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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2016,10:08   

I really should have written that formatting script pulgin for UD years ago when i thought about it. Instead, I'm left wondering whether to bother formatting this crap:

"FYI-FTR: CF and Mark Victor Tushne on “victory” in the culture wars
June 1, 2016 Posted by kairosfocus under Atheism, Darwinist rhetorical tactics, Evolutionary materialism's amorality, FYI-FTR, Geo-strategic issues, Politics/policy and origins issues, Science, worldview issues/foundations and society
Comments off
In WJM’s still very active Subjectivism privilege thread — and in response to my citing Plato’s warning on radical relativist amorality, factionalism and nihilism in The Laws Bk X, CF has recently gloated (cf 417):

“Frankly, I am glad that the type of prurient, judgemental morality that you worship

[–> yes, we catch the implicit, Lewontin-style a priori,  self-referentially incoherent and amoral evo mat scientism based atheism and/or fellow traveller ideologies]

is dying out.”"

Edited by stevestory on June 01 2016,11:08

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