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Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:03   

I've never had any use for a blog, and so I've never started one. But there's a big project I'm undertaking and I'm considering blogging about the progress as it happens. I know about sites like Blogspot and such. Those of you with blogging experience, do you have any recommendations about which choices I should make in setting up a blog? My only requirements are, I'm pretty busy, so I'd like to keep the overhead low, so I'm not going to be building a server and deploying code and such, I'm really just looking for a good place which does the heavy lifting without many problems.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:09   

Lou will tell you Blogger sucks, but if you just want a place to disseminate information it works pretty well, gets indexed on Google quickly and is FREE.

The best option of paid hosting is Word Press.

I use both and they are both easy to use.  Word Press is easier to customize and has more features, but hosting isn't free so there is a minor cost involved (at least I pay for hosting--it's possbile if you host at it's free--ask Lou)


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:12   

Wordpress, Steve.  I'm telling ya' it's better than Blogger, and it doesn't go down all the time.

If you host your blog on, it does all the work for you.

The single real drawback that I can find is that javascript is not allowed.

But that's an inconvenience more than a flaw.  Turns out javascript is one big way Blogger and some others get hacked, so it's shut off by for security reasons.

If you host it somewhere other than, Wordpress is very configurable, and you can do pretty much anything you want.

You know I have plenty of time on my hands, so if you'd like, I'd be happy to do the setup for you.

We could even set up a dummy blog for you to try out for a while, if you want.  Testdrive kinda thing.

(EDIT: Hosting by is free, Scary.  I paid an extra $15, just to be able to change the font size and link colors and such.  Still can't edit the template, but there are a pretty good handful to choose from.

Nice call, though.  Your prediction was much better than any of Pat  Robertson's!;)


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:13   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2007,22:12)
You know I have plenty of time on my hands, so if you'd like, I'd be happy to do the setup for you.

We could even set up a dummy blog for you to try out for a while, if you want.  Testdrive kinda thing.

Moderator suck up


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:16   

I'm a boot licker, what can I say?


(Plus, I once did it for DaveTard, I have pennance to do for that)

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:20   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2007,22:12)
Hosting by is free, Scary.  I paid an extra $15, just to be able to change the font size and link colors and such.  Still can't edit the template, but there are a pretty good handful to choose from.
If wordpress is free then I reluctantly agree with Lou--it's your best option.  (durn it.)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2007,22:12)

Nice call, though.  Your prediction was much better than any of Pat  Robertson's!

Of course.  I serve the "Coke God" - he's the real thing.

you're still a boot licking suck up.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,21:28   

Quote (ScaryFacts @ Jan. 04 2007,21:20)
If wordpress is free then I reluctantly agree with Lou--it's your best option.  (durn it.)

Of course you do.  I'm always right!


To be clear, that fifteen smackers is a once a year thing, and it's just to edit the css, not the template itself.  The template can't be edited, again for security reasons.

If you absolutely have to tweak the template, you can use Wordpress and have it hosted elsewhere.  I thought I might do that sometime down the line, but I'm pretty happy with things as they stand.  I doubt the few little things that bug me will cause me to change hosts.

Quote (ScaryFacts @ Jan. 04 2007,21:20)
you're still a boot licking suck up.

It's a tough job keeping the boss happy and distracted so you guys can do your thing....


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,22:52   

I use WordPress for my personal weblog, the Austringer. I like it.

We use Movable Type for PT. At this point if I were starting PT over I'd probably go with WordPress and a caching plugin.

Edited by Wesley R. Elsberry on Jan. 04 2007,22:52

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 337
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2007,23:01   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Jan. 04 2007,23:52)
I use WordPress for my personal weblog, the Austringer. I like it.

We use Movable Type for PT. At this point if I were starting PT over I'd probably go with WordPress and a caching plugin.

Gee, Wes, you're the best.

(See Lou, I can suck up too--and I sucked up to WESLEY, not just Steve...)


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,00:00   

I gotta go with wordpress, also.  It doesn't sound like you'll need to customize very much, so the no javascript is moot.  There are a lot of templates to use and a fair number of plug-ins, though, all for free.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,02:10   

What is this, a n3rdlinger star trek convention or summin'?  :angry:

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,03:22   

Hi Steve. I agree with Lou

After playing around with Blogger I moved to WordPress as well. The lack of flexibility chafed slightly to begin with, but WP is so much better than Blogger. I've been using it for 6 months and have been really pleased.
The service is constantly being tweaked and improved.

I'm now starting to use WordPress for a collaborative work related project, it's early days but it looks to be going well.



Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,03:36   

What is this, a n3rdlinger star trek convention or summin'?  

You magnificent bastard! Why yes it is. So what do you think about season four episode three where Spock and Uhura get it on in some hot interracial/interspecies action scences?

That was just on my version? Whaaaa?

Anyway, blogging. I have my own website (yet to be revealed to the universe) which I use as a links page and all round thingy. I am mildly interested in adding a blog/comment area to it. I pay for hosting etc already (which is really cheap for what I have) and I have downloaded something (I seem to remember it's word press or summut similar) to do this. What I want to do is add this functionality to my own page without having to be part of the Blogger site group or Wordpress hosting thingy. (You can all tell my computing skills are massive! In the mode of speech of the youth of today I believe I am a l33t h4x0r. Oh yes. I know how to change the time on my clock and everything)

Any hints, tips, pointers, calls to get a fucking life?



Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,06:05   

What I want to do is add this functionality to my own page without having to be part of the Blogger site group or Wordpress hosting thingy.

So, as I have a website for business with loads of spare bandwidth, could I move my blog to my business domain, and is there any advantage in doing so? I use FrontPage.

Happy New Year, everyone.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,06:19   

Quote (Louis @ Jan. 05 2007,03:36)
Any hints, tips, pointers, calls to get a fucking life?


Docs for Wordpress is where the latest software and instructions can be found, while is the hosting site.

Just to make that clear up front.  Lots of folks seem to miss that, so I'll just point that out.

Basically, all you are going to do is download the latest version (2.0 recently came out, so if you have an older version, can it and get the fresh goodies), and then upload it to a folder on your webspace.

Run the set up, which should take like 5 minutes or something, and go.

If it looks like more than you want to fool with, there's a group of volunteers from the wordpress forums who will even do the installation for you for free.

How much better can it get?

Quote (Alan Fox @ Jan. 05 2007,06:05)
So, as I have a website for business with loads of spare bandwidth, could I move my blog to my business domain, and is there any advantage in doing so? I use FrontPage.

Assuming that your web host meets the requirements (and most all of them do), yes.  Your blog will exist in a separate folder from your static pages, so it wouldn't matter what software runs those.  You'd even be able to tweak your blog template to compliment your static pages.

Advantages?  Mostly that you can do about anything you want with the template.

Other than that, Alan, the only real advantage for moving your current blog would be that Javison would quit complaining that you're blocking him from commenting from time to time when blogger's down.

The comedy value of that argues for staying put, IMHO.


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,07:22   

Thanks Lou, I'll get on that.....sometime in the distant future! Remember never to put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after! ;-)

Oooh and Wesley ahs reminded me that I downloaded Movable Type not Word Press. Ach it's all the same like linux and windows, mac and PC, mozilla and IE, right?

{Awaits howls of outraged, knowlegable computer owners/scientists}




Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,07:31   

{Inserts obligatory howls of outraged, semi-knowledgeable computer owners/disabled electricians}


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,07:48   

That's odd. I posted "thanks Lou, that was quick..." but on checking back no trace!!! It must be that evilutionist SteveStory blocking me again.

BTW Lou, semi-seriously, are you available for the odd bit of consultancy? There are some great spa therapy centres round here, hot seaweed wraps, that sort of thing, if you ever get over this side of the pond.


Posts: 337
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,08:31   


One key element you need for Wordpress is MySQL.  Not all hosting accounts have that as an option so make sure to ask.

Install is simple.



Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,08:41   


MySQL? Oh come on, ha ha, pull the idiot's leg why don't you. Look you keep trying it on with this god lark, and I was prepared to play along with that. Hey, I'm polite, sue me. But MySQL? Some randomn assortment of letters? Now you're just taking the piss!

Cheers though


P.S. Not serious about any of this, except for the thanks!



Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,08:51   


{Inserts obligatory howls of outraged, semi-knowledgeable computer owners/disabled electricians}

Thanks for those. One thing I lack is howls of outrage at my work etc. Just once I'd like a crowd of people baying at my lab window "NOOOOO! Man was not meant to meddle in such things!".

Sadly what I usually get bayed at my lab window is "We're going to get you you animal murdering bastard". The mild irony being that I don't do animal work.

Plcards and campaigns of persecution are all well and good, but you can't beat a good angry mob with pitchforks and flaming torches.

I've been practising my maniacal laugh and everything.




Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,08:53   

Quote (Alan Fox @ Jan. 05 2007,07:48)
That's odd. I posted "thanks Lou, that was quick..." but on checking back no trace!!! It must be that evilutionist SteveStory blocking me again.

BTW Lou, semi-seriously, are you available for the odd bit of consultancy? There are some great spa therapy centres round here, hot seaweed wraps, that sort of thing, if you ever get over this side of the pond.

All you have to do is ask, Alan.  Happy to help any time I can.

I was in London on my honeymoon in July of '05, and we took the kids there this past August.

The wifey wants to see Paris or Ireland, should we ever be able to afford to travel again (not likely any time soon, but who knows?) so I'll keep that in mind.

I'd be happy with a trip to the West Riding.  I've traced my paternal family back to Wadsworth, Halifax through Denholme, Bradford just after the turn of the 19th century, and I'd like to do some hands-on research to see if I could push it back a little further.

There is a historical society in Hebden Bridge that has boxes of documents I'd like to look at, but only the index and a few abstracts are online.

We only swung it the first two times because the Worker's Compensation insurance company paid me a small hunk of "fuck off and die and don't bother us any more" change.

Quote (ScaryFacts @ Jan. 05 2007,08:31)
One key element you need for Wordpress is MySQL.  Not all hosting accounts have that as an option so make sure to ask.

Scary's right, Louis.  MySQL is a database program that WordPress uses and it's necessary.  I've had a few hosted sites (mostly defunct now), and they've all had it installed already, but there are some out there that don't.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 337
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,11:40   

[quote=Lou FCD,Jan. 05 2007,09:53][/quote]

One more thing...if you need help installing I would be happy to do it for you.  It's no problem 'tall.


PS:  Lou, like my new siggy?


Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2007,12:03   


I'm being quoted in a siggy.  I think I've just arrived...

Yet Again.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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