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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 07 2008,22:55   

Oh look, Richard said what I said. All about the content here at RK!!!!eleventybillion!11!
blipey | Homepage | 10.07.08 - 11:54 pm | #

Well well well

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,18:08   

Crossposted from Politics thread:
Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,15:38)
A lot of it is in creationist journals, and of course good 'ol Walt has done all kinds of field work and research that you refuse to even acknowledge exists.  His theory about the grand canyon alone makes much more sense than a lot of secular theories out there.  But, you have to actually read it in it's entirety.

I've done so. Read it. In it's entirety. Would you like to talk about anything specific, for example a single data point from it from the section you link to?

I'll make a start anyhoo.

The first sentence is:
SUMMARY:  Geologists admit that they do not know how the Grand Canyon formed, but for the last 140 years, they have insisted that the Colorado River carved the canyon over millions of years and somehow removed the evidence.1

That's quite a bold statement. And Geologists? Would not it be "geology" that would be taking that position rather then individual geologists? If it was accepted across the board that is as just a basic fact?
Interestingly, and I just learnt this myself, Wikipedia says the origin of the word is
Geology (from Greek: ??, gê, "earth"; and ?????, logos, "speech" lit. to talk about the earth)

Anyway, I'm just being picky really. 1 is a footnote, and if we skip to that footnote we find the source of that initial bold statement.
Apparenty a geologist called Wayne Ranney said:
“Though scientists have studied the canyon for more than 150 years, a definitive answer as to how or when the canyon formed eludes them. The one thing scientists do agree on is that the canyon was carved by the erosive power of the Colorado River, but the river itself has carried away the evidence of its earlier history.”

As you noted several times FTK, Walt does update his book often, this is taken from a book published in 2005. Walt provides more details
Wayne Ranney, Carving the Grand Canyon: Evidence, Theories, and Mystery (Grand Canyon, Arizona: Grand Canyon Association, 2005), back cover.

It's a shame that it's from the back cover, as I usually find back cover blurbs to be more about selling then informing, but I guess he approved it.
In a way I can see the truth of it - what do you do if the very process you are studying contains a process that removes the physical evidence for what happened?
Walt then continues
(Several obvious problems with this idea are mentioned in the description for Figure 42 on page 105.)

Obviously Walt believes there are problems, or we'd not be having this "conversation". Walt provides another quote from the author
To these so-called experts, the canyon’s birth remains a “hazy mystery, cloaked in intrigue, and filled with enigmatic puzzles.”2
Well, it's almost a quote, Walt added the "so-called experts" part. What I find odd about that is that, as we'll soon see, Walt is simultaneously disparaging and quoting one of those "so called" experts. If he's so not-expert why is he being quoted in support of Walt's case?

So far so good. Lets just test that first bold statement shall we?
Wikipedia seems to have a fair idea of how the Grand Canyon formed:        
Uplift of the region started about 75 million years ago in the Laramide orogeny, a mountain-building event that is largely responsible for creating the Rocky Mountains to the east. Accelerated uplift started 17 million years ago when the Colorado Plateaus (on which the area is located) were being formed. In total these layers were uplifted an estimated 10,000 feet (3,000 m) which enabled the ancestral Colorado River to cut its channel into the four plateaus that constitute this area.

The canyon, created by the Colorado River is 277 miles (446 km), ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km) and attains a depth of more than a mile (1.6 km). Nearly two billion years of the Earth's history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted.

Wetter climates brought upon by ice ages starting 2 million years ago greatly increased excavation of the Grand Canyon, which was nearly as deep as it is now by 1.2 million years ago. Also about 2 million years ago volcanic activity started to deposit ash and lava over the area. At least 13 large lava flows dammed the Colorado River, forming huge lakes that were up to 2,000 feet (610 m) deep and 100 miles (160 km) long. The nearly 40 identified rock layers and 14 major unconformities (gaps in the geologic record) of the Grand Canyon form one of the most studied sequences of rock in the world.

