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  Topic: Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility", in which assumptions are facts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 18 2009,05:11   

Quote (deadman_932 @ Mar. 18 2009,00:52)

Is it your contention that someone here has to spoon feed you like you were a small brainless child?

Yes it is.

He's been given pointers to sources for the information he claims to want several times. He consistently refuses to do so.

It is PAINFULLY obvious what Denial is all about. He is massaging his ego by playing with people with degrees* on the 'net. His occasional comments about us thinking that we're so much smarter than anyone who believes in god (not true**) are dead giveaways (amongst other things). Denial is a typical example of a tiresome little inadequate. No real achievements to his name, he is seeking to knock the achievements of others because they disagree with him.

All his farting about with the literature/Schindewolf etc when he doesn't understand the basics is another case in point. He's cherry picked that which he thinks supports his "argument" (and I use the term very hesitantly in Denial's case, because his argument is nothing more than "SEE TEH GOD DUNNIT YOU'LL NEVER KNOW OVVERWISE!!") and is trying to bolster his enormously puffed up ego by being able to claim he "engages in debate with Darwinist Atheist scientists" etc. He hasn't even managed to grasp the difference between "lack of belief" and "belief of lack" for fuck's sake. The basics are where Denial falls flat. But then of course for a true son of god of mighty powers and specialness like Denial, the basics are beneath him. Right?

Add to this the "I've got you on the ropes" and "I'm winning" comments that eructate from the pus filled boil that is Denial occasionally, and you've got another plank in his bridge of bullshit. And I do think Denial is a bullshitter, not a liar. Liars care about the truth enough to know what it is and disguise it, bullshitters don't care about the truth at all and will simply say whatever pops into their empty little heads for the sake of convenience. Anything is grist to the mill of a bullshitter.

Denial could have done what he claims, falsely, to want: i.e, ask for information, pointers etc. and gone away and looked them up and LEARNED something. He could have come back and asked honest questions time and time again and been given informed answers. He hasn't. He has instead persisted in his misunderstandings against the evidence.

Ergo: the man's a turd.


*Note that I don't think anyone's ego should be massaged by this. It's chip on shoulder derived drivel.

**Francis Collins, for example, much, much, MUCH smarter than me, much more highly achieving etc, believes in god. I happen to think he's wrong about the god thing for good reasons, but then he doesn't believe in god for good reasons by his own admission. It's not merely a question of being "smart". Smart people can and do believe dumb things. Personally I believe I am the new Adonis, when in reality I'm only slightly better looking than Arden, who has a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.


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