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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Sep. 2017

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 04 2017,16:54   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 04 2017,16:44)
Quote (coldfirephoenix @ Sep. 04 2017,13:56)
I never got the answer to the question as to whether that means that you accept that what you are doing is not science. Could I maybe get that answer now?

Loaded questions deserve no answer at all.

A loaded question is a question that contains an unjustified assumption.

What exatly is the assumption here? You yourself stated that you dropped the goal to get published in peer review, but if you changed your mind again, okay, let me know, then this question does indeed become moot.

But before we get too hung up on that one question, it's the least important of them. Here are the other three again, please answer them, they are very straight forward.

1. Does your "theory" still claim to be an alternative to the theory of evolution by natural selection?

2. Does your "theory" still assume some sort of outside intelligence that's involved in any part of the process of evolution? (With "outside", I mean intelligence OTHER than the intelligence that stems directly and exclusively from the animals brain.)

3. Am I correct in assuming you pulled a 180 in regards to the discovery institute and are now seeing them as "opposition", in contrast to seeing them as "allies", as you did before? If so, what do you see as the difference between your woowoo and theirs?

  18634 replies since Oct. 31 2012,02:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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