In fact there is link after link after link after link after link and none of them are saying "Us so-called experts simply have no idea how it formed". And that's just from the first page of results searching for "How did the grand canyon form"?
There is an especially important link for you to read FTK:
Estimating the age of the Grand Canyon is related to the History and Nature of Science, Science as Inquiry, and the Earth and Space Science content standards of the National Science Education Standards. With respect to the first two standards, several themes emerge. The researchers proposed using improved laboratory techniques and new data sources to make an estimate of the age of the Grand Canyon. In this way, they demonstrated the idea that science advances with new technologies. Science also seeks disconfirming evidence to existing theories as a means of gaining increased certainty regarding what we know about the natural world. If scientists fail in their attempt to find disconfirming evidence, they have succeeded in strengthening the existing theory. If they find disconfirming evidence of existing theories, then they pave the way to new lines of research, which must be further investigated. Eventually, existing theories may be either supplanted or revised in light of the new evidence, or they may be strengthened should the new evidence turn out to be unreliable or invalid.

The news sources related to this research also provide “air time” for scientists who argue alternate interpretations of Polyak and Hill’s data and who point out that Polyak and Hill may be ignoring some facts that impact their conclusion. These presentations underscore the role of argumentation and evidence based logic in advancing scientific knowledge as well as the social nature of science.

Ask your students if they know how old the Grand Canyon is. Ask them if they imagine someone knows, even if they don’t. From here, the discussion is going to go in one of two directions: (1) If they imagine someone knows, how do students imagine the someone knows how old the Grand Canyon is; what kind of evidence might have been used? Entertain all student contributions and stipulate that the students provide some justification for their response. You may need to do quite a bit of guiding and scaffolding here to lead students to support only evidence-based and logical responses. (2) If students imagine no one really knows, ask why not; what prevents human beings from knowing?

Depending on your students’ background knowledge and context you can relate the discussion to a variety of instructional goals and learning objectives. Do you want to emphasize the nature of science, evidence-based argumentation, and the social aspects of doing science? Then choose excerpts from Science Friday’s interview, which highlight these aspects in the context of real scientists doing real science and devise discussion questions for your students to reflect upon in order to increase their awareness of the nature of science.

It's for students, but we're students right? Studying the available evidence and trying to come to a rational fact based conclusion? That's us, right?
Finally, lets return to Wayne Ranney. He notes on his blog
Now I do not subscribe to a creationist view of the earth. I am a tried and true geologist and the evidence seems overwhelming to me that a geologic origin is responsible for the magnitude of earthly beauty we see before us. However, I do believe that the creationist controversy has been fueled in part, by some scientists desire to completely ignore, stifle, and dare I say, censor (?) the creationist view. All under the mistaken premise that if we engage creationists we somehow validate their view of earth history. This possibly wrong assumption has allowed creationist a "free pass" so to speak and they have seized on the "non-debate" and have gotten their message out quite effectively. All without any follow-up by scientists.

While you may agree or disagree with his stance on availability of "the book" the point is his words are being used to support something that he clearly does not support. What do you suppose the actual book is about FTK? Luckily he tells us
For a real geologic view of how the Grand Canyon formed, look at my book, "Carving Grand Canyon". It is a bestseller at the park (10,000 copies sold in just 20 months). It has won numerous awards including a National Outdoor Book Award - 2006. It engages readers to look critically at the evidence and doesn't attempt to stifle discussion with those who hold other views. The answer to this controversy is not to back away from creationists but to engage them! Certainly the status quo thus far has done nothing to quiet the other side.

For a "real geologic view" read the book? Yet that seems to contradict 100% the impression Walt is giving. In the first paragraph.
Here is the blog post containing the above quotes: Link
Walt goes on to quote Wayne plenty of times more, here's another
“Oddly enough, the Grand Canyon is located in a place where it seemingly shouldn’t be.” Ranney, p. 20.

Therefore the fulde?

Or instead would you like to pick a topic from the book to discuss FTK? Anything at all...

Anything you like. At all. When you are ready.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,18:24   

Oldman, your post is such a cut up, fucked up mess, I don't even know what you're trying to get across.  

Walt doesn't ever imply that there aren't several theories supporting the evolutionists stance on how the grand canyon was formed.  Hell, he compares some of them to his own.

As I've said endless times before, I have absolutely no intention of discussing specific YE arguments in this particular venue.  It would turn into a three ring circus.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 317
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,18:35   

Where did it come from, FTK?

To rebut creationism you pretty much have to be a biologist, chemist, geologist, philosopher, lawyer and historian all rolled into one. While to advocate creationism, you just have to be an idiot. -- tommorris

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,18:41   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,18:24)
Oldman, your post is such a cut up, fucked up mess, I don't even know what you're trying to get across.  

