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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 09 2011,16:36   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ Nov. 09 2011,15:13)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Nov. 09 2011,14:21)
Joe is an IDiot:

The GULO gene is a prime example- it isn’t that we lost the ability to synythesize vitamin C- we NEVER had it. The “broken” GULO gene is for possible FUTURE use.

The same goes for other alleged pseudo genes.

So I was working with a family heirloom, an old ax.  The handle broke, but Joe tells me that the broken ax is for possible future use when it gets repaired, there was no evidence it was ever whole in the first place.

I am sure the Designer will get around to completing the GULO project, he just has more important things to do now, such as not appearing anywhere, and making images of his son on grilled cheese sandwiches.

Joe G. has been outdoing himself at UD these last few weeks.  More recent wis-dumb from the Internet Tough Guy:

- Evidence for the snowball earth hypothesis is really evidence for Noah's Flood

- Genetically determined phylogenies are really evidence for Biblical baramins.

- Atavistic rear limbs occasionally found on modern whales means that the whales once had hind fins (not legs) but evolved them away.  Atavistic tails occasionally found on human babies don't mean human ancestors once had tails, they're just deformed babies.

- The KT asteroid impact event couldn't have killed the dinosaurs because there should be dino fossils *above* the KT boundary.

Joe G. is possibly the stupidest poster in the history of da Interwebs.

Well, technically, there are dinosaur fossils above the KT boundary... birds are a group of dinosaurs.

But I totally agree.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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