellowship, but the condescension toward ID, the overwhelming (though not exclusive) view of the leadership that ID has no scientific integrity (I believe that Randy Isaac has said as much), and the sense that ID proponents will always be second-class citizens in the ASA.


Doc Bill got even expelled from a Christian science society. And of course it was not his fault.
Interim results from an ongoing ASA survey will not make him any happier.

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


Posts: 539
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,02:32   

It is dawning on me how completely futile it is becoming to engage the ID supporters of UD. It is quite the Bizarro World over there. None of them seem to learn anything except how to repeat each other's talking points. Believe first in ID and THEN you will understand it. Obstinacy is seen to be healthy skepticism and honest steadfastness. They throw their arguments around as if they are defense attorneys; they are not burdened with providing a consistent and reasonable explanation of events but serve only to cast doubt on the prosecution's (if i have mis-characterized any defense attorneys here, I stand corrected). Contention can be healthy and productive but that's not what's occurring at UD. I applaud those who continue to engage UD, and am grateful for the enlightenment they provide.

All women build up a resistance [to male condescension]. Apparently, ID did not predict that. -Kristine 4-19-11
F/Ns to F/Ns to F/Ns etc. The whole thing is F/N ridiculous -Seversky on KF footnote fetish 8-20-11
Sigh. Really Bill? - Barry Arrington


Posts: 539
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,02:39   

Journalism opportunity:
(1) Our refereed journal (the oldest science & religion journal in the USA), Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, frequently publishes articles taking a pro-ID stance. I challenge anyone to take a period of several consecutive years (somewhere in the past 20 years), count the number of articles that favor ID (keeping in mind that a large number of articles are entirely unrelated to ID), and compare that number with any other refereed journal of their choice. Unless you pick a journal that is intended specifically to promote ID, I bet we do pretty darn well.

Nevertheless, well known proponents of ID rarely submit papers to our journal, despite the fact that we do publish pro-ID articles.

Oh, Denyse O'Leeeeeeeeeeeary, be a journalist and investigate this, will you, dear?

All women build up a resistance [to male condescension]. Apparently, ID did not predict that. -Kristine 4-19-11
F/Ns to F/Ns to F/Ns etc. The whole thing is F/N ridiculous -Seversky on KF footnote fetish 8-20-11
Sigh. Really Bill? - Barry Arrington


Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,04:44   

It seems to me a slight but significant correction needs to be made to Caroline Crocker's
Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

as in "for Christians nothing trumps Christian faith, not even science."

The reason I bother with Caroline at all is something I heard yesterday. It is well known that Norway has a long tradition of engagement in Arctic exploration and research. A source said that the Arctic ice is becoming alarmingly thin, and that previous estimates of an ice-free arctic basin some 50  - 100 years from now have been too optimistic. It now seems more likely that the time frame is only 10 - 20 years.

Maybe too little emphasis has been put on the effects of positive feedback.

I have long been somewhat skeptic towards the estimates given by climate researchers so I feel a certain satisfaction when my suspicion is confirmed; scientists are not the kind of people to cry 'wolf' at first sight.

It is not encouraging to observe the downplay of science that has become a signature of certain groups within society.

GW is a fact and whatever advances towards a policy of restoring status quo have been and are being made, it is too little too late. We might even have to consider methods for AGC (Artificial Global Cooling).

But why do I worry? I have enjoyed the best times ever on this planet, they wont be back for a very long time, if ever.  

How much easier isn't life if you can ignore facts and science, and just adopt the prevailing opinion and faith of your tribe?

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 5432
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,08:49   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Oct. 14 2011,18:55)
Darwinism is toast!
Such a transition is a fete of genetic rewiring and it is astonishing that it is presumed to have occurred by Darwinian processes in such a short span of time.

So that would be a church fete....?

Damn he was such a hit at street theatre I'm guessing Opera (the animal or the mineral)  ,tights, and the Pirates of Penzance  is out of the question?

Where are these loosers going?

Does he dress up as a girly and hang around in bars?

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,08:57   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Oct. 15 2011,03:34)
Caroline Crocker:  (HT to oldmanintheskydidntdoit)
Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

Not even Jesus.  Damn liberal.


Yeah therefore if he was god ..... Satanic Verses would be Fiction.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,09:05   

Quote (sparc @ Oct. 15 2011,00:32)
Being William Dembski means a life of bitterness:    
William Dembski October 14, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Thanks for this post, Caroline. Even though my research professorship pays for memberships to professional societies, I decided to let my membership in the ASA lapse last year (after more than 20 years a member) because I simply could no longer get behind the direction in which the organization was going.