Walt doesn't ever imply that there aren't several theories supporting the evolutionists stance on how the grand canyon was formed.  Hell, he compares some of them to his own.

As I've said endless times before, I have absolutely no intention of discussing specific YE arguments in this particular venue.  It would turn into a three ring circus.


when YEC use the f bomb.  priceless.

troll, troll, troll.  You can't discuss YEC because you don't even understand YEC.  It's all the same, just some one's opinion and one is as good as the other, right, FtK?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,20:19   

troll, troll, troll.  You can't discuss YEC because you don't even understand YEC anything under the sun, it's a good thing that breathing uses involuntary muscles.  It's all the same, just some one's opinion and one is as good as the other, right, FtK?

fixed it for you

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,20:30   

You have lots of ideas?  Yet you can't be bothered about discussing any of them?  Why don't you discuss them with Albatrossity or something?  I'm sure your ideas re wonderful, I'm just not sure you have any--not sure how anyone would be aware of any ideas you have....

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2061
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,20:32   

You're going to keep a log of every dynamically assigned IP address in North America?  Really?

Srsly, it would be much easier to just answer any or all of the following:
1.  Is it okay for ID proponents to post personal information of the internet?   NO

2.  Do you think that Wes and/or steve would not remove your personal information from the board if someone posted it?  
No, I believe they would....that is why I was giving them the warning that someone may be listing personal information about me.

3.  Do you think that the Baylor curators and other officials post their home addresses and phone numbers to the internet?   I have not checked into that so I do not know.  I would assume that most do not.

4.  Why re you back posting here at AtBC?   I believe I answered that on this page or the last page.  checking the previous 3 pages, there is no answer from Ftk as regards this question.  There are however, many complaints about having to answer questions and the ridiculous expectations of such. –blipey

5.  How does Behe know what is in a group of books without ever having read the books?   !!! This question is ridiculous.  Obviously, he wouldn't, and I'd have to ask Behe if he was every allowed to go through every book and article one by one and make two separate piles of what he had and had not read.  But, I tried desperately to explain in an earlier discussion that just because we have theories about how something *may have* occurred, that does not mean that all the questions have been answered nor should they be regarded as "fact". I’m counting this one as answered because of the first sentence “obviously, he wouldn’t”.  That being said, the commentary after that phrase proves that she’ll never be able to answer question 6.  perhaps this is why she stopped answering questions. –blipey

6.  What is the point of the Behe/unread books discussion?

7.  According to ID Theory, how did the immune system develop?

8.  What is gained by jettisoning ToE and saying God did it?

9.  In the light of a science teacher teaching that the study of beetles is not a scientific effort and possibly that spiders evolved from insects (if evolution were true), how is ID theory driving kids toward science?

10. Why don't IDers pursue RESEARCH GRANTS, from the Templeton Foundation, for example?

11. Are you afraid to examine the sequence evidence for ToE?

11A.  Added.  Do you understand what sequence evidence is?

12. Where did Albatrossity2 claim that his students were religious freaks?

12A.  Added.  Where did blipey claim that his nephew's teacher was "a source of evil"?

13. Why don't IDers publish in PCID?

14. Why hasn't PCID been published in over two years?

15. Do you believe that Darwinists have kept PCID from being published?

16. How?

17. Can ID be called a theory when it hasn't made even one prediction?

18. Yes or no: ID wouldn't benefit from publishing any articles, anywhere.

19. Yes or no: Your children should be taught the historical insights of the Bhagavad Gita?

20. What sort of Waterloo can we look forward to on February 8, 2008? Nebraska banned the electric chair as the sole method of execution.  Did anything else happen?

Interesting side note. Just came across this comment back on page 102 where you berate people for not having read the pertinent books.  Which begs several more questions I'll put here.  Why is reading material important?  Do you think it might have been important for Behe to read some books before commenting on them?  Have you read the textbook that Albatrossity2 sent you?  Have you got that list of peer reviewed articles you've read ready to go?  Are you seriously arguing that we should read books and that IDers don't have to?

21. What are IDers doing to garner respect?

22. Given that you believe ID is science because of "design inference", why is ToE not science because all it has is inference?

