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  Topic: The limits of darwinism., Utunumsint's thread.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 12 2010,11:12   

Quote (nmgirl @ Feb. 12 2010,10:54)
i have several questions and can't find a thread to post on, so here goes:

1. why do so many discussions about ID vs TOE turn into discussions about philosophy? I''m obviously naive to think that science is about observable evidence and experimentation.

2.  WTF is methodologic naturalism? and why is it used as a cuss word by the IDiota?

3. can anyone explain what the IDiota mean by information?


1-Its what you do with the data of science that raises philosophical questions. For example, I the course of my investigations in evolution, I've come to the conclusion that life is wonderously made. I don't doubt the existance of God because of my rejection of ID, but find cause to rejoyce in his creative power. But that is a philosophical/theological position. Others on this forum come to very different philosophical conclusions.

2-Methodological naturalism has to do with early and current debates on how nature should be studied. Does it have its own internal laws that can be investigated without reference to supernatural powers? From a very early date there were those who supported this view of science (what they called natural philosophy back then). IDers don't like it because they want to have a God who has to tweek his creation every couple of hundred years to help evolution along.

3-I believe Dembski means that the genetic code contains very specific information that is indispensible for the proper working of organisms. Its like a language.

Does that help?


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