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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 280
Joined: April 2013

(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2013,06:17   

Over at UD, Kairosfoscus posted the following:

<QUOTE>In some cases, some will need to pay a sufficient penalty for misbehaviour that they will be stopped cold and others will take warning that this sort of thing cannot be got away with. (Notice, how they try to twist about the idea of due sanctions for misbehaviour, into a projection of sadism, yet another false accusation or vile insinuation? Utterly telling. And maybe, just maybe, if their spoiled brattishness had been properly and sharply corrected in younger days by parents, teachers and school administrators, we would not have to face some of what we are facing at community level now.)</QUOTE>

Which prompted me, incautiously, to ask:

<QUOTE>What is a sufficient penalty that some will have to pay (who is the some to whom you refer)?

What should happen to a person in this context to make them stop cold?

What is your approved form of sharp corrective for young children? In particular, what do you think represents misbehaviour by young children?</QUOTE>

And he responded with this:

<QUOTE>TA: You are trying to pull the matter off topic and playing the destructive Alinskyite personalising- polarising game. Tactic exposed, and so ineffective; so is the underlying manipulative agenda. All I will answer to it is that measures for effective disciplining of trolls in blogs are well known, and can be extended to apply to dark triad trolls in institutions and communities: unruly, disruptive and willfully destructive behaviour will meet with warning, then treated with the simple rule, three strikes and you are out. As of now, the score for you is STRIKE ONE, TA. Those for dealing with toddlers and spoiled brats — as you full well know but are ignoring to play at trollish games, given known wider context — depend on a case by case basis; for instance I have a fine son who, when he was a toddler, if he had been a bit rude, a symbolic light tap by two fingers on a shoulder would express sufficient disapproval to reduce him to tears of remorse and a resolve to do better. (The allusions you have made to the slanders of sadism in the penumbra of fever swamp sites, are duly noted, and underscore your status as being at STRIKE ONE.) Instead of such poisonous and pointless games, why don’t you instead deal with something pivotal like the UD pro-darwinist 6,000 word feature article length essay challenge that has sat without a serious answer for over seven months now? Could this be because you have not got a sound answer on the merits, but think you can gain an advantage by playing manipulative ideological games using the tactics of a notorious neo-marxist subversive, Alinsky? If so, consider the troll game terminated. KF</QUOTE>

I sincerely hope that he discussed this post with his son before he loaded it.

Just by the by, I read and rejected Alinsky when Gordon was in short pants. Anarchists are largely a waste of mental space.

But anyway, I think I just signed myself up to The Experiment.

"In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." Anatole France

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