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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 104
Joined: Nov. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: July 08 2012,20:03   

Quote (The whole truth @ July 08 2012,18:25)
I just have to say more about this, from gordo:

"So, we are in our rights to draw out that the dominant pattern of the fossil record, after 150 years of diligent search — and despite the misleading headlines, museum exhibits, and textbook or Nat Geog Channel icons, declarations, reconstructions and footage, and even outright fraud [ a la Haeckel] etc — is that we have islands of body forms. Precisely the opposite to what the darwinian tree of incrementally varying life forms branching out by RV + NS, would lead us to have expected.

And in all of this, we need to remember, that the diversification to yield the varied forms is so complex that transitional forms SHOULD be utterly statistically dominant, ..."

gordo, you pompous, ignorant windbag, you don't have the "rights" to "draw out" anything. You haven't EARNED the "rights" to say anything about anything when it comes to science, evolution, or fossils.

You, like so many other IDiots, use the word "we" as though it actually means something significant. You, like so many other IDiots, must think that the word "we" will make it sound as though you IDiots are a part of science and that there is genuine scientific strength in the minuscule number of IDiots and in your scientific knowledge and accomplishments.

Tell me, gordo, WHAT have YOU ever done to contribute to science? What biological/evolutionary research have you ever done? What discoveries have you made? What papers or books have you written or contributed to? What scientific conferences have you attended and/or spoken at? Which scientists have you worked with? What scientific projects are you working on right now and what projects do you have planned for the future? Tell me about all the time you've spent in the wild, or in a lab, discovering, studying, researching, experimenting, and documenting anything about nature.

Tell me about all the fossils that you have personally examined. Point me to the peer reviewed papers you have written about them. Tell me about the courses you've taught about paleontology, geology, stratigraphy, or paleo-anthropology. What fossils have you personally found? Name all the places where you have looked for fossils and how much time you've spent doing so. Where are you going on your next fossil hunting expedition and what will you be looking for?  

Since you're too much a sniveling coward to face me at UD or on your proselytizing websites, I posted this here. I know you read this site but I also know that you are way too chickenshit to respond. Face it gordo, you're a nothing, a nobody, a coward, who has never contributed to science in any way whatsoever. You're just a big mouthed asshole who arrogantly thinks you have the "rights" to bash science, scientists, science supporters, and anyone else who doesn't say exactly what you want to hear. Nobody who does science is ever going to take you seriously. Nobody who does science is ever going to change their methods or interpretations because of what you spew. Nobody who does science is ever going to see you as an equal, or a colleague, or a contributor, or as a source of scientific knowledge and experience in any way. Most scientists have never even heard of you and the ones who have see you as a deranged, religiously and politically motivated, loud-mouthed, self-inflated, sanctimonious, basement dwelling, laughable internet preacher with delusions of godhood.

KF certainly knows how to push buttons.  I remember the first time I interacted with him (oh how naive I was) and honestly thought "here's a reasonable sounding chap who seems up for a friendly exchange of ideas".  Turned out ... not so much.  He quickly revealed himself as self-righteous, sanctimonious poseur, full of meaningless verbiage, quick to condemn anybody who disagreed with him, and patronizing to the last.  I suppose Jerad finally figured that out as well.  Perhaps we should all leave KF alone to his delusions.  He is a powerless fool in the end.

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