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  Topic: Evolutionary Computation, Stuff that drives AEs nuts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 11
Joined: June 2009

(Permalink) Posted: June 11 2009,12:52   

Quote (utidjian @ June 11 2009,12:17)
Is anyone else playing with the source (or even reading it)?
I also found this file in the Source folder:

Code Sample

      47469 max_tracked_mutn_per_indiv

Anything interesting in there?


That number is considerably higher than the input parameters on my runs; ranging from a population of 1000 to a population of 10,000, I think the highest setting on my runs for that was ~25,000 tracked mutations per individual. I'm not sure how they calculate for that parameter. This might be one of the limiting factors in testing MENDEL, as I have already run up against a "Favorable mutation count exceeds limit" error.


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