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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,11:16   

Quote (Febble @ Feb. 07 2012,06:44)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 06 2012,22:45)
Okay, that does it. For quite awhile I've wondered what motivates you (Elizabeth Liddle) to even bother trying to discuss/debate anything with gordon mullings (kairosfocus), and I've also wondered if you have paid any attention to what he has been saying at UD, his blog, and elsewhere on the internet, for years, and whether you have standards that you're actually willing to firmly stand up for.

How you could possibly say this is beyond me:

"But you insist on reading that as saying that you are accusing atheists of being immoral. We know you are not saying that."

I should not have used "we" and I apologise.  But it seemed to me that he had, repeatedly, made the point that he thinks we all have consciences, and are therefore capable of behaving morally, and that the is not therefore accusing atheists of being immoral, or amoral.

I'm prepared to accept that.

But he keeps on avoiding the real charge by erecting the straw man that I am accusing him of accusing atheists of being amoral.

I'm not.  I'm accusing him of accusing atheists of promoting an amoral worldview, which he is.

As for telling him he doesn't need to apologise: he doesn't.  he keeps starting his posts with things like "pardon" or "this will be painful but..."

It's totally unnecessary.  Indeed, it's quite insulting.  He is not hurting me by saying these things, because he has no authority over me, and, in any case, he is simply wrong.

So I'd far rather he dropped the apology.

If he wants to apologise for repeatedly accusing atheists of promoting an amoral worldview, that's fine.  I should have been more specific.

I simply meant it in regard to what he had actually apologised for, which I  assumed the context made clear, but in retrospect, does not.

Dr. Liddle, please go to my site and read the two 'Hey gordo, FOR RECORD' posts on the front page. Then come back and try to convince me that mullings doesn't accuse atheists of being immoral or amoral, and that he isn't as phony as a three dollar bill. And if those two posts aren't enough, read all the other posts about mullings. And if those aren't enough, I'll point you to some sites where you can read a lot more of his accusatory, dishonest, two-faced, dictatorial insanity.

Playing games with words, like "atheists of being amoral" vs "atheists of promoting an amoral worldview" or any of the other ways of saying the SAME thing is ridiculous. It's one thing when gordo does it, since he's a dishonest, deranged, word twisting lunatic with delusions of god-hood, but for you to play along with that game or let him get away with it is just plain wrong.

I don't care how many ways mullings twists his words into whatever dishonest bullshit he thinks he can get away with. ALL that matters is that he OBVIOUSLY believes that atheists are exactly the same as evolutionary materialists and methodological naturalists and evolutionists and "Darwinists" and nihilists and Marxists and nazis and communists and  evidentialists and democrats and many others (including many other religious people), and that all of them are equally evil evil evil and should be disposed of. He uses lots of labels but his underlying agenda is to rid the world of ANYONE who doesn't worship him as the all-knowing god that he thinks he is. What REALLY bothers gordo is that he is not all-powerful, but he sure does want to be and sure is trying to be.

Regardless of all the labels he applies to people, it all boils down to: atheism, or at least what he perceives as atheism, and the amorality/immorality that he applies to it. The same thing goes for the rest of the IDiots.

I am astounded that you would think that his "pardon" and "this will be painful but..." are actual apologies. They are part of his GAME. They are FALSE. They are condescending, dishonest, insincere, mopey, deceptive, pompous, self-serving CRAP. I don't believe for a nanosecond that mullings has even the slightest bit of a conscience. He doesn't care one iota whether he hurts anyone who doesn't agree with every stinking word he spews, and I really don't believe that he cares about anyone other than himself AT ALL, even if they do agree with him. Anything he says that might indicate that he cares about anyone other than himself is a facade. The negative, accusatory, malicious things he says FAR outweigh everything else. I have read hundreds of thousands of his words and it's practically impossible to find anything positive and especially anything positive that he actually means.

He would say anything, and play any game, no matter how phony it is, especially at UD, to make it look as though he is a moral, upstanding person who just wants to cure all the world's problems, but he's NOT a moral, upstanding person. I doubt that I've ever encountered anyone who is more amoral/immoral, fake, and downright despicable than gordon e mullings, and I've encountered some really rotten people during my 60 year life.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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