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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2017,15:02   

Quote (sparc @ Jan. 31 2017,12:43)
I don't know if this is the right thread but since johnnyB pointed to the Alternatives to Methodological Naturalism series of online conferences at UD (remarkably without actually linking to the conference web pages) I thought I'll put it here:
Gary Gaulin is scheduled in the program to give a talk on      
Philosophy-Free Scientific Method

In addition, Salvador Cordova will show up and videos of all talks will be available soon.

Here's the full program:
Virtual Room 1 Opening Statements J. Bartlett 9:00 AM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Keynote: Methodological Dualism in
Austrian Economics
P. Bagus 9:15 AM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Regularism T. Gilson 10:30 AM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 Evolution of MN J. Bartlett 10:30 AM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Gambler’s Epistemology S. Cordova 11:15 AM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 Two Defenses of MN R. Kojonen 11:15 AM Central Time
Lunch Break 12:00 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Design Triangulation P. Nelson 1:00 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 MN & Its Creation Story A. Mignea 1:00 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Describable but Unpredictable J. Bartlett 1:45 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 Shortcomings in Alternatives to MN E. Holloway 1:45 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Methodological Informationalism A. Mignea 2:30 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 Francis Bacon, Teleology, and Analogy J. LeMaster 2:30 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Design as a Demarcation Criteria M. Lopez 3:15 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 Philosophy-Free Scientific Method G. Gaulin 3:15 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Applying Theological Method in Genomics J. Johansen 4:00 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 ——— ——- 4:00 PM Central Time
Dinner 4:45 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Non-Naturalism and Machine Learning E. Holloway 5:45 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 2 God of the Gaps and MN R. Jorritsma 5:45 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Group Discussion Discussion 6:45 PM Central Time
Virtual Room 1 Closing Statements J. Bartlett 7:45 PM Central Time

Seemingly, the program they link to is from last year's event. Sorry for that. The talks are alredy available at youtube
Unfortunately, there is no Gary Gaulin video available. Maybe those who kept interacting with him could bring this up in the other thread.

Sorry, Gary reported on that event already (page 541 of his personal thread)

Can you give a short summary of the "Applying Theological Method in Genomics" talk? I don't want to wade through 50 mins of talk. I'm hoping it's about the Cult of BioInformatics.

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

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