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  Topic: The limits of darwinism., Utunumsint's thread.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 10 2010,17:01   

Quote (Joy @ Feb. 10 2010,16:33)
It's not surprising that you haven't seen a "sensible argument" in favor of consciousness being separable from matter. I haven't offered an argument on that and don't plan to. I have merely mentioned in passing that I have encountered some evidence in that direction. I find it intriguing, but certainly know better than to offer it here as some kind of "argument." So I didn't bother. I was asked a personal question, answered the question honestly and without elaboration. That is ALL I did.

If you wish to see something "sensible" you'll need to work a bit on your reading comprehension skills so you'll be able to recognize the difference between an argument and a simple response to a personal question.

Ah, isn't semantics fun?

"Evidence" is usually what one uses for an "argument". By mentioning "evidence" that you have "encountered", a rational person might be led to believe that you would be able to use it in an argument. But you can't/won't do that, and thus are able to slough off my criticism that you have offered exactly nothing to support the notion.

You simply have faith in the notion that consciousness (whatever that is) is separable from matter, and that's good enough for you. But you're right; I can't argue against evidence that you haven't provided. So I will stick with mockery.

I've no delusions about whether I will get an argument, or evidence, or anything I would recognize as sensible from you. I've read enough here, and at Telic Twats, to have figured that out, even with my marginal reading comprehension skills.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

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