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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 25 2016,08:29   

Other than your entire pile of nonsense regarding "intelligent design", which of your many major errors are you referring to?

With respect to the linked video:
The T. rex Sue was not found in a fully articulated pose showing an opisthotonic posture.  It was found semi-articulated in a paleochannel, presumably a stream, which has many thick and well developed paleosols both above it and below it.  Paleosols, obviously, cannot develop within a global flood, thereby disproving his claim.

Intepretation of opisthotonic postures is controversial, but they certainly do not require violent flood currents.  They are common in recently dead animals under conditions not related to floods:
They are also related to several medical conditions: google images opisthotonous for ill humans in this posture.

Sauropods and theropods show phyletically gradual development of all the impressive features that he otherwise correctly describes, with gradual increase in pneumatization of vertebrae in sauropods being the best documented.  This is consistent with evolution but is inconsistent with good design by an omniscient designer.

Loose mud cannot be deposited or remain deposited during high-energy phases of floods.  A delicate fossil in mud (with mud above and below and not within a lag concentrate) cannot represent a high-energy flood.

His Compsognathus fossil is in a limestone which is not formed during floods.

Some fossils show catastrophic death, but others don't. This is not evidence for a global flood.

His ideas about Noah's Flood conflict with all of stratigraphy and most of taphonomy (yes, some animals do die and get buried in floods, but far from all) and lack any actual supporting evidence, and are therefore rubbish.

The guy is arguing on the basis of his prior beliefs and his desired conclusions.

Which brings us right back to you, as you do the same things.  Concerning all your dubious claims about intelligence, where are your operational definitions, your supporting evidence, and your logically valid and falsifiable predictions?  How does your model have any implications at all for the Cambrian explosion, or for sleep?  Where is your evidence that baby crocodilians scurry into their mothers' mouths during times of danger?

  18634 replies since Oct. 31 2012,02:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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