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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 19 2011,12:33   

Oh wonderful.  DeNews announces a new book, “The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control” by the great scientist, David Abel.  And not just any old book, it's a "peer-reviewed anthology of papers", presumably using the ID meaning of "peer review" which seems to be "Let some friends read it."

The book itself promises to focus "entirely on the following difficult scientific questions: *How did physics and chemistry write the first genetic instructions? *How could a prebiotic (pre-life, inanimate) environment consisting of nothing but chance and necessity have programmed logic gates, decision nodes, configurable-switch settings, and prescriptive information using a symbolic system of codons (three nucleotides per unit/block of code)?" and much, much more.

And the author?  He is so far out ahead of the pack that the Amazon book review says:  "Few specialists exist in the world in either of two new scientific disciplines: ProtoBioCybernetics and ProtoBioSemiotics. Because of the paucity of researchers in these two fields, the Editor of this anthology was forced to introduce both scientific disciplines by contributing most of the chapters in this initial anthology."

So this is looking like a really really good ID book, using the ID definition of "really really good".

It's reviewed on Amazon by Casey Luskin (he liked it) and Mr. Danzil Monk.  (He liked it too.)  We all know and appreciate Casey Luskin and give him every bit of the respect that is due, but who is Danzil Monk?

A newcomer on the ID scene, Danzil has reviewed a couple of other ID books on Amazon.  "The Dark Side of Charles Darwin" by Jerry Bergman and "Evolution: The Grand Experiment Episode 1 DVD" by Dr. Carl Werner.  (Liked them both.)

He's also reviewed "Astonishing X-Men - Gifted (Marvel Knights) DVD ~ Wolverine" ("Aaaww man, why did they do this?", "...for the most part the animation stinks. It is just a slightly better than the 1966 Marvel animation series."  "It is sad that animations have to include fowl language these day.") and

"Justice League Unlimited, Seasons 1-2 (DC Comics Classic Collection) DVD ~ Green Arrow" ("I have the entire Justice League Series including the Justice League Unlimited and after watching the entire series 5 times I can say without reservation that this series is by far the best animated series that I have seen to date.", "It is so refreshing to watch an animation that does not rely on obscenities and profanity for "realism".

All in all, it looks like another bright star in the ID publishing universe.  Using the ID definition of "bright star".

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