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  Topic: Evolutionary Computation, Stuff that drives AEs nuts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: July 07 2009,14:18   

Here's what I'm thinking, right or wrong:

The Behe challenge is to evolve a flagellum from an organism that may have some parts of the structure, but no motor.

Behe and Dembski are thinking that each step must be selected, that is each step must improve fitness; otherwise the probability of building a novel, complex structure is nil.

My argument, based on my own observations, is that when a population is at a high level of fitness -- and any living populations is fit by definition -- there are many variations that neither improve nor degrade fitness. (obviously this isn't an original thought).

This means there is little cost to variation. You may or may not hit upon some new invention, but the cost of "exploring the search space" is nil.

Now I could be just another crank, but I think my program shows this happening in a reasonable time frame. It's a toy illustration, but I think it's worth looking at as a possible teaching device.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

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