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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 266
Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2009,20:58   

Among other things, it was pointed out that there were three reefs, composed of very different organisms, stacked within the stratum of the Grand Canyon, with no species from one reef found within any of the others, nor fossils of any modern day reef-dwelling organism found within any of them.  How is your explanation supposed to imply that there was one reef buried?

Furthermore, even if there was one reef, how does your explain demonstrate that the whole structure was formed, and then eroded within the same flood that lasted 40 days and 40 nights?  I mean, you do realize that the limestone, shale, gneiss and granites of the Grand Canyon are profoundly different than the loosely consolidated ash of Mt St Helens, right?

As for the crinoids: when they're found intact, that means they were buried quickly, because of a storm, not a flood.  A catastrophic flood would suggest a great deal of violent turbation, something that would not lend to preserving intact crinoids.  Also, you fail to explain how a catastrophic flood would not only bury a reef with great violence, yet, be also able to preserve footprints, as well.

As for your whining about cancerous hate, well, it seems very odd that you would whine about being so busy with your real life, yet, find plenty of time to piss and moan about us being assholes, even though you, yourself, have demonstrated that you're an even bigger Asshole for Jesus.

  1350 replies since Sep. 08 2009,09:59 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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