23. Can any human being know what is contained in a book without having read the book?

24. If everyone died in the Flood, who wrote all the different stories down?

25. What year was the Flood over? 2300 BC, answer provided for Ftk by blipey

26. What year was the height of the Egyptian Empire? 2030 BC, answer provided by blipey

27. What was the population of the world in that year? 30,000,000, answer provided by blipey

28. How did 8 people (6 really) make that many people?

29. Is Dembski a creationist?

30. How would monogamous gays destroy heterosexual marriage?

31. How did Koalas get from Ararat to Australia?

32. Do you believe that the FLOOD is a scientifically tenable idea?  yes

33. Are the people who run Baylor Darwin Police?

34. Are those same people Baptist?

35. What does this mean?

36. Given that HIV cannot have evolved (Behe), which of the 8 (6 really) people on the ark were carrying HIV?

37. There are at least 40 distinct STDs. Were they distributed evenly among the passengers on Noah's ark, or was there like one Ultra-skank who had all 40?

38. Do you think that gravity is “just a theory” and therefore should be “taught critically” (to use the ID phrase)?

39. If not, what makes the details we don’t know about gravity different from the details we don’t know about evolution?

40. Do you believe Common Descent = Common Design?

41. Do you believe that Macroevolution = (not observed so did not happen)?

42. Despite the documented evidence, do you believe that macroevolution is based solely on historical inference?

43. Can you define macroevolution (in your own words)?

44. What evidence would confirm this?

45. Did God just make it look like the horse evolved, but in fact tinkered with the design along the way?

46.  Is the horse the only thing that evolved, but everything else is designed?

47. Given your statement that the idea of the Geologic Column was introduced by Darwinists after 1860, FtK, were the "periods" and "eras" added after 1860 "to fit the evolutionary theory"?

48. Or, since the early 19th century work by Smith, Cuvier, et al. led to the identification of the Geological Column in the 1820’s, were they (periods and eras) devised by creationists before 1860 to fit the evidence?

49.  Why is the Cambrian Explosion a problem for the Theory of Evolution?

50.  Did the Cambrian Explosion occur?

51.  If yes, can Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory still be valid?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:18   


You squirrely little mother fucker.  I switch to a 3rd party comment program, lose all of my previous comments in the process (which hopefully I'll get back once I have the time to do some work on that little problem), and I still can't get you to stop obsessing over me.

Fuck.  You've changed your IP address 3 times today already you lunatic.  

Your only goal is to drive me nuts, and you've succeeded you demented little clown.  After a year of this shit, my patience with you has come to an end.  

Luckily I know your real name...*

*That is not a physical threat you freak.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 1554
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:28   

Just to say that as a female person, I apologize up front for the FTKs of this world.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 274
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:36   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,16:24)
As I've said endless times before, I have absolutely no intention of discussing specific YE arguments in this particular venue.  It would turn into a three ring circus.

You keep saying you don't want to discuss YEC theory, but you hold Walt Brown up as an example of a legitimate creationist researcher.

There is a problem with this. Walt's "theories" are obviously batshit crazy. Anyone with any knowledge in the fields he talks about can immediately see that he is either delusional, a fraud or both. The fact that you fail to recognize this, despite having many blatant examples pointed out to you by actual experts, doesn't speak well for either your eduction or your interest in learning.

Of course, you may say I'm just some random person on the internet (true!) and I don't understand Walts theory (also true, to the extent that the ravings of a lunatic can't really be understood.) Fine. Go to your local community college or university, pick biology, geology, astronomy or physics instructors (or even TAs) at random, and ask what they think of a the parts of Walts book that relate to their field. My prediction is that more than 50% will laugh out loud.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:37   

BTW, this isn’t the first time that your stalking tendencies has raised it's ugly head.  You were determined to get to Dave at his own home.  

By the way, I’m not buying the excuse about email being flooded with spam if someone finds out your name. My name and email address is the most loosely held secret around here and except for one moron/stalker named Blipey (Eric Pratt) who decided discretion was the better part of valor when I threatened to sic my dogs on him if he showed his face at my door, I’ve never had any problems because of it.

When I report your behavior (to several authorities), I will certainly mention the incident of your obsession with Dave, as well as your insistance that he meet with you personally.

