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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: July 02 2012,12:55   

Quote (Gunthernacus @ July 02 2012,15:37)
What a sad, sad little bunch (this not only refers to the UD circle jerk in general, but KF's contribution to same).

Six months ago, if you wanted to get banned quickly from UD, all you had to do was refer to a conversation over here or assert ID=Creationism/Designer=God.  They were above the mud slinging and tired of retreading the same ground over settled issues.

Now, after they went ban-anas and are left with just an empty echo chamber, what are they doing?  KF is referring to the conversations over here and they are starting new threads assuring each other that the bleeding obvious is just a flesh wound.

What happened, guys?  I thought you ran off all of the deniers who could only parrot the ID=God arguments so you could focus on the advances of ID science.  Now all you can do is bitch about what the deniers are saying off-site?  You're posting new threads covering the well trodden ground that has long been dealt with by your eloquent, always-linked FAQs?  Nothing new to say?

Ummmm, would it be tactless to mention that this is the fourth mammoth thread concerned entirely with observing and commenting on their site?

Mind you, isn't there something very Beckett-ish about the set-up?

Act 1
Scene: A wall divides the stage in two. On each side a blogger sits at a table on which there is a keyboard and screen. The floor on one side is littered with crumpled copies of unwholesome magazines, discarded fast-food containers and beer cans. The other side has been kept ruthlessly tidy for years and the porn is only referred to, but never taken out of its folder. A cloying scent of sanctimony and long-gone cheese-poofs emanates from it.

Bloguno He's typing something again!

Blogoduo He's typing something about me typing something! Tard!

Bloguno Onlookers! Behold the bile-soaked pusillanimous spawn of God-denying frrrrrrrrr-VUNT sparticulatum gashwogga informatic ggggnarrrrr as conclusively shown in Chapter 9, 37, and 58 - 84 of my book.

Blogoduo TARD!!!

[Repeat 18 times

Act 2

[The same as Act 1, but the audience may hold mackerel in their left hands]

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.

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