Let me urge that you start your own professional society through AITSE to fill that gap that the ASA is leaving — may some deep pockets reading this post provided you with the needed start-up capital!

I will be the first to cheer them on.


"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers


Posts: 2089
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,09:53   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Oct. 15 2011,09:05)
Quote (sparc @ Oct. 15 2011,00:32)
Being William Dembski means a life of bitterness:      
William Dembski October 14, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Thanks for this post, Caroline. Even though my research professorship pays for memberships to professional societies, I decided to let my membership in the ASA lapse last year (after more than 20 years a member) because I simply could no longer get behind the direction in which the organization was going.

Let me urge that you start your own professional society through AITSE to fill that gap that the ASA is leaving — may some deep pockets reading this post provided you with the needed start-up capital!

I will be the first to cheer them on.


As usual he asks for other peoples money.

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,12:13   

It seems to me a slight but significant correction needs to be made to Caroline Crocker's
Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

as in "for Christians nothing trumps Christian faith, not even science."

The reason I bother with Caroline at all is something I heard yesterday. It is well known that Norway has a long tradition of engagement in Arctic exploration and research. A source said that the Arctic ice is becoming alarmingly thin, and that previous estimates of an ice-free arctic basin some 50  - 100 years from now have been too optimistic. It now seems more likely that the time frame is only 10 - 20 years.
That was brought up a couple of weeks ago.  Turns out all the people predicting that are establishment types, so they're wrong.  I think there were also overtones of "them" not being right with Jesus.  

I think Bill Cosby got it right 40 years ago in his "Noah" sketch:  Hey Mr. Polar Bear, "How long can you tread water?"


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,14:31   

It's probably juvenile and mean spirited of me, but I'm really enjoying reading Larry Moran's posts at UD.  He's giving them all of the respect they have earned.


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,16:36   

Quote (Patrick @ Oct. 15 2011,20:31)
It's probably juvenile and mean spirited of me, but I'm really enjoying reading Larry Moran's posts at UD.  He's giving them all of the respect they have earned.

Larry's posting at UD? Oh THIS I have to see....

....wait. That involves actually going to UD. Hmmm I'm getting over a cold and that place is like internet transmittable brain cancer. I'm not sure in my weakened state I should dare. I shall retire to my fainting couch with a mint julep and get the house boy to give me a head massage.




Posts: 442
Joined: June 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,18:22   

If Caroline Crocker really believes this

Therefore, I think I am justified in pointing out that is important to remember that for Christians nothing trumps the Bible, not even science.

and taught it in her science classes then small wonder she was fired.

It also makes one wonder how DeNews can claim that

Crocker, by contrast, thinks she is following up on an evidence base. That gives her the sovereign right to ignore or dispute nonsense.

How can she be " following up on an evidence base" if the Bible trumps any contradictory evidence that science might uncover.

Come to think of it, why bother to pursue a scientific career at all if all the answers are in the Bible?


Posts: 339
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,20:23   

Quote (sparc @ Oct. 15 2011,00:32)
Being William Dembski means a life of bitterness:  
William Dembski October 14, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Thanks for this post, Caroline. Even though my research professorship pays for memberships to professional societies, I decided to let my membership in the ASA lapse last year (after more than 20 years a member) because I simply could no longer get behind the direction in which the organization was going.

Let me urge that you start your own professional society through AITSE to fill that gap that the ASA is leaving — may some deep pockets reading this post provided you with the needed start-up capital!

5 Ted Davis October 14, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Now, as for the larger ID/TE issue, relative to the ASA, I have some things that need to be said, and this is a good place to say them.

I have heard many ID supporters (some who are ASA members and many who are not) say that the ASA is a TE organization that is unfriendly to ID. A few isolated facts might be seen to support that conclusion–a given article or review from our journal or web site, or a particular comment in a session at our annual meeting, or something that was said in a conversation at a meeting. I won’t list any examples of such, but I have no doubt that there are some. (I also have no doubt that others, including some here, have said highly negative things about either the ASA as an organization or about specific members in connection with the ASA. On at least two occasions, highly derogatory language was aimed in my direction here at UD.)

As far as the ASA as an organization is concerned, let me review some facts–all of them easily verified.

(1) Our refereed journal (the oldest science & religion journal in the USA), Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, frequently publishes articles taking a pro-ID stance. I challenge anyone to take a period of several consecutive years (somewhere in the past 20 years), count the number of articles that favor ID (keeping in mind that a large number of articles are entirely unrelated to ID), and compare that number with any other refereed journal of their choice. Unless you pick a journal that is intended specifically to promote ID, I bet we do pretty darn well.

