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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 23 2015,07:12   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Feb. 23 2015,01:27)
I wish I had the time to try this out in the ID Lab model. But it's only science. It's only science..

No, it's not.
And the "ID Lab model" is known to be false to fact in one key area -- no real-world creature is known to use a strict grid-based representation of its milieu, nor does any real-world creature 'decide' on which direction to move based on a pre-built map of all possible moves from its current position, stored as an array of possible choices, perhaps with a ranking scheme employed.
We've known for quite a long time that this doesn't work, it doesn't match the real world.
That you can map a county with pen and ink says nothing about the creation of the features of the county with pen and ink.  That you can model certain aspects of movement, more or less adequately for purposes of the model, using a hex grid, says nothing whatsoever about the underlying reality of how things move.
You can't even accurately track the actual movement of soldiers in the Nazi invasion of Russia and the subsequent retreat using a hex grid.  Nor the movements of battleships in a naval engagement.  Still less can you map the movement of aircraft, which is inherently 3d, using a 2d hex grid.

How can we miss you if you won't go away?
How can you trust yourself when you keep lying to yourself and others about what you're going to do?  Keep that up and you're going to wind up with the same evaluation of yourself that the rest of us have.  Dishonest, lacking in integrity, fundamentally ignorant and clueless, and filled with boundless grandiosity totally divorced from achievement or implementation of promised intentions.

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