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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: July 26 2012,02:26   

Quote (sparc @ July 25 2012,21:20)
Quote (CeilingCat @ July 25 2012,04:22)
P.S. If you do happen to be in church on Mountserrat on a Sunday morning and KF IS preaching and you get flecks of the Holy Spittal on your face, then you have officially been blessed.

IMHO all his writings just indicate that nobody on Montserrat will let him preach or if he does nobody is listening. Otherwise he surely would have told the world.  It's guys like us that provide him with the impression that there is somebody out there who is waiting for KF's musings. Kind of reverse SETI.

I think you're right. For instance, I've looked for any connection gordo has or may have to a church in Montserrat and haven't found any. Montserrat has a very small population (somewhere around 6,000) for the entire island. If gordo has ANY following or prominence there it should be easy to find.

And when I've found his insane blabber on websites that are focused on Montserrat or the rest of the Caribbean, it's all dated from a couple of years or so back, or older, and he pissed people off and wore out his welcome on those sites.

For someone who makes it sound as though he is important (especially with so-called Constitutional crises and alleged 'clients'), it sure is hard to find anything worth mentioning that he actually does or has ever accomplished in government, business, church, public service, etc. And of course he's done nothing in science. The amount of time he spends typing his nauseatingly looooong, self-righteous, convoluted diatribes on the internet demonstrates that he has nothing else to do and that he has no local audience willing to listen to his slobbering sermons (which describes everything he ever says).

Unless he can show otherwise I'm convinced that he's just a basement dwelling nobody who is avoided, ignored, laughed at, or even despised by most or all of the locals. I'm also convinced that he finds ways to fool himself into believing that he is not only important but absolutely critical to the survival and advancement of Montserrat and the entire human race. It's obvious that he believes that his insane spewage on his sites and UD is reaching and positively influencing billions of people and that all the people of the world should and will (or already do) see him as a "God" (or at least as an official messenger from "God") and that they should and will come running to worship him like a group of teenage girls would come running to a rock star. He's a legend and a god in his own malignantly narcissistic mind (what's left of it).

Edited by The whole truth on July 26 2012,00:28

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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