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  Topic: The "Faith4Flipper" Thread, So he can discuss evolution< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 04 2010,08:40   

Given that:

a) I am a betting man.

b) These fishing threads so rarely encourage new chums to play.

c) Any horse I bet on is likely to have a coronary episode at the fifth furlong, coincident with the jockey developing a case of piles that borders on the cataclysmic and leaping from the saddle, thus causing me to tear up my betting slip in disgust and then be forced to have a happy conversation with the wife about how I am going to have to rent my arse out to sailors in order to pay the mortgage.*

I can confidently predict that, as with all the other threads, the desired playmate will not show up here. This is a total waste of time and electrons. Nuh uh. Nothing gonna happen.

No need to thank me.


*Luckily it's a small mortgage.


  21 replies since Nov. 03 2010,23:28 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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