Honest to God, you give me the creeps, and I want you to leave me the fuck alone.  I SWEAR TO GOD, I AM NOT KIDDING AROUND BLIPEY.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:40   

Motherfucker, fuck, shit, bitch, etc, alright. Enough's enough. Let's get back to acting respectable.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:41   

Quote (khan @ Oct. 08 2008,21:28)
Just to say that as a female person, I apologize up front for the FTKs of this world.

I hope to God you're not refering to my conversation with Blipey because you have no idea how seriously creeped out I am by this freak.  He has been screwing with me for a year, and it continues to get worse.

I'm sick of his shit, and it's going to stop one way or the other.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 1554
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:41   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,22:37)
BTW, this isn’t the first time that your stalking tendencies has raised it's ugly head.  You were determined to get to Dave at his own home.  

By the way, I’m not buying the excuse about email being flooded with spam if someone finds out your name. My name and email address is the most loosely held secret around here and except for one moron/stalker named Blipey (Eric Pratt) who decided discretion was the better part of valor when I threatened to sic my dogs on him if he showed his face at my door, I’ve never had any problems because of it.

When I report your behavior (to several authorities), I will certainly mention the incident of your obsession with Dave, as well as your insistance that he meet with you personally.

Honest to God, you give me the creeps, and I want you to leave me the fuck alone.  I SWEAR TO GOD, I AM NOT KIDDING AROUND BLIPEY.

FTK, you really need to work on your grammar.

You also need to work on your paranoia.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,21:45   

15 minute close of the topic.

Everybody take a deep breath, get back to thinking about substance, and not personalities, or insults, or how foul you can be, etc. Take a deep breath. When we come back at 10:55 EST let's resume pleasant behavior. I'm going to have a smoke.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,22:00   

Reopened. Everybody thing about substance and chill out.


Posts: 2061
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,22:51   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,21:18)

You squirrely little mother fucker.  I switch to a 3rd party comment program, lose all of my previous comments in the process (which hopefully I'll get back once I have the time to do some work on that little problem), and I still can't get you to stop obsessing over me.

Fuck.  You've changed your IP address 3 times today already you lunatic.  

Your only goal is to drive me nuts, and you've succeeded you demented little clown.  After a year of this shit, my patience with you has come to an end.  

Luckily I know your real name...*

*That is not a physical threat you freak.

I don't recall feeling threatened.  Not everyone is paranoid. :)

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

Doc Bill

Posts: 1039
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2008,23:39   

I banned myself from this thread after FtK claimed the Kurt Wise Defense that no evidence would cause her to change her mind.  Therefore, in my estimation, the purpose of this thread is moot.

However, I would like to petition the moderators of PT to close this thread permanently because it neither serves a purpose nor does it benefit the mental health of its namesake, FtK.

Obviously, FtK is drawn like a moth to a flame to this thread to seek abuse and I for one think it's time for an intervention.  FtK can satisfy her addiction for conflict on her own blog and I see no reason why she should receive her fix here.  The outcome is going to be the same as we have seen in thousands and thousands of postings.

Sincere regards,
 Doc Bill



Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,02:58   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,18:24)
Oldman, your post is such a cut up, fucked up mess, I don't even know what you're trying to get across.  

What I'm trying to get across is quite simple. Walt is giving the impression that geologists don't have *a clue* about how the formation of the grand canyon took place. In fact, quite the opposite. Yes, he goes on to compare his "theory" to others, I know that as I've *read the book*. Would you like to talk about that then?
Walt doesn't ever imply that there aren't several theories supporting the evolutionists stance on how the grand canyon was formed.  Hell, he compares some of them to his own.

Would you like to talk about just one of those comparisons? Could you tell me where I say that "Walt says that there no theories supporting the evolutionists stance on how the grand canyon was formed"? Yes, you can have multiple theory's but that's somewhat different from the way Walt puts it. Let me remind you  
Geologists admit that they do not know how the Grand Canyon formed

As I've said endless times before, I have absolutely no intention of discussing specific YE arguments in this particular venue.  It would turn into a three ring circus.

But you are discussing one, right now! Is there a different venue where you *would* consider discussing such issues? How about your blog? Would you be interested in moving this discussion there? Of course, I'll need a guarantee that any post I write won't be censored, and I'll cross post everything here in any case. So are you willing to discuss it *anywhere* or is that just a face-saver? Trust me luv, you don't have much left to save at this point.

