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  Topic: Evolutionary Computation, Stuff that drives AEs nuts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 185
Joined: Oct. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 11 2009,12:17   

Is anyone else playing with the source (or even reading it)?
I also found this file in the Source folder:

Code Sample

[utidjian@buttle Source]$ cat
       1000    pop_size
        500    num_generations
          1    fitness_distrib_type:exponential_mutation_effect
          2    selection_scheme:unrestricted_probability_selection
         23    haploid_chromosome_number
       1000    num_linkage_subunits
   0.000000    pop_growth_rate
          0    pop_growth_model:fixed_population
  3.000e+08    haploid_genome_size
  6.0000000    offspring_per_female
  0.0000000    fraction_random_death
  0.0000000    fraction_self_fertilization
 10.0000000    new_mutn_per_offspring
  0.0010000    high_impact_mutn_fraction
  0.1000000    high_impact_mutn_threshold
  0.0010000    uniform_fitness_effect_del
  0.0000000    multiplicative_weighting
  1.000e-05    tracking_threshold
  0.0000000    fraction_recessive
  0.0000000    recessive_hetero_expression
  0.5000000    dominant_hetero_expression
  0.0000000    frac_fav_mutn
  0.0010000    max_fav_fitness_gain
  0.2000000    heritability
  0.0000000    non_scaling_noise
  0.5000000    partial_truncation_value
          0    num_contrasting_alleles
  0.0000000    initial_alleles_mean_effect
  0.9000000    linked_mutn_se_fraction
  1.0000000    se_scaling_factor
          0    synergistic_epistasis
          0    clonal_reproduction
          0    clonal_haploid
          1    dynamic_linkage
          0    fitness_dependent_fertility
          0    is_parallel
          0    bottleneck_yes
       1000    bottleneck_generation
        100    bottleneck_pop_size
        500    num_bottleneck_generations
          0    num_initial_fav_mutn
          1    num_indiv_exchanged
          1    migration_generations
          1    migration_model
          1 homogenous_tribes
      47469 max_tracked_mutn_per_indiv
         42 random_number_seed
          0 write_dump
          0 restart_case
          1 restart_dump_number
test01 case_id
          2 num_tribes
          2 num_procs
          0 plot_avg_data
          0 restart_case_id
          1 restart_append
batch run_queue
          0 c_engine

Anything interesting in there?


Being laughed at doesn't mean you're progressing along some line. It probably just means you're saying some stupid shit -stevestory

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