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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 10 2013,05:22   

Quote (The whole truth @ May 10 2013,03:24)
In the UD thread pointed out above, gordo spews out of one of the many sides of his face:

Let's take a look at some of joey's "modicum of civility" in that thread, and gordo's 'enforcement' of it:

Poor Lizzie, she still doesn’t understand that science requires positive evidence.

Look, Lizzie is clueless when it comes to science.

The TSZ ilk are just a clueless lot.

(no kairosfocus, she cannot account for anything, let alone the OoL. All she has are bald assertions, false accusations and plenty of promissory notes)

Only a dolt would say something like that. Earth to Lizzie- non-design mechanisms have been ruld out because they have been tried and failed to produce anything of note.

YOU tell us Lizzie- why is it so hard for YOU to step outside of your own paper bag and actually present some positive evidence for your tripe?

So it appears that blatant misrepresentation and lies are the best the TSZ have.

Total nonsense. We do NOT have to consider the second question in order to answer the first and Lizzie cannot make her case that shows otherwise.

The who comes AFTER we have determined design, Lizzie. Science cannot answer the who without first determining design, duh.

And then she reposts keths’ total nonsense about unguided evolution beong a better explanation than ID. Unfortunately keiths is an imbecile that couldn’t understand science if his life depended on it.

Earh to Lizzie

Do you really think that your bald assertions mean something?


(joey) Mikey Elzinga wants to know:

(Mike) What do you get out of badgering Elizabeth?

(joey) We get to expose her (and the rest of the TSZ ilk) as the scientifically illiterate dolt that she is.

(Mike) Why is there so much hatred towards her on the part of the UD people?

(joey) She constantly misrepresents our position and claims and she constantly oversells unguided evolution. And she never supports any of her claims with actual evidence. She is nothing but a spewer of rhetoric.


Poor widdle Mikey Elzinga thinks that because we say Lizzie misrepresents our arguments and is incapable of honestly reprsenting them, means that we hate her.

Mikey knows quite a bit about hate as it is obvious that he is driven by his hatred of Morris, Gish and other dead & living creationsists and IDists.

And all widdle Mikey can do is falsely accuse us of not understanding science yet he too fails to provide examples of how it is supposed to be done properly.


(joey) Lizzie is just deluded:

(EL) Joe G is obviously {EL, snip!] that he got banned here…

(joey) So my getting banned is the reason why you misrepresent Intelligent Design? THAT is what [Joe, snip], Lizzie. THAT and the fact you constantly overstate your position and never provide anything to substantiate your claims. All of that [snip], Lizzie. And all of that is the reason for my link that caused you to have a hissy fit.

(joey) Then an obtuse [snip] chimes in:

(Someone at TSZ) If their position is being misrepresented then all it takes is KF, once, to come over here and set the record straight.

(joey) We have set the record straight. It isn’t our fault that you and your ilk are hopeless losers.

(joey) And it is very noticeable and telling that they still don’t lead by example. And that is something else that [snip], Lizzie. You and your ilk run your mouths but never ante up.


(joey) Unfortunately OM doesn’t seem to be capable of being clear.


(joey) OM responds:

(OM) Well, apart from anything else (such as the link above) we’ve never seen any evidence of it being intelligently guided.

(joey) The link above has been refuted and you haven’t given any indication that you know how to evaluate evidence.

(OM) But int he meanwhile you said something about Newton and unneeded entities? Well, that. So the possibility remains open, but we have an explanation we’re happy with thanks.

(joey) LoL! Your “explanation” is untestable and tehrefor not scientific.

(OM) So it’s not been determined that evolution is unguided.

(joey) Obvioulsy it has otherwise there wouldn’t be any issues with ID.

(joey) And again OM provides absolutely nothing to support anything it posted.

(joey) BTW what negative do you think I am intent on proving? Asking you for POSITIVE evidence for your position is not asking to prove a negative. Only a moron would think so and here you are.

(joey) So there you have it, they have nothing but bald assertions and false accusations and are apparently proud of it.


Notice that there are a few snips by gordo but also notice what he left. At no point did gordo lecture joey via the loud speaker in the ceiling, or order joey out of the thread that gordo 'owns', or jump all over joey with a massive, fire and brimstone tirade (or several of them) like he would if someone other than an IDiot-creationist would have said what joey said.

And there's plenty of other incivility from other UD IDiots, and especially gordo with his usual hitler/nazi/fascism, etc., accusations against anyone who doesn't worship his bloviating, sanctimonious ass. He even tossed in mussolini this time.

I'm really pleased to see KF's latest rants and hypocrisies. If there was anyone in doubt as to the true nature of UD and its more prominent denizens, they can now see that it is simply a soap-box for would-be demagogues and religious maniacs, and some really stupid and unpleasant  hangers-on like Byers and porn-posting potty-mouth Joe

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