And really the overall *point* of my cut up mess of a post was quite simple. Do you think it's right (would Jesus approve?) that Walt uses the words of somebody who believes the Grand Canyon was not formed in a world wide flood to support the idea that it was? Walt has basically quotemined the author to support his position and you are happy with that are you? If Walt was being fair and balanced, rather then just quote the parts that appeared to support him he would go on to quote other parts that attempt to explain the questions posed by the small parts he did quote.

You don't have a single comment on that? Or do even you consider it indefensible and so won't even attempt to justify it?

Very telling.

And any thoughts on my previous post yet? Common descent and all that? Perhaps thoughts is too strong a word.

FTK, I like the new sweary you. Do keep it up.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,03:01   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,21:18)
Fuck.  You've changed your IP address 3 times today already you lunatic.

FTK, people on dial up or certain types of broadband don't get to choose their IP address, it's assigned automatically on connection. If you lookup the IP address at a suitable DNS service (no link, you can research that!) you can find the netblock that the ISP owns and block that entire range instead. That should not only block your stalker but everybody else using that ISP, but thems the breaks.

Here ends today's FTK public service announcement.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,03:14   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,21:37)
When I report your behavior (to several authorities)

While you are there don't forget to mention your attempt to get your children to violate the migratory bird treaty act by killing blue herons.

Did you manage to bag any in the end? Good eatin?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,03:39   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,19:18)
Fuck.  You've changed your IP address 3 times today already you lunatic.

To expand on what OM said a bit:

Static and dynamic IP addresses:

Dynamic IP addresses are most frequently assigned on LANs and broadband networks by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. They are used because it avoids the administrative burden of assigning specific static addresses to each device on a network. It also allows many devices to share limited address space on a network if only some of them will be online at a particular time. In most current desktop operating systems, dynamic IP configuration is enabled by default so that a user does not need to manually enter any settings to connect to a network with a DHCP server. DHCP is not the only technology used to assigning dynamic IP addresses. Dialup and some broadband networks use dynamic address features of the Point-to-Point Protocol.

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,19:18)

Your only goal is to drive me nuts, and you've succeeded you demented little clown.

So, it's actually Blipey's fault she believes all this nonsense.  Until he started posting on her blog, she was apparently completely sane and rational.

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,03:50   

I for one would love to know the extent of Blipey's "crimes". Are they merely posting unflattering comments and questions at FTK's blog, or has he done something real?

Frankly I reckon this episode of hysteria is yet another example of FTK doing anything she can to avoid a sensible, evidence oriented conversation with anyone.

Well, that and what Doc Bill said, the woman is clearly not fully sane.


ETA: FTK's tantrums are also learned behaviour. She has obviously found these kind of hysterics have got the results she wanted in the past. I suggest we do not reinforce this.



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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,04:43   

Funny, as I woke up this morning, my brain started doing it's usual routine: Thinking. This time, it started thinking about how it seems the typical creationists, YEC's or ID'ists have on thing in common: absence of introspective capability.

It then went on to investigate various specimens, beginning with Dembski, Behe, Ray Martinez, Luskin, Salvador, moving on to more general reflections on the mental habitus of the crowd at UcD - and drawing conclusions based on our knowledge of the psyche of people like Emperor Nero, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabe, or Bokassa. Guess Haile Selassie and the last Shah of Iran also made a short appearance.

But mental aberrations are not reserved for celebrities of all sorts - they can be found not only in palaces but in the poorest shack as well. Although I think they are more common in the former.

Bottom line: It is not so much about what you believe, it is more about why you prefer to believe in crop circles, abductions by aliens, the "Roswell affair", scientology (I have read the "Bearded Messiah").

So much for having a brain that never leave you alone...

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,05:58   

Quote (Quack @ Oct. 09 2008,10:43)
Funny, as I woke up this morning, my brain started doing it's usual routine: Thinking. This time, it started thinking about how it seems the typical creationists, YEC's or ID'ists have on thing in common: absence of introspective capability.

It then went on to investigate various specimens, beginning with Dembski, Behe, Ray Martinez, Luskin, Salvador, moving on to more general reflections on the mental habitus of the crowd at UcD - and drawing conclusions based on our knowledge of the psyche of people like Emperor Nero, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabe, or Bokassa. Guess Haile Selassie and the last Shah of Iran also made a short appearance.

