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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 31 2014,17:36   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 31 2014,16:39)
And by the way: Such networks have been evidenced in insects and other animals, and I am NOT going to waste my time defending myself against the use of the word "hippocampus" when it's not even mentioned anywhere in the online code anymore because of the possibility of multiple names for roughly the same thing.

Arguments that are now in this thread are as ridiculous as saying "Fish have no arms or legs therefore evolution is impossible."

Gary, you've been pushing your hippocampus connection for over a year and a half now, and you just announced that you weren't going to talk with anyone except people who study hippocampal systems, so quit backpedalling from your own nonsense.

[From October 2012] I must have spent a half hour getting every word just right without wasting space, while thinking about how to best add in what is more specifically called a "hippocampus".

The hippocampus, specifically and strictly speaking, is restricted to mammals, although birds have a very similar structure that is referred to as the "avian hippocampus".  Other vertebrates lack a brain structure that looks like the hippocampus but have homologous tissues that are organized differently, but from which the hippocampus is thought to have evolved (the medial pallium, although that is the lateral pallium in teleost fish due to their very different brain organization).  Nothing resembling a hippocampus can be found in invertebrates.  The octopus is thought to have an unrelated but functionally equivalent system, and "mushroom bodies" in insects are likewise thought to be functionally equivalent, but all invertebrate options appear to work very differently from the mammalian hippocampus.  

In short, you have just said that in effect your superior understanding of the hippocampus raises your discussion above the level of anyone who doesn't study the hippocampus and that your bug is modelled with hippocampi, so yes, you really do have defend your rather foolish position regarding hippocampi and bugs.

In Hexagonal Arena adds grid-cell type "place code" to addressing producing hippocampus lobe by toggling between Feeder number (1-total) and navigation memory (at 0).

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