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  Topic: Presidential Politics & Antievolution, Tracking the issue< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 565
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 13 2008,14:56   

Quote (dheddle @ Oct. 13 2008,20:46)
I don't know what your point is. Nor does the quote seem to match your comment. I don't "stand by" anything in that video other than the fact that it proves there are jackasses on both sides of the aisle. Obama supporters can be as rude, stupid, belligerent, ignorant, and crass as lowlifes from other groups. That was my point.

People are assholes, is that supposed to be news to anyone?

There's posting links and then there's posting links and ignoring the ensuing discussion, don't you think?

Quote (Video @ Youtube)

FACT: The number of middle fingers in a "progressive" crowd is directly proportional to the number of PhD degrees in the ten-block radius.

FACT: Islamic radicals would be more welcome on the Upper West Side than American patriots.

The "liberals" always extend their sympathy for being bullying and rejected... not to the American patriots... but to America's enemies.

"Liberal" elites believe that all ideologies are morally equal... except the one that supports capitalism and individual liberties... ... the only ideology that makes their lavish lifestyles possible. ... and so they're driving it out of town, tarred and feathered.

Republicans in New York: less equal than others.

When leftist politicians are promising you to bridge the divide... ... they are "selling you a bridge."

The leftist idea of unity is, and has always been... THE ELIMINATION OF DISSENT

The above is text from the video. What do you think of it?

Guess what? I don't give a flying f*ck how "science works" - Ftk

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