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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2013,06:16   

Quote (midwifetoad @ April 07 2013,15:54)
Over at UD,  Sewell asks why scientists don't believe in invisible gray elephants.

This thread is one TARD fest and able to blow up any irony-meter. Right from the start, it veers into the realm of theology, with the occasional loan from their brand of philosophy. Oh, and there is improbability, too.

Today’s species were not really designed. Today’s species are the result of many generations of genetic entropy. They are evolved versions of the original designs.
Not if the purpose of the design of the universe was for discovery. Misery, evil and breakdowns all drive us to learn so we can understand and maybe correct some things. The imperfections in our universe give us reason to explore.

Sewell concurs and continues to pimp his book like he did in the OP:  
Your conclusions are pretty similar to mine, in the book chapter (Epilogue) I referred to.

Sewell further down the thread re "Bad design":  
I did mean, as you said, that it is powerful in the sense of swaying lots of people. It is primarily an emotional argument, but a very powerful emotional argument.

People who do not see science as a tool of humanity, but instead have made it their god, unfortunately must insist on a reality which is limited to the small portions of reality that can be investigated by science. No wonder they reject the true and living God.

While one may still temporarily cling on the non-observation of ‘macro-evolution’ or of ‘origin of life’, that’s a very fragile position to hold in case the intelligent agency is acting from inside (like driver controlling the car from inside), rather than coming down to intervene from heavens (supernaturally). It’s only a matter of time before a live organism is synthesized from scratch in the lab, and what then? The origin of life will be conceded, and this faction of ID will have to retreat to its last castle, the fine tuning of the physical constants (which may not last too long either). In other words, such position of expecting heavenly interventions such as violations of laws of physics, is a recipe for defeat.
Just because the gigantic hand didn’t come down through the ceiling of the lab to tweak the E. Coli DNA in the famous 1988 Cairns’ experiments, that doesn’t mean that the same intelligence behind life didn’t actually figure out very quickly how to design and build an efficient cellular lactase factory via suitable DNA modifications out of the materials given in the experiment (E. Coli on a lactase substratum).

I left out his/her bolding and substituted my own to highlight the assumption that somehow, the designer is acting from inside, which reminded me of JoeG's idea that Genetic Algorithms are tiny entities sitting on top of the cell, regulating its processes.

Weirdly, JoeG gets something right re probability:  
It’s the lottery- high odds but many players.

and receives kudos from the crowd.

Barry Arrington is a bitch.

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