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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Joe G

Posts: 12011
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2019,14:11   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 21 2019,14:08)
Quote (Joe G @ April 21 2019,13:34)
Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 20 2019,11:28)
Quote (Joe G @ April 19 2019,16:39)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ April 19 2019,16:31)
Quote (Joe G @ April 19 2019,14:06)

So tell us JoeG-Sharon-Mahoney-Fan65-Frisbeekid-ET-Virgil-Cain-sombodysdad-Frankie-etc.-etc., what are those specific properties that water has?

Like a pathetic coward, are you going to cling to minutiae in the "liquid" definition of water? Elementary school kids know the 3 states of water: water as a solid (ice), water as a gas (vapor), and water as a liquid (water).

You insist only the last one is "water" just to avoid admitting you are wrong.

Come on Joe, commit to your utter stupidity. It's never stopped you before. Build on it like you always do.

LoL! Elementary kids know that water is a liquid;

Poor dumbass Joke.

There’s as much water in Earth’s mantle as in all the oceans

The deep Earth holds about the same amount of water as our oceans. That’s the conclusion from experiments on rocks typical of those in the mantle transition zone, a global buffer layer 410 to 660 kilometres beneath us that separates the upper from the lower mantle.

“If our estimation is correct, it means there’s a large amount of water in the deep Earth,” says Hongzhan Fei at the University of Bayreuth in Germany. “The total amount of water in the deep Earth is nearly the same as the mass of all the world’s ocean water.”

The results add to mounting evidence that there is much more water than expected beneath us, mostly locked up within the crystals of minerals as ions rather than liquid water.

The paper

High-pressure phase of brucite stable at Earth’s mantle transition zone and lower mantle conditions

Significance:  Hydrous minerals help transport water deep into Earth’s mantle, and form part of a cycle that regulates the sustained presence of surface water on Earth. To understand the deep-water cycle, it is crucial to study the properties of hydrous minerals under the conditions present in Earth’s mantle. Brucite is one of the simplest hydrous minerals and stores significant amounts of water as hydroxyl groups. It is assumed to decompose in the mantle transition zone, but we show here that a more compact high-pressure phase is stabilized instead that pushes the stability region of brucite into the lower mantle. Brucite might be present in much larger quantities, and play a larger role in water transport and storage, than previously thought.

Abstract: We investigate the high-pressure phase diagram of the hydrous mineral brucite, Mg(OH)2, using structure search algorithms and ab initio simulations. We predict a high-pressure phase stable at pressure and temperature conditions found in cold subducting slabs in Earth’s mantle transition zone and lower mantle. This prediction implies that brucite can play a much more important role in water transport and storage in Earth’s interior than hitherto thought. The predicted high-pressure phase, stable in calculations between 20 and 35 GPa and up to 800 K, features MgO6 octahedral units arranged in the anatase–TiO2 structure. Our findings suggest that brucite will transform from a layered to a compact 3D network structure before eventual decomposition into periclase and ice. We show that the high-pressure phase has unique spectroscopic fingerprints that should allow for straightforward detection in experiments. The phase also has distinct elastic properties that might make its direct detection in the deep Earth possible with geophysical methods.

Occam thinks that OH = H2O.

Dumbass Joke is too stupid to understand the mineral in question, brucite ( Mg(OH)2 ) forms under high pressure from the joining of a magnesium oxide molecule ( MgO ) and a water molecule ( H2O )


No, faggot liar. I understood that quite well.

Stop moving the goalposts, you ignorant coward. YOU highlighted and stores significant amounts of water as hydroxyl groups. OH is NOT H2O- it is all potential water, dick.

"Facts are Stupid"- Timothy Horton aka Occam's Afterbirth

"Genetic mutations aren't mistakes"-ID and Timothy Horton

Whales do not have tails. Water turns to ice via a molecular code-  Acartia bogart, TARD

YEC is more coherent than materialism and it's bastard child, evolutionism

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