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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 310
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2013,13:05   

Quote (The whole truth @ May 15 2013,11:03)
Quote (Febble @ May 15 2013,03:35)
Quote (The whole truth @ May 15 2013,05:33)
I would be interested in seeing what Elizabeth Liddle thinks about whether gordo and/or joey can be accurately labeled as psychotic and/or psychopathic.

I don't think any one can label anyone with a psychiatric diagnosis on the basis of what they write on the internet.

So, no.

So then, law enforcement/government/medical agencies that employ psychologists or psychiatrists to analyze what some people say on the internet, and to diagnose and/or treat those people, sometimes with the approval of the person being diagnosed/treated, shouldn't be doing that?

You are aware, aren't you, that what some people say on the internet can be used to diagnose mental illness (or the lack thereof) in criminal cases, and that in some cases what people say on the internet, or just look at, is much of or the entire basis for diagnosis, prosecution and/or sentencing/treatment?

If you don't want to state your opinion because you're concerned about your professional position and being sued (or some other response) by gordo or joey, I'd rather that you just say so. Frankly, I think that the reason you stated is a cop out. gordo and joey have extensive backgrounds on the internet and they have been spewing essentially the same shit for a long time. It should be easy for someone with your background to say whether they can accurately be labeled as psychotic and/or psychopathic.

I also think that if you really believe that they can't or shouldn't be diagnosed by what they say on the internet and if you're concerned about your professional position, lawsuits, etc., then you shouldn't say anything whatsoever as to whether they are dishonest, accusatory, ignorant*, or anything else that could be seen by them as an informal diagnosis of their mental condition by someone who shouldn't do that in a non-clinical setting because of their professional position. Of course if you were to restrict yourself to that extent you wouldn't be able to effectively argue against anything they say. I feel that you should be able to argue against anything they say in pretty much any way, including being unafraid to state your opinion about their mental condition.

*Whether you use those words or not.

By now you may think that I'm inconsistent, or worse. In some of my comments I appear to be defending you while in others I appear to be giving you a hard time. Some things really bug me so I often speak up about those things, no matter who is involved.

No, you can't make a psychiatric diagnosis on the basis of what someone posts on the internet.

Not that I'm a clinician anyway.  And not that psychiatric diagnoses are clear-cut anyway.  

But here are some internet diagnoses you can use:

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