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  Topic: The "I Believe In God" Thread, You may know him from "Panda's Thumb"...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,20:07   

Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 08 2011,19:37)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 08 2011,19:27)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 08 2011,19:22)
Quote (fnxtr @ Jan. 08 2011,19:04)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 08 2011,16:55)
Quote (fnxtr @ Jan. 08 2011,13:27)
Hey, IBIG, I'm an atheist.

I've never raped, killed or cheated anyone.

Or even wanted to.

I don't need your imaginary friend to keep me in line.

Why do you?

I don't know if you have or not, all I have is your word for that, which according to many here is not good enough! Where is the evidence to support that you never did any of those things?

No answer, huh.

That's what I thought.


If there were no God, it is hard to imagine how much evil there would be on the earth. You fail to realize even if you aren't a believer that you were given a CONSCIENCE, which help keep you from committing such evils. It is possible to damage and destroy your conscience, by acting on your evil thoughts against your conscience.

God is not my imaginary friend, and you will find that out someday. There aren't any dead Atheists. Any I need God, because I love Him, He is my heavenly Father. I am so thankful for Him, for all that He has done for me, for healing me, for blessing me with a wonderful family, for the incredible financial blessing He has given me, and most importantly for Saving my Soul. I never deserved anything that He has done for me, but He loved me anyone, His son died on the cross for me, I am so incredibly thankful. I look forward to the future and what He has in store for me and my family.

I'm sorry for you, because this life you have in the here and now is the closest to heaven that you will ever experience, for me it is the closest to hell that I will ever experience. I hope that you come to the knowledge of the truth before you die and it's too late.

If there were no religion, idiot, the UN Buildings in New York would still be standing.

If there was no god, I can imagine how good life on this planet would be.  Imagine a planet full of rational people who can think and critically analyze everything to reach the best possible answer.  Imagine a planet were gay people could live without fear.  Imagine a planet where nothing is impossible.

I cannot imagine how evil it would be, because there wouldn't be any need for evil.

IBIG, as far as God, you can't even convince us that it is really God speaking to you... which is a fundamental problem in your case.

Go back and read what I said! You must be having trouble with reading comprehension again!

I said if there were no GOD! I didn't say if there were no RELIGION. GOD is a BEING, and RELIGION is a SET OF BELIEFS. I believe that there is only one God, and muslims don't worship HIM. Yet you call me an idiot and you have no reading comprehension!!!

Which is why religious wars exist, IBIG.  Because they say the same thing about you and your God.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

  741 replies since Oct. 31 2010,16:04 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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