Nevertheless, well known proponents of ID rarely submit papers to our journal, despite the fact that we do publish pro-ID articles.

(2) Most of the papers submitted for our annual meeting — and that process is always open to anyone — end up on the program somewhere. Not a large percentage are rejected (unlike our journal, which is pretty selective, the annual meeting program process is not very selective). Most pro-ID papers are accepted. If the number of such papers on the program in any given year is low, it almost certainly means that only a few such papers were submitted. I have been involved in setting the program several times, and the information in this paragraph accurately describes all of those years.

(3) ASA Council members, who are elected by the whole membership, have included a number of well known ID supporters in the past several years: Walter Bradley, Bob Kaita (who will be VP next April), and Ken Touryan all come to mind. In addition, another current council member is a Southern Baptist theologian (Hal Poe). There has been no effort to exclude pro-ID members from becoming Council members. For an organization that is alleged to be pro-TE, we sure have elected our share of pro-ID presidents. I challenge anyone to find a comparable degree of open-mindedness elsewhere.

(4) ASA Council members must (according to our own by-laws) be Fellows fist. To become a Fellow, a current Fellow must nominate a person; that person must then respond to a request to confirm their interest in being named a Fellow and send in some information (basically a short c.v. and some other information); and, the current Fellows must then affirm that person by voting for them on a ballot they are sent.

Sometimes people whose names are put forth do not respond to the request for information. This happens with at least one person in most years, and I can recall one year in which 3 people did not respond.

I will now share a piece of information that has not been publicly shared before: during my time on Council, I placed in nomination as Fellows multiple people who support ID, yet the two most prominent names did not confirm their interest and their names did not move forward. Everyone here would know those names, but I will have to keep you guessing about their specific identities.

So, what exactly am I saying? Simply this: relative to ID and TE, the ASA is what its members make it. I am (as you all know) not an ID proponent myself (although I am not without interest in ID or without sympathy for aspects of ID), but I always acted to keep the ASA what it has always been: an open forum on issues related to science and Christianity. I cannot submit papers to our journal or to the annual meeting on behalf of others; I cannot respond to requests for information on behalf of others.

Here is my frank advice to anyone within the ASA who believes that we are unfriendly to ID: look in the mirror. Have you submitted a top-notch paper to our journal? have you submitted a decent proposal for a paper at our annual meeting? did you respond to a request to confirm a nomination to be an ASA Fellow? We are who our members make us. What more can I say?
   5.1 William Dembski October 14, 2011 at 8:15 pm


   Walter Bradley contacted me in January or February of 2006, asking me to collect a CV and other supporting materials to propose me as fellow of the ASA. He didn’t spell out a strict deadline, so I sent the supporting materials in, as it turned out, two weeks late. Unfortunately, the deadline was strict and my nomination was put in cold storage — at least so I understood from Walter, who indicated that my nomination would be delayed a year. All the materials were in place to confirm my nomination — so Walter gave me to understand. And yet I was never ratified as a fellow, not the following year, not the three additional years that I still remained an ASA member.

   In any case, what finally got to me with the ASA was not the refused fellowship, but the condescension toward ID, the overwhelming (though not exclusive) view of the leadership that ID has no scientific integrity (I believe that Randy Isaac has said as much), and the sense that ID proponents will always be second-class citizens in the ASA.


Doc Bill got even expelled from a Christian science society. And of course it was not his fault.
Interim results from an ongoing ASA survey will not make him any happier.

Somehow this seems appropriate:

Minever loved the Medici,

Albeit he had never seen one;

He would have sinned incessantly

Could he have been one.


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,21:47   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 15 2011,17:36)
Quote (Patrick @ Oct. 15 2011,20:31)
It's probably juvenile and mean spirited of me, but I'm really enjoying reading Larry Moran's posts at UD.  He's giving them all of the respect they have earned.

Larry's posting at UD? Oh THIS I have to see....

....wait. That involves actually going to UD. Hmmm I'm getting over a cold and that place is like internet transmittable brain cancer. I'm not sure in my weakened state I should dare. I shall retire to my fainting couch with a mint julep and get the house boy to give me a head massage.


So it was Louis on the fainting couch with the house boy....

Sorry, I think I'm playing the wrong game.

Doc Bill

Posts: 1039
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2011,23:26   

Yeah, you're thinking of the game


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