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  Topic: Philo 4483: Christian Faith and Science, Honest questions from Dembski's students< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 49
Joined: July 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 28 2010,18:11   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Mar. 27 2010,21:00)
Quote (J-Dog @ Mar. 27 2010,16:29)
Quote (Quack @ Mar. 27 2010,15:31)
You will not get such treatment here.  If you are interested in talking science, there are many here who will be happy to discuss it with you.

I just hate this thread, it is so damn boring. Latest bore is cdanner, who is doing his best to avoid discussing science.

ppb, you echo my mind.

I couldn't care less about Dembski's credentials WRT to God, science, dignity, honesty or whatever - the same goes for cdanner, but I really would appreciate a few words about science, in particular WRT to the 150 years old theory of evolution.

cdanner, have you got any questions at all about evolution, something you want to learn?

Quack - I don't think they want to learn anything.  If they did, would they be taking a class from Dr. Dr. D?[/quote]
I'm not sure that it's so much 'they don't want to learn anything'.

Instead, it really sounds like they can't even grasp the concept that there is stuff to learn other than theology.

It's why they always claim that atheism is a religion.  The old 'you can't not believe in something unless it actually exists to not believe in' argument.

People like these poor smucks have been so brainwashed that they literally cannot grasp the fact that something other than the Bible has a valid answer.  Everything in their universe must be interpreted through the bible... of course, that's worshiping the bible instead of god, which is a cardinal sin (number 1 of the commandments if I recall correctly).  

One thing I recently heard about really put this in the proper light.  Christians universally loathe Judas.  However, without him, the new testament would the be bronze age equivalent of a Billy Graham crusade.  Their Jesus had to die, Judas arranged for it to happen.  Christians everywhere should be praising Judas a hero, not condemning him.  One dead martyr is worth a thousand live evangelists.[/quote]

Ahhh, Judas!

Leon Rosselson's Song

Sadly couldn't find the Dick Gaughan (definitive) version.

P.S. Never post, but *sniff* Love you guys!! ('cept Louis, obviously)

P.P.S  Uxbridge (aka Big Durex)

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