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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5287
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 20 2018,16:47   

Quote (Joe G @ Mar. 20 2018,16:45)
Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ Mar. 20 2018,16:44)
Quote (JohnW @ Mar. 20 2018,15:11)
Quote (fnxtr @ Mar. 20 2018,12:59)
Quote (Joe G @ Mar. 20 2018,11:55)
Quote (fnxtr @ Mar. 20 2018,13:02)
Quote (Joe G @ Mar. 20 2018,09:45)
I provided references that demonstrate the two are INTERCHANGEABLE in certain contexts. And anyone who isn't a total moron could easily see the context cited is the same as the context used, ie you can talk about the wavelength or the frequency but you are still talking about a species of infrared. 6 of one/ half dozen of the other. Different numerical representations of the same wave.

For example- Transmitting on a frequency of  1800–2000 kHz = transmitting on a wavelength of 160 meters

Why do you always omit context until they hold your feet to the fire, Jojo?

Then you say "I meant in certain contexts".

It makes it look like you're backpedalling...which of course you're not...

Why can't you just make your case? Are you that much of a coward to actually say something that can be checked against reality?

Context matters in every discussion. That is how we know which definition of the words used is relevant.

In the context of global warming and the radiation frequency/ wavelength of the ground and atmospheric gasses, underwater transmissions are irrelevant. You can talk of the infrared radiation in terms of frequency or wavelength.

(shrug) OK.

As the link explains, 160m is the length of the antenna for the *average* frequency of broadcasts in that range.

in real life, again as the link explains, "Wavelength=300/ Frequency in MHZ"

so if wavelength and frequency are interchangeable

and wavelength=300/frequency(MHz)

then frequency=300/frequency

so 1=300.



if wavelength and frequency are interchangeable

and wavelength=300/frequency(MHz)

then frequency=300/frequency

so 1=300.

then frequency^^2=300

so frequency=17.32

All frequencies are 17.32MHz in Joephysics, just like all velocities are 0.5.

I predict that fnxtr, being an adult, will not respond to this with whining, swearing and homophobia.

Don't forget according to JoePhysics "Frequency is just the plural of wavelength"

That's really going to toss a spanner into the calculations!  :O

Go talk to trees with your tree ring code. Do you have a tree ring decoder ring?

There's a better chance of getting a coherent thought from a tree than from your major league dumbass.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

  27552 replies since Feb. 24 2010,12:00 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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