But mental aberrations are not reserved for celebrities of all sorts - they can be found not only in palaces but in the poorest shack as well. Although I think they are more common in the former.

Bottom line: It is not so much about what you believe, it is more about why you prefer to believe in crop circles, abductions by aliens, the "Roswell affair", scientology (I have read the "Bearded Messiah").

So much for having a brain that never leave you alone...

I agree entirely, not for the slander by association reasons some might prefer, but for genuine psychological reasons. (I am not a psychologist, so this is armchair speculation at its {ahem} "finest").

Lack of self reflection typifies denialist behaviours, be it Holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, antievolutionists, whatever. All will ultimately reduce their "arguments" to the worst kind of relativist appeal. FTK is a classic case in point, when cornered she invariably resorts to claims about "worldview" or "I don't know so you don't know" drivel. The corollary to this is that she also makes these "why can't we all just get along?" type whines, when (actions speaking louder than words) this is obviously far from what she wants.

There was that paper about "incompetent people not realising they are incompetent and overrating themselves", and I think that this is a part of that, but more than that I think there is an active decision to disguise one's mistakes/flaws from oneself. I think that this is method for staving off depression and a vital social coping tool. Far from being critical or derogatory about it, I find it's an effective strategy.

However, it is far from the only strategy in the game. I would guess that religion is an outgrowth of this process rather than a cause of it btw.

I don't see this as a case of mere stupidity (lack of ability) or incompetence because some frighteningly intelligent and competent people do it. Nor is it a lack of humility, for some very humble people do it too. I think the "arguments" raised in its defence and the emotion/hysteria questioning it engenders is perhaps more telling than not.

This is fledgling pseudo-speculation, and probably not worth the paper it isn't printed on!




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,09:39   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 09 2008,03:37)
BTW, this isn’t the first time that your stalking tendencies has raised it's ugly head.  You were determined to get to Dave at his own home.  

By the way, I’m not buying the excuse about email being flooded with spam if someone finds out your name. My name and email address is the most loosely held secret around here and except for one moron/stalker named Blipey (EDITED BY LOUIS TO REMOVE NAME) who decided discretion was the better part of valor when I threatened to sic my dogs on him if he showed his face at my door, I’ve never had any problems because of it.

When I report your behavior (to several authorities), I will certainly mention the incident of your obsession with Dave, as well as your insistance that he meet with you personally.

Honest to God, you give me the creeps, and I want you to leave me the fuck alone.  I SWEAR TO GOD, I AM NOT KIDDING AROUND BLIPEY.

Note bolded edit in above quote.

Incidentally, isn't revealing someone's identity when they don't want it revealed something we internet denizens frown upon?

Surely FTK, as someone who has benefited from our combined outrage when you were outed a while back, this sort of maliciousness should be something you don't do.




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,09:40   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Oct. 09 2008,03:01)
Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 08 2008,21:18)
Fuck.  You've changed your IP address 3 times today already you lunatic.

FTK, people on dial up or certain types of broadband don't get to choose their IP address, it's assigned automatically on connection. If you lookup the IP address at a suitable DNS service (no link, you can research that!) you can find the netblock that the ISP owns and block that entire range instead. That should not only block your stalker but everybody else using that ISP, but thems the breaks.

Here ends today's FTK public service announcement.

As I've told her not less than 4 times in the past.  I've told her how to effectively ban me.  Though I travel so much merely blocking out chunks of IP addresses probably wouldn't do it.

I gave her another suggestion--to block my email address.  I'm not going to open 63 email accounts merely to post on her blog.  As with UD, I will post until they ban me.

AND CONGRATS TO FTK!!!11!eleventybillion!!111!

She figured it out!  Peace, love, and happiness Ftk.  Perhaps when you figure out that an open blog polices itself, we can talk again.  Because if you figure that out, you may be open to learning any number of other things.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,12:53   

Quote (khan @ Oct. 08 2008,19:28)
Just to say that as a female person, I apologize up front for the FTKs of this world.

Don't worry, FTK is far more representative of idiots than women. People should only apologize for her if they're an idiot, too.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

American Saddlebred

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2008,13:10   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Oct. 09 2008,12:53)
Don't worry, FTK is far more representative of idiots than women. People should only apologize for her if they're an idiot, too.

my sorreh =(

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